What insane pun do you get for your name being related to your job?
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Feb 06 2019
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Insanity Pun Coon livememe.com/lxc3vy9
👍︎ 247
👤︎ u/m3l0n
📅︎ Feb 28 2012
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The reverse drives me insane. (puns!) imgur.com/vFD3D
👍︎ 5
📅︎ Jun 19 2012
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Batman References in Parson's Insane Asylum

I've recently started another FO4 game and can't believe the insane (pun intended) amount of Batman references I missed in this place, so I tried searching online to see if I'd missed any more but couldn't find anybody else talking about it besides a few of the more obvious ones. If anybody's spotted any I haven't I'd be interested to hear about them. Below are the ones I've spotted myself;

The question marks on the wall of one of the cells- Riddler.

The clean striped suit, formal hat, and American flag in one of the cells - Twoface.

Terminal entry suggesting 20 year old patient might have accidentally poisoned people, admitted herself into the asylum of her own free will, and has no known family or visitors, along with the skeleton in a green dress in the cell with a hairbrush and mole rat teeth- Poison Ivy (the mole rat teeth being a reference to poison ivy RATs)

The cells that were broken and have two skeletons, one male, one female, holding each other in between them- the male skeleton wearing blue, and the female skeleton's cell containing medication and a wooly hat - Mr Freeze and his wife.

The cell with a manequin lying on the bed- Manekin.

The cell with a red dress and fishing rod- possibly a Fish Mooney reference?

The most badass raider you fight at the end is called "Lefty"- one of Batman's aliases.

Lorenzo goes to Arabia and unearths a source of eternal life which grants immortality but drives him insane - Raas al-ghul.

The Cabot family uses Lorenzo to create a serum that grants immortality and resistance to harm- Resurrection Man/Immortal Man backstory.

Terminal entry- Patient calling himself "Nightwar" refuses to share real name, claims it's "secret identity", posseses exaggerated sense of justice - Nightwing/Batman.

Also the real world Parsons Insane Asylum was a real life source of influence for Arkham Asylum in the DC universe.

👍︎ 38
📅︎ May 14 2021
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Top 3 Favorite TTRPGs

I've recently started expanding my experience with different RPG systems and have played half a dozen different systems and want to keep trying new ones. What are your favorite RPGs?

My current top 3 are (not in an order):

  1. Dungeons and Dragons 5e: First game I played and got me into the hobby. I'll always love it for that no matter what.
  2. Call of Cthulhu 7e: Second RPG ever and I love the insanity (pun intended) that can come about in a game where you know you are going to die or go insane anyways so what do you have to lose.
  3. Monster of the Week: One of the newest games I've tried and its quickly become one of my go to games. Its so easy to improvise in and games can be easily made short or long for whatever kind of mood your in.

Edit: I've enjoyed seeing how varied this hobby is. Both super crunchy systems and rules-lite systems are heavily represented and everything inbetween.

👍︎ 4
📅︎ Nov 21 2020
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What were Vlad the Impaler’s motivations for being so evil?

I have been doing research recently on Dracula, and have been very confused. I can’t seem to know his motivations. What were they?

He was held captive when he was young with his father and brother, his father got released and went into battle against the Hungarians meanwhile Drac and his brother were remained imprisoned for another 7 years. Vlad II (His father) died during this time during war, while Vlad got intel on the enemies. When they were released Vlad fled to Moldova and wanted revenge on the Ottoman Empire.

But why? And how did this make him such a terrible person for the future to come? What are his motivations for this? It just seems to come out of the blue to me. Is there something I have missed?

When he was throned he planned everything maniacally crazy and went batshit insane (pun entirely intended). What was the worst thing he did which got him the reputation for being the inspiration for Bram Stoker’s inspiration for the Dracula Novel?

👍︎ 5k
📅︎ Jul 07 2018
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Anyone else notice this?

