Last night I went to a fancy dress party dressed as a tea bag.

On the way home I got mugged.

πŸ‘︎ 20
πŸ“…︎ Nov 24 2020
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The prices of tea bags in my city have skyrocketed!

They're to steep.

πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/thomasbrakeline
πŸ“…︎ Dec 02 2019
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Yesterday I saw tea bags laying on the floor

I said uh oh casual-teas

πŸ‘︎ 7
πŸ‘€︎ u/owlurk
πŸ“…︎ Nov 25 2019
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Soccer joke from my 10y: what’s the difference between Germany and a tea bag?

A tea bag spends more time in the cup.

πŸ‘︎ 346
πŸ‘€︎ u/gbarwis
πŸ“…︎ Jul 15 2018
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Tea bag
πŸ‘︎ 7
πŸ‘€︎ u/orionthehunt
πŸ“…︎ Dec 29 2018
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Ive just discovered you can get viagra tea bags.....

They don't improve your sex life.

But they stop your biscuits going soft. 😎

πŸ‘︎ 5
πŸ‘€︎ u/ElderHallow
πŸ“…︎ Mar 12 2019
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Why were the British salty about losing America

They got tea-bagged

πŸ‘︎ 9
πŸ‘€︎ u/Cynrui
πŸ“…︎ Feb 24 2019
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Dad-joked my tea-drinking coworker.

Coworker was putting fresh water in her tea, which was too strong for her.

Me: Soooo...if you were to chart the level of flavor in tea vs. the amount of time you left the bag in the cup, would you end up with a steep curve?

Coworker: Stare

πŸ‘︎ 75
πŸ‘€︎ u/blindfire40
πŸ“…︎ Apr 01 2014
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Here son, have a drink on me

Today is my birthday and I went to see my parents. As I was leaving my dad reached for his wallet and said "here son, have a drink on me" and handed me a tea bag he had hidden in there.

He must have hidden it in there hours before in preparation.

πŸ‘︎ 21
πŸ‘€︎ u/12zoo
πŸ“…︎ Jun 28 2014
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Proving my dadjoke prowess to my old man

Me, my girlfriend, and my dad were chatting before eating dinner. My younger sister walks in and starts to boil water to make tea, and joins the conversation. A few minutes pass, and my sister pours the water into her mug and puts in a a tea bag.

-Dad: What kind of tea is that?

-Sister: It's chamomile.

-Me: How are you supposed to see your dinner?

πŸ‘︎ 4
πŸ‘€︎ u/Dolgthvari
πŸ“…︎ Jun 10 2014
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