A list of puns related to "Australopithecus sediba"
There appears to be some contention on the identity of Australopithecus sediba. Some researchers are classifying the two specimens found, MH1 and MH2 as the same distinct species, Australopithecus sediba, there are others on the other hand saying MH1 is of the genus Homo while MH2 is of the genus Australopithecus based off of the shape of the lumbar vertebrae
A rebuttalwas made to this study pointing out MH1 and MH2 represent a juvenile and adult respectively which would explain the differences. However, another study by the same authors has countered this by comparing the jaws of the two specimens, pointing out that ranges in variation due to age and sexual dimorphism cannot explain the differences, and thus makes it likely they are of multiple species jumbled together.
Are Rak and Been in the minority on this idea or is Australopithecus sediba being an invalid taxa the consensus at this point?
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