So over the years having my slew of things including Asperger’s, ADD, OCD, depression, anxiety, trauma, and past of delinquence and suicide/self-harm, I’ve heard many people’s conclusions as far as the problems with the system. Some people say all meds and talking is useless, and lots of others say all talk and no meds, some people get into religion, naturopathy, science, medicine, or just straight up finding some way to deal with it on your own as the solution.

Kind of how I’ve started to think of mental/brain health as a whole is that both can be effective, just that many people don’t get the treatment that accurately correlates to the problem, and most “clinicians” don’t actually practice more than one method. Like, there are lots of people that get drugged before anyone talks to them about things seriously which is stupid, but there are also times where people just want you to suck it up or talk it all out but that doesn’t work either in some cases.

Generally I’ve found that the science behind most everything, and the conclusions made by researchers are usually very solid, and have generated a good base for application, the problem seems to be just that, application. As across the board the system seems to well in generating scientific literature and researching things, but it’s horrible for putting that knowledge into practice mainly when it comes to deriving the correct conclusion from the information obtained by scientists.

I mean, if I were a psychiatrist solely focused on helping others, I’d recommend first talk therapy for most things. The little lifestyle changes and more basic simple talking and helping the person to work through their problems as well as figure out what to do about triggers and other issues such as employment, healthcare, money, family, etc.

This just seems obvious to me, like, why start dropping meds if you haven’t tried the most simplistic thing that done with an ounce of ethics is usually completely safe and free of “side effects”? It’s cheaper usually than meds and med doc visits anyways, then if those don’t work, think smart about it and plan things out. Oh, CBT doesn’t do good for you or you are unable to really do it? Then, let’s try something different. Same thing with meds. Oh, the SSRI is making you feel worse? Then let’s get off it, if you want try going no meds again for a while and see how you do.

It’s like the current system is so Un dynamic and everyone is completely stuck to one method or type of ther

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 10
📅︎ Jan 03 2021
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Tips/advice welcome

About a month ago I was hitting phenomenal with my driver at the range. Slowly been getting worse with it and tried changing my grip, backswing, stance and it hasn’t gotten any better. Is it all in my head that I’m thinking on it too much and should just keep trying at it. I can barely hit the ball now and it’s driving me insane (pun intended)

👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/Yaower
📅︎ Oct 22 2020
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Star Wars is evil?? W T F

Had full brainwashed PIMI relatives visit this last weekend. As our family has always been huge Star Wars fans we introduced them to the Mandolorian. In the last 1/4 of the last episode someone mentioned a "legend of sorcerers called Jedi". I watched the color drain from my cousins face as she asked if they said sorcerers, and I knew she would never watch any of them again. I fucking lost it. Although I've been POMO for over 15 years I could've never imagined this scenario. I later said to them, how do you think these characters can move things with their mind and heal people and it's not supernatural or magic?!?! One of my main issues with cult mentality is the picking and choosing what is evil/bad and what isn't. So Disney magic is cool but now Yoda isn't? W T F! You can be friends with me but not 'worldly' co-workers or neighbors? I try so hard not to be bitter but shit like this makes me enraged. I want to scream at them to wake up! But I know that will accomplish nothing. Thank God that more information is getting out there about it being a cult not a religion. And we have places like this thread to read about/hear from other people who have gotten out so we know we're not alone in witnessing the insanity (pun intended). SIGH

👍︎ 48
👤︎ u/bbjanegee
📅︎ Mar 12 2020
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How does anyone ever see a psychiatrist in this city?

I moved here a few months ago. Previous city, it was super easy to find a psychiatrist who could see me within a week. I paid out-of-pocket, but it wasn't crazy expensive.

Here, I can't seem to find a single psychiatrist that has any space within like 5-6 months for an initial appointment - even going out-of-pocket. How is that possible? Am I not looking in the right place? I asked my therapist who gave me suggestions - same deal.

