Doggo helps conciliate upset baby
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πŸ‘€︎ u/Antscannabis
πŸ“…︎ Mar 05 2021
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How do you conciliate being LGBT and christian?

I’m from a very conservative background, and after trying to become an atheist after i came out as bi, I realized i just can’t. No matter what i tried and said, i always came back to God. So to lgbt christians, How do you guys do it? I love to read so books on the matter are welcome.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/JoahkimHellblazer
πŸ“…︎ Feb 16 2021
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Open couples are just a way to conciliate the need of not being alone with the fact that your partner isn't the right one.

Open couples are a compromise to ourselves. If you need to have sex with other people, that means that your partner isn't the right one. You may also be in love with that person, but the fact that the both of you need to fuck around, it's the proof that you're not the perfect match.

People open up the couple to obviate the fact that they don't want to be alone. You want your cake and eat it too. You don't want to get involved in the hard research of the right one, but you also know that there's something wrong/dysfunctional with your current relationship. So what do you do? Simple: let's open up! So the both of you can still enjoy the chills of actual passion with other people, but not finding yourselves alone in the bed.

Is it inherently bad? No! Is it deeply wrong? It depends. It depends on how you try to fool yourself. If the both of you know it, it's fine! If you're trying to convince yourself that it's the way to go because you're too lazy to find true love, then this is deeply wrong towards yourself.

πŸ‘︎ 14
πŸ“…︎ Mar 26 2021
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Qualcuno soffre di ESD (eccessiva sonnolenza diurna) dovuta ad apnea notturna? Se sì, come avete risolto/ conciliate il lavoro o lo studio con essa?

Qualche mese fa postai su r/italy inconsapevole del disturbo che avevo. Molte persone mi diedero consigli più o meno utili ma solo una citò apnea notturna e ESD ( eccessiva sonnolenza diurna ). Per chi non ne fosse a conoscenza si tratta di una condizione nella quale a causa di un cattivo sonno ( dovuto a decine di fattori ) per un certo tempo nel corso della giornata si è praticamente impossibilitati a studiare o lavorare al meglio delle proprie capacità perché ci si sente come durante l' abbiocco post-pranzo ma, come nel mio caso, ancora più assonnati e con difficoltà a respirare e mi sento così ogni giorno per tutta la mattinata. In questi mesi, dopo aver contattato il medico, ho cercato di migliorare la situazione con integratori, calmanti e aggiustando un po' la dieta ( specialmente a pranzo, cercando di diminuire i carboidrati ) ma solo qualche giorno fa incontrandomi nuovamente col medico ho ricevuto una sorta di diagnosi di questo tipo ( in questi giorni dovrò fare dei test per verificare la qualità del sonno ). Il medico mi ha detto che dovrò necessariamente riprendere a fare attività fisica ( sono passato dal farla a livello agonistico sei giorni a settimana, al non fare nulla negli ultimi tre anni ), perdere peso, e migliorare l'alimentazione. Ma mi ha anche detto che dopo aver fatto la polisonnografia ci saranno delle cose da fare anche per migliorare la qualità del sonno. Perché sì, questo problema ce l'ho anche quando dormo 10 ore quindi non è una questione di quantità, bensì qualità. Volevo quindi chiedere se qualcuno di voi è stato oppure continua ad essere affetto da questo disturbo e che soluzioni ha trovato per ridurlo o eliminarlo completamente. Con l'auspicio che il thread possa aiutare anche altre persone. Grazie a tutti

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πŸ‘€︎ u/ZylewIR
πŸ“…︎ Jan 10 2021
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How to conciliate a life with a non-marriage son?

Hey. So, today my first son has born, His name is Vicente and he is a beatiful healthy and happy baby. However, I am not engaged with the mother of my son. I am worried that we will argue about raising the baby and stuff like that. I watched the child birth and I am willing to participate in every part of the child's life. I love the baby and I really want to be a good father...

With that said, also, I am 18yo. I am too young so maybe there is a another problem ...

What do you guys think about this? What is the best advice that you all can give me?

Thanks in advance... (Sorry by any mistakes, I am still learning english...)

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πŸ‘€︎ u/TheCuritibaGuy
πŸ“…︎ Jun 04 2020
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How to conciliate alters that want to hide themselves (including the host's face) and others like me that want to show ourselves to the world

(sorry about any english errors, not only english is not our mother language but we also speak a little "weird" usually)

So, the host and some of us like to create stuff like songs, drawing and writing, and we would like to show our creations to the world and share pictures with our twitter friends (especially now that the host's haircut is just like mine) but there's others alters that doesn't feel comfortable showing our host's face, even though he gave us permition to "let ourselves free".

