A list of puns related to "Deed poll"
How do I go about enrolling it or getting a statutory declaration
EDIT: They said from the way they are reading it, they dont allow it. But they will send off the form and attach the deed poll as evidence in case they are reading it wrong
I need to have my name on my ID changed so that I can live as stealth but I can't have certain family members find out where I live for safety reasons so I can't enrol my deed poll, is there a solution to this? I phoned up the government passport helpline and they said it has to be an enrolled deed poll but there's surely a way around this right?
Hey everyone!
So, I've been working on my website, DMC, for a couple of months now. Today, it's finally live.
And as I was doing my research for all the posts I pre-wrote, I found a lot of questions about Deed Polls on this sub.
Now, I'm a trans man from the UK, I'm quite far into my transition. I know a little bit about Deed Polls.
DMC is about helping people transition socially, medically, and legally in the UK anyway, and I was making this post anyway.
But it could be useful on this sub - so here's Everything You Need to Know About Deed Polls.
Please let me know if anything in my post is wrong, I'm only one person, even though there's a lot of 'we' and 'us' on my website - I thought it sounded more professional.
But we all make mistakes, so if there's any incorrect information about Deed Polls, let me know and I'll fix it.
And I hope I'm not breaking any rules by posting this here, my website is just a personal project because I wanted to be useful to someone. Thanks!
This is an interesting one to me. I have these sheets of paper that I used for a few days three years ago, then once more when applying for my GRC a year ago (which I got approved for) and now everything’s in my name, I have a GRC and at some point when the office finally catches up with the workload I should have my birth certificate amended.
Is that the point that I can finally scrap my deed poll? Or is it after 7 years of its creation in-line with credit history expiration? Or do I just keep it forever for… some reason?
I turn 16 in a couple months and I plan to submit my deed poll as soon as possible so I can put in my housing application without the name kerfuffle.
I live in Scotland which has different guidelines but it only says adopted and born in Scotland when referring to the person, I was born in Wales and im not sure what to do. When I go to the UK Gov site to look It says different rules for Scotland but it doesn't actually clarify anything. I'm not sure what to do, I plan to get enrolled but I'm nkt and sure about anything really. Please help!
Hi all. I’m not sure if this is the right place to post but honestly getting frustrated with AMEX now. I changed my name by deed poll in October, it has been accepted by everyone apart from AMEX who have told me repeatedly that they cannot accept the deed poll as it has no stamp of certification.
I’m not quite sure what they are asking for, as no one else has asked for this and as far as I’m aware there is no need for a stamp or for the deed poll to be certified. On my call this morning to them, the gentleman I spoke with was quite rude and told me that they can’t accept a document that I’ve typed up myself as it’s not official.
So where do I stand with AMEX? As far as I’m aware, the deed poll is official and is written in the wording given by the government. It’s been accepted by the council, DVLA, HSBC, etc, with no issues. Is there someone who needs to give this stamp of certification (and if so, where is this mentioned and why does no one else care about it)?
I know from another family member that they had a similar issue with a finance company but they sorted it after an explanation. I’ve been back and forth with AMEX about this for the past month… Thanks in advance!
Edit: I’m in England :)
Edit 2: for anyone in the future with a similar issue, AMEX will not accept an unenrolled deed poll (and for some reason, will not explain why - they have simply asked me to get a solicitor and take it to the court to make it legal, which is wrong on multiple accounts). They will however accept a passport or driving license with a new name on it. So don’t pay for enrolled deed polls!!
Is this an actual thing? It’s a financial company so I’m not sure why they can’t just accept it by email as my bank just accepted my name change by me just telling them
i did my deed poll recently but i’ve decided i want to change the name slightly that i’ve got on there (just the spelling). i was wondering, can i type up a new deed poll and cut out the bottom section with the signatures and stick that on the new one, or will i have to get the signatures again? i live 2 hours away from the people i got to sign it (currently at home when all my friends are at uni) so it’s not very doable at the moment for me to get them to sign it again. what could i do?
