Which shakhas of Yajurveda pronounce visarga as 'f' before labial consonants?

I was taught this is used in Rgveda exclusively but today I heard the same in Krsna Yajurveda

👍︎ 7
📅︎ Dec 13 2020
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Are voiced labial stops somehow more similar to nasals relative to the other voiced stop consonants?

Hello everybody,

I am conducting an experiment investigating the perception of phonemes in pre-verbal infants and just spotted an unexpected effect whose origin I am trying to understand. I am a PhD student in neuroscience (I use neuro-imaging, and more specifically EEG) , not a big expert in linguistics. That is why I would very much benefit of some external advice :)

In my data, and beside the effects we could expect by shared manners and places of articulation, I see that the neural representation of the "b" is more similar to that of nasals (i.e. "m", "n", "ɲ"), relative to the other voiced stops "d" and "g".

According to your knowledge and experience is there any characteristic which is shared by /b/ and /m/ /n/ /ɲ/ but not /d/ and /g/ ? It can be at the acoustic level, in the articulation... I need a clue!

Thanks a lot in advance!

👍︎ 8
📅︎ Sep 23 2020
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Learn Devanagari Script - Labial Consonant 'फ'
👍︎ 13
📅︎ Sep 01 2020
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Are Polish Soft Labial Consonants Phonemic?

Polish has the following rule <C i V> = [C ʲ V]. So, words like <pies> are pronounced [pʲɛs], and words like <kiedy> are pronounced [kʲɛdɨ], besides triggering alveolar consonants to be pronounced like alveolo-palatal. However, wikipedia does not seem to treat the palatalized labial consonants as phonemic, and only palatalized velar consonants are treated like phonemic. In fact, wikipedia does not even mention soft labial consonants. Are they phonemic?

👍︎ 6
📅︎ Jun 19 2020
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Learn Devanagari Script - Labial Consonant 'म'
👍︎ 8
📅︎ Sep 04 2020
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Learn Devanagari Script - Labial Consonant 'भ'
👍︎ 11
📅︎ Sep 03 2020
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Learn Devanagari Script - Labial Consonant 'ब'
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Sep 02 2020
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Learn Devanagari Script - Labial Consonant 'प'
👍︎ 6
📅︎ Aug 31 2020
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Is there a term for converting labialised consonants into labials?

I was looking into some data on Proto-Greek, and it seems as if a consistent change between PG and PIE is the conversion of /kʷ/ and /gʷ/ into /p/ and /b/ (*pénkʷtos to pémptos, for example). Is this just fronting, or is there an actual term for this specific type of change. It's almost as if the labiovelar is becoming extra-labial, to the point at which it just becomes fully labial.

👍︎ 7
👤︎ u/FatSoviet
📅︎ Jan 24 2020
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Rate [x] as if it were a labial consonant
👍︎ 13
👤︎ u/kurosaur
📅︎ Oct 19 2014
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Can Tonoexodus cause Labialized and Palatalized Consonants?

I know tone can be lose when things like classifiers and or contact with atonal languages.

In this Ex a tonal language comes in contact with a atonal language.

pé => pʲe => pje => be

pè => pʷe => pwe => fe

But could this form be possible.

Also I'm from r/conlangs

👍︎ 15
👤︎ u/wolfiwolfe
📅︎ Dec 08 2021
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How can a consonant with a secondary articulatory feature (i.e. Labialization, Palatalization, Aspiration), be a syllable coda?

In studying about the Proto Indo European language, as well as other languages, there seems to be many words (or perhaps word roots rather) which end in a plosive consonant that is aspirated, sometimes even labialized or palatalized. How can this possibly be pronounced without a vowel to follow afterwards? Take for instance the word "*gerbh-", one of my initial guesses is that the secondary articulatory feature (the aspiration in this case) is not pronounced in the root, however is once a suffix with a vowel is added.

👍︎ 6
👤︎ u/Rado14mir
📅︎ Oct 11 2021
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How do languages with both exolabialized and endolabialized vowels handle adjacent sequences of both and/or labialized consonants?

Prototypically, rounded front vowels are exolabialized (that is, compressed) rather than endolabialized (that is, protruded). But labialized consonants, e.g. /kʷ/, are also common.

My question is: in languages with such compressed vowels, how are adjacent labialized consonants such as /kʷ/ typically handled? Are they compressed rather than protruded? Or does the vowel become protruded? Same for sequences of vowels of different kinds of labialization (e.g., /yu/).

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Jul 31 2020
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Give me the most unusual phonology you've created for one of your conlangs.

Joke conlangs out!

1 - s͜sums͜sⱥk [ʃumʃå̤k] has very symetrical vowel inventory. so symetrical that they even have unvoiced vowels (pretty unique amongst every cloŋ I've encountered) and they're: i [i], ɨ [i̤̊], u [u], ʉ [ṳ̊], e [ə], ɇ [ə̤̊], a [a], ⱥ [å̤], o [ɑ], ø [ɑ̤̊]

2 - Sygxt [ʂɪɢꭓʧ̠̝] (AKA super klingon) spunds even more harsh with labiodental m, ng, nqg, ch, dzh, q, qg, th, dh, sh, zh, hebrew h, french r, american r, wh, non-labial w, vw (bilabial approximant), voiced and voiceless bilabial trills, rr, velar trill, tshl & dzhl (voiced and voiceless retroflex lateral fricatives), velar l, jw (labialized j), palato-velar plosives and fricatives, ang glottal stop
additionally they don't have any "a sound", they only have rounded i, o-umlaut sound, unrounded u, english i sound, english oo sound, close oe sound, schwa, and unrounded o

3 - but no matter how weird sygxt was with its superharsh sound inventory, nothing can beat
Fik L̛oʈɂꜵhrq̛y [ɸyq ɺ̥ɤʈ͡ꞎʔɒɦᶉɴ̥ʉ], althrough it's not joke conlang, it's used in joke conworld... and was designed to have exactly 0 common sounds with emperatorish (with fail, since fik have /j/). and it's sounds are (listing the very weirdest): m̥, ɳ̊, ɳ, ɹ̝̊, ɹ̝, ʋ̥, ʋ, ⱱ̥, ⱱ, {palatal trills}, c͡ʎ̝̊, ɟ͡ʎ̝, k͡ʟ̝̊, ɡ͡ʟ̝, ɧ, ɧ̬ (damn, voiced "sj-sound"); ɞ~ɒ & ɤ (the vowel that is still unpronunciable for me)

👍︎ 27
📅︎ Jan 07 2022
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Where does the "N" sound in "Dziękuję" come from?


👍︎ 15
📅︎ Jan 03 2022
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Cool Features You've Added #66

This is a weekly thread for people who have cool things they want to share from their languages, but don't want to make a whole post. It can also function as a resource for future conlangers who are looking for cool things to add!

So, what cool things have you added (or do you plan to add soon)?

👍︎ 27
📅︎ Jan 08 2022
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Sèu Phonology

Sèu is meant to be a naturalistic language but I still have some doubts and questions about the current phonology’s naturalism, which I will ask as I explain the phonology itself, questions will be indicated with a quote and sometimes extra info will be added below the question to add more context.

If there’s anything else I didn’t ask about that comes off as unnaturalistic, please tell me about it and how I can change it.

Consonants and Vowels

Placement Front Central Back
High i, ʏ ɯ, u
Mid e o
Low æ̃ ɐ ɑ̃, ɔ̃

/ɯ/ is actually more centralised [ɯ̽]

Manner/Placement Bilabial Denti-Alveolar Palatal Velar
Stop p, pʰ t, tʰ c, cʰ k, kʰ
Nasal m̥, m n̥, n ɲ̊, ɲ ŋ̊, ŋ
Fricative ɸ s ɕ
Affricate tɕ, tɕʰ
Liquid l̥, l j̊, j w̥, w


Syllable Structure: (C)(G)V

G here means the glides, /j/ and /w/, but having this as a slot in the syllable can be disputed as /j/ can only occur if C is a bilabial consonant, and even then it’s often realised as a palatalised consonant rather than a consonant-glide sequence, i.e. /pj/ would actually be [pʲ]. The same goes for /w/, where it’s often realised as labialisation on the preceding consonant, though it cannot occur after palatals.

> Should I just say that the language has palatalised bilabials and labialised consonants and just have the syllable structure as (C)V? Is this type of labialisation even naturalistic to begin with?

> I can’t help but feel iffy about the labialisation. I mainly added it in just cause it sounds nicer to me than a consonant + w sequence, I could just as easily have the obstruents de-voice it and have more /w̥/s if it would ruin my goal of naturalism however.

Only palatals and bilabials can precede /i/, with the bilabials being palatalised.

Primary stress is always on the second syllable of a word, and the first syllable of a word always receives secondary stress.

> Is fixed second syllable stress well attested? I know that WALS has a map on this and some languages do feature it but I’d just like to make sure.

Unaspirated stops, unaspirated affricates and fricatives become voiced when in between two resonants.

/ɯ/ isn’t allowed to proceed bilabial consonants as it rounds to /u/ in said environment, and /ɑ̃/ also undergoes this change, rounding to [ɒ̃] when next to bilabial consonants.

Liaison and Sandhi

When nasal vowels appear word-finally and

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 24
📅︎ Jan 08 2022
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Let's share some interesting sound changes/shifts we've used

I love learning about sound changes, so let's share some constructed changes that are interesting, quirky, or have produced phonologically distant cognates!

In one conlang I wanted to go from a height harmony system to a frontness system. I ended up doing so through a somewhat strange clockwise vowel shift inspired by the vowel shift from PIE to Tocharian. The ancestor had /i ə u/ opposite /e a o/. Then the following occured:

  • *u *o > wo ɵ

  • *i > ɨ after velars, and jɨ elsewhere; *e > i, pushing ɨ further back to ɯ

  • the raising of *e leads to *a fronting to æ; ə lowers to a to differentiate itself from ɵ

So you end up with /ɯ a o/ vs. /i æ ɵ/, where [+close] has become [+back] and [-close] has become [-back].