What can we do?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Pragaaaaa
πŸ“…︎ Sep 07 2020
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Some products become more attractive the more users they have. This creates a snowball effect and leads to oligopolies. Is there economic theory for this phenomenon and consumer behavior? What are some proposals to conciliate this with the bad effects of oligopolies?

I'm especially interested in the contemporary versions of that, like video streaming services, social media and game launchers. People like to have everything in a single place and some even complain when competitors enter the market. I remember I saw a study that showed consumer satisfaction with video streaming services was higher when Netflix was the one big player but I can't find it right now.

At the same time, this creates oligopolies and monopolies, which tend to be bad for the consumer (lower innovation, higher prices).

This isn't a unique problem to web services though. The same happens with utilities, ISPs and even healthcare. The solution for utilities was to have the government provide the service. In the US, this hasn't been implemented for ISPs or healthcare, but it has been proposed. That's why I assume it's an old problem with theory behind it.

Where can I read more about this kind of thing? Is there a name for this phenomenon? Should the government provide game launchers? Are there alternative solutions?

PS: As I was writing this I realized that not all of those things I said here can be explained by "become more attractive the more users they have", but I believe the problem is still comparable since the end effect (customers voluntarily making monopolies) is the same.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/rupen42
πŸ“…︎ Jan 30 2020
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How do you conciliate incompatibles themes/ideas in your World(s) ?

I'm currently trying to worldbuild a new DnD campaign setting and I'm struggling a lot in my attempt to build a coherent and relatively unified world and was wondering if people had a similar problem. There's so much stuff I want to add, because I find it interesting, cool and a good way to create stories that my players will enjoy, but that feels out of place or incompatible with the universe I'm building. How do you deal with that ?

As an exemple, the setting I'm building is set in a fantasy bronze age, with civilisations inspired by ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt and Anatolia, wich is a really interesting angle I'm psyched of exploring. On the other hand, I'm struggling with other things I enjoy and that I can't seem to fit in this fledging world, especially High Magic, proto-industrial technology, some traditional fantasy archetypes, etc.

What can I do about this ? Do I need to just abandon/choose between things I enjoy ? Is it realistic to try to create a little space for everything ? Should I just create a thousand worlds to avoid inconsistensies/incompatible ideas at the risk of losing time/concentration ? What do you guys do to chose what to flesh out and what to leave behind ?

πŸ‘︎ 10
πŸ‘€︎ u/Krexius
πŸ“…︎ Aug 21 2020
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The Chinese Dilemma: Does Beijing conciliate? Or does fear win more friends than playing nice?…
πŸ‘︎ 4
πŸ‘€︎ u/abscbnnotforsale
πŸ“…︎ May 04 2020
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Using Structured References to re-conciliate separate pieces of data

I'm on Windows and using Excel 2016.

I'm doing a reconciliation between a large spreadsheet that has then been split up into many small ones to make sure the smaller ones haven't lost any data.

My example is I have a set of data ranging from row 22,000-23,000 and I want to compare that to data set in another sheet which is ranging 1-1,000 as the columns don't always match I've been trying to use this formula:


But I keep getting a return of VALUE - presumably because it's searching the same row (22,000) on the sheet which Table13 is stored on. How do I get this to search the correct row?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/mappsy91
πŸ“…︎ May 13 2020
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Wait, is it proper to say β€œI hope I can conciliate you.” ???
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πŸ“…︎ Feb 07 2020
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How can someone conciliate the love for suffering and searching meaning in ones suffering?

Isn't searching for a meaning in suffering a search to make this suffering less sufferable? To make this suffering a smaller thing that is just part of something great? To make it something detestable but a price for something better?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Plumas_de_Pan
πŸ“…︎ Dec 20 2019
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How do you conciliate the areas you like?

I'm a undergrad studying applied mathematics in Brazil. Today I'm in a research project on continuous optimization, which is my advisor's area of research and one that is of much interest for me because of its applications. I also love reading about category theory and related areas, such as type theory and set theory, and I'd love doing research on them.

The problem is that I can't see how to conciliate those two, in the sense that I not sure if I do one, I could do the other properly, because of the distance between them. Today I have the former as my "real" area of research, and the latter as one of my hobbies, but I'm not yet satisfied and I wonder if there a better option.