I am currently at university and want to fill in my deed poll. I do live in university accomodation during term, so am I not allowed to use my flatmates as my witnesses?
I was wondering whether my CAMHS worker or staff at the ward that I'm currently on can witness my deed poll.
Hi people, I'm a guy and I want to change my family name to that of my mother. Long story but she died and I want to do it as a mark of respect for the hard work she put in raising us kids with an utterly useless husband.
So I've looked online and it looks reasonably easy but does anyone here have personal experience of the process?
Is there a time limit after signing a deed poll that it will no longer be accepted to change my name with passport,bank etc?
For example, if I made and signed a deed poll today, would I run into any issues if I waited several months then used that deed poll to update my name elsewhere?
She said, "Why?" I said, "No, X."
I have had an unenrolled deed poll for almost two years now, and now that i am about to start my physical transition, I wish to enroll my deed poll with the courts.
I looked on the official gov.uk website, and looked at the PDF file that includes the forms, but nowhere does it show a place to enter ones title. I was able to change my title from “miss” to “mr” on the unenrolled deed poll, but i’m unsure if the same is possible on the court one?
Hi all, I'm non-binary trans-fem and am wondering if doing a deed poll to change my masculine legal name to the informal/nickname I use (which is also masculine, but more comfortable to me) is seen as a valid gender-affirming change of name in the eyes of private gender clinics in the UK to begin HRT? Despite being trans-feminine and experiencing social dysphoria as a male, I don't want to change to a feminine name, as I am most comfortable with this name, I actually quite like it and its honestly not the most masculine name. It would be read as male, but some friends have said it's more neutral. Will they see this as not committing to being non-binary? I know they wouldn't in a fair world but I'd love realistic answers if anyone has them? Thanks so much everyone
I'll try and keep this as concise as possible. When I was a teenager (14 or 15 years old) my mother changed my surname by deed poll from my father's surname to her surname. As far as I'm aware, this was done without my father's permission, and it certainly was not done with my permission. Since that point, all of my documentation (passport, bank accounts, email address etc.) are in my mother's surname as it is now my legal name.
I'm now almost 29 and I do not have a good relationship with my mother. She is spiteful and narcissistic. I believe the reason she changed my surname is to get back at my dad, whom she divorced when I was 1, and also as a big FU to my brother who lived with him as a teenager (she did not change his surname, only mine). I've always had a fantastic relationship with my dad and I think this is part of the reason why she's so nasty and bitter towards me.
My question is, if I want to revert back to my father's surname, do I need a new deed poll or do I just go into the bank/work etc and state I denounce my current deed poll? What do I need to do to legally change my name back? I've tried Googling but nothing is answering my question.
TL;DR - My surname was changed by deed poll as a teenager, I want to change it back.
Edit - I'm in England.
Quick background: been living with preferred name since April 2020, everyone bar parents accepts my transition and my name is in the public credits of a popular video game, so, the name I've chosen is basically mine at this point.
But I've run into issues at work and other places due to the fact I have not yet changed my legal name via a deed poll. I know the process is quick and straightforward, but I currently live at home with parents who basically refuse to acknowledge that I want to live life with a new name. I'm marching on with my transition regardless of what they think, and wanted to get a question answered if possible please.
Is it possible to submit a deed poll and not have to tell parents or anything? Just, submit the documentation, live my life how I want, and just use the deadname until I move out?
Thanks for reading, apologies if it got a bit rambly.
Hi all,
My soon-to-be husband and I are getting married next month and planning to change our name so that we both have the same surname (which is not either of our current surnames). The only way to do this is by deed poll, which is all fine. We will be applying online and getting an unenrolled deed poll. We live and are getting married in England.
I just have a couple of questions and wonder if anyone can offer any insight.
