A list of puns related to "Chad (slang)"
Here is all the penis slang I could find, courtesy of the internet
Ace in the hole
Acorn Andy
Action Jackson
Adam Halfpint
Admiral Winky
African black snake
Afro man
AIDS baster
AIDS grenade, The
Alabama blacksnake
Albino cave dweller
All-day sucker
Anal impaler
Anal intruder
Anal Spear
Ankle spanker
Apple-headed monster
Ass blaster
Ass pirate
Ass wedge
Auger-headed gut wrench
Baby maker
Baby's arm holding an apple
Baby's arm in a boxing glove
Bacon bazooker
Bacon rod
Bald Avenger, The
Bald butler
Bald-headed beauty
Bald-headed giggle stick
Bald-headed hermit
Bald-headed Jesus
Bald-headed yogurt slinger
Baldy-headed spunk-juice dispenser
Ball buddy
Baloney pony
Bat and balls
Battering ram
Bavarian Beefstick
Beard splitter
Bearded burglar
Beastus maximus
Beaver buster
Beaver Cleaver
Bed snake
Beef baton
Beef bayonet
Beef belt buckle
Beef bugle
Beef bus
Beef missile
Beef soldier
Beef stick
Beefy McManstick
Bell rope
Belly stick
Best leg of three
(Big) Beanpole
Big Dick & the twins
Big Dickus
Big Jake the ene-eyed snake
Big Jim and the Twins
Big Johnson
Big Lebowski
Big number one
Big Mac
Big red
Big rod
Big Uncle
Biggus Dickus
Bilbo Baggins
Bishop, The
Bishop with his nice red hat
Bitch blaster
Bitch stick
Bits and pieces
Blind butler
Blind snake
Blood blunt
Blood slug
Blood sword
Blow pop
Blue steel
Blue-veined jackhammer
Blue-veined junket pumper
Blue-veined piccolo
Blue-veined puss chucker
Bob Dole
Bob Johnson
Bone phone
Bone rollercoaster
Boneless beef
Boneless fish
Boney cannelloni
Bop gun
Bottle rocket
Bow-legged swamp donkey
Box buster
Bradford and the pair
Breakfast burrito
Breakfast wood
Bulbulous big-knob
Bush beater
Bush rusher
Buster Hymen
Buster McThunderstick
Butt blaster
Butt pirate
Butter churn
Is it a new word for "cool" or "dope" or "sick"?
Like in Norway they have the expression that something can be “totally Texas”. And in Finnish “going to Nevada”, and Danish “top dollar”. I wonder if you even have something like that yourself.
I find myself saying "pert near" on the regular in conversations where I'm not trying to quote the show, and "Fuck a Duck" has long been part of my lexicon.
What about y'all?
I know this game has a lot of slang used to describe things.
Kitted = Having good gear. Chad = Experienced Kitted Player. Timmy = Noob. Rat = Someone with little to no gear playing sneakily.
What are some more slang terms that everyone should know??
My grandma (70f) has recently picked up on common acronyms and slang and now uses it 24/7. She'll be talking about anything and randomly say "LOL" or "L-M-A-O" or "and THATS my 13th reason" or "It's because I'm an alpha" she probably picked it up from watching tiktoks with my sister and she thinks it's the coolest thing ever.
Everyone thinks she's amazing and hilarious for it but really she just looks dumb. One day she was talking to me and I ask her something and she says "M-Y-O-B" and I'm like what the hell does that mean, and she says "mind-your-own-business". I got such second hand embarrassment from that and told her to stop trying to be cool because it makes her look utterly stupid. She seemed kind of heartbroken after and stopped using it, I sort of feel bad but at the same time at least she doesn't look like an idiot anymore, idk?
My favourite is either ‘walaoweh’ or ‘astaga’
I know about the common ones like aiyoh walao lah and fuiyoh but idk any others
Edit: Y’all are getting very rude in the comments section with the word ‘riot’. I specifically said “FOR ME”, your experiences are NOT universal. I have never heard it in my life before. In the words of Pete Campbell, buzz off.