So I ask you that are more experienced than me, did you have I similar problem? If so, what was your solution?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/liwohart
πŸ“…︎ Jul 25 2020
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How to conciliate conlang and storytelling?

Imagine a tribe, let's call them the Eks (x!). The Eks are known to be extremely zealous. At the point where the adjective "eksy" appeared in a neighboring tribe to express "to be zealous".

Now, let's imagine that the story is happening in this neighboring tribe.

How to translate?

- Call the Eks "the Zealous" ?

- Call zealous people "Eks-like" ?

- Losing the interest of the conlang and calling the Eks "Eks" and zealous people "zealous"?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/monsieurY
πŸ“…︎ Nov 27 2019
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How those of you full-time workers who learn music for hobby conciliate the learning with your familial responsabilities?

With a full-time job we don't usually have very much free time so I don't know how music learning can fit well with parenting, at least the one I'd like to do. I'd like to be as close as possible with my children, which means we should spend a lot of good quality time together, which can't happen in my view if I'm stucked in a room practicing almost everyday. I suppose that when I get to a good level on my instrument we could spend time making music together, but this together time would still be dwarfed in comparison to the time we would remain isolated. I hope you're able to offer some insight.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Ptscholar
πŸ“…︎ Aug 09 2019
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How do you conciliate your ancap ideology with your unmistakable fear of having your "copyrights" violated?
πŸ‘︎ 30
πŸ“…︎ Dec 11 2018
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Former Atheist, living a religious life for little over a month now, need some guidance on how to conciliate a mature vision of G’d and G’d as depicted in the prayers

So I’ve always been very secular and rational, and thought a lot throughout my life about morals and death (among many other things)

Recently I’ve come to realize there is great depth in Judaism, it’s history and thousands of years of philosophy, so I managed to strengthen my religious ties. Now I go every day to Shull, wear tzitzit, the whole deal. I’m feeling pretty good about it.

But some parts of prayer are hard for me to conciliate with.

The talk about a king, a G’d of war, G’d that controls the rain and so on.

I can’t connect to it.

Reading Rav Kook I see: β€œThe tendency of simplistic people to understand the reality of G’d based on words and letters alone is a source of embarrassment for humankind. Atheism comes like a painful cry to redeem mankind from this narrow, alien pit, and to raise it up from the darkness of text and speech to the light of thoughts and emotions, and eventually, to place its main focus on morality. Therefore, atheism has a temporary function and worth. It comes to purify the dirt that has stuck tΓ‘ a faith that lacks any comprehension.”

I love that!!! Completely speaks to me!

But how can I conciliate this whit the words of daily prayer when they are in such big contrast?

πŸ‘︎ 20
πŸ‘€︎ u/spinn80
πŸ“…︎ Dec 12 2019
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ELI5: How to conciliate determinism and free will?

I understand and agree with determinism, the fact that everything happens as a result of the previous state of the universe.

Now, how do stoics fit free will in this? How can you have free will and believe in determinism.

I still don't understand compatibilism / soft determinism. Could some explain in a way other than the rolling cylinder example?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/AymericG
πŸ“…︎ Oct 22 2018
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philosophicalness carcaneted conciliates

pyridine*s sprinted stetted unostentatiousness

corregidors passivate* unlaces slicingly recruit rasen subducts pheochromocytoma oakmosses ,bedrugging lau.ans pallid circumsta >nces carancha pre`confinedly imperceivably telephotometer intermittent abnegators glace deburr roommate asterwort midwest pillery indeclinable ~~uncork


r nonsubordinat >ion nathless saproph^ytic ornamentation airdock salmi~~ misbusy unforgeable schrebera poaches unanal^ogous smoking grimoire tetrachloroethane m >air valedictor*y or*iginalist stigmatose renas**cences disoccluding tit,honus physiologically browbeat girde**rless kashrut unasleep mi~~sapplying normals incompressable, ,impone com*mu.nicableness h~~arvestman morphophonemics subpentagonal d >epigmentize oversce~~pticism sneeshes unforgetting thinkings pignut sclero^de**rmitic pseudoinstruction^ schizocarpic macropod perdicinae googol unextenuating realizingly d**eploita~~tion ammonitessd,efenses weeklies italicis**m quietist diminute**l**y caviteno clinoprism lobar paraquat actualness fluid consideringly totterers runner darken sayabil.ity voyeuse pounce lawmaking ,loppered diolefinic disorganise maki fencer alopecist concoctions enamelling lauras tetrage^nous phyllomorphosis nonredemption contrabass brighid bashlyk inodorously hoblob crooknecks upshut dismisser tutors midland warstled noninflammable ba,nderillero >trimeric rootwa.rd sirship lecturette ^radiometrically balanoph,oraceae forecastors passade be~~smoked subsist*ent morphs serpently b >rabbling overscore, angola, canfuls kafkaesque tenebrously ov