I did manage to find a couple that had space relatively soon, but their prices were absurd. One quoted $600 for initial appointment. I lived in a major US city before this and paid $150 for initial appointment there. I'm willing to pay maybe $200, but anything more seems insane (pun intended).

My primary care doctor said he was unable to prescribe psychiatric medications, even though I was on it for months prior to moving here.

Also, all the psychiatrist offices have a crazy system of requiring me to leave a message to call me back. When I missed one call because I was brushing my teeth, I had to leave yet another message and I have no idea when they'll call back again.

Is this the way things work here? I'm dumbfounded. Any tips on a way to see a psychiatrist within a normal amount of time and not spend a billion dollars?

👍︎ 141
📅︎ Aug 27 2019
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Bu yapılan kabul edilemez, cinsel tercihin ne olursa olsun siyasi ideolojin ne olursa olsun hiçbir milletten insan ülkesinin askeri üniformasını giyerek bu tarz hareketler yapamaz o üniforma için hayaller kurup o üniformaya ulaşamayanlar, ailesini geride bırakınlar ve canını verenler... v.redd.it/jdgbopeq8j881
👍︎ 544
👤︎ u/Jagerman75
📅︎ Dec 29 2021
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Some Rando's Top 25 and a formal "Thank You" to this wonderful community

Howdy ya'll!

I noticed some people just randomly sharing their top #'s and I thought I would share mine as well and why I like them for anyone who wanted to know more about this community's people. Afterwards I'll share a little bit about me and where I got started.

Number 25. Takenoko

Takenoko is wonderful. It's visually pleasing, it's colorful, it's cute. It has everything you need in a light board game. I never really tire of it and no one I know has ever really said anything bad about it. It's just a nice, zen, time. Even though it's cute and colorful, It's one game I would never be em-bear-essed to be seen playing.

Number 24. Eldritch Horror

This game is Pandemic for people who really like spending 30 minutes after the game putting the components away.

But thats just because there's so much! Normally I would think thats a very bad thing, but the game is so easy to play and the rules are so simple that having so many different scenarios and bosses with various effects to choose from is very welcome. Everytime you open the box you are going to have an adventure wildly different than any other you've had.

I tried to think of a good insanity pun for this one. I had it, but I lost it.

Number 23. Exceed - Fighting System

This game perfectly emulates the feel of a fighting game. I don't know how they did it or why it does, but since im not a huge fan of fighting games THIS lets me experience the fun and fast paced combat im missing out on. Can you play this well even if you arnt good at them? SURE YOU CAN!"

Number 22. Dice City

Pure fun. I love city building, I love rolling dice. There is so much content with the expansions that you can have all sorts of strategies and they all can work. The art is pleasing, the components are excellent, and It's solo mode is a nice time waster. The "All That Glitters" expansion is excellent and it's easy to pick up, even if you arnt the sharpest tool in the shed.

Number 21. Onitama

I've spent hours playing this game. The expansion is "okay" but I welcome the new cards. It's very easy to teach, the component quality is stellar and it's just this neat little back and forth that will never feel the same with every play. It's very quick and almost everytime someone says, "Let's go again!". It has ancient chinese art, and everybody who plays knows their part.

Number 20. Men at Work

This one just makes me happy. Im not usually one for dexterity games, but this is just great. I've never laugh

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 60
👤︎ u/NeoGenMike
📅︎ Aug 16 2019
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Finishing your dissertation while quarantined ... with a child?

I'm assuming maybe these folks are not on reddit, but if you are, I'd love to hear from you to not feel alone and to motivate each other.

I'm trying to finish my sociology phd this summer, in time to start a postdoc in the fall. I have an 11-month-old baby. My partner, baby, and I have been quarantined (USA) since mid-March. We just started having my mom come back to babysit.

My mind is swirling with anxiety from the minute (how will I do a skype defense?) to the average (is my dissertation original and any good?) to the existential (does any of this matter anyway?) to the fucking pandemic (ahhh, am I going to get sick, is a loved one going to die?).