I also want to give a shout-out to coronal stops + w, which can go to whatever PoA:

  • tw > tʷ > t

  • tw > tʷ > p

  • tw > tʷ > kʷ > k

  • tw > tʷ > kʷ > q

  • tw > pw > pj > tʃ

  • tw > tsʷ > ʈʂ


So, what cool sound changes have you used?

👍︎ 52
👤︎ u/Fullbody
📅︎ Dec 06 2021
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What would be the easiest/hardest languages to speak at the dentist?

In what language could you have a decent conversation with one person’s mouth hanging wide open? Things like minimal labial consonants, large number of palatal-or-further-back consonants, emphasis on vowels, or minimal loss of intelligibility when shifting all consonants way back?

And then ‘hardest’ would be, yknow, the opposite of above

👍︎ 384
📅︎ Nov 04 2021
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The Tongue of The Vaviel


The Tongue of The Vaviel (simply Vavielic) is language used by the man (or elves as would say a Tolkien's fan, but I'm not calling them this way) of The Vaviel, Kingdom of The River located at south of Jaetand (western part of Erdan, means "western country" in Vavielic), and borders with Gremlins on the North, Dźraczszs (my equivalent of Tolkien's Dwarves) on the East, and Aitnutand ("Country of the Steppe" in Vavielic).

Writing system

Vavielic uses a 22-letter alphabet written from top to bottom on a line, that I cannot present here.

The Language can be also written using Latin or Cyrillic script (I recommend the second one, due to existence of JA, JE letters and the JERs that easies writing this, if you don't have Polish keyboard layout (f.e "сь" is "ś").


Labial Alveolar Velar Glottal
Plosive p b t d k g
Nosive m n ń
Fricative f v s ś sz r l


Short Front Back Long Front Back Pre-velarised Front
Close i u Close Close
Mid e Mid Mid je
Open a Open Open ja


Sentence structure is SVO (Subject Verb Object) and any other structure should not be used.


I - Ja

You (singular) - Jel

He/she/it - Ke

We - Da

You (plural) - Jat

They - Pai

Infinitive - Arpai

There is no 'to be' verb, the same as in Sindarin, "I am a blacksmith" would be "Ja tinkti" ("I blacksmith")

Plural Number

Just by adding -e or -de (if there is a -e) at the end of the word like this:

Tink (hammer) ---> Tinke (Hammers)

Kalve (mountain) ---> Kalvede (mountains)

Past time

Person + s + rest:

Ja tinkti (I'm a blacksmith) ---> Jas tinkti (I was a blacksmith)

Future time

Person + n (or +e in case of plural you (Jat)) + rest:

Ja tinkti (I'm a blacksmith) ---> Jan tinkti (I will be a blacksmith)

Jat tinktie (You are the blacksmiths) ---> Jate tinktie (You will be the blacksmiths)


Person + pev + rest:

ava (book) ---> Japev ava (my book)

tinkti (hammer) ---> Paipev tinkti (their hammer)


Person + di + rest:

Jel tinkti (You are a blacksmith) ---> Jel di tinkti! (Become a blacksmith

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 28
👤︎ u/glowiak
📅︎ Jan 03 2022
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The phonology of the language of Menelcar (Menelcar sacar)

Hello, everyone! This is the start of what I hope to become my first complete conlang. Let me know what you all think, and if you have any suggestions on how I can improve!


Labial Alveolar Velar
Nasals m n ( ŋ )
Liquids ɾ 《r》 (ɹ)
Lat. Liquids l
Plosives p t k 《c》
Fricatives (f) s x 《ch》


Front Mid Backwards
Close i ɨ 《y》 u
Near-open ɛ ɔ
Open a

Stress falls on the second syllable


  • Obstruents cannot cluster with eachother
  • Labial obstruents and /t/ cannot cluster with velars
  • /m/ and /n/ cannot cluster with /x/
  • /ɾ/ and /n/ cannot cluster
  • /m/ and /n/ cannot cluster
  • /l/ and /m/ + /l/ and /n/ cannot cluster
  • /s/ and /n/ cannot cluster


  • /ɨ/ triggers palatalisation; [c] [ʃ] [ɲ] [ɹ] are allophones of /t/ /k/ /n/ and /ɾ/
  • /ŋ/ only appears when /n/ is followed by a velar sound

Here's an example phrase:
Se tol cunes pytar

/sɛ tɔl kunɛs pɨcaɾ/
1SG be walk.PERF. yesterday
I was walking

(Verb system in development)

👍︎ 29
📅︎ Jan 07 2022
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Moagilic English, a con-dialect of English I'm making...

I've had this idea for a while, and I'm posting it now. I hope I can post this here.

When I compare Moagilic English (MoE) to "regular English", the "regular English" will be General American English (GAmE).


Labial Dental Alveolar Retroflex Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m n ŋ ⟨ng⟩
Plosive p b t d k g
Affricate ʈʂ ⟨ch⟩ ɖʐ ⟨j⟩
Fricative f v θ ⟨th⟩ ð ⟨th⟩ s z ʂ ⟨sh⟩ ʐ ⟨si⟩ h
Approximant ʋ ⟨r⟩ ɫ ⟨l⟩ j ⟨y⟩ w ʍ ⟨wh⟩
  • unlike in GAmE, MoE's intervocalic [t d] don't turn into [ɾ]
  • GAmE Post-Alveolar consonants are Retroflex in MoE
  • [w] ⟨w⟩ and [ʍ] ⟨wh⟩ are differentiated in MoE.


Front Central Back
Close ɪ i ʊ u
Mid ɛ ə ɔ
Open a
Diphthongs ɛʊ eɪ oʊ oɪ

Vowel Comparison

GAmE Phoneme MoE Phoneme Example
[ɪ] [ɪ] fish
[i] [i] eat
[ʊ] [ʊ] book
[ʊɹ] [oʋ] tour
[u] [u] noon
[ɛ] [ɛ] pet
[ɛɹ] [ɛʋ] square
[ə] [ə] support
[əɹ] [əʋ] maker
[ɜɹ] [əʋ] bird
[ʌ] [ə] jump
[eɪ] [eɪ] hate
[ɔ] [ɔ] dog
[ɔɹ] [oʋ] store
[oʊ] [oʊ] tone
[ɔɪ] [oɪ] boy
[æ] [ɛ] cat
[ɑ] [ɔ] father
[ɑɹ] [aʋ] heart
[aɪ] [aɪ] height
[aʊ] [ɛʊ] now


  • cot-caught: [ɔ]
  • father-bother: [ɔ]
  • bed-bad: [ɛ]

Example Sentence

"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."

GAmE: [ðə ˈkwɪk bɹaʊn ˈfɔks ˈdʒʌmps oʊvəɹ ðə ˈleɪzi dɔg]

MoE: [ðə ˈkwɪk bʋɛʊn ˈfɔks ˈɖʐəmps oʊvəʋ ðə ˈleɪzi dɔg]

Let me know if you have any more questions about this! :)

👍︎ 60
📅︎ Dec 26 2021
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Phonology, Phonotactics, Allophony, Stress, Vowel Harmony and Consonant Harmony of an Unnamed Language.

Is this phonology naturalistic? Phonology:

Nasals: /m̥, m, ŋ͡m, n̪̊, n̪, n̊, n, ɳ̊, ɳ, ŋ̊, ŋ/

Voiceless Plosives: /p, pʰ, p’, k͡p, t̪, t̪^(h), t̪’, t, tʰ, t’, ʈ, ʈʰ, ʈ’, k, k^(h), k’/

Voiced Plosives: /b, ᵐb, ɓ, ɡ͡b, d̪, ^(n̪)d̪, ɗ̪, d, ⁿd, ɗ, ɖ, ᶯɖ, ᶑ, g, ^(ŋ)g, ɠ/

Fricatives: /ɸ, ɸ’, θ, θ’, s, s’, ɬ, ɬ’, ʂ, ʂ’, x, x’/

Affricates: /t̪θ, t̪θ^(h), t̪θʼ, ts, ts^(h), tsʼ, tɬ, tɬ^(h), tɬʼ, ʈʂ, ʈʂ^(h), ʈʂʼ/

Approximate: /β, w, ð, l, ɻ, ɰ/

Vowels: /i, ĩ, ø, ø̃, æ, æ̃, ɚ, ɚ̃, u, ũ, o, õ, ʌ, ʌ̃, ɑ, ɑ̃/


Both the bilabial and dental approximates may be realized as voiced fricatives.

The retroflex approximate may be realized as an alveolar approximate.

The Labial-Velar plosives may be realized as implosives.

The Velar fricatives may be realized as Uvular fricatives.


(θ/s/ʂ)(C)(C)V(C)(C)(Nasal) with all consonants allowed on onset, all Vowels allowed in the Nucleus, and all consonants allowed on Coda.

No geminate and no vowel clusters are allowed, an /ɚ/ is inserted to separate illegal consonant clusters and a /p/ is inserted to separate vowel clusters.

Onset allow for the following clusters: θ or s or ʂ + Sonorant + Obstruent; and Coda allows for: Sonorant + Obstruent + Nasal.


A syllable with a nasal vowel is considered heavy, with stress falling on the right most heavy syllable of a word, or if there is no heavy syllable, stress falls on the first syllable.

Stress is realized as a lowering of the pitch of the stressed syllable, vowels never centralize.

Consonant Harmony:

Is right-to-left starting from the right most morpheme and affects other affixes and the root. The Consonants that participate are dental, alveolar, and retroflex fricatives and affricates, that is consonants of differing articulation cannot co-occur in the same word.

