A list of puns related to "Pomo"
Now that I have thrown away the "nEw PeRsOnAlItY" and lit it on fire, I've started to allow myself to enjoy a lot more in my life. Finding my authentic self/personality is so much fun, but something I have noticed is that my favorite parts are what the rest of the world would see as normal/mundane/innoucous, like saying happy birthday to a friend or taking a vacation (when you have the time for it) any day(s) of the week.
One thing (well actually two) I like is watching/playing the latest/popular movies and games without guilt or fear of annihilation. It makes me feel more like a normal person and I'm finally able to join in the conversation when my never-JDub friends talk about them.
So to spread some positive vibes, what's your favorite "little thing(s)" to do now that you're PIMO/POMO?
It feels like I’m sitting on the sidelines watching my future first hand if I ever become POMO.
Basically my entire family is now shunning one family member for being inactive/quietly disassociated and marrying an unbaptized person.
It’s not just my family but also all the surrounding JWs that have known them for their entire lives.
There’s nothing I can do about it either without outing myself right now and I’m simply not ready for that. Especially not now after seeing how my family is reacting to all of this!
Amazing how only a few years ago we were all partying together, and now I see how extreme they’ve all become. I’m sure sitting around for the last two years glued to the JW TV has a lot to do with their new diehard fanatical loyalty to the borg.
Seeing them rally together and rip the conditional love out from underneath somebody else is actually scaring me. Who are these heartless brainwashed drones that were once my close family and friends?
I’m gonna be stuck as a fucking PIMO forever 😩
Tired of this shit
So yesterday I finally told my mom im pomo and things went better than I expected. I told her about my reasons(ARC, Disfellowshipping, abusive elders, GB liars and all that) and some other things i found out while i was an elder. She said it was ok and its my desition but she will still love me because im her son. And everyone makes their own choices. Thing went well and I feel really relieved now. Although she still believes this is gods organization, i think she is open to discussion under the light of evidence.
Not sure how I feel about it I definitely will create more content it’s just been a busy couple of months.
For many years I had doubts about this religion. I was reproofed at one point but slowly got my privileges back. I was a ministry servant and participated actively in the congregation and programs such as the special metropolitan witnessing program. Thing is, all that time i was living a double life. I am gay, and even after being reproofed, I never stopped doing the things I was in my second life. I thought either this is all fake or god really doesn't care about me being gay if I'm being "blessed " with the privileges and be there for all those years.
A few months ago, I was caught texting homosexual content with a Jw friend in the same situation as me. That judicial was the most humiliating thing I ever went through. It was horrible. I spoke to another friend of mines about it, and thanks to him, thats when I finally fully woke up. Why was I letting these people humilate me that way, for something I wasn't even sure I believed in. Starting October last year I stopped going to meetings and preaching.
That was pretty easy. The hard part was telling my parents. My dad is an elder and takes this cult very seriously. My mom I was more worried about because she is so emotionally attached to me. Well they came to visit last week. And I finally told them. It was the most difficult conversation I have ever had with them. I have never seen my dad cry the way he did that night. But surprisingly my mom who I was more worried about, was very supportive. She said she had already suspected it, but she noticed my mental health had improved so much in the last few months, she didn't want to say anything. She mentioned she was sad and had hopes I would return one day, but as long as I am happy, i should do whatever I wanted and she would always be there for me. Her words meant so much to me. It made a big difference.
Now that its been done, I feel so much better. I feel like I'm finally free. Even my coworkers have commented in how I am in such a good mood now. If anyone reading this is PIMO and thinking about leaving, do it! It already feels so much better. I can finally be who I really am %100 of the time.
Some plz help me . I just waste my whole day
Both incidents led to further conversations with my father, during which I was assured that I was just being too sensitive. If I remember right, my father even thought I would be flattered or amused by my step brother's statement. I'm still trying to figure that one out. Anyway, no hate or disrespect is intended toward my dad. He was only doing and saying what he was supposed to, according to the org, and I know it was coming from a place of love. But I now find myself shocked when these and certain other PIMI memories come up. It makes me rethink all the times I was told that I was being too sensitive or reacting the wrong way to Witness doctrine or counsel, and I get so angry with myself for just taking it in stride and accepting that I was the one with the problem for so many years.