We will be going on honeymoon next year and want to apply for passports in our new name. The passport service seems to suggest that we can do this by sending a copy of the deed poll and "evidence you are using your new name" but I'm not sure what evidence we can provide, as surely to change our name with other bodies (employers etc) we will need to provide a passport in our new name?
We are flying to Scotland for Christmas and ideally we'd get the deed poll done in November so there's plenty of time to apply for the passports in January before we need them in April. However, if we get a deed poll certificate issued before Christmas, are we breaking the law if we fly to Scotland using our old passports (in our old name) once the name change has gone through?
Sorry if that doesn't make sense; it's all really confusing!
Thanks in advance for any help.
I’m slowly moving towards living full time in my preferred gender. I’m very happy with my gender neutral name so don’t want to change it via deed poll but I do want to change my gender markers in as many places as possible (drivers license, bank etc). How do I go about this?
Hello everyone, I have been trying to find some more information in regards to changing my name via deed poll and I even contacted some agencies that offer this service to see what they could provide.
Ideally I want to change my name on all documents including my passport and EEA National ID Card to the name that I would request on my deed poll. Although the laws for changing the name in Italy are very restrictive and a change of name even in my case (I'm transgender) requires me to go in front of a judge and get a lawyer to fight for my right to change my name.
Now I guess my questions are, if I do go through with a deed poll, what would actually happen? Would my passport and other legal documents go under the new name in my deed poll or would they not as I am not a UK national/citizen? If not what documents would/can actually change to reflect my new name?
I really do not want to wait until I get settled status and apply for citizenship afterwards to just get my name changed.
Thanks in advance for the help!
Hi :) I’m trying to enroll my deed poll with the courts but i’m finding it all really confusing . Has anyone by any chance already done this and offer some help?
Hi. I have a question regarding eligibility of witnesses for my deed poll. As far as I can see, there’s nothing that would preclude me from using my boyfriend’s mother and grandmother as witnesses, as I’m assuming it won’t constitute as family due to our non-wedded status. A question I have though is regarding the witness’s address. Both of these people live at the same address. Will this be acceptable? Or do I need two witnesses independent of one another. It’s really stressing me out as I don’t actually know they many people—fewer still I’d be happy to ask in signing such a document.
Thanks in advance all xxx
i’ve been trying to change my name for a while now and i honestly can not work out any way I can. My gp says to change my name officially on there system I need to change my name on my passport, which i need evidence of my new name being used in order to change. my provisional isn’t coming and it’s been months so i’m going to reapply but i don’t have the time to wait another 2 months. my bank says i need to change my passport name before they can change it, but i have no evidence proving my name is being used. i don’t have a job and i go to a transphobic school, so no one in my school addresses me as a guy. i don’t know what evidence i could get to change my passport name. the best i have is a zip card (children’s oyster), but the passport office doesn’t say if they accept that. (for reference I’m 17)
I'm planning on booking an appointment with Gendercare tomorrow, but there's a hiccup in my deed poll.
See, I was born in Queensland, which is Australia's hold-out state on mandatory sterilisation of trans people who want a GRC. I'm also led to understand that when you write and sign a deed poll, the idea is that you then change ALL of your documentation as a part of its statement, which I obviously can't do.
Am I overthinking this? I feel like I should probably just sign the damn thing today and deal with the fact that most places won't accept it 'cause photo ID, but I dunno.
Thoughts? Anyone else been in this position? Thanks,
Just a silly question perhaps - When banks or any other companies ask for my deed poll, do i need to include the statutory declarations too or just the deed poll?
it says they have to be 18+ but do they check (i’m assuming not) if the witnesses are 18+ also how come you have to put their addresses😳✊
New year, same me but the name that fits 😄
I'm trying to make an unenrolled deed poll, does anyone have any advice on where to get the format for it and if anyone has ever refused to call you by your new name on the basis that it's unenrolled?
Yeah so I only have 1 signature on my old deed poll and was wondering if I should make a new one with 2 signatures before I apply for a new passport.
Does anyone know if it matters?
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