Went into anaphylactic shock but still managed to crack a dad joke.

So this past Thursday, my wife and I had tickets to see the new Batman film. We managed to get a babysitter organised and everything.

We're sat in the cinema for the obligatory 30 minutes' worth of adverts/trailers. Getting pretty pumped to see The Batman at this point.

Around about 20 minutes into the film (absolutely glued to the screen), I notice that I'm starting to feel really itchy and my lips started to swell up and go numb (this has only happened once before and I've been to the GP to have tests done. All negative so far).

Another 5 minutes go by and I'm starting to struggle to breathe but fuck, it's Batman, I can push through this, right?.. Wrong!

5 minutes after that, I'm sat in the ambulance that my wife had called for me, on my way to A&E. After half the night in A&E, alone, they discharge me.

My wife picks me up. As I get home, her friend (who babysat for us) was still at our house comforting my wife. After the questions of concern and comments of relief, she asked how the first 30 minutes of The Batman was.... my answer?...

"It was so good, it took my breath away".

TL;DR. 30 minutes into The Batman I went into anaphylactic shock and found it extremely difficult to breathe. Once being discharged from the hospital I was asked how the for 30 minutes of The Batman was. I responded with "it was so good, it took my breath away".

πŸ‘︎ 26
πŸ‘€︎ u/MechaPenguin609
πŸ“…︎ Mar 13 2022
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I won’t be needing a new phone

I decided to do a drop test with my friends on my iPhone 6s to see if the screen would break. It didn’t break so I said β€œ I guess you could say that test was a 6s.”

πŸ‘︎ 11
πŸ‘€︎ u/jammiedodger018
πŸ“…︎ May 20 2020
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Rocked this one while waiting for number to be called at DMV

Son's taking permit test today and while waiting to be called we watched some "interesting" facts they put on the tv screen.

Son points out, hey dad look Nevada's official state rock is Sandstone.

Me: I feel they could have made a boulder choice.

πŸ‘︎ 7
πŸ‘€︎ u/SFAQL
πŸ“…︎ Apr 27 2019
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