Vowel Harmony:

Is root controlled with a word wide domain. There is blackness harmony where front and back vowels cannot co-occur in the same word. There is also roundness harmony in back vowels. The rhotic vowel may co-occur with all groups of vowels, not blocking the harmony from assimilating vowels after them.

👍︎ 43
📅︎ Dec 10 2021
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The Phonology of Srindi (A Verbalist's Guide)

Spoken in the mountainous heartlands of the Southern Continent, Srindi remains unique amongst recorded languages for its complex phonological profile compared to other widespread languages in the region.

Phonemic Inventory

Labial Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m n
Stop p pʰ b t tʰ d k kʰ g
Affricate t͡s t͡sʰ d͡z t͡ʃ t͡ʃʰ d͡ʒ
Fricative s z ʃ ʒ x ɣ h
Glide l j w
Trill r

Srindi is characterised by its three-way contrast in stops and affricates, distinguishing voicing and aspiration. Additionally, it possesses a distinction between alveolar and post-alveolar (often realized as partially palatalized) affricates and fricatives. This contrast is rare on the mainland but common to the Northern Island Languages like Vô or Hkán. Unlike those languages, however, Srindic nasals, glides and trills are not phonemically distinguished for voice.

Allophonically, the "plain series" -- /p, t, k, t͡s, t͡ʃ/ -- can be realized as weak ejectives, especially in certain dialects. Resonants are also subject to assimilatory voicing and devoicing when in contact with other consonants, but again this is not phonemic.

Front Mid Back
i u
ɛ ɔ

Srindi's vowel inventory follows a simple five-vowel system and lacks a length or breathiness distinction; they are usually realized as their cardinal values. Diphthongs are phonologically invalid, and subject to /h/ epenthesis; this is especially clear in inter-lingual borrowings:

peän (Hill Tribe "male reindeer") --> ṗehani (Srindi "reindeer")

However, vowel-glide sequences regularly occur in both onset and coda positions, such as šḳwezi /ʃkʰwɛzi/ ("javelin") and bziyʒi ("bumblebee").

Stress occurs on the initial syllable of a word and is thus non-contrastive.


The defining para-linguistic feature of the Srindic languages is their initial consonant clusters. Such sequences regularly violate the sonority hierarchy, such as sprcelti or wžgami. The structure of a Srindic syllable is as follows:


Where C0 is equal to /s ~ z/, C1 to any consonant, and C2 and C3 any consonants which agree in voicing or aspiration with C1; V is any vowel. When clusters occur, Srindi has syllabic consonant harmony — sibilant affricates and fricatives, if clustered, must agree in their place of articulation, even if separated by another consonant. C0 is thus s

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 12
👤︎ u/mtskheti
📅︎ Jan 07 2022
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Introduction to єλόσὴ ἣλφός (eluōsè: hé:lfōs) - Middle Elvish

Some lore

So in my world, wizards and magical races live in our world, with its familiar history and geography. That said, the magical races are often partially reflective of the nationalities: Elves are Indo-Europeans, Vampires are Semitics and so on. The peoples are led by ancient pantheons of gods. Gods can be killed, but they have problems with death, so after a while, they are reborn into another mortal.
This time, we're going to look into Middle Elvish, formed from a mixture of Attic Greek (with Ionian lexical influences) and Proto-Magic languages.
The emergence of Middle Elvish is linked to a particular event. The language starts to develop in the 6th-7th century BC, when the Proto-Magic forms begin to dominate over the Greek. It all started with Alphatos, whom the Elves call "the first happy one" and who is considered to be Zeus' first avatar. His speech: "Vōnên pär hŷt glóssäs méh" "Loudly about our language", later recorded in the philosophical treatise "Hy glóssä estì tà deútery ómmaţa" "Language is the second eyes", had a great influence on the self-consciousness of the Elves, hence the origin of their isolation. This philosophical content influenced the minds of people and later on, the language was slightly adjusted to fit the religion and the worldview.


Well, there are already some oddities here. to begin with, Elvish has developed a system of 5 tones. also, the importance ratio is shifting towards vowels. So, 30 consonants (without allophones) and 14 vowels (including long ones) in Proto-Elvish became 22 consonants and 24 vowels in Middle Elvish. At the same time, extra short vowels and nasal variants appeared.

labial dental alveolar post. palatal velar glottal
nasal m n (ɲ) (ŋ)
plosive p, b t, d (c) k, g
fricative θ s, z ʃ ç x~χ, ʁ h
trill r
lateral ɬ, l ʎ
  • b, d, g>ɸ/β, θ/ð, x/ɣ in an unstressed syllable

  • c alternates with tʃ

  • ɲ has almost everywhere turned into j

  • Voiceless plosives have aspirated versions

Clusters may appear at any position in a word, but only clusters in combination with a trill, lateral or nasal are allowed.
Also I want to note, that sometimes elves considered s, v(/f), r(/l) and n as vowels, so sometimes they form syllables and for example t+s doesn't sound as /ʦ/ but /t.s/

front central back
close i(:), y(:) ʉ̆ u(:)
close-mid e(:), ø ə̆ o(:)
open-mid ɛ:, œ: ɞ̆
near-open æ: ɐ̆
open a(
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👍︎ 40
👤︎ u/MisterHNWR
📅︎ Dec 06 2021
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[WIP/No name yet] a language dedicated to talk about the weather

Here's an idea I had a few days ago: create a language dedicated to "small talk", the kind of lightweight discussion about weather or mundane stuff.

And then I thought it would be fun to make a language with the right vocabulary and structure to speak about the past, current or incoming weather, and only that. No vocabulary about tools or objects, body parts, food or money or transports or animals/pets or the last movie you've watched or whatever.

Weather, and only weather.

Here's my early WIP (please bear with me, I don't have academic skills in linguistics, so it would contain errors ; do not hesitate to correct me if I'm wrong)

Weather talk

A language to speak only about the weather.


vowels: a, e, i, o, u

consonants: p, t, k, f, s, sh (ʃ), l, w, j, m, n

labial labiodental dental alveolar alv-pal velar glottal
stops p t k
fricatives f v s ʃ ʒ
approximants w l j
nasals m n

Dialogue Example

— tok! (hello!)
— tok tok! (hello (reply))
— te tok makin o? (do you want to talk about weather?)
— me tok. me sin shuta powa. (I do. I forsee rain today.)
— me sin awi. fofisi tiwa epoli. (I agree (I forsee alike). The wind blew yesterday, from the North.)
— me awi. te sin shuta lewa o? (Same. Do you forsee rain tomorrow?)
— me sin konewi. me si lume i aseniwo. (I don't know precisely. Now, there is (I see) sun and Cumulus.)
— awi. oton juma. (Indeed. The temperature is going low.)
— me sin loshen shuta lewa. (I'm not sure, but I forsee it might rain tomorrow.)


  • tok!: (interj.) hello!
  • tok tok!: (interj.) hello (reply)
  • te: (pronoun) you, your
  • tok: (v) talking
  • makin: (n) weather (generally speaking)
  • o: (?) turns a sentence into a question
  • me: (pronoun) me, I
  • sin: (v) forsee, predict
  • shuta: (n) rain
  • powa: (time context) today
  • awi: (adverb?) indeed, "me too", agree
  • si: (v) see (currently)
  • fofisi: (n) wind
  • tiwa: (time context) yesterday
  • epoli: (space context) from the North
  • lewa: (time context) tomorrow
  • konewi: (adverb) expressing doubt, no precise probability.
  • lume: (n) sun, sunny, clear skies.
  • i: (conj.) and
  • aseniwo: (n) cumulus clouds
  • oton: (n) temperature
  • juma: (v) going low, decrease.
  • loshen: (adverb) expressing a 50-50 chance.
👍︎ 97
👤︎ u/brunobord
📅︎ Nov 28 2021
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Zilamedian, a Romance conlang I've been working on.

Zilamedian (Critanian: La lingua Zilamediana [la ˈlingwa zilamediˈana] or just Zilamediano [zilamediˈano]) is a Romance lamguage spoken in Zilamede, a country in AlloGeo (alternate Earth). I based Zilamedian on mainly Romance languages, such as Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Catalan, Romanian, French, and also Latin. As most Romance languages, Zilamedian is written in the Latin script. Zilamedian was one my second conlang ever (I have updated it alot since, this is the newest version) after my (pretty bad) first one.


Labial Alveolar Post-Alveolar Palatal Velar
Plosive p b t d k ⟨c, qu⟩ g ⟨g, gu⟩
Affricate [t͡ʃ] ch [d͡ʒ] g, j
Nasal m n ɲ ⟨gn⟩ ŋ ⟨ng⟩
Trill r ⟨r, rr⟩
Fricative f v s ⟨s, ss, ç⟩ z ⟨z, s⟩
Approximant l j ⟨y, i⟩ w ⟨u⟩

kw ⟨qu, qü⟩

gu ⟨gu, gü⟩

ks ⟨x, cc⟩


Front Back
Close i u
Close-mid e o
Open a
  • vowels that are stressed in a irregular position are marked with an acute accent

Similarities to Latin

Zilamedian words are VERY close to their Latin equivalents. Here are some Latin sounds that were kept in Zilamedian, but not so much in other Romance languages:


Latin: octō > Zil. octo (Ital. otto, Span. ocho, Fran. huit, Port. oito) 'eight'

short o

Latin: focus > Zil. foco (Ital. fuoco, Span. fuego) 'fire'


Latin: clamāre > Zil. clamare (Ital. chiamare, Span. llamar, Port. chamar) 'to call'

Latin: oculus (or 'oclus') > Zil. oclo (Ital. occhio, Span. ojo, Port. olho) 'eye'

au (some)

Latin: taurus > Zil. tauro (Ital. toro, Span. toro, Port. toro) 'bull'

Copula Verb

Here is conjugation of the verb sere 'to be'

Present Imperfect Past Future
Jo (I) sau seabo ero será
Tu (you) sais seabas eras seres
Le/Lea (he/she) este seaba era seríu
Nos (we) somos seabamos eremos seomes
Le/Leas (they) son seaben eren saino

If you have any more Zilamedian questions ask me! :)

👍︎ 14
📅︎ Dec 27 2021
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Tikorši phonology overview - phonetic inventory, tricky vowel length and vowel harmony

Hi! Tikorši is my first somewhat "good" conlang, so I'm very happy to show you some major features of it's phonology. I'm really looking forward to see some feedback, especially criticism about how naturalistic or logical some things are. Hope you'll enjoy it!

