Bread of Life Discourse
👍︎ 4
📅︎ Jun 23 2019
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Bread of Life Discourse…
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Jun 23 2019
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Struggle Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj worked selflessly for days and nights in doing spiritual discourses, wrote sacred books to make everyone aware about the aim of this precious human life.
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📅︎ Sep 06 2021
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Life of a bread girl

I’m just like fuck I’m gonna have to go back there after a week of vacation ,but I let my vacation partially slip through my fingers because of my depressed little bitch ass. I just ugh I don’t know why after a week I always lose my groove even though I worked there for a long time I get nervous. Gonna have to ask people card or cash bitches please for the love of god I don’t have any coins 🪙 aww I didn’t know there was a coin emoji cute anyway exact change bitches please & then fuck I suck at counting like take me back to elementary school yall. There’s always these cute old ladies who want to pay cash with exact change & are scrambling to find the coins like please you guys just lemme pay for you there’s a ton of people behind you yall :” I 😭😭😭 lmao ugh hehe

I just :” people get mad at me that I don’t have any coins 🪙 like you guys isn’t it like this everywhere please. And then like why was one lady proceeding to tell me her complete order while I’m not even in front of the register. I even told her one second please I will be right with you & she was going to pay with cash so I told her just letting you know I have no coins no cash money people idk what’s down there yall. I asked would you like to round up today & she’s like I’m surprised you’re not asking me if I can round down I’m like? Please the price is the price I’m sorry I asked you such a question lady, she was talking to me while I was tryna get her money, but bruh I can’t multitask & we are always so busy man sometimes I mess up. I closed the register like it was muscle memory thinking I gave her everything that had needed to be given

My coworker told me she was mumbling to her kids saying I messed up so many times like what dude don’t tell me that it just makes me feel worse why : )

After there was another lady & I always say you get a side that comes with it baguette bread, kettle chips or a whole apple 🍎 After the order is done with she comes back & says the chocolate milk you kept telling me it comes with it etc like excuse me mam no way in hell did I ever say that Jesus & she says well you should be more clear next time. I was as clear as I could be though.

Anyway idk why I said all that rn I pray nobody is mean or makes me feel harassed tomorrow amen yall

Also I wish my coworkers actually worked hard & for one of my managers to not be so rude to one of our regular disabled guests it’s not his fault he can’t walk in to make his coffee hi

... keep reading on reddit ➡

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👤︎ u/millyoongi
📅︎ Dec 18 2021
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#ImmortalGodKabir No one can distant us from cycle of sorrow life but Lord Kabir liberates his devotee from prison of Kaal 👹. Chant the name of Supreme God Kabir and listen spritual discourses on Sadhana channel every night at 7:30 PM. ▶️ Kabir Diwas 24 June
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👤︎ u/mohit_mk_r
📅︎ Jun 05 2021
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Episode 108: Theory - Peter Kropotkin's Conquest of Bread, Part I by Discourse Collective…
👍︎ 3
📅︎ Jul 07 2018
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“There is so little being written on the experience of life in the pandemic from a blue-collar, working-class, lower-income person's first-hand perspective. It is the majority perspective of our society, and it is utterly absent from our online discourse“ /r/NoNewNormal/comments/j…
👍︎ 58
📅︎ Oct 27 2020
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Problem: The quality of life of minors, especially orphaned ones, is often left out of the public discourse because they can not vote and they do not have parents who vote Solution: Adopt older minors, too, and make their well-being a consideration when you vote; Be their voice at the ballots.
👍︎ 96
👤︎ u/OMPOmega
📅︎ Aug 10 2020
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“Tree of Life” charcoal bread service tonight in Miami
👍︎ 142
📅︎ Jul 20 2021
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Bread of Life- Stove God Cooks. Live at St. Andrews Hall in Detroit, MI.
👍︎ 40
📅︎ Sep 22 2021
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The End of Babies. While climate catastrophe has revived elements of the insidious discourse of population control, it has also prompted a new wave of activism, born of an understanding of just how deeply these foundational components of life — reproduction and the health of the planet — are linked.…
👍︎ 50
📅︎ Nov 18 2019
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While at the court of Antiochus, Hannibal attended a lecture by Phormio, a philosopher, that ranged through many topics. When Phormio finished a discourse on the duties of a general, Hannibal was asked his opinion. He replied, "I have seen during my life many old fools; but this one beats them all."
👍︎ 135
📅︎ May 22 2020
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“The chief task in life is simply this: to identify and separate matters so that I can say clearly to myself which are externals not under my control, and which have to do with the choices I actually control . . .” —Epictetus, Discourses, 2.5.4–5

Applying this logic to my life has been the main reason I could get my anxiety under control. However, I recently tried helping out my friend apply it to her situation, but we hit a wall, and I had no idea how to help.

