A list of puns related to "Zeneca"
Has anyone opted to have an AZ booster?
I had 2 x AZ for my initial doses and want to get AZ for my booster as I have some ongoing heart things but none of which are listed under contraindications for Pfizer or Moderna.
If so was it easy to arrange?
If you want to understand what happened in the push to make the Oxford/AZ vaccine please watch this. Dame Sarah Gilbert giving the Dimbleby Lecture on the BBC. Programme is 50 mins long.
It really is essential viewing for HCA folks and also could arm you with information if you encounter any antivax loons.
Folks outside the UK will need a VPN etc:
Ok, so our mother sadly passed away unexpectedly last February, she was 52 years old, no health problems and a care worker which meant she was first in line for the vaccine.
After much confusion as to why she was clotting and a lot of back and fourth between doctors and the coroners they finally made the decision that the astra zeneca vaccine had been the cause of the clotting, and ultimately her death. (actually stated on her death certificate)
The coroner has requested an inquest into her death at the start of next year, my brothers and I were wondering if we would need legal advice/representation going forward?
Thank you in advance.
Sunt vaccinat cu Astra-Zeneca, schema completa, inca din Mai 2021. Pe data de 1 Noiembrie am fost depistat pozitiv cu Covid-19. Carantina se termina pe data de 14 Noiembrie. Va scriu din sufragerie.
De ce m-am testat?
Am fost plecat din Bucuresti si la intoarcere m-am simtit dubios. Aveam o stare generala de oboseala si dureri musculare la spate. Iar sambata noaptea (dupa ora 3) cred ca am facut febra, dar eram baut asa ca nu pot spune exact.
Ce am facut dupa ce m-am testat si am iesit pozitiv?
Mi-am anuntat toti colegii de munca si prietenii cu care am intrat in contact. Firma pentru care lucrez a fost super draguta si i-a testat pe toti gratuit. Prietenii mei s-au testat si ei.
Din 25+ persoane cu care am interaction, doar 1 persoana a fost confirmata pozitiv prin test PCR. Restul negativi (90% teste PCR si restul Antigen).
De ce acest AMA?
Simplu. Sunt destui care s-au infectat dupa vaccinare si vreau ca prin experienta mea si raspunsurile mele sa incurajez si mai multa lume sa se vaccineze.
Orice vaccin e mai bun decat nimic!
Legat de sistemul imunitar, va recomand acest video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmpuerlbJu0
Det er intet hate men nysgerrighed, har I også lagt mærke til hun altid skriver med småt, selv efter punktum? Efter min mobil skal jeg trykke ekstra for at få det småt? Hvorfor gør hun det? Hun har aldrig svaret mig, så gider ikke engang spørge hende, selv min kæreste som følger lidt med på sidelinjen (selvom han ikke vil indrømme det) skrev for sjov til hende at I var med stort på engelsk (han er engelsklærer lol) og hun svarede aldrig og fortsætter med lille. Går ud fra det er med vilje, men hvorfor?
Que tal!
¿Alguno de ustedes tomó la primer dosis de Astra Zeneca para los de 30 a 40 años en el Auditorio?., de ser así, me podrían proporcionar el lote de la vacuna?.
Tengo problemas para generar mi certificado y eso me podría ayudar bastante. Gracias!
I got vaccinated with AZ. I received my first dose in April and my second dose in June. Since AZ vaccine is now discontinued in my country, and I’m looking into getting the third jab, i don’t know what to do. Which vaccine would i go for. Does anyone have a similar issue? Thanks
THIS IS THE REAL DEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My wife and I were part of an AZ trial last summer. Now I'm wondering what happened to them? Seems like they've fallen off the vaccine radar.
Ήταν μια περίεργη εμπειρία οφείλω να ομολογήσω η οποία πέρασε αναίμακτα, αλλά ενοχλητικά. Ευπρόσδεκτες όλες οι ερωτήσεις για συμπτώμστα, διαχείριση κλπ.
И это она еще не дошла до "Болезни Z".
Has anyone else noticed any changes in their menstrual cycle? I got my second dose in the first week of May one day after my period ended. And now I haven't had one for June.
I am not on any meds cycle is usually regular give or take a few days.
Pues ayer me tocó la segunda dosis en el rango de 18-29 años en San Pedro y como dice el titulo no tuve ningún síntoma y se me hizo raro por que la primera me tumbo por 2 semanas aproximadamente.
También una compañera que se vacunó me comento que no tuvo síntomas ni ella ni sus familiares. ¿A alguien más le pasó lo mismo? ¿ o nos tocó inyección de agua?
Ayer me fui a vacunar la primeras dosis, pensé que no me iba a pasar nada ya que llegue a las 11 de la noche y no sentía nada desde las 2 de la tarde que me vacune. Grave error pensar eso, está vacuna saco mis dolores más fuertes de antes, no sé si sea porque te baja las defensas pero me empezó a doler el riñón (hace meses sufro de piedras en él pero cada año me atiendo y vivo con ello) luego el dolor de rodillas por el ejercicio, no sé si a alguien de ustedes les pasó esto, pero yo hoy siento que la cabeza me va a explotar, pero todo sea por mi bien y el de mi familia.
Moin zusammen!
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I’m looking for a second dose of AstraZeneca. So if you know, anywhere that offers the vaccines. Please let me know. Thank you🙏
Hi, I'm sorry if this is long but I'm lost here... I had the vaccine in April (first dose). 3 weeks later my upper arm developed a number of bruises. The other arm developed one large bruise. 1 week later I got crippling lower back spasms and right jaw spasms. Then, my right ear blocked. My back eased but the ear lingered. Got 2 courses of antibiotics and 1 week steroid...no difference. Last week in May started feeling really unwell. Unsteady on my feet, balance not right and then 1 episode of vertigo. Ear completely blocked and the left started to feel sore. 2 weeks later I'm either in bed or pacing my garden with tinnitus, vibration feeling in ear. The ENT gave me betahistine and stemitil. No difference. A week later he prescribed 10 days of steroid. I felt wonderful for the first time in a month. Last day of steroid ear blocked -i could feel the tube getting inflamed and I had another bout of vertigo. Since then I've had a hearing test. Tempanogram showed both eardrums retracted and conductive hearing loss in both ears. Permanent hearing loss in the left ear that I never knew about (4000hrtz). Menieres was mentioned to my horror before hearing test but after the ent said it was eustachian tube dysfunction. I told him about all other symptoms and vaccine. He said it's too early to say what caused it. MRI clear. Endoscope clear (last week). I'm still suffering with the blockage and constant tinnitus. I don't feel 'unwell' anymore except for occasional dizziness...but I'm tormented by the feeling of being under water with a ringing in my ears. I'm taking vitamins, lots of water, no gluten, no dairy. Resting when I can because I really believe I have inflammation that just will not leave my body. Back to ent in 6months so I'm here trying to manage. I would really appreciate advice or positive stories on how I can combat this thing. Thank you.
Got my 2nd dose today...I am fully vaccinated...
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