Significant Evidence that, "Deaths are up 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people," ages 18-64, the Text Here, From the Life Insurance Industry, Describes a expected Once a 200 Year Catastrophe as an approx. +10%, also, Not Covid on These Death Certificates; appertains to Safety, Plans…
👍︎ 20
📅︎ Jan 04 2022
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Jenann Ismael - Self-reference, totality and time|工|The Right Wing is Not Correct about Science, and, It is Not Correct about Mathematics, "as it appertains to the real world, no, it is not," and it has been, imho, an internalized Patriarchal Authoritarianism Preventing Serious Offensive Discourse…
👍︎ 3
📅︎ Nov 17 2021
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Jenann Ismael - Self-reference, totality and time|工|I feel as if I cannot overstate the significance of these discourse, as appertains to the subject; She's Applying, essentially, Russell's, Cantors, and the Hypergame Paradox to those fields of Science which have ignored their implications, 𝕸𝖔𝖘𝖙
👍︎ 4
📅︎ Nov 17 2021
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How does "happening" appertain to "(be)falling"?

I don't understand why English and Latin (see the two quotations below) uses the notion of "(be)fall" to signify "happening". How are they related semantically?

>### accident [14] > >Etymologically, an accident is simply ‘something which happens’ – ‘an event’. That was what the word originally meant in English, and it was only subsequently that the senses ‘something which happens by chance’ and ‘mishap’ developed. It comes from the Latin verb cadere ‘fall’ (also the source of such diverse English words as case, decadent, and deciduous). The addition of the prefix ad- ‘to’ produced accidere, literally ‘fall to’, hence ‘happen to’. Its present participle was used as an adjective in the Latin phrase rēs accidēns ‘thing happening’, and accidēns soon took on the role of a noun on its own, passing (in its stem form accident-) into Old French and thence into English.

Word Origins (2005 2e) by John Ayto. p 3 Left column.

>### case [13] > >There are two distinct words case in English, both acquired via Old French from Latin and both members of very large families. Case ‘circumstance’ was borrowed from Old French cas, which in turn came from Latin cāsus ‘fall, chance’. This was formed from the base of the verb cadere ‘fall’. The progression of senses is from the concrete ‘that which falls’ to the metaphorical ‘that which befalls, that which happens (by chance)’ (and English chance is also derived ultimately from Latin cadere). Other related words in English include accident, cadence, cadaver, cheat, chute, coincide, decadent, decay, deciduous, and occasion.

I omit the rest of the entry, as it appertains the second unrelated definition of case meaning "container". Op cit. p 96.

>### occasion [14] > >Like English befall, occasion depends on a metaphorical connection between ‘falling’ and ‘happening’. Its ultimate source is the Latin verb occidere ‘go down’, a compound formed from the prefix ob- ‘down’ and cadere ‘fall’ (source of English cadence, case ‘circumstance’, decadent, etc). The figurative notion of a ‘falling together of favourable circumstances’ led to the coining of a derived noun occasiō, meaning ‘appropriate time, opportunity’, and hence ‘reason’ and ‘cause’. English acquired it via Old French occasion.       Also from Latin occidere comes English occident [14], a reference to the ‘west’ as the quarter in which the sun ‘goes down’ or set

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👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/etym0n
📅︎ Nov 13 2021
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How does 而's original meaning (beard) semantically appertain its conjunctions (1. and, 2. but, 3. if, 4. to)?…
👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/phrassein
📅︎ Oct 08 2021
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'To all things and men I appertain and yet by some am shunned and disdained. Fondle me and ogle me til you're insane, but no blow can harm me, cause me pain. Children delight in me, elders take fright. Fair maids rejoice and spin. Cry and I weep, yawn and I sleep. Smile and I shall grin. What am I?
👍︎ 11
📅︎ May 07 2021
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What does left wing and right wing mean, is it solely appertain to politics ?
👍︎ 4
📅︎ Jun 24 2019
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Customer service Appertain week, from the NA's pov

First Day! 1-4. Back massages. Uh. well.. your NA will be asleep then. th.. that's ok. I'll make the next one! I'm sure I can do that!! I can make them all happy!!