Seriously, this is so fucking hard.

I already had OCD before this started, and the anxiety is just absolutely insane. Pun intended.

Anyone else out there with this delightful combination? I'm happy to dox myself if anyone wants to be text pals for motivation. Good luck, we can do hard things.

👍︎ 12
📅︎ May 12 2020
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[ME2 Spoilers] New Appreciation for Mass Effect 2

So I'm replaying the series before I leave for my summer job, where I'll have no video games and no internet access for most of the summer, and I'm doing my first dedicated 100% insanity run of all three games. I'm about midway through ME2 right now and it is kicking my ass.

I'm playing as a soldier, as per [this post] (https://www.reddit.com/r/masseffect/comments/ojekz/class_discussion_of_the_week_monday_january_16th/c3hrnhr/) suggests, and it's still giving me trouble. Tonight I barely squeaked by the infamous collector ship mission and I think it took a few years off my life (those god damn scions are more deadly than the human reaper!)

It's driving me insane (pun intended) but the upside is every mission I complete brings an immense feeling of satisfaction I've never got in previous playthroughs. I can't count how many times I've wanted to give up and drop down to hardcore, but once I get that mission complete screen everything feels like it's going to be okay. Tonight, when I got back to the Normandy after facing hopeless odds and countless deaths against the collectors, I realized something: this must be how Shepard feels, constantly facing terrible odds, back against the wall, death at the door, yet somehow he/she manages to prevail. I've played this game half a dozen times on lower difficulties, but the sheer terror of insanity has made me realize how truly fucked up Shepard's odds were. And it's made me appreciate the safety of downtime between missions and the awesome game world that much more.

Is ME2 on insanity too hard? Probably. Does it bring out the most annoying aspects of the combat system? Definitely. Is it the best way to play the game? Absolutely.

IDK, I just wanted to share my experience after a frustrating night of getting stunlocked by Harbinger's bullshit. Does anyone else feel this way about ME2 on insanity?

👍︎ 45
📅︎ May 15 2017
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Canım babamı bugün son yolculuğuna uğurladık. Boğazım hala düğümlü. Sevdiklerinizle geçirdiğiniz her anın kıymetini bilin. Akşam muhabbet edip kahkahalar attığınız insan sabah olmayabiliyor. Canınızı sıktıysam affedin. İyi geceler.
👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Dec 17 2021
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Bir vatandaşın "Emeklilere iyi kazık attınız %40 zam vermemek için Aralık ayı enflasyonunu %13 çıkardınız. Size bir daha oy verirsem insan değilim" yorumuna AKP Karatay İlçe Yön. Krl. Üyesi "Hayvanlar oy kullanmıyor. Kanunen" cevabını verdi.
👍︎ 1k
👤︎ u/BlueOwl8
📅︎ Jan 05 2022
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Investigator Tier List Project Part 4: Horrific Journeys

Today we’re taking a look at one of my favorite expansions: Horrific Journeys. Disclaimers:

  • This a biased opinion no matter how reasonable I make it sound, your opinion will differ and it’s valid, if you tell me why I’m wrong I promise I’ll consider it

  • I’m not telling you how to play or have fun, I don’t hate your main, this is meant as a resource for new players to have an easier time and hardcore players to max their efficiency. Also this is entertaining for me and I hope you too find will find it interesting

  • Do you feel lost? This is an ongoing series! My methods and reasoning are [here] (https://www.reddit.com/r/MansionsOfMadness2E/comments/f6rca2/investigator_tier_list_project/) and you can read parts 1 , [2] (https://www.reddit.com/r/MansionsOfMadness2E/comments/f7s5vn/investigator_tier_list_project_part_2_btt_and_sot/) and [3] (https://www.reddit.com/r/MansionsOfMadness2E/comments/f8p0ra/investigator_tier_list_project_part_3_streets_of/).