Syllable structure

Tikorši has a pretty simple (C)V(A)(C) syllable structure. In stressed position, C can be any consonant, V can be any vowel, A stands for (non-lateral) approximant. The coda consonant can be any sound except voiced stops or fricatives.


Labial Dental Retroflex Palatal Velar
Nasal m n ɲ (ň)
Plosive p b t d k g
Fricative s z ʂ ʐ (š ž) x ɣ (h gh)
Tap ɾ (r)
Approximant ʋ (v) l j


/n t d s z ɾ l/ are dental [n̪ t̪ d̪ s̪ z̪ ɾ̪ l̪]

/n/ becomes [ŋ] before velars

/ɲ/ is realized as [j̃] before fricatives and optionally word finally

/t d k g/ become [ts dz kʲ gʲ] before /e i/

/k g/ are lenited to [ç~ɕ  ʝ~ʑ] before /y/

Cluster of /tʂ/ is realized as an affricate [t͡ʂ]

/ʂ ʐ/ aren't strongly retroflexed

/x ɣ/ are palatalized to [ç ʝ] before /e y/

/x/ might glottalize to [h] in coda

Clusters of /k/ and /x/ might be pronounced as [k͡x]

Cluster of /lɾ/ is realized as [r]

/l/ is a velarized [ɫ] before back vowels

/ʋ/ is realized as:

  • [v] initially before front vowels
  • [ʋ] initially before back vowels
  • [ʋ~w] medially, with [w] mostly around back vowels
  • [ʋ~w~∅] word finally

Voicing assimilation plays an important role. If there's an obstruent in the code, the next obstruent also must be voiceless, eg. šip (hair) + gaveset (forehead) = šipkaveset (eyebrow)

If there's an obstruent in the coda and the following sound is a sonorant, the obstruent is allophonically voiced, but it's not represented in the orthography, eg. lešnë [ˈleʐnə] (help n.)

Sections of two same consonants are prohibited and must be broken with an epenthetic vowel, usually a short /ə/. Phonetically though, double consonants often appear due to assimilation, as in talosši /'tɑlosʂi/ (flowery) being pronounced as [ˈtɑloʂːɨ].

*more under Vowel length


Front Central Back
Close i y u
Close-mid e o
Mid ə
Open æ ɑ ɒ

/y/* and /ɒ/ occur only in stressed syllables

Vowel clusters are not allowed so if two vowels collide, they are separated by either /j/ or /ʋ/.


/æ/ is generally pronounced as [ɛ̞] but it's t

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👍︎ 23
👤︎ u/DirtyPou
📅︎ Jan 06 2022
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Atswi, a very non-English language

How non-English can a human language get?

I started by heading over to the World Atlas of Language Structures, a site that any conlanger should be familiar with. For every linguistic element described, this language (called Atswi) uses the farthest option from English.

For example, English has a very large vowel inventory, so Atswi has a very small one. English has a single past tense; Atswi has four.

The result is pretty far from English, though it's not actually as far as you can get. But it's far enough that I'm happy with the results. (Geographically, I've decided that Atswi should be an endangered language of northeastern Zambia, so it'll have the occasional borrowing from Bemba, Swahili, and English.)

Here's a fable in Atswi, The Jackal and the Lion, with a few explanatory comments.

Çaansansònk’on xo tɬát’a siinfà čağoo aasòtic͓wi θ͓ači čağó
/çã:sãsò̰k’õ xo tɬát’a sĩ:fà tʃaɰo: a:sòtiǃʷi ǀatʃi tʃaɰó/
"When the Jackal saw the Lion for the first time he was very afraid"

çaansansònk’on xo tɬát’a siinfà čağoo aasòtic͓wi θ͓ači čağó
ç-as-as-o-t-k’on xo tɬa-t’a siinfa-dd čağo-aš as-o-t-ic͓wi θ͓ači čağo-’
when-ii-ii-past-perf-see time one-loc lion-acc.def jackal-erg.def ii-past-perf-afraid very jackal-intr.def

We start with a subordinate verb, using the prefix ç- to make a "when" clause. It's marked for the noun class of its subject and of its object, using the prefix as- for both, since they're both of the same class.

But those prefixes don't show up as çasas-, they show up as çaansans- /çã:sãs/. Atswi has nasal harmony, so the nasalization of the root spreads to all the affixes. Fricatives also cause preceding vowels to be long and middle tone, but only one long vowel is allowed in a word.

Siinfa "lion" changes to siinfà "the lion (accusative)" only by making the last vowel low tone. It used to be -dd but the consonant caused a low tone on the preceding vowel and then disappeared. Tones have only recently emerged in Atswi.

(And yes, siinfa is a borrowing from Swahili simba.)

Atswi has four click consonants: interdental θ͓ /ǀ/, alveolar /ǃ/, and labialized versions of both.

yo yöösòtwi yo haasòtiri swaàdda c͓òqoò.
/jo jœ:sòtʷi jo ha:sòtiʁi sʷà:ɗa ǃòqò:/
"and he fled and hid in the tall grass."

yo yöösòtwi yo haasòtiri swaàdda c͓òqoò
yo yö-as-o-t-twiiš yo *ha-
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👍︎ 61
📅︎ Dec 16 2021
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Hratik - Slavic-like Lang from Athabaskan-like Lang

As part of the worldbuilding for one of my stories, I have two distinctive language groups converging on a decently-sized island with a need for communication - Raaritli /ˈrá.ri.t͡ɬi/, the Athabaskan/Turkic-like agglutinative SOV language, and Ciadan /ˈça.dan/, a Celtic-like fusional VSO language. I struggled for a while to come up with a reasonable in-between language, and this language is the result - Hratik /ˈxra.t^(j)ik/, a Slavic-influenced fusional language.



The Ciadan people - called the Axatan at the time, but referred to by the Raarit as "people of the ash" - came to the island of Heratis due to a catastrophic event on the mainland of Kat'an. For a period of about 50 years, there was no need for either group to create a pidgin or combined language - in short, magical shenanigans allowed for universal translators. But after that period of time, the translators between the two groups disappeared after a tragic event, so the Raarit of the island enforced a simplified version of their language for the Axatan - this pidgin eventually became a fully-fleshed language and, over the course of 500 years, became the Hratik language.


Here are the consonants for this language, with potentially some fine-tuning in the future.

Labial Alveolar Post-Alveolar Velar
Stop p b (p^(j) b^(j)) t d (t^(j) d^(j)) k g
Affricate t͡s ⟨ c ⟩ t͡ʃ ⟨ č ⟩
Fricative f v (f^(j) v^(j)) s z ʃ ʒ ⟨ š ž ⟩ x ⟨ h ⟩
Nasals m (m^(j)) n (n^(j))
Lateral l (l^(j))
Tap / Trill r (r^(j))
  • All consonants preceding a front vowel /i e/ other than the alveolar affricates and fricatives will become slightly palatalized, but it is interpreted as allophonic.
  • The exact pronunciation pronunciation of /t^(j)/ varies and can be pronounced as either /tj/ or /t͡s/, while all others will be pronounced as /Cj/.

Here are the vowels:

Front Mid Back
High i u
Mid e (ə ⟨ y ⟩) o
Low a
  • The schwa /ə/ is a historical remnant of the y. Due to strengthening rules, this can be pronounced as either [ʌ], [ʊ~ ɔ] or [ə] but is often interpreted as /a/, /o/ and /e/ respectively. Certain dialects will always pronounce the schwa and will not fortify the 'y' into other vowels. (see The Y).

Stress falls on the penultimate syllable, with a couple of exceptions

The Y

(tl;dr, it's basically the Slavic yer and follows a dropping/strengthening pattern that's like [Havl](https://en.w

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👍︎ 21
👤︎ u/biosicc
📅︎ Dec 23 2021
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Why are labial sounds in end of words in Germanic languages so rare?

I speak Swedish, English and a little German and I've noticed these are really rare. It's usaly in single syllable words, in compounds or in loan words. Did it simply evolve away random or other reasons?

👍︎ 13
👤︎ u/Mollof2
📅︎ Oct 04 2021
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The Kasian language


Kasian (pronounced /ˈkæ.si.ən/) is a Kaso-Toroic language, first documented in the small kingdom of Kasī in the sixth century. The name Kasian is an exonym, coming from the name of the country itself; the language's own name for itself is Neketi'ī (neˌketiˈʔiː) - "of the Keti tribe", coming from the name of an ancient tribe that is thought to have spoken one of the first languages to split off from . The language spread through colonisation and imperialism in the following millennium, and today it has around 200 million first-language speakers and at least 500 million learners on all six continents of its home planet of Dertich.


Kasian has a relatively typical phonology for a Kasic language, with 12 consonants and a simple 5-vowel system with length distinction. What distinguishes it is its set of pre-labialised vowels and its lack of voiced obstruents.