Second day!!2-4.. Ice cream Social!! O. k.. I'll.. hope there's left overs.. thanks.. if you .. remember to leave something? Appreciation

Final Day! 2-5- Cook out!! Families welcome! that's awesome. I.. wish I'd be.. awake then.. You know..

👍︎ 32
📅︎ Jun 28 2018
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The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) is scheduled to launch no earlier than 1:20 a.m. EST (06:20 UTC) on Wednesday, 2021-November-24_ͭ_ͪ on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California ... with guidance as to how to view the appertaining cartoons & CGI in real-time.…
👍︎ 3
📅︎ Nov 23 2021
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(Part 1 of many to come) Why this things keep appertaining in my recommendation?
👍︎ 689
📅︎ Jul 13 2021
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I'm unclear about the rules regarding smoking that appertain to my health insurance policy.

I had affirmed, truthfully, when I had applied for health insurance, that I had no use of any tobacco product for six months prior. I do not know what effect, if any, there had been on my rates, and I do not know how I had obligated myself, if at all, to refrain from smoking in the future. Neither do I know what obligation I have, if any, to report to my insurer any change in my status, or what actually constitutes a change in status.

Some more background, which I hope is helpful: I had always been bemused by the questions, on physicians' pre-exams, and insurance applications, concerning smoking. There had been a juncture in my life when I would smoke a cigar on New Year's, and my birthday, and practically no time besides. Although it's peculiar to think that that alone should affect one's insurance rate, it doesn't seem impossible either. More lately, I've had no desire to smoke at all, but I wonder, because I had enrolled in this particular policy, and because New Year's will soon arrive, whether I had actually accepted upon myself an obligation to refrain.

Thanks greatly for any attentions to this question. I realize I might easily ask my insurer, but some suspicion lingers in my mind that they might use my curiosity, which is only intellectual at this point, as an admission of guilt, which I do not owe to them.

[EDIT]Location-bot compliance disclosure: U.S.A., Commonwealth of Virginia.

👍︎ 3
📅︎ Oct 09 2016
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When you read a question in /r/AskReddit that appertains to you, what, if anything, makes you decide to ignore it, rather than post your answer?
👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/in-vacuo
📅︎ Sep 28 2015
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March 6, 2012: Appertain

\ ap-er-TEYN \ , verb;

To belong as a part, right, possession or attribute.

👍︎ 5
👤︎ u/DrSalt
📅︎ Mar 07 2012
🚨︎ report
Appertain: To belong as a part, right, possession or attribute.…
👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/Nourn
📅︎ Mar 06 2012
🚨︎ report
This was intended for an, "Long, Multipart Comment on r/collapse, appertaining to an old Abigail Thorn Lecture that If Most People Understand, already, well they're not acting like it," but then I wrote something, rough, but real, I think, actually, Quite Good? It's for the Komrades, A WEAPON

So, I Tried, who knows if that shit worked, to post,

The Ethics of AI in Warfare | Lecture, By Abigail Thorn

Under the Headline,

The Ethics of AI in Warfare | Lecture| Abigail, née Olliver Thorn| apropos Collapse, 2nd Level, I'd Recommend a Synthetic Consideration of, "Depersoning," and, "Legalize it all," Dan Baum, Harpers, Apr. 2016, and the inference, "what if the Deperson. Parties," are too many, or, 'necessary,' Persons

...and I gotta be real with you, "Abigail, née Olliver Thorn," Look, I respect Her a Lot, and I just Did Not Want the Presentation of Such a Good Job, That She Should Be Proud Of, to Have Even the murmur, of, "His Name Abigail?" nor did I want to Misgender Her, again, in the public presentation of something, Real Good and Important She Should be Proud of, Just, I've got a lot of respect for Her and it's something I'd want to blesghetti, to the In-Gang, even if I'd found a more elegant dimension to frame things in, just, to express myself, o.k. now having done so, read that again, for Past the Flowers?