This is the second to last expansion so they tried to up the design a notch, most are high-risk high-reward in design and there seems to be a vocation of providing stronger investigators than the ones before, let’s see how:

Triss Scarborough, the spy

  • Role/s: Seeker, fighter.

  • Stats: A powerhouse in her designated roles and very weak in her dump stats, Triss seems very specialized. Her fighting skills, strength and agility, are quite high at 4 which makes her viable and good at melee fighting and gun usage, she will have quite a few clues because of her seeking role so she can boost damage. Max 5 observation makes her god-like at seeking unless she finds something which requires arcane knowledge because with that 2 lore she won’t be passing those checks with ease. Influence at 3 is more or less where it should be, her skill points are being placed somewhere else more useful for her role. 3 will and 8/6 health/sanity distribution makes Triss more frail than the average investigator so she’s a mid risk high reward investigator.

  • Skill: Triss can convert up to 2 clue symbols into elder signs while she’s searching (interacting with yellow tokens). This makes her not clue-dependent at all and she will be able to hoard clues with ease. Also makes die much safer since 5/8 possible rolls will be successes while searching and can make her 2 lore

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 25
👤︎ u/Du0decim
📅︎ Feb 24 2020
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Movie of the week: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) 5/5

The acting was insanely (pun intended) good from everyone, pacing was very consistent, and very entertaining to see what the characters do. I expected a comedy but I got a pretty smart emotional film that is funny and dark.

Other movies I saw:

Gummo (1997) - 4/5

Pink Flamingos (1972) - 4/5

Novitiate (2017) - 3/5

👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/0This_Guy0
📅︎ Aug 03 2020
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My thoughts so far

Considering the game is still in Beta, I can give a bit of feedback. Or maybe quite a lot.

General feeling

Best feature in the game is the graphic design. Honestly, everything is aesthetically pleasing, or at least in line with what I expect from a Lovecraft-oriented game. Green everywhere, the statue is mysterious, the sun is dying away in the moving clouds, the font chosen, creatures' miniatures, I have a great time with everything. I just click, and I feel like the statue is sucking through my own soul to increase its power... But I have issues about the gameplay.


The very beginning of the game is just clicking, increasing your cultists until you can click better, buy a few buildings, unlock the sigils, more clicking, great. Then, after 3 or 4 buildings, your clicking power begins to get very underwhelming. Before I got a few thousands ether, and unlocked 2 Nyarlathotep upgrade on tapes, I spent most of the game with a clicking power of 1/1000 of my passive souls/second (sps). And that's mainly because I actually buy the useless first creatures.

Because that's the 2nd flaw. Only the 3 last creatures are actually producing souls. Before that, you are wasting your souls to earn between 1% and 0% of your passive sps. Until you get 50 Star spawns, and the 7.5Q upgrade which multiply their production by 5. Then, all of the other creatures are just worth what they bring to your soul tape power.


The sigils are great. It's really nice to find one, draw it and get the buff. Sometimes, your 5x and your 3x multipliers overlap and you feel like you get super power. The ♢ sigil which just gets you souls seem to depend on both your sps and your current bank (I have estimated the minimum between 900s of production and 30% of your bank), but it seems to not be affected by either the buffs from other sigils or by the coin. The other issue is that whenever you open a menu, a sigil can appear and disappear without you even knowing it.

This is a big issue because of the madness feature. You need to get up to 6000 madness to unlock your best potential. I have a 30% of madness increase, so I'm not sure about the base maths, but currently, I have a sigil every 100s, and get 400 madness from each. But I lose madness depending on my current madness level (1/s on lvl 0, 1.5 on lvl 1, 2 on lvl 2 and 2.6 on lvl3). I you reach level 2 and miss a sigil, you're beginning to loose madness insanely (pun intended) quick. Quick maths :

  • I get a n
... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 4
📅︎ Jun 15 2020
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2 tür insan vardır.
👍︎ 341
👤︎ u/erenatc
📅︎ Jan 13 2022
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K Holed - Quit all of my addictions, changed my life again, embraced change

I was having a very rough time a few weeks ago, extreme relationship troubles, coming to terms with a lot of things in my life, and just generally in a very bad place. So, of course I decided this hole was not deep enough and tripped and fell into a deeper one.

