Displaying small objects in DT class

Back when I were a young whippersnapper, we had a woodworking project to create something that would let us display a small object.

After a few minutes of the teacher asking us what we would display, and a large number of frankly stupid responses, he told us to stop shouting out. Then someone suggested they display some scissors. He asked "Why would you want to display some scissors?!"

Without skipping a beat I yelled out "To display the cutting edge of technology!"

I can still see him staring at me now!

👍ī¸Ž 14
👤ī¸Ž u/LynchGFX
📅ī¸Ž May 27 2015
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Why did the cat decide to become a DJ?

He heard there was a lot of scratching involved.

I just texted this to my wife, and she told me to get away from her. xD

I came up with this one as I was looking at my son's mouse pad he got for christmas. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07DGXR859/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

👍ī¸Ž 11
👤ī¸Ž u/Boomkiller
📅ī¸Ž Dec 26 2019
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There was a leek in my server room this morning.
👍ī¸Ž 5
👤ī¸Ž u/surfrock66
📅ī¸Ž Oct 23 2018
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👍ī¸Ž 2
👤ī¸Ž u/Yajirobe404
📅ī¸Ž Dec 27 2017
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