I was explaining to my son how a baton is used in relay races, and he understood right away.

I gotta hand it to him.

👍︎ 160
📅︎ Feb 14 2019
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They should replace batons with clocks in relay races

It would be a great way to pass the time

👍︎ 3k
👤︎ u/EpicPunz
📅︎ Aug 07 2017
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Well, you have to hand it to relay runners, don't you?
👍︎ 15
📅︎ Aug 12 2019
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My mother relayed this story from Christmas shopping with my father.

They get to the register, and comes the time that he's gotta use his debit card.

Clerk: You can swipe it now.

Father: Well, I thought I'd just pay for it.

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/silentxem
📅︎ Dec 25 2014
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[OC] Hats off to this legend

This is a true story, I'm relaying it as I heard it yesterday.

Yesterday I was at the Summit Shop of Pike's Peak (14,100 feet in elevation) in Colorado. As I was standing in line to purchase a few things from their cafe, among them some of their 'famous' donuts I heard a dad and son have the conversation below:

Son: "These Donuts look weird."

Dad: "That's because they're high altitude donuts."

S: "How do you know they're high altitude donuts?"

D: "Because we're at a high altitude."

👍︎ 16
👤︎ u/Inarus06
📅︎ Jul 10 2019
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I worked too hard for this to go unnoticed. reddit.com/r/AskReddit/co…
👍︎ 90
📅︎ Aug 04 2016
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man walks into a bar...

A man walks into a bar and orders a beer, he hears a voice and realises it's coming from the bowl of peanuts on the bar "Looking very smart tonight sir and that cologne is hitting all the right notes. Oh yes!"

Somewhat taken aback, but also feeling confident he goes to the Gents to buy some condoms. Just as he's about to put the coins in a voice comes out of the machine "Don't waste your money mate! You haven't got a chance with the ladies tonight."

Astonished at this he relays all this to the barmaid. "Ah, thats easy to explain, the nuts are Complimentary and the condom machine is Out Of Order.

👍︎ 4
👤︎ u/PompeyNige
📅︎ Aug 07 2019
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New car = great dad joke?

I bought a 2004 VW Beetle Turbo a few months ago. While driving down the road, I heard a sort of mechanical shifting sound whenever I went over 45 MPH. I didn't think anything of it at first, but it continued every single time. I finally turned to Google to make sure my car wasn't broken. Found out that the Turbo models have a hidden spoiler at the top of the rear windshield that pops out at high speeds.

Relaying the story to my friend later, I told her, "I guess the dealership should have given me a....spoiler alert."

👍︎ 1k
📅︎ Sep 28 2014
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Sleep? It's all about preparation.

Mum was out shopping and calling Dad excitedly at some new bedding she'd found. "It's so us, it will help your back, and it looks so so so comfortable. Come on, we've not had new bedding in years. I've chosen this amazing bed, sheets that go perfectly with our room. There's a deal where they throw in extras, like a U shaped pillow and then......."

Dad cut her off mid-flow and shouted "OK! Do it! Let's get it!"

He relayed the conversation back to us and said he was really excited.

Weeks later when the bed finally arrived he stood watching her unwrap the parts. I was just outside the room. He waited for his cue and when she opened the U shaped pillow - boom - he hit it,

"It looks nothing like me!" He shouted.

He turned to me and winked "totally worth it" he grinned at me.


I was confused.


He said "when I heard about the U shaped pillow I was so sold on the joke I had to let her buy it all".

Yeah... Nice one dad........

👍︎ 728
👤︎ u/smegmagma
📅︎ Mar 11 2014
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Yesterday, I learned that my wife is a dad

Before dinner last night, I was teasing the kids about how we were going to have them for dinner. My daughter (4yo) had a moment where she was afraid I was serious and might actually cook her in her sleep, so I took a moment to assure her that we would never, ever eat her, and it was always just a joke.

Relaying this to my wife during dinner (partly so she'd know to be a little extra careful when making that kind of jokes for a bit), she told me "Making jokes about eating the children is in... wait for it... poor taste."

👍︎ 18
📅︎ Feb 17 2016
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My dentist is obviously a dad

The dental hygienist asked me which part of my mouth they should work on tonight, then relayed my response to the dentist when he came into the room. He responded in classic dad fashion:

Hygienist: We're gonna work on the top left. Dentist: The top left? What if I wanted to work on the top left? (pause) Dentist: You know what? I've got it. I'm gonna work on the top left.

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Nov 20 2014
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Watching the commonwealth games

England were running in the relay. Dad comes in, I tell him "we ran faster than Jamaica"

"Well," he says "he should run as fast as he wants to!"

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Aug 01 2014
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Swim Coach DadJoked Us Today

Us: Hey Coach can we catch-up relays Him: Yes, but first you got to bring the mustard

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Jul 13 2014
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My dad's best joke

Three strings walk into a bar. The first string goes up to the bartender and says,

"Hello, I'd like a pitcher of beer and three frosty glasses for me and my buddies, please."

The bartender replies,

"Sorry pal, but we don't serve strings here."

Dejected, the first string returns to his friends and relays the transaction. The second string can't believe this, and walks swiftly up to the bartender and says,

"Hey, buddy. I need a pitcher of beer and three frosty glasses for me and my friends!"

The bartender sternly states,

"We don't serve strings here!" The second string returns to his friends, defeated. The third string looks at his pals and says,

"Guys, I got this."

He goes into the bathroom, unravels himself a little and tangles himself up a bit. He walks confidently up to the bartender and says with gusto,

"Bartender! You are going to give me and my friends a pitcher of your finest beer, and three frosty glasses, on the double!"

The bartender sighs and says,

"Like I told your buddies, WE DON'T SERVE STRINGS HERE."

The third string leans across the bar, chuckles, and says,

"String? I'm a frayed knot."

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Nov 28 2013
🚨︎ report
They should replace relay batons with clocks.

It would be a great way to pass the time.

👍︎ 6
📅︎ Jul 20 2019
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