Labial Alveolar Velar Glottal
Plosive p t k ʔ
Nasal m n
Fricative s x
Affricate ts
Approximant ɾ j
Lateral l


Short Front Back Long Front Back Pre-labialised Front
Close i u Close Close ʷi
Mid e o Mid Mid ʷe
Open a Open Open ʷa


  • Maximum syllable structure is strictly CV
  • Stress falls on the second-to-last syllable unless the third-to-last or last is long; if both are long, stress falls on the third-to-last syllable


  • All consonants except /ʔ/, /x/, /ɾ/ and /j/ are romanised using their IPA representation; these sounds are written as ⟨'⟩, ⟨kh⟩, ⟨r⟩ and ⟨y⟩ respectively
  • Long vowels are denoted with a macron (¯)
  • Pre-labialised vowels are simply marked with a ⟨w⟩ before the vowel

Vowel agreement

When two words are compounded or a derivational affix added in Kasian, the outcome is decided by two factors: combining stems (see Grammar > Combining stems) and vowel agreement. All Kasian vowels either agree or disagree with each other in a specific order. If the initial vowel of suffixes, and the last vowel of prefixes, do not agree with the vowel they will encounter when affixed to a particular word, a /ʔ/ is inserted between them. For example, tswena + -itswenai "of the house", but tswena + -anitswena'ani "at the house".

This table shows which vowels agree or disagree. Vowels on the left in

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👍︎ 21
📅︎ Dec 28 2021
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Klojban, an Evolving Conlang XVII

I guess I'm writing these now. Also, I made the chart more compact

Klojban, an Evolving Conlang: Introduction

With the downfall of r/EvolvingConlang and the rise of like ten others in its place, I firmly believe that a spiritual successor to it must be made. u/EkskiuTwentyTwo, if you want me to delete this, I shall.

Anyways, here is Klojban, named in the same manner as Lojban was to Loglan. Somewhat. It will have more rules than the other "add features by commenting them" conlangs:

  • The top three comments will be added instead of just the topmost one
  • The phonology must consist of actual phonemes; the grammar and lexicon, though, can be as wild as you want them to be
  • The orthography can be changed but it must be done in a separate comment.
  • If you want me to append a link to your suggestion, you can do so, but make sure it isn't NSFW or anything
  • Words added at the same time as a sound change do not have the sound change applied to them, as they are loanwords.

Previously, on Lucifer... (Winning Changes)

By u/Anjeez929 with 5 points:

>"Haka", a word based on the prefix "hak(a)-", means "Fish and Chips"
>My reasoning:
>French->French Fries+Fish=Fish and Chips

By u/RBolton123 with 1 point:

>Existing /ɕ/ becomes /ʂ/, still represented with <ś>. Similarly, existing /tɕ/ becomes /ʈʂ/, represented with <ć>.
>From there, /x/ becomes /ɕ/, yet again keeping its orthography of <x>, and /dʑ/ devoices into /tɕ/ and is represented with <ģ>.
>/n/ word-finally disappears, but it becomes /j/ in liaison if the word is followed with a vowel-initial.
>/ŋ/ nasalizes the vowel preceding it. In the case of ńi, it nasalizes the vowel after it i.e. the /i/.
>/ɲ/ becomes /nij/.
>Lastly, all cases of /ə/ become /a/, represented with <a>, and rhotic vowel harmony is dismantled. I'm sorry to see it go.

I'm just going to make all the vowels in a word that used to have rhotic vowel harmony into /a/ but vowels in prefixes won't turn into /a/ when added to them.

Consonats Labial Alveolar Retroflex Palatal Velar Pharyngeal Other
Nasal m n ŋ <ń>
Stop p b t d c k^(1) g
Fricative v s^(3) ʂ <ś> ɕ <x> ħ <h> ɧ
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👍︎ 4
👤︎ u/Anjeez929
📅︎ Dec 09 2021
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The Search for the “Most Beautiful” Phonology

I know that aesthetics are very subjective, and what sounds nice to one might sound horrible to another, but nonetheless I wanted to see if there was a way to get a little closer to some sort of “objectively beautiful” phonology.

So I did a bit of research, and it turns out that there are two big trends that shape what languages people tend to consider beautiful.

The first is how people perceive the culture that speaks the language in question. Individuals tend to have a higher appreciation for the language of a people or country who they see in a positive light, and are more likely to consider the language of a culture they have poor esteem of as “barbaric” or the like.

The second is how closely the language in question resembles the hearer’s native tongue. Most people have a natural bias towards their own mother tongue, and will consider languages with sounds/tones/phonotactics that are similar to their native language to be beautiful, and will be put off by languages which make contrasts they aren’t familiar with.

Consider the famous quote (attributed to Charles V): “I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse.” This might have had more to do with disdain for the German people and unfamiliarity with the language more than any quality of the language itself.

Now, I wanted to find a way to create a phonology based on each of these two criteria, in order to then compare the two. What I did was this: for the cultural aspect, rather than trying to look up historical conflicts/alliances and the like, I thought it would be simpler to search for polls where people voted for their favourite languages; I assumed that any cultural biases would naturally reflect themselves in the result. I also tried to include some non-Western polls in my search, but unfortunately I’m limited to Japanese in that regard. Languages that frequently came at the top of both English and Japanese polls were French and Italian. English polls also tended to rate Spanish rather highly, as well as Japanese (which was kind of unexpected for me). Japanese polls tend to favour Mandarin and Korean.

Now, to these languages I also added three of my choosing, to slightly influence the resulting inventory—which is rather counter-productive, I admit, if my goal is objectivity; this probably means I should redo the experiment without such tampering, though in reality I doubt the end result was affected that much. I decided to add Welsh and Finnish, which wer

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👍︎ 81
👤︎ u/Khunjund
📅︎ Oct 26 2021
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Su Tunge Nokryske - A North Germanic Conlang

Su Tunge Nokryske [su ˈtʰuŋə ˈnɔkryskə] or just Nokryske is a fictional North Germanic language descended from Old Norse. It's spoken on a fictional island that I'm calling Nokry, which is literally just "some island". It was a working title at first, I kinda like it though, but maybe I will come up with a better one later. There's not any worldbuilding connected to the language (not for now at least), just a conlang

The language is in some ways very similar to other Scandinavian languages, in other ways very different. Here's a sample text to give you an idea what the language looks like

Mesker Aler öre borner frolser o joner i örfelskep o riter. Fer ha fenje forstanenge o soviske o skule hongle mu hörarer i i on o bruerskep.

[ˈmɛskər ˈalər ˈœrə ˈbɔrnər ˈfrɔlsər ɔ ˈjɔnər i ˈœrfəlskəp ɔ ˈritər ‖ ˈfɛr ˈha ˈfɛɲə ˌfɔrˈstanəŋə ɔ ˌsɔˈviskə ɔ ˈskulə ˈhɔŋlə mu ˌhœˈrarər i i ˈɔn ɔ ˈbruərskəp]

human.pl all.pl be.pl bear.past.pcp.pl free.pl and equal.pl in dignity and right.pl. they.fem have.pl receive.past.pcp understanding and conscience and should.pl handle/act against each.other in a spirit of brotherhood

"All human being are born free and equal in dignity and right. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards each other in a spirit of brotherhood"


Some interesting sound developments of Nokryske:

  • vowel reduction in unstressed syllables, many vowel become [ə]
  • Old Norse /θ/ becomes /f/, as in þær > fer "they (fem.3.pl)"
  • voiced fricatives are lost completely, except for /v/ word initially, thus for example jafn > jon "even, equal", bróðir > bruer "brother"
  • clusters /mb nd ŋg/ are reduced to /m n ɲ~ŋ/
  • other consonants are often lost when word final and unstressed, like ein > i "a (indefinite article)", fengit > fenje "received"
  • long mid vowels /eː øː oː/ and the diphtongs /ɛi ɛy/ become high vowel /i y u/, like ein > i, bróðir > bruer
  • single stops become voiced between vowels and/or sonorants, geminate consonants become short
  • velars and alveolars are palatalized next to front vowels or /j/, thus kærr > ker [ˈt͡ʃʰɛr] "dear", hjarta > sjarde [ˈʃardə] "heart"
  • velars also palatalize after front vowels syllable finally, so ek > ekj [ˈɛt͡ʃ] "I"
  • alveolars /t d n/ dissimilate to /k g ŋ/ before /l r n/, like hǫndla > honle > hongle [ˈhɔŋlə] "handle"
  • short /e a/ become /œ ɔ/ after /v/, and then /v/ disappears before rounded vo
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👍︎ 22
📅︎ Dec 19 2021
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Phonemes without tongue

If someone got their tongue torn out with pincers in an act of medieval punishment, they'd probably only be able to pronounce one vowel, right? Which one would it be?

And for consonants, the ones left would be labials and glottal, right?


ETA: Regarding the manner of tongue removal, there seems to be 2 basic options (although I'm overall struggling to find as much info as I'd like on the topic)

  1. A pair of tongs was used to pull the tongue as far forward as possible, before cutting it off with a knife. This leaves a bit of a stump in the back.
  2. The tongue is torn out without cutting. Just like... a lot of pressure, or twisting, or something. (I can't find that much info about how you specifically do that.) I would assume it would sooner tear where muscles attach to each other, rather than in the middle of a tough muscles. So possibly resulting in the whole tongue being removed fairly cleanly?

I think I'll more likely go with the former, just because I have this associated idea for this character, regarding a knife, a botched first attempt, and a wicked facial scar.

👍︎ 25
👤︎ u/azdaema
📅︎ Nov 21 2021
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Introduction to Barrur

Hi! Let me introduce Barrur, which is my third serious conlang I ever created, and the first to share here.