So my fellow stoics, what do you think stoicism teaches us about coping with mistakes that were entirely under our control?

Thank you in advance!

👍︎ 372
📅︎ Apr 22 2021
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"SantRampalJi IncarnationDay" Watch spiritual discourse of supreme Saint Rampal ji Maharaj Ji on Sadhana TV 9:00 am to 12:00 pm noon do not forget that this program may change your life .🙏 Avatar of God Kabir
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📅︎ Sep 08 2020
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So is it fair to bring into discussion the life of the individual author into consideration of their written contributions to the philosophic discourse?

So there's a few examples that come to mind first and foremost, the obvious mental health issues of Later Life Nietzsche, the Nazi blacklist author Heidegger, the Sartre pretending to be a French Resistance member when he wasn't, and going back to Socrates being called a Spartan sympathizer during Xenophon's rendition of the Apology. What are your thoughts?

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📅︎ Jul 24 2020
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Recently in the art community there has been a lot of discourse over what can be depicted and what can’t, and to what degree it can influence people in real life. What’s your personal opinion on the fiction vs reality debate and where would you draw the line?
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👤︎ u/nekoshoyo
📅︎ Oct 11 2020
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Rather than being a solution to complexity, the discourse of sexual consent attempts to foreclose complexity.

Accounting for the myriad power plays in sex was necessary, but no utterances can possibly defend a person from the harm inevitable in sex, just as the signifiers of identity politics are no mystical barrier to materialities. Nobody has a right to a sexual life free from harm, discomfort or ambiguity, because these things are all implicit to human relations.

Prioritising a language of consent establishes a deferral to a religious system - a process of moralising so that you can avoid the complex work of forming ethical relations.

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📅︎ Dec 29 2021
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Garlic Bread Discourse

So I was questioning whether I was really ace because I wasn't super jazzed about garlic bread and I recently had pizza which I thought beat garlic bread handily due to more flavors but it turns out pizza is kind of wet?? (Ayyyy sex joke) and I'd never really been aware of that before and now I'm on board with garlic bread as superior. I'm eating some right now. I'm also high but I promise that's not affecting my opinions of things or the fact that I'm needlessly posting about it. I swear.

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👤︎ u/Co_rinna
📅︎ Sep 24 2019
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Why I think the statement "Online isn't real life" is somewhat misleading about leftist discourse

When one tries to complain about Tankies and the left's rhetoric online they are generally told that "online isn't real life" while this statement might help doomer's who are depressed about the current situation of the left I don't see much truth in this statement.

There is a reason that the current modern day age is called the digital age. Most people especially of the younger generations learn, get their news, politics, and thoughts about groups from the internet nowadays.

The idea that you can separate leftists on and offline is really not true at least in my view. Most leftist and socialist discussion happens online and if you think that younger socialists, DSA members or other on the ground leftist activists aren't online and internalizing the things they hear or read online especially from socialist social media accounts, forums, tik-toks, and podcasts you are mistaken.

The discourse on socialist and leftist subreddits, Twitter, ect regularly consists fake news and Authoritarian apologia. Most of the biggest or at least most prevalent subreddit's have some Tankie moderators, large socialist Facebook (The largest social media site) groups and large Leftist social media accounts have Authoritarian leanings and play defense for China constantly.

If someone is a socialist or is beginning to get into socialism they will most likely surround themselves with socialist media that can influence real people's opinions about politics, policy, and what is appropriate. Even if they aren't regularly online they will still see posts like the ones I've mentioned and internalize the message because they heard it from a group they are comfortable around and they'll feel they belong to a community.

I'd love to see if anyone disagrees with my take and line of thinking here if you do please engage in good faith discussion.

👍︎ 14
📅︎ Apr 14 2021
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While at the court of Antiochus, Hannibal attended a lecture by Phormio, a philosopher, that ranged through many topics. When Phormio finished a discourse on the duties of a general, Hannibal was asked his opinion. He replied, "I have seen during my life many old fools; but this one beats them all."
👍︎ 33
📅︎ May 22 2020
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While at the court of Antiochus, Hannibal attended a lecture by Phormio, a philosopher, that ranged through many topics. When Phormio finished a discourse on the duties of a general, Hannibal was asked his opinion. He replied, "I have seen during my life many old fools; but this one beats them all."
👍︎ 38
📅︎ May 22 2020
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While at the court of Antiochus, Hannibal attended a lecture by Phormio, a philosopher, that ranged through many topics. When Phormio finished a discourse on the duties of a general, Hannibal was asked his opinion. He replied, "I have seen during my life many old fools; but this one beats them all."
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📅︎ May 22 2020
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The way, the Truth and the Life: a discourse in opposition to hegemony.