erholds ho*stilenes**s sulfamic niggarded cete idyllically huffler schistoscope gossan akia caproin unamiss racovian twite snugg,ish uredinial canariote pseudodoxy anhalam

ine isoteles chal^la profanableness to >e met,hodically outsits predator hebraistically fid.ate thort

lapidific le bavarois mu^rks iranian endoscope seventies th.oughted lascar,ee m,ickle semipsy,chologically kaleeg^e merengues bespatter > oversharpness weirdwomen rewr**ite angiokinesi.s brazilei^n** r*eges uptorn launder,er noncontiguous deperditely catholicisation gyration dorbug wourali marplot stemona tryphosa frigolabil~~e gau lemuroids gyges invalued pret,an goller physiognomically anammo`nid "~~Segmentation fault^ (core* d*umped)" gaste >ro,thecal corvorant postpneumonic satinpods micropaleontology animalcules resynthe.sizing angiokinetic galvayned spoked

disfurnish nonpro

... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/stroke_bot
πŸ“…︎ Oct 26 2019
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stop (someone) being angry or discontented; placate.

"concessions were made to conciliate the peasantry"








calm down





win over

make peace with

square someone off





gain (esteem or goodwill).

"the arts which conciliate popularity"

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πŸ‘€︎ u/mark30322
πŸ“…︎ Oct 24 2019
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Nietzsche both praised self-confidence as a necessary means to attain freedom and skepticism and the necessity of philosophizing with an hammer. How did he conciliate both?
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πŸ‘€︎ u/nustopidquestions
πŸ“…︎ Aug 16 2018
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Is it possible to conciliate Stoicism and Marxism?
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πŸ‘€︎ u/Tomikuz
πŸ“…︎ May 16 2018
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How did Nazi Germany manage to conciliate the belief in German supremacy with the need for alliances with other totalitarian nations (such as Japan and Italy) during WWII?
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πŸ‘€︎ u/okanouma
πŸ“…︎ Jun 06 2019
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[Socialists]How do you conciliate a classless society with a military hierarchy?

For the sake of this exercise, assume that some comrades are trying to build Socialism in a world where there are still some evil Capitalism holdouts with military capability in some regions.

Some forms of Socialism can be about the abolition of rigid hierarchies and the building of a classless Society where there aren't superiors or inferiors. In the other hand, historically successful military structures used rigid hierarchies for chain of command, delivery of orders to subordinates, etc.

How would your ideology conciliate the needs of self defense against the evil imperialist capitalists and promotion of revolution in the lands who yet did not see the truth about how Socialism are indeed superior, and the ideological need of a classless society?

Bonus question: the promotion of a classless society influenced negatively in the military of some historical Anarchistic societies (like the Free Territory of Makhnovia, the Revolutionary Catalonia and the Paris Commune)?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Lorck16
πŸ“…︎ Oct 30 2016
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With rock n roll in decline at the face of hip hop and urban genre in general new popularity, how do you think they are going to conciliate to appeal to new audiences.

Watching Reeves and Winter rapping could be awkward af.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/F90
πŸ“…︎ May 12 2019
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How to conciliate parasites with veganism? At what point does an animal stops being an animal?

If you have a parasite living amongst your flesh, say, a Taenia solium feeding on your intestines, is it acceptable to kill it from a vegan point of view?

It is an animal afterall, and its non-elimination will make you a hazard to contaminate other people. (Even though, a vegan likely won't get the parasite in its intestines, he/she may be contaminated with its cysts)

To move to a more simple point, consider this parasite is causing real and detectable harm to your health.

Also, were do you draw the line? If I swallow water from a river, I'm most certainly killing (and eating) some animals (cladocerans, rotifers, etc.) in the process.

At what point does an animal stops being an animal? Are sponges animals? Can I breed and exploit sponges for bathing or whatever? If no, why can I do the same to a tree in a orchard?

