Homeless relocation service
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πŸ‘€︎ u/FlameOfGod
πŸ“…︎ Jan 13 2022
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Covid rules have prevented UK financial sector from moving to EU. β€œTravel restrictions over the last two years have challenged the practicalities of relocation,” the EY head of financial services for Europe has said. thelondoneconomic.com/new…
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πŸ‘€︎ u/bottish
πŸ“…︎ Dec 23 2021
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DON'T TRUST Mayflower Relocation Services or Smart Van Lines

In September 2021 I started researching moving companies. I’d made the plan to move from Seattle, WA to Denver, CO. Now, this wasn’t my first state to state move. Back in 2014, I moved from Dallas, TX to Seattle, WA. That estimate was $2,500 and I ended up paying a total of $3,200 due to incremental costs to the final dropoff. I could have sold everything, but I wanted to start over in a new city with my stuff. Moving states isn’t cheap. I’d expected to pay more because of inflation and the lack of delivery drivers. However, when I started speaking to moving companies I was pleasantly surprised that based on the size of my apartment and lack of belongings I could expect the same amount to move. Before the end of September I’d gotten three estimates and they were all within the $2,500 range. I should also point out that with one Google search I was bombarded with sales representatives from a myriad of companies looking to quote me for this move. I was making a major life decision and I felt overwhelmed by the hassle these people were causing me. I was getting texts, emails, and phone calls daily. Sometimes up to three times per company. It was excessive.

By the beginning of October I’d already signed the lease to my new apartment in Denver and I needed to make the final decision on which company to go with. Then, I talked to Mayflower Relocation Services. The representative, like all the others, appeared to be kind and respectful of my time. So, I trusted him when he gave me a quote of $2,300. We reviewed what items I had and he assured me that I wouldn’t exceed 300 cubic feet of storage for the movers. This was also the SAME cubic feet that I was quoted from the other companies. This seemed valid since I lived in a 500 square foot studio and I was going to be moving from a ground floor apartment to another ground floor apartment. I didn’t have any large furniture and most of my belongings were going to be in boxes. All of this information was confirmed over the phone a few days before the scheduled pick up. I was advised that if I had more than 300 cubic feet that I would be charged an additional $1.51 per cubic foot. So, just on the off chance I’d planned that I might have to pay an extra amount. So, I budgeted for $3,000 for the move. I was fully prepared to pay the three installments. The initial deposit, the amount for the pickup, and then the amount for the dropoff. It all felt reputable. Now, I want to talk about how I made this money and why I was

... keep reading on reddit ➑

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πŸ‘€︎ u/craigery21
πŸ“…︎ Dec 30 2021
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Has anyone ever used a pet shipping or relocation service?

My situation is that I am relocating from NYC to San Francisco due to a new job (started remotely, but they are opening up the offices and so I need to report in SF). I have a 9 year old ACD/Lab mix who will be coming with me.

I work for a big tech company so fortunately they finance most of the move. The benefit includes that they will pay for my airfare to SF, but I will pay for my dog in cargo. Now...that sounds like a horrible idea to me because my dog is rather anxious and I've heard horror stories about dogs in cargo (though would be happy to hear otherwise). As such, I'm thinking of looking into some sort of ground service that will drive my dog out there while I fly. I will pay for this out of pocket, but I imagine it might be more efficient than trying to rent a car and find hotels along the 3000 miles myself (I don't have a car). I won't be reimbursed for any of these expenses really either way, so I am also trying to be somewhat cost effective while also prioritizing my dog's comfort. She travels very well in a car.

Has anyone ever used a service like this or have any advice?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/kaybeeSSB
πŸ“…︎ Nov 30 2021
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Pet Relocation Service Rec?

Hi there. Someone close to me is moving across the county and I promised I’d help look into getting her cat there. From San Diego to NY. She’s flying and the cat is kind of old and wouldn’t do well in a carrier or under the plane. Quick research shows a few services around $1 to $1.50 per mile. That adds up pretty quick for a haul like that.

Was wondering if anyone can recommend a reliable, affordable way to get the little dude out there? I suppose if it’s a buck a mile, then so be it. Nothing is too good for my little buddy, but I figured I’d at least do some legwork and see what options are.

Thanks a bunch!

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πŸ‘€︎ u/PraiseBobSlackOff
πŸ“…︎ Nov 09 2021
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[FS]-DE (MID ATLANTIC) -$50?- I absolutely hate to post this. I have a pending insurance claim on the floors under my tanks. I don't want these guys to have to move too much. Any interest in very fancy silver dollars would be appreciated. I don't want them to just die with relocation services.
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πŸ‘€︎ u/it_swims
πŸ“…︎ Oct 02 2021
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Pet Relocation Services

My dog was born in Hawaii & has never left the island. We never expected to leave, but turns out we are.

Can anyone tell me about pet relocation services & if you were happy with their services?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/anonymouscog
πŸ“…︎ Oct 24 2021
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The 2020 census was very poorly administered. I attempted to contact the census bureau bc my family was lost in a relocation and not counted. There was NO support services for us. We were just ignored by the workers. The census must be audited. @AlexiaSchlueter Tweeted
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πŸ‘€︎ u/QueeLinx
πŸ“…︎ Nov 24 2021
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Employee-Requested Relocation - Minimum Service?

Looking through the NJC Relocation Directive, I have been unable to find an answer to this question. Hypothetically, if you deployed to another office and you were covered for $5000 under the NJC Directive related to relocation expenses, is there a minimum amount of service time you owe to the new office in order for them to not come knocking for their money back? Say, you love the new location but the new office wasn’t for you and you want to look for another position in the new location.


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πŸ‘€︎ u/Chipper9588
πŸ“…︎ Oct 18 2021
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Bee hive relocation services?

Friend has honeybee hive in the wall of older garage. Would like to relocate hive without harming the bees.

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πŸ“…︎ Oct 15 2021
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