And now I'm finished...for now. You guys have all been wonderful, btw. I've unloaded a lot here within the past week, and I'm sure there will be more venting to come. Thank you all for reading and for replying with such encouraging comments to my last few posts!
… requests are due to health issues. Open to any portfolio recommendations. Thank you 🙏
Hi all, it’s been a long while since I’ve posted but wanted to say hi. This month marks 7 years since I made my exit. The last time I was in a Kingdom Hall was January 2015. I was 31 years old, married with 2 kids, and had been a pioneer & stay at home mom.
Since then, I went to university for a bachelors and masters degrees, made new friends, had a third child, divorced, started a successful career in business analytics, bought my dream house & car, traveled internationally, and dabble in astrology & tarot. I also perform as a belly dancer & do Arabic hand drumming.
Recently I was interviewed on a podcast about my experiences leaving my faith, and an astrology group has asked me to write my life story in a series of blog posts. If anyone here is interested, I’ll make another post to drop the link to the blog.
So I was born into the Borg and have a family that's all PIMI I decided around middle of last year to start leaving. I was treated horribly and threatened constantly and was always a favorite for elders to harass. I never really made friends there and never felt safe. Now I have no clue what to do. I feel like if I trust anyone everything will be a trap. I hate that organization so much. I recently learned the a hall I was in let someone back in who was DF. Turns out that person was DF for molesting a another member in their hall. It was disgusting to see everything in media become real so close to home. Idk what to do or how to meet people. I haven't been to a meeting since October and I've always been alone so dealing with this isn't the worst. I just want to meet people I can trust. Form real bonds and friendships. Any advice?
Hi. I'm a gay JW (for now, ar least) just discovering this community... English is not my first language... And I've been trying to understand what PIMO and POMO can be for several minutes. ¿Can you help me, please?
I turn 18 tomorrow and I also get kicked out. The past few days has been pretty hectic and out of desperation I ended up buying a pretty crap car. Well I did some work on it and it’s still good but I’d rather not drive it around during the day. Anyways my grandparents and other family members called to say their goodbyes I recorded some of what my grandmother said. She said she wish she I wasn’t leaving her even though I’m not… I’m getting kicked out. I kept bringing up the point that I was getting kicked out but to her and others I’m leaving them. Nonetheless they said they loved me and that when I “do come back “ they’ll have open arms. Later I received a call from my uncle. Now this uncle and I have a different connection I favor his looks a lot and we always shared the same interest he was the closet thing to a father I had. Out of all my family members he said if I need to call him or talk he’ll be there for me and that he’ll call to check on me too. So I may be broke with a shit car but atleast I have my friends and now uncle I can count on. I know this won’t be permanent that’s why I’m doing my best to turn this around. Till next time.
Edit: Before I left my mom transferred 100 bucks into my account. I was also able to pawn some things and get some more money. My car didn’t spazz on me and I was able to finish my errands so todays going pretty good
I’ve just gotten an engineering internship offer from Boeing. I don’t think I can pass this up without regretting it immensely in the future. I’ve already kept a previous defense job a secret, and I don’t know if I can do it again. I’m in a good spot with finances and I’m starting to have a good support system but I’m still terrified. I hate that something I should be celebrating is giving me so much anxiety because of this stupid cult.
If anyone has been in a similar situation as this how did you handle it? I know I’m going to become POMO one way or another but I honestly didn’t think it would be from taking a job.
Sometimes I feel a temptation to go to one more meeting —at a different hall— as some form of closure. I can see this backfiring though. If you have done this did it help?
I also have a morbid desire for my husband to see first hand what it is like.
Apologies if I’ve been going overboard posting here today. I was sent a random guilt trip text from my dad. He really does not want me to die in Armageddon lol. I’m guessing there was some sort of extra doomy talk recently?
Obviously JW family and friends won't greet you anymore when being POMO. But do you greet them when you run into them or do you also ignore them? Did you make any weird experiences? Probably transferring from PIMO to POMO this year and I wonder how I should react when I meet JWs.
TL;DR: Don't fuck with my heels or I will go full Hulk on your ass.
Hi I'm a 17 year-old POMO homo.
Some of y'all might have seen the video I posted on here of me wearing the first pair of heels that I've ever bought. I wanna make sure y'all heard that. HEELS THAT I BOUGHT. With MY OWN money.
