Members of the Croatian Ustaše laughing after killing people. Independent State of Croatia, 1940s [1000x1445]
Anon is a victim of the trans ustaše
What were the racial views of the Ustaše? Were they more adherent to Nazism or Fascism?
Ustaše otvorile koncentracijske logore kako bi spašavali Srbe (tehnički r/Croatia cringe al nema takvog subreddita)
Ante Pavelić was the leader of Fascist Croatia & the Ustaše during WW2. He was involved in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, mainly Jews and Serbs. After the war Pavelić fled to Argentina and later Spain, where he was granted asylum. He died in 1959 & was never prosecuted for his crimes…
Ante Pavelić was the leader of Fascist Croatia & the Ustaše during WW2. He was involved in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, mainly Jews and Serbs. After the war Pavelić fled to Argentina and later Spain, where he was granted asylum. He died in 1959 & was never prosecuted for his crimes
Ante Pavelić was the leader of Fascist Croatia & the Ustaše during WW2. He was involved in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, mainly Jews and Serbs. After the war Pavelić fled to Argentina and later Spain, where he was granted asylum. He died in 1959 & was never prosecuted for his crimes
Ustaše soldiers laughing while covered in the blood of their recently killed victims
Was Pope Pius XII completely in support, or even aware of, the genocide Ustaše had committed against non-Catholics and Croatian minorities?
The Ustaše were a group of Croatian fascists active in Yugoslavia during World War Two. They were known for killing Jews, Roma, and Serbs, often in brutal and sadistic ways.
One of the strangest things was the Serb-nationalist Chetniks joining hands with the Serb-genociding Croat-nationalist Ustaše during World War II, and they joined the losing side as well.
Ustaše ga u početku nisu dirale jer su imali krhku vlast, a Maček je bio neupitni vođa hrvatskog naroda. Ipak, nakon saznanja o odlasku dijela vodstva HSS-a u partizane te bojazni da bi Nijemci Mačeka mogli iskoristiti za stvaranje alternativne vlasti, ustaše ga uhićuju na današnji dan 1941.
I dont know are they asian or ustaše any nore
Dobio permaban na r/mimovi za ovo, izgleda da i taj sab vode ustaše... a možda su zapravo u pitanju one iste ustaše koje moderišu i r/serbia, ne bi me čudilo.
On this day on 10 April 1941, Slavko Kvarternik deputy leader of the Ustaše proclaimed the establishment of the Independent State of Croatia and became ally of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. The darkest day of Croatian history.
TIL da su središnje mjesto hrvatske povijesti-Knin udruženim snagama Nijemci, Ustaše i Četnici branili od - Hrvata…
Figure ispred Spomen-muzeja u Starom Brodu posvećenom žrtvama pokolja na obalama Drine 1942. kada su ustaše pobile 6000 srpskih civila (mahom žena i dece).
Ustaše ga u početku nisu dirale jer su imali krhku vlast, a Maček je bio neupitni vođa hrvatskog naroda. Ipak, nakon saznanja o odlasku dijela vodstva HSS-a u partizane te bojazni da bi Nijemci Mačeka mogli iskoristiti za stvaranje alternativne vlasti, ustaše ga uhićuju na današnji dan 1941.
Ustaše se Vojska Diže lyrics in Serbian
Усташка војска се диже,
Осветници страшни рој.
Храбра срца моћне руке,
Он хрли у крваву битку.
Усташка војска се диже,
Заробљена домовина згажено село, дом.
Отараси се крви иде,
И херојско право.
То је тешка бол за Хрвате,
Бити туђа тема.
Кад је вековима плакао,
Будите победник боје.
Усташка војска се диже,
Заробљена домовина згазила је сеоски дом.
Отараси се крви иде,
И херојско право.
Усташка војска се диже,
Да се води рат за слободу.
Док не стигне до Дрине,
Неће избледети, неће престати!
Усташка војска се диже,
Осветници страшни рој.
Храбра срца моћне руке,
Он хрли у крваву битку.
Ustaše soldiers laughing while covered in the blood of their recently killed victims
Pijani Ustaša -Četnici su, ne znajući za izum,zahvaljujući bujnoj mašti zaključili da samo drogirani, pijani Ustaše mogu toliko daleko dobaciti ručnu bombu… nastavak za automatsku pušku u obliku čašice za ispaljivanje ručne bombe…
Absolutely love the last image when you Google search up when the Partisans trolled some Ustaše.
Fun Fact: my second stepfather was actually(well, really possible) an Ustaše.
Least delusional Ustaše supporter
'To je bio ustaški logor, ali ustaše su Hrvati, a kako sam i ja Hrvat i predsjednik, ne mogu reći da me se to ne tiče'…
Captured Nazi Germany solders, Četnici, and Ustaše. Knin, 1944
German soldiers and Ustaše collaborators lead a column of Serbs to the Šabac internment camp during anti-partisan "cleansing" operations.
war crimes of japan and Croatian Ustaše
Trofazni, poveznica ustaše, četnici, nacisti
Danas bi u hr za 3 prsta dobili batine, a ne tako davno...
Ustaše, četnici i domobrani zajedno piju. Bosna, 1942. Izvor:
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