A list of puns related to "Mewing"
They go to the a(mews)ment park
Coz he was in a good mew-ood
Because he’s a Persian, and he likes to mew too.
So far for States I have: Catifornia North and South Catolina Oklahomeow Oregato Furorida Mew York, Jersey, Hampshire, Mexico Connectikitty
For cities I have: Mew York Kitty Felinedelphia San Digato Mewmphis Chigato San Furanciso Indianapawlis Clawmbus
Because they are very mew-sical
A mew-on!
A Mew-sician
The one with the lowest mew.
I think it's fake mews.
My in-laws were over for dinner last night. Afterwards, they headed downstairs to leave, so I asked my father in law if they needed help getting to the car. He replied,
"Oh, we're not leaving yet, I'm going to take a leak."
"OK, well just make sure to bring it back when you're done."
But karma is a bitch. This morning in the car, the kids (6 and 7) asked me which two Pokemon bred to create all the other Pokemon. Their answer was "Mew and Ossarius(????)" I couldn't understand the second word, so I asked them several times.
"Is it Ossarius?" I ask.
"No. Mossatrius," says the 7 year old.
"No. Ossarvius," he says again (the same word, I just can't understand it.)
"Is is Ossarius or Ossarvius?"
"Neither," says the 6 year old.
"Say it again?" I ask.
"Neither," says the 6 year old again, wondering what's wrong with his dad.
...I wonder how many mews it would get!
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