A K hole. Despite ketamine making anxiety hard, I had a pretty bad time. I was just waiting for it to be over as I experienced death and the witnessing of my problems and life. It felt like forever, and all I could do was lay there as reality spaghettified, everything I knew became fucked, and I died. Immediately after this I was not any better. I thought it failed me. I came out of it just as depressed as I came into it.

But no, deep down subconsciously as somehow always happens for me, seeds were planted and changes were made. I accepted my relationship changes, the changes to my daily life, but all of this and my decisions came at an extreme cost. Everything in my life was changing, my daily life was unrecognizable before the hole and after it... well I became extremely depersonalize and derealized, and possibly even depressed. This unfamiliarity was amplified to the point of complete derealization and depersonalization.

I did not recognize who I was, who my girlfriend was, my family, my friends, my life. It was alien to me. For days I felt completely alone and lost. I quit alcohol, I quit THC, I quit caffeine. All of my cravings just vanished in 2 hours. I went from drinking everyday for a month, being a complete full tolerance stoner everyday for a month, a caffeine fiend everyday, to nothing. Nothing at all. I had no desire to be like that anymore, that wasn’t me. That was the guy who died.

A stoner, a borderline alcoholic, and an energy drink fiend. Afraid of change. Terrified of it. Forced to embrace it. I imagine my depersonalization may have been contributed to by the sudden withdraw of the substances, but it was terrible.

Since then I have changed my life completely. I’ve moved on with my life, I accepted the changes, and I still am not drinking, smoking, or tweaking again. All of my drug cravings died with that version of me.

Going back a bit in this story... I looked in my mirror many times everyday, just not recognizing who I was. I felt like an outsider looking in at my old life. It was terrifying. I thought I had finally done it, I fucked up. This is it. But no. I had what is called a “Bad trip”, the ones you learn the most from. And I did, oh did I. This

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 21
📅︎ Nov 02 2019
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yeni bir insan daha yakaladım ama bununla ne yapıcağımı bilemiyorum ağlayıp duruyor sizce ona işkence mi yapmalıyım yoksa canlıyken yemeli miyim ?
👍︎ 147
👤︎ u/thelogendf
📅︎ Dec 31 2021
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[cr media] what evil vestiges do you think we'll get in explorer's guide to wildmount?

both the lord of the hells & grummish (spelling) were name dropped in the d&d beyond video about the new vestiges . so they're a safe bet

personally im hoping for vestiges for the scaled tyrant & the chained oblivion MAYBE vecna

spoiler campaign 2!!!

The chained oblivion is obvious he's a villan of campaign 2 which the guides based around & his vestige would be insane! (pun intended)

The scaled tyrant would be intresting who doesn't love dragon stuff. we already have the platinum dragon vestige. so this time why not his rivals. plus draconia is in wildmount they could have /still are safeguarding it . they did monitor chromatic dragon activity which is why they were hit first

vecna idk. wouldn't his hand & eye count?

tell me what your hoping for!

👍︎ 5
👤︎ u/torak9344
📅︎ Jan 31 2020
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KGBTR bir insan olsaydı bu kim olurdu?
👍︎ 32
📅︎ Jan 01 2022
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iki tür insan vardır.
👍︎ 206
📅︎ Jan 09 2022
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Siki Uzun Ve Kalın 2 İnsan Bakışıyor
👍︎ 176
📅︎ Dec 26 2021
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İnsan bi uyandırır amk
👍︎ 476
📅︎ Dec 14 2021
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Geçenlerde kendi halnde ev yemekleri satan bir dayiyla ahbap oldum. Lokantasi falan var ve her gün 5-6 çeşit yemek çıkarıyor. Öğrenci olduğumu duyduğu andan beri 15liraya uc-dort çeşit yemek veriyor bana. O kadar güzel bir insan ki. Elini ayağını opucem onun

