Walking through the music section

Do you CD's!

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Aug 14 2022
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The fisherman used all funds from fish sales to buy collections of audio recordings issued as a single item on CD...

He sold his sole for rock'n'roll.

👍︎ 4
📅︎ Dec 19 2019
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I've got over 4000 LP's in my vinyl collection.

Is this a record.

👍︎ 25
👤︎ u/heyandy1
📅︎ May 28 2022
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People used to laugh when I bought vinyls whilst they bought CDs. Now CDs are going away and vinyls are coming back in..

One may say that the tables have turned.

👍︎ 357
👤︎ u/Nochinnn
📅︎ Feb 16 2018
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Dads take on vegetable based rock bands

This is an older story, I think it was roughly 98 or 99. My little brother was getting into rock and was listening to Limp Biskit and Korn. He saved up some money to get a CD so my dad took him to Sam Goody. My little brother gets the newest hit record by Korn and brings it to the counter and check out. With my dad by his side, he places the record on the counter and the late nineties rocker chick, loaded up with tons of eye liner and hot topic wear working the cash register says "oh yeah! I love Korn, I know everything about them, I have all their records." Without a fucking second thought and the straightest face, my dad says "I guess that makes you a little corny."

👍︎ 4
👤︎ u/LDdesign
📅︎ Nov 27 2015
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