Jesus says, "I am the way the truth and the life, no one may come to the father except through me". This is used by some Christians primarily to seperate themselves from others, as an evidence of their exclusive correctness, as a foundation for their pride and ego. So they say in their hearts; "I am correct in my understanding, therefore I am holy".

But Jesus has shown us the way, it is humility and compassion, loving others by listening to them and helping them. He has given us the truth, it is love and acceptance. He has shown us how to live, through service and self sacrifice. Jesus was the Word, the Logos, the reasoned discourse. He was a symbol of sacrificial suffering at the center of a cross. He was compassion made incarnate, or so the story goes.

The point of Christ was never that we could gain immortality and comfort in some heavenly abode and look down and mock those who didn't believe like us as they suffer, all because we were fortunate enough to be born into the right cultural religion. The material truth of the bible doesn't matter, it wasn't meant to. The point of Christ, the truth of Christ's example, is that the only path forward is together.

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📅︎ Feb 26 2021
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Drinking alcohol obstacle in the path of moksha. The devotees of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj are living alcohol and smoking free life. If you want to live such life then listen the spiritual discourse of him.
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📅︎ Aug 17 2020
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Pope Francis fired latest salvo in condemnation of mafia, telling gangsters they “carry death in their souls” and cannot claim to be Catholics. Pope excoriated mafia criminals in discourse about “fake Christians” who claim to be pious but “live a corrupt life”.…
👍︎ 156
📅︎ Mar 29 2018
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#सबका_मालिक_एक The true god mentioned in all holy books like geeta, Quran, Bible and Guru Granth Sahib can increase the life span of a human being. He can even cure incurible disease. To know more, watch spiritual discourses at sadhna channel at 7.30pm daily @SatlokChannel
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👤︎ u/9399304228
📅︎ Apr 17 2020
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#5जून_महासत्संग_साधनाTVपर 3hrs of your attention to the spiritual Discourse by Satguru Rampal Ji Maharaja Can bring the biggest positive change in your life. It can make you know the Way to Salvation
👍︎ 6
📅︎ Jun 04 2020
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सतभक्ति_से_दुख_दुर The real power of True Bhakti and Gyan by Sant Rampalji Maharaj ji is giving relief to thousands of Bhakts by life threatening CANCER and many more diseases listen Divine Discourse By HIM on 👇 Sadhna channel 7:30-8:30pm Must Watch
👍︎ 12
👤︎ u/_Nsakshi_
📅︎ May 12 2020
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While at the court of Antiochus, Hannibal attended a lecture by Phormio, a philosopher, that ranged through many topics. When Phormio finished a discourse on the duties of a general, Hannibal was asked his opinion. He replied, "I have seen during my life many old fools; but this one beats them all."
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📅︎ May 22 2020
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A week-long hike on one of the BEST TRAILS ON THE PLANET turned out to be an AMAZING SERIES OF LIFE LESSONS. Hope u enjoy the vid. Please subscribe to my “dexterous discourses” youtube channel - but only if u think i deserve it. Will make more. Cheers!
👍︎ 7
📅︎ Mar 30 2020
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F/48/5'4" [285lbs > 215lbs = 70lbs] (5 months) starting a new life after 22 year marriage... Getting ready for new adventures. Walking and cutting out sugars... Bread... Drinking lots of water. About 60lbs to go!
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👤︎ u/danalynn73
📅︎ Feb 16 2021
🚨︎ report
While at the court of Antiochus, Hannibal attended a lecture by Phormio, a philosopher, that ranged through many topics. When Phormio finished a discourse on the duties of a general, Hannibal was asked his opinion. He replied, "I have seen during my life many old fools; but this one beats them all."
👍︎ 3
📅︎ May 22 2020
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#सतभक्ति_से_दुख_दुर The real power of True Bhakti and Gyan by Sant Rampalji Maharaj ji is giving relief to thousands of Bhakts by life threatening CANCER and many more diseases listen Divine Discourse By HIM on 👇 Sadhna channel 7:30-8:30pm Must Watch
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👤︎ u/_Narottam1
📅︎ May 13 2020
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If Jesus was the Bread of Life

Why didn’t he get toasted for our sins?

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👤︎ u/caverypca
📅︎ Jul 11 2021
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