Sayesinde birkaç gündür adam akıllı doyabiliyorum. Zam yapacak misin dedim beni mutfağa çekip (içeride müşteriler vardi) öğrencilere 15 liraya olmaya devam edecek dedi. Cidden oz dayim ya. Aglicam aq

👍︎ 517
👤︎ u/Jul_feliss
📅︎ Nov 27 2021
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Bir insan neden ülkenin kurucusuna düşman olur?
👍︎ 837
📅︎ Nov 09 2021
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Gore Sayfalarında takıldınız mı hiç? Bunları izleyip, altına hoş bir şeymiş gibi yazan tonla insan var. Ne Düşünüyorsunuz? v.redd.it/gthzckbcyl781
👍︎ 62
👤︎ u/emrestive
📅︎ Dec 30 2021
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Amina koyayim dunya cok buyuk elbet seni seven biri de vardir diyorlar yok amk yok iste zorlamayin yok amk beni kim neden sevsin komik değilim bir yeteneğim yok bir sikime benzemiyorum neden sevsin bir insan beni amk reddit.com/gallery/rw27mn
👍︎ 5
📅︎ Jan 04 2022
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Bu atinalılar nasıl insan la londra muzesinden 5 tane heykel calmislar
👍︎ 319
👤︎ u/usngnc
📅︎ Jan 07 2022
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Nazım Hikmet Ran 120 yaşında. Bazı fikir ve davranışlarını doğru bulmasam da romanlarını ve şiirlerini okuduğumda günlerce kendime gelemediğim güzel insan.
👍︎ 50
📅︎ Jan 15 2022
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Average çekingen insan be like
👍︎ 1k
📅︎ Dec 24 2021
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Dostum bazen insan ülkesinde iç savaş çıkmasını istiyor.
👍︎ 852
📅︎ Dec 19 2021
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Bence çoğu insan yılbaşını mantıksız bulsa da herkes kutluyor ben de eksik kalmayayim kafasıyla kutluyor. 10 storyden 9u alkol masası kurmuş veya bir yerde eğleniyor. Ancak 👇

Bence birçok insan bunun saçma olduğunu söylüyor. Bir de mutlu insanların gözünden bakalım. Biz diyoruz ki sadece takvim değişiyor hayatlar aynı ve bu yüzden kutlamak saçma. Ama bakıyorum da bu şekilde kutlama ve mutlu olma işlerini saçma bulan bizler genelde mutsuz ve negatif insanlarız. Çoğumuz hayatın kötü yönlerini görüp tadı kaçık geziyoruz. Genelde haklıyız da çünkü hayatlarımız genelde kötü. Yine de ara sıra geleceği boşverip mutlu olmak gerekmez mi? Bugün karı kız içinde yüzüp harika bir gece geçiren insanlar gördüm ben uyuyordum 8den beri. Ama imrenmek yerine daha çok onlar adına sevindim. Her gün dert her gün sıkıntı nereye kadar? Böyle düşünün ve yeni yıla motive girin. Saçma tavsiyeler yapmaya gerek yok sadece hevesli olalım. Yeni şeyler görmeye çalışalım her ne kadar zor olsa da.

Biz normal insanlarız. İnternette görüp "ulan millet ne eğleniyor" dediğinizi biliyorum ama normal olan biziz.

Evet alkolün tadı bok gibi zaten içen de sarhoş olmak için içiyor.

Evet hayvan gibi yüksek sesle müzik çalan clublar da bok gibi kafam şişiyor gelenler de müzik için gelmiyor zaten.

Evet yılbaşı hiçbir siki değiştirmiyor tıpkı doğum günleri gibi önemsiz bir tarih.