That's the, "Full and Original Statement," and it's a Little Bookish, it's a Lot Wordy, it's some shit that can pack some Gulags, Liebe, this is weapon in the serious and real warefare of the world, unrefined, like it's not edited or whatever, and I understand, obviously, and in fact always, that being goofy, or, speaking unseriously, about serious subjects, is fucking crucial, and the only, ever, way, a person should talk about serious subjects, probably, right?

Serious Subjects are Equal, "Its not the person speaking, who has to die on the Hill," amirite?

Anyway, "I'm saying, I understand that you're all, 'smart,' people, the smartest, probably, although I'm in fucking actual love with Simone Weil and I agree that to brag about intelligence is to be a dick and also brag about the size of your prison cell, in the west, Nevertheless, "you get what I mean," o,k, apologies for formatting errors, I just copy-pasted, all as original, will be a comment, Right there in Moments,

Apres Les Fleurs.....

☙✾✿❀❁✿❀❦❃✾❃✾✿❀❁✿❀❦❃✾✿❀✿❀❦❃❃✾✿❀✿❀❃❧ The Ethics of AI in Warfare | Lecture| Abigail, née Olliver Thorn| apropos Collapse, 2nd Level, I'd Recomm

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👍︎ 3
📅︎ Jul 24 2021
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Im stuck on this boss. Any ideas? (Appertaining from leveling up)
👍︎ 5
📅︎ Sep 17 2020
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Can I use my PC without you 3 appertaining for once.
👍︎ 58
📅︎ Oct 23 2020
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Just learned that Sheol is a place in Hebrew mythology and is likely the inspiration for Shayol Ghul…
👍︎ 14
👤︎ u/oKINGDANo
📅︎ Jan 17 2022
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My diploma refers to the 'rights, responsibilities privileges and immunities appertaining thereto' of the degree. Was there a time in history that these were really meaningful?
👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Feb 11 2016
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SERIOUS: This subreddit needs to understand what a "dad joke" really means.

I don't want to step on anybody's toes here, but the amount of non-dad jokes here in this subreddit really annoys me. First of all, dad jokes CAN be NSFW, it clearly says so in the sub rules. Secondly, it doesn't automatically make it a dad joke if it's from a conversation between you and your child. Most importantly, the jokes that your CHILDREN tell YOU are not dad jokes. The point of a dad joke is that it's so cheesy only a dad who's trying to be funny would make such a joke. That's it. They are stupid plays on words, lame puns and so on. There has to be a clever pun or wordplay for it to be considered a dad joke.

Again, to all the fellow dads, I apologise if I'm sounding too harsh. But I just needed to get it off my chest.

👍︎ 17k
📅︎ Jan 15 2022
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"Do you solemnly swear that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of Donald John Trump, president of the United States, now pending, you will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws, so help you god?" Roberts asked senators.

21 seats empty during Democrat’s talking that means more than one-third of 53 Republican senators tasked with deciding the president’s fate all missed the same segment of the historic trial. Among those absent from the action “for a long time” were Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Bill Cassidy (R-La), and Jim Risch (R-Idaho). So Fuck their oath and Fuck the American people trial is a sham.

👍︎ 12
👤︎ u/walter1950
📅︎ Jan 23 2020
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Maining a new Brawler every week: week 5, Frank

Week 5, Frank this time. I'm trying to improve these posts, so if you have any suggestions, please let me know. Frank is in a good state this meta, especially in Poco-double tank/triple agro. Let's start

Frank's stats

Frank is a tank with the most hp in the game (9800) and a fast movement speed (like all tanks). Although i'm not certain about it; He also has a bigger hitbox then most brawlers, making him easier to hit. He also has a trait: "This Brawler charges Super from damage received." Like most tanks Frank received this trait a few updates ago, and it made tanks a whole lot better in the game. Frank charge 1% of his super for every 235.2 damage he receives, without attacking,he would have to take 23520 damge to fully charge his super. About 2.4 times his hp.

