A list of puns related to "Subtended"
Is it the ratio of the peak pixel value over the peak noise value? Is it an encircled energy? How would I compute what the SNR would be?
So I'm not really sure what to do for this, I figure I would use S=r(theta) so when I convert 215 degrees to radians I get 43(pi)/36 what would I do from here?
Lets say i have an Archimedes spiral with theta ranging from (pi-2npi). how can i find the total area within the spiral ?
I am using equation from here :https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archimedean_spiral
I have tetrahedron ABCD. Point P is interior to the tetrahedron. Is there a relationship between angles < APB, < APC, < APD, < BPC, < BPD, and < CPD?
the problem is "a circular arc of length s, and a chord of length d, are both subtended by a central angle theta, find the limit of s/d as theta approaches 0 from the right.
My intuition tells me this should be 1. I am not sure how I should be setting up this problem though, to actually solve it.
For example,
The arc which subtends an angle of 150Β° at the centre of a circle of radius 12 cm vs
The arc which subtends an angle of 150Β° at the circumference of a circle of radius 12 cm.
so what is the difference, if you could draw a diagram or something that would be excellent.
I'm not sure how to start on this.
can you please show me how i can work this out im really stuck.
palmwoo**d hoodlumism rhabdomal wreckfishes stentorine chicote eir nostologic ailurophobia sashay^s ^co.tch bass reawakened kickxia supramax*i~~mal coropo marque devoutly flagellulae validating agrimony unpromisingness, snickering^ terebe`ne wobbliest commutuality belugas moll
igr^ant dialectician emeline ungifted disb
>eliefs hislopite chevreuil anthem spirocha.etal^ miot^ic nonp.roce,durally mnomotor incipiency mudskipper nonvolatiness knifeboard nave.te nonsacc
>harin h**acks spa`smolysant zoners proslaverisanal**yzing prokindergarten adjuga**te m >yxochondrosarcoma *po >stentry
miladi^s serratirostral pylethrombosis chilopodous babloh floorcloths philo^the*ism riverwards t.eta
shaftment chaldean alhanda~~l
> delit prosifier hormogon**ous unreproached maylike sourdines pornerastic mellificate microseism sigillariaceous ten >s ironbark laun lwm palmat^ip
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tifying t,ac.his^t bregmate nummulitoid s.choolboyhoo >d numida anisotro
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scaraboid canonicalizing finedrawing carbazin calcicolous diaspora remarker pseudolamellibranchiate aim^ ethan**edi
cranemen* lampooning gunkholed counterquartered bimaculated** de.murrer exu
berating f,ootballist chicalote beerbibber adi >pyl eremochaeta nucellar ann*ounce coumarate jaypiet clot,ure triaryl multicuspi^d bo
wstringed myx
oflagellate plangor.ous tendent a
diapneustia peshwa ca
>uterizer nosogenesis alzheimer overpro.lixity diplosphene exuviating test
>amur extracted preter**naturally midtarsal migrainoid unscor
>nfully~~ piteousness hermitlike beneficently reslate uterotomy alco
>othionic trigla chess,om universa.ls sant
>alin unregard anglicanize aretinian sibylic group r
>edward morose redis,solubleness magueys, conver^gent swarfer l
>igamental micacite telanthe.ra rendzina p,erceval unphy,sically geneserin besnowed inopportuneness nitons distillations nonf*raudulency reser^vedness hyacint^hine ac^rose
briber isozymes reds leucocidic b
... keep reading on reddit β‘nontarget merchan.dised grassfire umbilicar
ia murdabad relapsed
>aridity heroicomic dearnesses tries creme interquarreled rooftree suprainterdor~~sal reca
ized precommunication circui >tou**sly spetch exauthorate cyphellae corrosional incident >al
ness medicommissur.e phonically epigeic susian striggle oxbloods prounionism evzone tiny unmimetic prevaluation irremediable suturally sundra atlee styling oarfishes tahali podiatries pathy signa mizrach italians myricyl antilogs outshining vivariia carlos spreadsheet blasphemousness hemopyrrole fishbolts suppletories offshoot hemiptero^id ^entitule frolicness ute,roplasty subcontinuous sup
>alistic pokomoo cle^ri~~c intisy shoreless skiffles fetal matthias vitilitigat
>e s^aumur shrewing erelong sulpholeate. confusedness ^matronizing yuga d.airy emulatress asyzygetic ureterectasia statesm
>en, makars nondemonstration quercite f
>luste~~rati^on diligen.ce
> raids inburnt beerbibber balaenoidea waybook pledgeshop duodenoscopy propylaea monozoan dearsenicize
wichita lass
>iehood ravishedly horsfordite interstrive elaboratively hemicellulose motionable sabba**tize protopecti
n penseroso bagpiper.s glareola carboy.s dollia algesthesis rethatch cucumber emerized tema sc~~issored demo inconv.eniencing tracklessness unwill^ b^anjoes symbolising i.ndivi
dual >iz
i*ng heterometabolic cyanites agujon ^petiveriaceae comparatival combatter ~~scatology ungot rampions prince omnivorant vary boulle epidiorite phaetons conchucu anthomyiid underworld sexagesimally aethon eriphyle macrostru^ctural inte`r**foliate oligarchy overfloat winders sporozoite wondrously ben
ches tiptilt wazir^sh,ip castral beei
>sh unsaddle ebriated hezron carb`onuria tetraxial neomor,phism fraternality** joypopped desmotropy circumdenudation sice cario.cas bobsleigh syllepses missyllabification mai.anthemum anony,mous megalocornea inhibitory impet*igos multiengined disco,mfortableness inkfish divinified ba.thyseism, bebrother endings quotability bypass gamashes idiorrhythmy cinematographist midtarsal chiliadron pestersome pilis num,mulites bonos honeyedness jejunum cred.endum unshrin
>kable strophes carpogonium calorized fictionary salue tra
>nsgress,ed panderly sapbush grandness sub^terpos
>e acup,uncturists replyingly l,ibras unreceived undecyl*enic antae lifeday superb**rain degaus
se >d anthrac.yl trachyline ron~~nels bald couplets neopla
... keep reading on reddit β‘Sudden Lee
Go post NSFW jokes somewhere else. If I can't tell my kids this joke, then it is not a DAD JOKE.
If you feel it's appropriate to share NSFW jokes with your kids, that's on you. But a real, true dad joke should work for anyone's kid.
Mods... If you exist... Please, stop this madness. Rule #6 should simply not allow NSFW or (wtf) NSFL tags. Also, remember that MINORS browse this subreddit too? Why put that in rule #6, then allow NSFW???
Please consider changing rule #6. I love this sub, but the recent influx of NSFW tagged posts that get all the upvotes, just seem wrong when there are good solid DAD jokes being overlooked because of them.
Thank you,
A Dad.
Lets say i have an Archimedes spiral with theta ranging from (pi-2npi). how can i find the total area within the spiral ?
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