A list of puns related to "The Jersey"
So we're in year 12 of high school and we all get jerseys, including our year advisor teachers who've let us, the students, decide their jersey name. Usually the jersey name is a witty pun or joke which uses the wearer's name.
One of the teachers has a last name which sounds exactly like 'jenga' (that's not her name is really spelt, but it's to protect her identity), so I'll be need your help to get some good puns.
If you guys can't think of any, the other teachers last name is Daher (pronounced "darr"), so suggestions for her name would be nice too. Thanks!
She told me she had everything, and I was in a rush. So it got left behind. Figured it out right away as we were getting him changed and messaged my wife. She said she would bring it right away. I told my son "You mom is going to run your jersey over"
Without skipping a beat, he replied "Well that won't work, practice will probably be over. I wish she would just drive it over"
Then he gave me a huge grin. I told him he won the dad joke of the day and he continued smiling all the way until bedtime.
The Shih-tzu-ation
He shows up wearing an Ottawa Senators jersey, so the judge asks "Are you a Sens fan?" The boy nods his head.
During the custody battle, he is later asked if he wants to live with his mom. His reply is "No, she beats me when drunk."
The judge asks in shock, "Okay, what about your father?"
The boy replies, "But he beats me every day when he comes home from a bad work day!"
With no other options, the jude states "We will have to send you to a foster home." The boy protests.
"Well, who do you want to live with?" the judge asks.
The boy thinks a moment and says ,"The Ottawa Senators. They're nice to people in need, and they don't beat anybody."
I put up Punderdome cards on my door every day. Today's cards were too much fun not to share. What else can you come up with?
Project Run-a-way
America's Next Top Money Launderer
Keeping Up with the Car-Jackings
Naked & Public Exposure
My Solitary Confinement Life
The Real House-arrest Wives
The Great British Breaking & Entering
So You Think You Can Drink & Drive?
America's Got Theft
Pawn(ing Stolen Goods) Stars
Jersey Shore You Should Steal That Car
Who Wants to be an Arrested Felon?
Say Yes to the Drugs
Arson Daily
What else do can you think of?!
Jersey Shore
Best ocean to play sports in?
The Golf of Mexico
My family was taking our grandmother back to a town in New Jersey. On the way there we were discussing how we were getting there, and our grandmother remembers a town we have to pass through on the way there. The town is called Mahwah.
So she says, "Does this road go to Mahwah.
To which my dad replies, "It sure does, but it also went today and yesterday".
If you don't get it, try reading it out loud.
My Chinese friend in highschool was named Alex Shen and he was very smart. One day he wore a jersey to school and it said A.Shen on the back
I said "You don't have to wear that people already know"
Everyone left.
Does the NHL team Devils always play their home games in new jerseys?
Step Dad- Did you know that is the dead center of New Jersey Me - REALLY!?........oh
I don't know if this is a nationwide thing, but in New Jersey, we get commercials for a brand of eggs called "Eggland's Best."
Their slogan is "better eggs" so every time the commercial comes on, my dad says, without fail, "Who says they're the best? The egg-sperts!"
"New Jersey, just like everything else in the damn house."
Me: I want to try on the Team Russia jersey...
Dad: Go ahead!
Me: Help me bring them down so I can try the different sizes.
Dad: Why can't you do it yourself?
Me: Just help me so I can check!!
Dad: You said you wanted Russian not Czech.
Needed information: My family and I are pretty big Chicago Blackhawks fans. There is a player on the Blackhawks with the name Patrick Sharp.
For Christmas I got a bunch of Blackhawk themed shirts ranging from t-shirts to long sleeved t-shirts that look like actual jerseys themselves. I got a decent amount of them from my girlfriend's family, so my family didn't see them right away as I opened them at their house. When I got home, I was very excited show them to my family.
So when I grab the long sleeved t-shirt jersey to show to my mom and she says, "Wow that is Sharp!".
I respond back with a grin on my face with a quick "No, there isn't a name on the back of it at all."
It clicked after a few seconds, but I got a groan and a "You knew what I meant..."
Watching St. Louis Cards v.s. New York Mets on Monday night. Mets wearing Camo Jerseys.
Dad "The birds aren't playing anyone tonight?"
I say "Yes we are playing the Mets right now"
Dad - "Oh I didn't see em"
...And one of the player's name is "Miskin" (Polish setter for Jasztrebski-Wegiel, a very well known club in Poland and Europe). Us being Indonesian, the word "miskin" means "poor" as in not having money.
So during the whole game my dad would say stuff like:
"How come does he play in a prestigious club and still end up being poor?"
"Maybe if he gets his paycheck they will finally write "Rich" ("Kaya" in Indonesian) on his jersey."
And other phrases I managed to forget.
When he says them, my mom who isn't watching, would stop whatever she was doing to raise her head to stare into the emptiness and shake her head.
Yesterday while picking out jerseys for an upcoming basketball game a friend of mine grabbed the number 12 jersey. Him: "I'm always #12 man, always" Me:"I was 12 once, but that was years ago..."
Was ignored
On vacation in Cape May in New Jersey, and there is a bar called the Rusty Nail. Conversation went like this: Me: "Oh look the Rusty Nail" Dad: "Yeah let's go get HAMMERED at the Rusty Nail!" Heard the sighs from inside the bar.
So we're both fathers, and I'm explaining to him, as he's new to reddit, that there is a sub-reddit called /dadjokes. So it begins..
Dad: Do you know why the concept of 'dad jokes' even exists?
Me: Sure, we have to clean up our acts.
Dad: Yea, but it's deeper than that. All comedy is an attack. Either an attack on a person, or an attack on a situation. As Dad's we have to attack the situation for children instead of persons; unless the person is THE SITUATION.
Me: Nicely done.
Dad: Sorry New Jersey.
We were riding in the car on our way to Atlantic City, New Jersey. Things were surprisingly calm for my family of five. Kids in the back, parents up front. Randomly, my sister asks my brother if he still has Lyme disease. He caught it two summers ago when we lived in an area with many ticks. My brother replies, "no, not anymore". Then my dad turns to face us from the passenger seat: "Yeah, it turned into Lemon disease". I chuckled because I immediately was reminded of this subreddit but my brother wasn't as amused. "Not even a little fucking funny".
We went out to eat and a little kid was wandering around the restaurant in a Packers #12 jersey. Dad says "Hey look it's Aaron Rodgers, I thought he'd be taller. Oh yeah that's right, he has to be that short to fit on TV."
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