Well, my mom new I was interested in the shoes and she told me I was not allowed to buy them
Spoiler alert: I fucking did it anyways.
Well, apparently my mother searched my phone while I was asleep last night and saw that post. So today, she asks me where the shoes are. She is planning on throwing them out or something.
I stood my ground and refused to tell her because, while I may still live in her house, I bought them with my hard earned money, and she has no right to take them.
Then she starts searching my room. I repeatedly ask her to get out of my room. Kindly, I might add. But she thinks the whole situation is fucking hilarious. She laughs a she tries to close my door while I am in the hallway. I grab the door and struggle to keep it open. But I ultimately lost, and she locked my bedroom door.
She stays in my room for about 10 minutes. As the time went on, my pleas for her to leave my room turned into shouting, and at one point I think I threatened to ruin something of hers if she so muched as laid a finger in them. And when she kept on and on about how I went behind her back and disobeyed her, I KICKED THE MOTHERFUCKING DOOR OFF THE GODDAMN WALL!!!
I didn't even know I was that strong. Seriously, it was a clean break. The door came crashing but he hinges and door frame remain in tact. Now I owe her money for a new door, and I kind of screwed myself because now I have no privacy.
Thankfully, she never found the shoes, but she did leave me with a promise. "Don't worry. I'll find them soon enough."
So now I am terrified to leave the house out of fear that she will find them. What should I do? What can I do with the shoes? And does anyone know where I can get cheap doors? Pls help me out.
I have been planning to DA and tell my family about it this week, but I am getting cold feet. I know I don't want to be associated with the borg anymore and I don't want to continue pretending around my family but as the moment to tell them approaches, I feel myself wavering.
My family is harcore PIMI so in all likelihood I will be dead to them and I still can't accept the fact that it is even an option at all and it's holding me back from coming clean to them.
Is it possible at all to soften the blow? Make the delivery of the news less big of a deal? I am trying to find a way out that would be kinder to my mental health and would minimize the hurt my family will feel. Any suggestion, advice, recommendations?
Where are you mentally lately?
Watching GB update#9 video, it's coming LOL. Believe me, I don't want to go. I know plenty of PIMIs that are not enthusiastic about it either. I'm gonna be super pissed if they want us to go back in the dead of old man winter.
edit post: I just thought, I can see it now when someone expresses wanting to go back to Zoom and how the GB will reply. They're gonna compare JWs who want to stick with Zoom to the Hebrews who longed for when they were slaves in Egypt. It's comin lol!!
I woke up right around when the pandemic started, it's been a journey. I have accepted my sexuality and mortality, I have told my family I no longer believe, and I am taking different measures to heal like therapy and taking a semester off college.
I have friends in the organization, most importantly 3 dear friends I deeply care for. I wish I could tell you they won't shun me once I let them know I am no longer a witness, but I genuinely don't know how they will react.
My mom is getting more adamant about me going to the elders and unfortunately cannot opt out of disassociating because I live with my family and they made sure to let me know they will talk with the elders if I don't. My mom said I can stop attending meetings and service group, but that it's only a matter of time before elders try to reach me. What should I do?
Few questions…
Reason I ask, when we’re little we all love cartoons. But at some age we begin to grow out of cartoons to the point where we shame any of our friends if they’re still watching cartoons.
That’s an age typically where we sorta secretly still like cartoons but we want to expand our taste to include more “grown up” entertainment. But, we’re still too young to really comprehend the story line of a “grown up” show/movie.
So, somewhere around pre-teen age we get into those cheesy teenage Disney channel shows, you know with the really shitty laugh-track in the background.
Question 2: As this generation (meaning this actual generation and not the bullshit overlapping generationS the JWs refer to) gets older, do you PIMO’s anticipate the Hateful 8 releasing a show, (probably still animated because we all know the only stars can be the GB) geared more towards pre-teens and/or teens?
I’ll hold on the line and await you response…
PS. If this is something that already exist, forgive me. I’ve been out for a decade.
I have POMO relatives that I would like to contact. I'm PIMO myself. I'm just afraid how they would react since I shunned them when I was PIMI. And I'm also concerned if they would tell about my contacting to my PIMI relatives.
How have your close ones take the news that you are fading or not believing anymore? Can they forgive the shunning? I deeply regret being so blind and I miss them terribly.