I’m closing the comments because it’s literally a repetition of the same comment.
But he never made it as a wise man
Hit me with your favorite slang
I like saying “mig per kig” for mg/kg
Yes, it is, it's short for Chhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaadddddddddddddddddddd
What new words or phrases have you learnt from us "Aussies" after watching our Australian Survivor Episodes???
Do you now use any of them in your day-to-day life to confuse your friends?
I'd like to hear your suggesting for the term.
So my bf and I are trying to come up with a code word for ketamine, fellow redditers, what are your best slang words for the drug??
Names of places, local businesses, types of people(no racism), activities etc
Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right place for this question. If you know a better place, please let me know in the comments because I'm probably going to have more coming.
So, I keep reading the word "Chad" across reddit, Googled it, found this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chad_(slang). However, this seems to me a rather positive term, the way they're explaining it, while I keep seeing it in negative contexts in reddit, sarcastic that is, but I'm not entirely sure.
In my language, there is a similar slang for Chad, but most people use it negatively because it describes males who do stupid things to prove their masculinity. The only people who use it positively are those same stupid males. Is this how Chad is being used in English too?
To help me even better, I would appreciate if you examine this example (NSFW https://www.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/rxuukm/she_said_what/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share), and explain to me why most people voted this post as "Chad"?
Even if just used maybe in your band or small group of friends. I don’t, and am a little surprised there is not such a term, but then again, only was thinking of this recently???
Kinda how the armed forces and the mob call every one else civilians. Or similar to how truckers refer to cars as four-wheelers. Or maybe sailors using landlubber or land lover.
I love "snow" 'cause it helps to communicate with your friends that are indulging in the same pleasures you are when your around people who you don't want to know what you're doing.
I'm also trying to learn all the expressions/lingo in English 'cause I really don't even know what's an 8ball and stuff like that.
i thought it might be a fun little activity for you all to comment the most australian phrases or slang you think foreigners wouldn't be able to understand and i'll try to guess their meanings. pls be nice/appropriate lol
also, i wanted to say that the few times i've posted here on this sub everyone has been very informative, welcoming and kind, so thank you :)
I’m watching “Don’t Look Up” with French subtitles. In one scene, after being aggressively asked what he has done with his life, the American President’s son responds, “je suis chef de cabinet, alors camembert”. The English script has this as “I’m chief of staff so yeah I’m doing fine”.
Can “camembert” therefore mean fine or some variant of this word in French?
ఉమ్మడి ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ లో 23 జిల్లాలు ఉండేవి.
ఒకొక్క జిల్లాకి ఒక ప్రత్యేకమైన యాస ఉంటుంది.
ప్రతి యాస కోసం ఆ యాసని వాడే ఓ సినిమా గాని లేదా video గాని కాస్త సూచిస్తారా బొందలారా?
ఎప్పటి నుంచో తెలుసుకోవాలని ఉంది.
ప్రస్తుతానికి నాకు తెలిసినవి ఇవ్వే:
P.S. The goal is coverage vs. exhaustiveness కాబట్టి దయచేసి ఒక్కొక్క యాసకి ఒకటే సినిమా / video ని సూచించండి. అలాగే నేను మరిచిపోయిన యాసలు (i.e. జిల్లా / నియోకవర్గం సరిహద్దుల్లో వినిపించేవి) ఏమైనా ఉంటే వాటిని కూడా ప్రస్తావించండి.
I have seen some English speakers using the word "sick" to positively describe something in informal contexts. The same goes for Japanese speakers using "yabai" (やばい) which, as I understand, means bad or horrible to describe something in a positive way as well. These stuffs confuse me because such features do not exist in my native tongue, Thai, at all. What are the reasons why some negative words can be used in this context in some languages?
If you like the show enough to be involved in this subreddit, you are a mega fan of the series. Since that is the case, does anybody here ever use the slang from the series un ironically in real life? I work in an Italian restaurant so I feel like I am obligated to, yet I dont. Except for one thing. We sell capicola here and I am known to refer to it as gabagool. Just a fun question for you guys
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