A list of puns related to "Çat"
Devletin tum haklarini ellerinden almasini isteyen, bunun icin bir yildir araliksiz yalvaran korkak sekulerler sonunda istedigini aliyor. Devlet seküye vuri walla.
Tc sekulerleri:
Herkese ev hapsi 😍🥰
Seyahat hakki kisitlamasi 😍🥰
Hes kodu dayatmasi 😍🥰
Yasli insanların otobusten indirilmesi 😍🥰
Egitimin anasinin sikilmesi 😍🥰
Icki yasagi 😢😭
Sonuncuya kadar okeydi de icki icemediniz diye mi kudurdunuz mk salaklari. aglak gerizekalilar sizi. Maskesiz insan gorunce kuduruyorsunuz, parkta oynayan kucuk cocuklara bile bagiran paranoyak ve korkak orospu cocuklarisiniz. Bunlar hayat tarzina mudahale degil icki yasagi mudahale di mi? Akp sizi ne kadar da guzel sikiyor ama hahha biraz daha aglayin cunku yok oyle sapina gelince meeh
Schrödinger really was kind of mean boxing a cat to me seems obscene To figure out if the cat is alive is time to the nth over poison times five
The size of the box should be factored in too but noise from inside might give you a clue Movements and sounds are just two ways to tell eventually though I think it would smell
For posing this question the man has been lauded in science journals he's often applauded I do not know if his theorems were tested if someone else did it they should be arrested
Boxing a cat up is bad enough but throwing in poison really is rough Since science demands that results be repeated How many cats for these tests were needed
I'm guessing that PETA was not informed if they had been, the Labs would have been stormed There would have been protestors marching in lines followed by trials, and hearings, and fines
There would have been rulings and public out cry why so many cats so cruelly did die The scientist would have been shackled with locks for Justice we'd put him away in a box
Appeals would then take place to determine whether or not the bastard's still squirming A presidents pardon would one day come despite all objections releasing the scum
And at last the UN would have to hold talks to figure who'd empty Schrödinger's cats box.
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