Barrur (natively called: Barruru himinnashantank merank (language of Siminna) or just barrur (language/ speech)) was spoken by the Amānamsha people in the northern regions of the Edine continent. The Amānamsha was one of the first civilizations to discover agriculture. They were also great sailors and merchants. They established many colonies all around the coasts of the Jit-sea. After the great flood the civilization fell apart, the people needed to move into the desert. The Barrur language was split into two main branches, and the speakers scattered all over the northern regions of Edine.


Barrur has a relatively small phonetic inventory: only 20 consonants and four vowels. Each of them has long and short variants. There are no tones.

Consonants^(1) Labial Alveolar Post-alveolar Palatal Velar
Nasal /m/ <m> /n/ <n>^(2) [ŋ]^(3)
Unvoiced plosive /p/ <p> /t/ <t> /k/ <k>
Aspirated plosive /pʰ/ <ph> /tʰ/ <th> /kʰ/ <kh>
Voiced plosive /b/ <b> /d/ <d> /g/ <g>
Fricative /f/ <f> /s/ <s> /ʃ/ <sh> /x/ <h>
Affricate /t͡s/ <z>
Lateral approximant /l/ <l>^(4)
Approximant /j/ <y>
Trill /r/ <r>

^(1) Romanization marked with: <>

^(2) /n/ realized as /l/ between vowels

^(3) /n/ or /m/ realized as [ŋ] before velar consonants

^(4) /l/ is realizes as /d/ at the end of the word

Vowels Front Back
Close - short /i(:)/ <i>,<ī> /u(:)/ <u>,<ū>^(5)
Open-mid /ɛ(:)/ <e>,<ē>
Open /a(:)/ <a>,<ā>

^(5) if a vowel follows /u/ any where in the word, /u/ must turn into that vowel

Syllable structure is CVC, but onset and coda consonants can be omitted.

Stress in Barrur language is very complex. To predict primary stress, we have a list of rules. The first that applies to our word, will determine the place of stress.

  1. The syllable before the first double consonants.
    alumm (face), karassh (try), belemm (wise)
  2. After the first aspirated consonant.
    ashthun (stand), dankha (leg)
  3. The first syllable before h /x/.
    vahsha (half)
  4. The first sylla
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👍︎ 11
📅︎ Dec 29 2021
🚨︎ report
Conglang showcase - Pavökksakk

Pavökksakk ['paβøkːsakː] is a language spoken by Pavyky ['paβɨkɨ] people.They live on a Taky ['takɨ] island in the middle of dormant volcano, the lowest point of its mouth reaching 300 meters below sea level. This leads to high pressure in the vulcano, wich helped implosives to develop in Pavökksakk. Taky Island itself is located in a low pressure belt, low pressure above the isle leads to endless rains and a rainforest, spreading all over the place of Pavyky people.
Two main water sources in the mouth of vulcano are hot water sources. Heat, given by them is almost the only heat Pavyky people can get.
In winter moutains, created by the vulcano block the sun (that's why in Pavökksakk winter called "sunless").
Pavykys themselves are tall, bright white human-like species with fast metabolism, which forces them to eat 5-6 times a day.Because of living in vulcano they got iron tools pretty soon.

Taky Island

Language phonology is

Bilabial Labial Alveolar Reroflex Palatal Velar
Plosive p t c k
Imposive b /ɓ/ d /ᶑ/
Affricative pf /pɸ/ bv /bβ/ ts dz /ɖʐ/
Fricative f v s z /ʐ/ x
Front Central Back
Front i ü /y/ y /ɨ/ u
Mid e ö /ø/ o
Close a


  • Doubled letters are long (except for <b>,<d>,affricatives)
  • Between vowels <b>, <d> become /β̞/
  • Syllables with short nucleous cannot end in short plosive
  • /k/ connot be word's onset
  • Before or after /i/, /y/ /e/, /ø/ <x> is /ç/
  • Between vowels labiodental fricatives become bilabial
  • While pronouncing long plosives connect to next syllable
  • <iV> <üV> combinations are read as [jV] [ɥV]
  • <Vi> <Vü >combination are read as [Vj] [Vɥ]
  • Syllale structure is #SV(C)/(S)V(C) (S - short consonant; C - consonant, not p, pp, b , d, pf, bv, ts, dz)
  • Stress always falls on first syllable

Pavökksakk has 4 cases:

Noun cases Singular Plural
Intransitive (a)v
Ergative es (a)ves
Accustative (a)x (a)vex
Genitive ökk (a)vökk

Endings connect to the word without changing it.
Daza (tree) - dazaes (tree-ERG)

(Pronouns, pfaz (sun) and cö (day) conjucate differently)

World order depends of an action:

Intransitive action done intentionally - SV (S - intransitive)
Intransitive action done unintentionally - VS (S - ergative)

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👍︎ 27
👤︎ u/__NotAMe__
📅︎ Nov 18 2021
🚨︎ report
A showcase of the various languages of the Almar World: Part 2

Alright. Here's another post with all the languages of my fantasy world Almar. There's a few new ones since last time, and others have seen some work since last. The sample text is different this time, with this one emphasising:

  • Pronouns
  • Ditransitives
  • Complement clauses

A WIP map for reference:


Last post:


Why 12 languages, Sarradena?:

My intent with these languages is - God willing - for use in a graphic novel. The languages are intended as an aesthetic tool - to create a sense of life, scope and depth to the world. Background chatter, untranslated dialogue, to show vast distances travelled, different people meeting.

The approach with all of these languages (bar a single exception) is naturalism. Some languages are based heavily on real life languages, while others are more or less independent inventions. In theory - each and every one of them is made with a very specific purpose in the story. Shúyh is spoken by a single major character, for instance, and Míca by various characters in Part III.

The story and world are both slowly coming together. But it's a massive and terrifying beast with a great deal of moving parts that all have to fit neatly together, and there's still the pesky business of finding an artist and the whole publishing thing. And I have a novel to finish, so it's still a few years off, I think.

I haven't made any recordings for most of the languages. Dunno that I will.

I'll showcase each language by showing its translation of the phrase:

"I know that she won't give the stone to you (two)"

Note that I did copy a bunch of lore text and such from the last post because I'm lazy.


Valfuan -> Trans-Irisian -> Kelnaric -> Kelnaran

Spoken by the Kelnarans, a human people and a major imperial power in the world of Almar. The Kelnarans rule their vast colonial empire from their home island of Kelnara. To imagine the Kelnarans, imagine a black-bearded, olive-skinned nobleman clad in an ornate golden uniform, wielding a massive saber and striding galantly and triumphantly across the bodies of those he has subjugated.

Bdha kruul, ge esuaan madh vdhaldh ayt mi kot.

/b͡ða kru:l ge esua:n mad v͡ðald ajt mi kot/

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👍︎ 20
📅︎ Nov 15 2021
🚨︎ report
Are voiced labial stops somehow more similar to nasals relative to the other voiced stop consonants?

Hello everybody,

I am conducting an experiment investigating the perception of phonemes in pre-verbal infants and just spotted an unexpected effect whose origin I am trying to understand. I am a PhD student in neuroscience (I use neuro-imaging, and more specifically EEG) , not a big expert in linguistics. That is why I would very much benefit of some external advice :)

In my data, and beside the effects we could expect by shared manners and places of articulation, I see that the neural representation of the "b" is more similar to that of nasals (i.e. "m", "n", "ɲ"), relative to the other voiced stops "d" and "g".

According to your knowledge and experience is there any characteristic which is shared by /b/ and /m/ /n/ /ɲ/ but not /d/ and /g/ ? It can be at the acoustic level, in the articulation... I need a clue!

Thanks a lot in advance!

👍︎ 18
📅︎ Sep 23 2020
🚨︎ report
Klojban, an Evolving Conlang V

Klojban, an Evolving Conlang: Introduction

With the downfall of r/EvolvingConlang and the rise of like ten others in its place, I firmly believe that a spiritual successor to it must be made. u/EkskiuTwentyTwo, if you want me to delete this, I shall.

Anyways, here is Klojban, named in the same manner as Lojban was to Loglan. Somewhat. It will have more rules than the other "add features by commenting them" conlangs:

  • The top three comments will be added instead of just the topmost one
  • The phonology must consist of actual phonemes; the grammar and lexicon, though, can be as wild as you want them to be
  • The orthography can be changed but it must be done in a separate comment.
  • If you want me to append a link to your suggestion, you can do so, but make sure it isn't NSFW or anything
  • Words added at the same time as a sound change do not have the sound change applied to them, as they are loanwords.

Winning Changes

By u/MonkiWasTooked with 3 points:

> /ŋ/ becomes /j̃/ near front and central vowels, and /Vˠ/ near back vowel

(If between a front/central and a back vowel, or vice versa, it changes based on the second vowel.)

By u/chembud8253 with 3 points:

> φ merges with b

By u/Anjeez929 with 2 points:

>/i/ in the first syllable becomes /e/


Consonants Labial Dental Alveolar Palatal Velar
Nasal m n
Voiceless Stop p t k
Voiced Stop b d g
Fricative θ s x
Affricate dʒ <ý>
Tap or Flap ɾ <r>
Approximant l j
Vowels (vowel length is not phonemic) Front Back
Close i u
Close-mid e o
Open a

Vowels can be velarized, indicated by a succeeding <ɡ̃>.

Phonotactics: (C)(C)V(C) Diphthongs are considered coda (C)


SOV word order. No cases, no tenses. Head-initial.

Nouns and pronouns use noun classes, which are demarcated with prefixes. If the noun begins with a vowel, then the final vowel of the prefix is dropped.