Hey all. I'm coming here just straight up looking for friends. I decided to post my story after lurking for a while, and having recent family convos (some still talk to me, on the "never babtized" loophole).
Moved into Seattle a year before pandemic hit. I had been out of the cult for a good minute, but the abrupt and total removal of my support network, in addition to depression led me towards straight up hard drugs. Coming from small town CA (basically Oregon) I was in a cultural wasteland, riddled with bible thumpers, and the odd Nazi here and there. My grandfather was the congregation overseer, and my family was/is still to some extent pretty deep in the mythos. My poor grandfather died trying to connect the theories to scientific fact. 85+ and still trying to convince himself.
After becoming disillusioned with the BOrg, and knowing I couldn't trust the info available to me, Online or otherwise, I set about finding out for myself. Rough call to make at 16.
I left the family then, staying with an old friend who had also already transitioned back into society. (Sorta? Not the point.)
Since then I've been floating from place to place, being overtaken by drugs used to run from that facts of my life a few time, and stumbling hard alot.
When I left CA, I had the local authorities upset about an affair with one of their offspring, a long history of drug abuse, and a growing amount of proof I was no longer welcome. I left the state in self preservation.
Upon arrival in Jet City, I was more or less let down by the person I was invited to stay with, and wound up in a tent off the fwy. After a mental/emotional breakdown and a good stint consisting of abnormal amounts suicidal ideation (key word ABNORMAL)
Ran through detox a couple times, turned down their housing services on the grounds that religion crushed my life, and I don't trust them to also take my phone, and sever my connection to the outside world for the first 6 months.
Currently living in a van, and working retail up the street. I have a significant other, but no real network to this day, and out of I guess fear that I'm still so different from everyone, this seemed like the best place to really start propping up that intent.
I guess AMA? idk. Hi all? feel free to message? Phone only so I'm slow AF. thanks.
I don't know if it's cause of the bad treatment from family I got when I started my fade.
Or the pressure from the congregation when I stepped down and disappeared.
Or maybe it's all the emotions I'm feeling from being I the process of moving.
But part of me wishes I could remove all the past memories I had in my life that were related to this cult.
The scars will always be there 😢
Hello! Currently a pimo with my spouse but we are looking to move in the next couple months to our dream state Colorado and then we will finally be pomo. 🎉 We'll be packing up our whole lives and won't know anyone in the area.
Looking to see if we can go ahead and make some friends 😊 maybe even get some advice as to areas up look for apartments, maybe even help finding one, etc!
Thanks for taking the time to read my fellow apostates!
as my mom would say, I'm dead to do because I'm a heathen bastard. Dam right!
This weekend will be the first EVER Christmas my brother and his wife and kids have celebrated. This will be my 13th.
Remember how college = bad? Well- funny story. My masters degree has earned me a teaching spot at a community college. As of 12/23/2021, I'm now a full time teacher- no more adjunct bull crap. I'm now at rock bottom tenure wise but I worked my butt off for this!
Also I found out my brother and sister in law since they had to move in with us (long story there- their rental came down with a nasty case of mold and got condemned) can take one class per semester tuition free-still pay for books/fees. Now they are both interested in trying out a few classes as my brother is considering an assoicates in bussiness and my sister in law is considering a assoicates in early childhood education.
SO...cheers to screwing up even more minds!!
Also, today last is last day were playing Santa/Elves at the mall. It really opened up my brother and sister in law to the Christmas Spirit. Hubby will be handing out Christmas stockings to the kids (candy cane, dollar store kid party favors) And their kids/my nephews and my kids- they will be helping local police department deliver Christmas gifts to needy families. In their cub and Boy Scout uniforms, of course
Having a hate the borg morning. I’ve been POMO since 2018 yet the lies, manipulative techniques, all of it just decided to visit me today. Posting just because this is the only community where people understand. Having too many thoughts and emotions to post.
And any cool stories about what was said?
If we go into the chart of POMO we can see clearly that we got a resistance that we need to break for the confirmation of the new ATH!
So if anyone want to see new ATH of POMO, try to not sell in that area.
Fib 0.382 give us a resistance at 💎 PRICE:$0.0008500 📈 Join in telegram channel: https://t.me/financepomo Buy now on pancakeswap: www.pomo.finance
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