Frank's attack: Hammer hit

With this attack Frank slams his hammer on the ground sending out an schockwave that deals 1736 damage, the attack can pierce through enemies and has a range of 6 tiles. With a fast reload speed (.8 seconds per ammo) and the fact that it takes 3 hits to charge Frank's super, this would be the best attack in the game, if not for the fact that it takes 1.3 seconds to unload the attack. This makes Frank's attack a lot worse. He can't move while he unloads his attack and is vulnerable to stuns or knockbacks that will cancel his attack.

The most important thing to do with Frank is to be sure you can hit someone. Because if you miss, you'll be easy to hit for 1.3 seconds without any reason. So try to only shoot if the enemy is within 5 or less tiles.

Frank's super: Stunning Blow

His super is basically his normal attack but greater, It has 1 tile extra range,it stuns enemies and it breaks walls. The only downside to this is that it has a slower unload time. making Frank even more vulnerable while using his super.

Just like his attack it's really important that you hit your super, because it has such a slow unload time, enemies will easily be able to run away from it, so try to use his super like his attack, only super if you are sure you can hit it.

Franks super can also be great to use in bushes, it will be really hard to dodge because the enemies don't know you're there, preferably you'd want to have some walls between you and the enemies as well to don't get knocked back/stunned. Even if the enemies know you're in the bush, they will be really passive and don't push up because you can easily kill them if they do.

Because Frank can easily charge his

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👍︎ 43
👤︎ u/Stefano050
📅︎ Jan 23 2022
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War of the ring, and things appertaining unto it

My wife and I recently celebrated our 3rd anniversary this month, and I have been a huge Lord of the rings nerd for many years (seriously, like I've read everything multiple times except for a few of the History of Middle-Earth books). I converted her to how awesome Tolkien was after we decided to read the entire trilogy together out loud (she had never read them before). If you have never done this before, and you have someone you would like to share a passion with, I highly recommend it.

Anyway, when I first got into board gaming a few years ago, War of the Ring was the first game that caught my eye. However after a highly contentious game of Lord of the rings: Risk, I was afraid that she would never be willing to take the next step so to speak. Granted, LotR: Risk is only good in comparison to other risk games, but still, it's sort of confrontational area control game.

Well lo and​ behold, for our 3rd anniversary, my wonderful, lovely, awesome wife got me war of the ring, along with the promise that she would play at least once with me. So I got to it, surrending a day setting up, re-figuring out the rules (because I was a nerd and had read the rules like a year before I had any hope of getting it) and how to teach them, and we finally played it.

I was not disappointed! And even better, my wife loved it! It was a close game in the end, with me as the free people just barely throwing the ring into Mt. Doom. She murdered every other member of the fellowship, was one die role away from a military victory, and if she had drawn an eye for the hunt during the last step, she also would have won. We did get some rules wrong regarding sieges (in her favor), but she wanted to play again, and we did so the very next week! This time she was the free people, and win fairly handily.

Anyway, I think we both have a new favorite game and I hope we get to break it out a few more times this year. Now we need a table that we can put it on because it completely devours our kitchen table for the better part of a day, and our 9-month old might start breaking free of his food chair some​ day.

For anyone that likes the game, or has the expansions, where would you recommend going from here? Obviously there's lots of replay value in the base game, and we intend on exploring that plenty. But my wife's eyes lit up when I told her one of the expansions had the Dead men of Dunharrow, and another had the Balrog. Which do you recommend? Also, feel free to share your WotR storie

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👍︎ 62
👤︎ u/snoreski
📅︎ May 21 2017
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A priest, a pastor, and a rabbit walk into a blood donation clinic.

The nurse asked the rabbit, “what is your blood type?”

“I am probably a type O” said the rabbit.

👍︎ 10k
👤︎ u/snc8698
📅︎ Jan 29 2022
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