  • Abstract Concepts: at(a)-
  • Natural Phenomena: ot(o)-
  • Nonliving Objects: ut(u)-
  • Insects: et(i)-
  • Fish: ak(a)-
  • Other Animals: et(e)-
  • Bad People: ok(o)-
  • Normal People: ek(i)-
  • Good People: ek(e)-
  • Children: uk(u)-
  • Bad Rulers: up(u)-
  • Normal Rulers: ap(a)-
  • Good Rulers: ep(i)-
  • Divine or Magical Concepts, Beings, etc.: ep(e)-
  • OP (me): op(o)

Nouns follow transitive-intransitive alignment, in which the Agent and Object of a transitive clause are in one alignment, and the Subject of an intransitive

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👍︎ 22
👤︎ u/RBolton123
📅︎ Nov 17 2021
🚨︎ report
Klojban, an Evolving Conlang VII

This project is really in its death throes...

Klojban, an Evolving Conlang: Introduction

With the downfall of r/EvolvingConlang and the rise of like ten others in its place, I firmly believe that a spiritual successor to it must be made. u/EkskiuTwentyTwo, if you want me to delete this, I shall.

Anyways, here is Klojban, named in the same manner as Lojban was to Loglan. Somewhat. It will have more rules than the other "add features by commenting them" conlangs:

  • The top three comments will be added instead of just the topmost one
  • The phonology must consist of actual phonemes; the grammar and lexicon, though, can be as wild as you want them to be
  • The orthography can be changed but it must be done in a separate comment.
  • If you want me to append a link to your suggestion, you can do so, but make sure it isn't NSFW or anything
  • Words added at the same time as a sound change do not have the sound change applied to them, as they are loanwords.

Winning Changes

By u/feindbild_ with 2 points:

>All words starting with a vowel get a glottal stop before it (spelled 'q' I guess). Then delete all initial /n/ and /ɾ/.
>[Regarding /ɾʲ/] Let's make that /j/ then.
>(And/or maybe have it be /m/ instead of /n/? idk)

By u/RBolton123 with 2 points:

>Since nobody (except for u/feindbild_) is suggesting anything, I'll add my own suggestion utilizing phonemes that people wanted but never were able to add.
>/ɬ/ <hl>
>hlanim /ɬanim/ - (n) vegetable
>hlutam /ɬutam/ - (n) fruit
>hleben /ɬeʙen/ - (n) tree
>hlonijon /ɬonijon/ - (n) onion
>hlagarlik /ɬagaɾlik/ - (n) garlic
>/ɯ/ <ı>
>ıgor /ɯgor/ - (n) monster [animal class]; person who seems nice but is actually evil [bad person class]
>prankenstın /ʙ̥ɾankenstɯn/ - (n) nice animal [animal class]; scientist [good person class]; unethical scientist [bad person class]

By u/Tsjaad_Donderlul with 2 points:

>Rhotic vowel harmony: Syllable-final -r is pronounced /ɚ/, and if a syllable contains /ɚ/, all vowels are changed to /ɚ/ (stressed = /ɝ/)
>More vowel harmony: In words with open vowels, which already underwent palatalization, /o/ is unrounded to /ɤ/, and /u/ is fronted to /ʉ/. A process called hence forth "saxonization", after how Upper Saxon phonology differs from Standard German


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👍︎ 9
👤︎ u/RBolton123
📅︎ Nov 19 2021
🚨︎ report
Klojban, an Evolving Conlang XIX

Klojban, an Evolving Conlang: Introduction

With the downfall of r/EvolvingConlang and the rise of like ten others in its place, I firmly believe that a spiritual successor to it must be made. u/EkskiuTwentyTwo, if you want me to delete this, I shall.

Anyways, here is Klojban, named in the same manner as Lojban was to Loglan. Somewhat. It will have more rules than the other "add features by commenting them" conlangs:

  • The top three comments will be added instead of just the topmost one
  • The phonology must consist of actual phonemes; the grammar and lexicon, though, can be as wild as you want them to be
  • The orthography can be changed but it must be done in a separate comment.
  • If you want me to append a link to your suggestion, you can do so, but make sure it isn't NSFW or anything
  • Words added at the same time as a sound change do not have the sound change applied to them, as they are loanwords.

Previously... (Winning Changes)

By u/Anjeez929 with 2 points:

>I didn't realize you already posted this.
>The past auzilliary verbs shorten by one syllable
>Theoretical Past: śaha
>Mythical past: uha
>Very far past: aha
>Far past: oha
>Near past: śeha

By u/NoCocksInTheRestroom with 2 points:

>add more example sentences

By u/RBolton123 with 1 point:

>ajkan /ajkan/ - (v) to be able to (can)
>otu /ɔtu/ - (v) to be obligated to (should)
>ajamwili /ajamwili/ - (v) to be willing to (would)
>ba /ba/ - (part) question marker
>Word Changes:
>sikśitasi /sikʂitasi/ becomes sićikasi /siʈʂikasi/ through epenthesis
>ekśikituwentitu /ekʂikituwentitu/ becomes ećikituwentitu /eʈʂikituwentitu/ through assimilation
>/i/ becomes [ʅ] near retroflex consonants
>/a/ becomes [ɑ] near /ɫ/

(Bonus Words: owejuf /ɔwɛjuf/ - (n) egg [natural phenomena class]; fainali /fainali/ - (adj) final, finally; aweken /awɛkɛn/ - (v) to awaken, to wake up; awejik /awɛjik/ - (adj) awake, conscious, lucid; traji /tɾaji/ - (v) to try to do; kuros /kuɾɔs/ - (v) to cross, to go across, to traverse; borodero /bɔɾɔdɛɾɔ/ - (n) border, boundary [abstract concepts class])


Consonants Labial Alveolar Retroflex Palatal Velar Pharyngeal
Nasal m n ɲ <ñ> ŋ <ń>
Stop p b t d c k^(1) g
Fricative f v s^(3) ʂ <ś> ɕ <x> ħ &lt
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👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/RBolton123
📅︎ Dec 13 2021
🚨︎ report
Klojban, an Evolving Conlang XXII

We're getting festive now! (Also, I wanted there to be one more suggestion, before I do this, but screw it)

❄️𐁙🎁 𐁙❄️ KᒪOᒍᗷᗩᑎ, ᗩᑎ EᐯOᒪᐯIᑎG ᑕOᑎᒪᗩᑎG: IᑎTᖇOᗪᑌᑕTIOᑎ ❄️𐁙🎁 𐁙❄️

With the downfall of r/EvolvingConlang and the rise of like ten others in its place, I firmly believe that a spiritual successor to it must be made. u/EkskiuTwentyTwo, if you want me to delete this, I shall.

Anyways, here is Klojban, named in the same manner as Lojban was to Loglan. Somewhat. It will have more rules than the other "add features by commenting them" conlangs:

  • The top three comments will be added instead of just the topmost one
  • The phonology must consist of actual phonemes; the grammar and lexicon, though, can be as wild as you want them to be
  • The orthography can be changed but it must be done in a separate comment.
  • If you want me to append a link to your suggestion, you can do so, but make sure it isn't NSFW or anything
  • Words added at the same time as a sound change do not have the sound change applied to them, as they are loanwords.

🎅 ℘ཞɛ۷ıơųʂƖყ... (ῳıŋŋıŋɠ ƈɧąŋɠɛʂ) 🎅

By u/NoCocksInTheRestroom with 2 points:

> add some christmas decorations

By u/Anjeez929 with 2 points:

> Since this is the 21st post, I will add najnplasten /najnplasten/, meaning "to add 2 to an answer and claim it is the correct answer". Because 9+10=21

🎅 Pԋσɳσʅσɠყ 🎅

Consonats Labial Alveolar Retroflex Palatal Velar Pharyngeal
Nasal m n ŋ <ń>
Stop p b t d k^(1) g
Fricative f v s^(3) ʂ <ś> ɕ <x> ħ <h>
Affricate ts <c> ʈʂ <ć> tɕ <ģ>
Tap or Flap ɾ <r>
Approximant j^(2) w
Lateral Approximant l, ɫ <ƚ> ʎ

1 - Represented by <c> only in the word cloń /kloŋ/

2 - Represented by <y> only in the word yaya /jaja/

3 - Represented by <z> only in the word zako /sakɔ/

Vowels Front Back
Close i ɯ <ı>, u
Mid ɛ <e> ɔ <o>
Open a

Vowel length is phonemic and is represented by an acute.

Vowel Harmony:

  • Frontness Vowel Harmony: If a prefix with /u/ or /ɔ/ is added to a word with an open vowel, /u/ becomes /i/ and /ɔ/ becomes /ɚ/ (thus triggering rhotic vowel harmony).


  • Non-Grammatical (Phonemic) Tones: These were the result of a past sound
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👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/Anjeez929
📅︎ Dec 21 2021
🚨︎ report
Klojban, an Evolving Conlang XX

Hey everyone on r/conlangscirclejerk! Did you miss us? Well, in fact! We never left you!

Klojban, an Evolving Conlang: Introduction

With the downfall of r/EvolvingConlang and the rise of like ten others in its place, I firmly believe that a spiritual successor to it must be made. u/EkskiuTwentyTwo, if you want me to delete this, I shall.

Anyways, here is Klojban, named in the same manner as Lojban was to Loglan. Somewhat. It will have more rules than the other "add features by commenting them" conlangs:

  • The top three comments will be added instead of just the topmost one
  • The phonology must consist of actual phonemes; the grammar and lexicon, though, can be as wild as you want them to be
  • The orthography can be changed but it must be done in a separate comment.
  • If you want me to append a link to your suggestion, you can do so, but make sure it isn't NSFW or anything
  • Words added at the same time as a sound change do not have the sound change applied to them, as they are loanwords.