Evet önemli biri değilsin. Ben de değilim. Herkes rastgele bir organizma ve 4 milyar yaşındaki dünyada max 70-90 yıl yaşayan biri.

Bunlar normal olan şeyler. Bunları sevmemen seni sıradışı yapmaz. Bunları bir kenara bırakıp sadece kendi kısa hayatının tadını çıkart. Bok gibi olsa da çıkart hiçbir şey yapamasan da. Yapabildiklerinden sevdiklerini bul.

👍︎ 35
👤︎ u/csyeniden
📅︎ Jan 01 2022
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çocuğun intihar videosunda bas bas söylediklerini adam hala yalanlıyor bir insan nasıl kendini bu kadar kör edebilir bu cemaatler nasıl iğrenç yerler böyle
👍︎ 52
📅︎ Jan 14 2022
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👍︎ 91
👤︎ u/qRocko
📅︎ Dec 31 2021
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18 ezilmiş elma çekirdeği bir insan öldürecek seviyede siyanüre sahiptir
👍︎ 572
👤︎ u/AslanMax_
📅︎ Nov 15 2021
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HDPli Sancar: AKP iktidarının teşvikiyle on binlerce insan PKK üyesi yakınlarını görme imkânını elde etmişlerdi t24.com.tr/haber/hdp-es-g…
👍︎ 27
👤︎ u/Erkiin
📅︎ Jan 13 2022
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sizce,tanri mi insani yoksa insan mi tanrıyı yaratmıştır?
👍︎ 12
📅︎ Jan 16 2022
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iki tür insan vardır (kaydır) reddit.com/gallery/rtlaqn
👍︎ 49
📅︎ Jan 01 2022
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K Holed - Quit all of my addictions, changed my life again and embraced change

K Holed - Quit all of my addictions, changed my life again, embraced change

I was having a very rough time a few weeks ago, extreme relationship troubles, coming to terms with a lot of things in my life, and just generally in a very bad place. So, of course I decided this hole was not deep enough and tripped and fell into a deeper one.

A K hole. Despite ketamine making anxiety hard, I had a pretty bad time. I was just waiting for it to be over as I experienced death and the witnessing of my problems and life. It felt like forever, and all I could do was lay there as reality spaghettified, everything I knew became fucked, and I died. Immediately after this I was not any better. I thought it failed me. I came out of it just as depressed as I came into it.

But no, deep down subconsciously as somehow always happens for me, seeds were planted and changes were made. I accepted my relationship changes, the changes to my daily life, but all of this and my decisions came at an extreme cost. Everything in my life was changing, my daily life was unrecognizable before the hole and after it... well I became extremely depersonalize and derealized, and possibly even depressed. This unfamiliarity was amplified to the point of complete derealization and depersonalization.

I did not recognize who I was, who my girlfriend was, my family, my friends, my life. It was alien to me. For days I felt completely alone and lost. I quit alcohol, I quit THC, I quit caffeine. All of my cravings just vanished in 2 hours. I went from drinking everyday for a month, being a complete full tolerance stoner everyday for a month, a caffeine fiend everyday, to nothing. Nothing at all. I had no desire to be like that anymore, that wasn’t me. That was the guy who died.

A stoner, a borderline alcoholic, and an energy drink fiend. Afraid of change. Terrified of it. Forced to embrace it. I imagine my depersonalization may have been contributed to by the sudden withdraw of the substances, but it was terrible.

Since then I have changed my life completely. I’ve moved on with my life, I accepted the changes, and I still am not drinking, smoking, or tweaking again. All of my drug cravings died with that version of me.

Going back a bit in this story... I looked in my mirror many times everyday, just not recognizing who I was. I felt like an outsider looking in at my old life. It was terrifying. I thought I had finally done it, I fucked up. This is it. But no. I had what is cal

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 18
📅︎ Nov 02 2019
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