What do you call a flower salesman?

A petal peddler.

What if he sold steel flowers? A metal petal peddler.

What if he got a bicycle? A pedaling metal petal peddler.

What if he won a race? A medaling pedaling metal petal peddler.

What if he won by tricking others? A medaling meddling pedaling metal petal peddler.

What if he didn’t win by enough? A petty medaling meddling pedaling metal petal peddler.

What if he stood up to calls to disqualify him? A petty medaling meddling pedaling metal petal peddler with mettle.

What if this whole situation just made him sad and withdrawn, with no one to support him? A pitiful petty medaling meddling pedaling metal petal peddler with mettle.

👍︎ 27
👤︎ u/adamant628
📅︎ Mar 08 2022
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