Thanks in advance!

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πŸ‘€︎ u/milixo
πŸ“…︎ Aug 22 2017
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I read this post(s) about Mai Trin being a PUG-killer. Even if she gets tuned down, any boss can kill a pug (kick/leave/fail). We CAN Conciliate challenge/no-nerf-to-faceroll and getting rid of PUG issues.


After reading the Mai Trin posts, I remembered how bad a difficult boss can hurt PUGs or teams of new players discovering a given fractal or dungeon. Unfortunately, since a bad team can mean being irreversibly blocked on a boss after a long playing session, PUGs took an habit of leaving/kicking when they feel the team/someone is too bad (those who don't will sometime try very hard to end up failing with no reward and feel very bad for the time 'wasted').

Pretty any dungeon/fractal boss can do this to some extent. Well known examples are Mai Trin, Fusion duo, Grawl Shaman, Clockheart, Lupicus or Simin (those last 2 were giving a hard time to my guild when discovering in 2012, they don't block as many people today).

This is worse in fractals because the hardest bosses often come in the 3rd or 4th fractal, when a fail means losing a long progress.

On the other hand, we don't want Anet to nerf each and every boss to the ground, making the whole game a faceroll. A lot of players like to have some challenging content available, or even just bosses to feel like bosses. I won't decide here whether or not Mai Trin should be tuned down, but in a general case the answer for pug killers shouldn't always be a nerf (especially when any boss can block a bad/new enough team).

So what can we do ? Here is my general idea : implement mechanics (some existing ones can be re-used, see blow) on bosses so that they are still as challenging for experienced teams, still encourage being good and beating them on first try, but will not completely block new/bad teams. Those mechanics would either make bosses easier as the time passes, or help them die if a team puts enough effort in the fight.

tl;dr : in order to conciliate (a) avoid blocking pug teams with known toxic consequences and (b) avoid nerfing everything to the ground and keep challenge/incentive to do good ; there could be solutions of decreasing difficulty over time or other mechanics.

Each of the solutions below could depend on

  • Number of team wipes
  • Time
  • Other mechanics

Also, the solutions are no mutually exclusive. They can be used either in conjunction, or separately on different bosses.

Solution A

This one comes from GW1. Remember : people leaving or teams failing after a long time spent in a dungeon were rare events. But teams could still be new, or bad, or good; and we could still decide after getting the dungeon chest "oh man, I'm not going to play with them again" or "th

... keep reading on reddit ➑

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Keorl
πŸ“…︎ Jul 04 2014
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How do you conciliate your daily meditation with your jogging or other physical exercises ?

I usually prefer to do it after my training and my shower. During the exercises before I put my attentions on my sensations, it wakes me for the morning and prepare me to set me up in the moment.

What are your tricks ?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/maths-n-drugs
πŸ“…︎ May 05 2016
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How do you conciliate Runescape with your (busy) schedule? Tell us your experience.

To people in University/working/parents and workaholics, but even younger players with intense schedule, it can be very hard putting it a decent amount of time in Runescape.

Considering the dailyscape perspective, but also the fact that the game is very grindy, would love to hear how you guys manage to conciliate things. Runescape does the "afk" advantage over other games, but on the other hand, if you're skilling for 1 hour a day you won't get much progression in your account. Add to that the fact that you can't access more engaging content (such as bossing) until medium to high lvls, and it can become tricky to improve your account without waiting ages for end-game content.

So, how do you manage it? Share your experience and tell us some tricks you use to get the most of your game time.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/zoth00
πŸ“…︎ Jan 13 2018
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Since the Seven Laws of Noah have laws against homosexuality and lack of faith in God, how is it possible to conciliate homosexuality and atheism with reform judaism to both jews and gentiles?

Do not deny God. Do not blaspheme God. Do not murder. Do not engage in incestuous, adulterous or homosexual relationships. Do not steal. Do not eat of a live animal. Establish courts/legal system to ensure law and obedience.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/acaciosc
πŸ“…︎ Apr 23 2015
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Apple's War on Android --- Nine months later, the case of Apple v. Samsung shows no sign of abating. Rather than conciliate, Apple returned in February to the federal courthouse in San Jose to sue Samsung again, claiming the Korean manufacturer β€œslavishly copied” Apple.…
πŸ‘︎ 62
πŸ‘€︎ u/DrRichardCranium
πŸ“…︎ Apr 02 2012
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