Previously... (Winning Changes)

By u/NoCocksInTheRestroom with 2 points:

>add almost 30 ways to say cum in toki pona as official vocabulary

New words: "telo" meaning "fluid", "ko" meaning squishy, "walo" meaning "white", "umpa" meaning "sex", "olin" meaning "love", "kule" meaning "color" is "colorful", "pilin" meaning "feeling", "pona" meaning "good", "pali" meaning "to make", "sike" meaning "round", and "palisa" meaning "stick" or "long and hard". Also, "telowalo" meaning "milk"

By u/Anjeez929 with 1 point:

>The first few lines of the Bee movie script as an example!
>New words.
>-(n)et marks the passive participle
>Tana /tana/ - (prep) according to
>Sona /sona/ - (v) to know
>lawa /lawa/ - (n) laws
>tawaso /tawaso/ - (v) to fly ("Flight" and therefore "aviation" is made by nominalizing it)
>Majkel /majkel/ - (n) Bee
>Redbul /ɾedbul/ - (n) wings
>Tu /tu/ - (adv) too (as in too small)
>lili /lili/ - (adj) small
>haja /ħaja/ - (v) lift
>fat /fat/ - (adj) fat (n) fat
>korpa /koɾpa/ - (n) bo

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👍︎ 4
👤︎ u/Anjeez929
📅︎ Dec 15 2021
🚨︎ report
Phonology of Proto Voluvo-Vanlenic:
Consonants Labial Alveolar Alveolar Sibilant Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m n ɲ ŋ
Stop p^(h) p b t^(h) t d ts^(h) ts dz tʃ^(h) tʃ dʒ k^(h) k g ʔ
Fricative f v s z ʃ ʒ x ɣ h
Approximant w l j
Rhotic r
Vowels Front Back
Close i u
Mid e o
Open a
👍︎ 3
📅︎ Jan 05 2022
🚨︎ report
Klojban, an Evolving Conlang XVIII

I hated editing this. u/Anjeez929 is braver than any Marine

Klojban, an Evolving Conlang: Introduction

With the downfall of r/EvolvingConlang and the rise of like ten others in its place, I firmly believe that a spiritual successor to it must be made. u/EkskiuTwentyTwo, if you want me to delete this, I shall.

Anyways, here is Klojban, named in the same manner as Lojban was to Loglan. Somewhat. It will have more rules than the other "add features by commenting them" conlangs:

  • The top three comments will be added instead of just the topmost one
  • The phonology must consist of actual phonemes; the grammar and lexicon, though, can be as wild as you want them to be
  • The orthography can be changed but it must be done in a separate comment.
  • If you want me to append a link to your suggestion, you can do so, but make sure it isn't NSFW or anything
  • Words added at the same time as a sound change do not have the sound change applied to them, as they are loanwords.

Previously, on Lucifer... (Winning Changes)

By u/spaceman06 with 2 points:

>Each letter has a phoneme that is only used to see the letter itself (or combination of phonemes used by the letter itself).
>This avoids something that happens at languages, like C and SEE being spoken at the same way.
>You also wont have a consonant 1, where CONSONANT1 and CONSONANT1 followed by VOWEL1 means the same thing. Like B and BE at english.

By u/RBolton123 with 1 point:

>Can't think of anything major so I'll just change some things to make the language easier to pronounce.
>Parallel Tenses
>Parallel Present—paha(p)-
>Parallel Scary Present of our reality —tuhu(t)-
>Parallel General Past—kihi(t)-
>Parallel General future—cehe(t)-
>a time existing outside of the comprehension of arbitrary scales— aha(p)-
>/ɾij/ vanishes completely. If two of the same vowel are next to each other, they become one long vowel
>/ɧ/ becomes /ɕuf/ with /f/ <f> becoming a new phoneme. Also a new word using /f/, friholes /fɾiħɔlɛs/ - (n) bean (natural concepts class)

Consonants Labial Alveolar Retroflex Palatal Velar Pharyngeal
Nasal m n ɲ <ñ> ŋ <ń>
Stop p b t d c k^(1) g
Fricative f v s^(3) ʂ <ś> ɕ <x> ħ <h>
Affricate ʈʂ <ć> tɕ <ģ>
Tap or Flap ɾ <r>
Approximant j^(2) w
Lateral Approximant l, ɫ
... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 4
👤︎ u/RBolton123
📅︎ Dec 12 2021
🚨︎ report
Klojban, an Evolving Conlang VI

Klojban, an Evolving Conlang: Introduction

With the downfall of r/EvolvingConlang and the rise of like ten others in its place, I firmly believe that a spiritual successor to it must be made. u/EkskiuTwentyTwo, if you want me to delete this, I shall.

Anyways, here is Klojban, named in the same manner as Lojban was to Loglan. Somewhat. It will have more rules than the other "add features by commenting them" conlangs:

  • The top three comments will be added instead of just the topmost one
  • The phonology must consist of actual phonemes; the grammar and lexicon, though, can be as wild as you want them to be
  • The orthography can be changed but it must be done in a separate comment.
  • If you want me to append a link to your suggestion, you can do so, but make sure it isn't NSFW or anything
  • Words added at the same time as a sound change do not have the sound change applied to them, as they are loanwords.

Winning Changes

By u/Natuur1911 with 5 points:

>Suggestion: change /b/ > /ʙ/ and /p/ > /ʙ̥/.

(If between a front/central and a back vowel, or vice versa, it changes based on the second vowel.)

By u/RewenqueYquenseri with 4 points:

>Delete future tense and add these instead:
>Very far future—la(l)- Far future—lo(l)- General future—le(l)- Near future—li(l)- Mythical future—lu(l)-
>I'm stupid so edit no. 2: No changes for past tenses. Just new future ones. Also added colons, so it's obvious they are prefixes.

By u/Tsjaad_Donderlul with 3 points:

>I don't se enough palatal consonants, so alveolar and velar consonants merge into palatal consonants before open vowels /i/ and /e/ *) or before /j/:
>Nasal: /n/ → /ɲ/
>Voiceless Stop: /t/, /k/ → /c/
>Voiced Stop: /d/, /g/ → /ɟ/
>Fricative: /s/, /x/ → /ɕ/
>Affricate: /dʒ/ → /ʑ/
>Lat. Approximant: /l/ → /ʎ/
>Tap/Flap is only palatalized: /ɾ/ → /ɾʲ/
>Also IDK what velarized vowels are supposed to be, so please change it to a velar approximant:/◌ˠ/ (g̃) becomes /ɰ/ similar to Turkish ğ
>*) Open because I don't know how shoehorn in the vowels /ɯ/ and /ɤ/ yet

(As brothers-in-arms in making top-comment-changes-whatever posts, I've decided to add a word to honor you: tsajad /tsajad/, meaning "to make a top-comment-changes-whatever post".

Oh, and many of those above changes got probodogo'd.)


|Consonants|Labial|Dental|Alveolar|Palatal|Velar| |:-|:-|:-

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 7
👤︎ u/RBolton123
📅︎ Nov 18 2021
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Klojban, an Evolving Conlang XIV

Klojban, an Evolving Conlang: Introduction

With the downfall of r/EvolvingConlang and the rise of like ten others in its place, I firmly believe that a spiritual successor to it must be made. u/EkskiuTwentyTwo, if you want me to delete this, I shall.

Anyways, here is Klojban, named in the same manner as Lojban was to Loglan. Somewhat. It will have more rules than the other "add features by commenting them" conlangs:

  • The top three comments will be added instead of just the topmost one
  • The phonology must consist of actual phonemes; the grammar and lexicon, though, can be as wild as you want them to be
  • The orthography can be changed but it must be done in a separate comment.
  • If you want me to append a link to your suggestion, you can do so, but make sure it isn't NSFW or anything
  • Words added at the same time as a sound change do not have the sound change applied to them, as they are loanwords.

Previously, on Lucifer... (Winning Changes)

By u/Anjeez929 with 2 points:

>The word Yaya /jaja/ means Baby.
>If The word Cloń can have an irregular spelling, Why not Yaya?

By u/NoCocksInTheRestroom with 2 points:

>New tenses for parallel timelines! (parallel shortened to "par")
>par Present—pha(p)-
>par scary Present of our reality —thu(t)-
>par General Past—khi(t)-
>par General future—che(t)-
>a time existing outside of the comprehensom of arbitrary scales— a(p)-

By u/RBolton123 with 1 point:

>Word-final plosives are lost, and the vowel preceding it gets a low tone.
>Word-final fricatives are lost, and the vowel preceding it gets a high tone.
>/ɟ/ becomes /dʑ/.
>/ɾʲ/ becomes /ɾij/.
>/j/ after another /j/ separated by a vowel becomes /n/. (e.g. /jaja/ -> /jana/) This change happens after the first one, so rjejin /ɾʲɛjin/ becomes rijenin /ɾijɛnin/
>/ɫ/ is now represented with <ƚ> because Polish.

Consonants Labial Alveolar Palatal Velar Pharyngeal
Nasal m n ɲ <ñ> ŋ <ń>
Voiceless Stop p t c k^(1)
Voiced Stop b d g
Voiceless Fricative s ɕ <ś> x ħ <h>
Voiced Fricative v
Affricate tɕ <ć>
Tap or Flap ɾ <r> dʑ <ģ>
Approximant j^(2)
Rounded Approximant w
Lateral l, ɫ <ƚ>
Lateral Fricative ɬ <hl>

^(1) - Represented by <c> only in the word cloń /kloŋ/

^(2) - Represent

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 7
👤︎ u/RBolton123
📅︎ Nov 27 2021
🚨︎ report
Phonology sketch of G64:


Consonants Labial Coronial Dorsal Guttural
Nasal m n
Stop p b t d k g ʔ <ꜣ>*
Fricative f s dʒ <đ>
Approximant w l j
Rhotic r**

*exact value is uncertain, also possibly some kind of guttural trill/fricative

**the rhotic's value is uncertain too, it could be a trill, a tap or an approximant

Vowels Front Back
Close i i: <ii> u u: <uu>
Open a a: <aa>
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Dec 29 2021
🚨︎ report

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