A list of puns related to "Abscam"
surrogateship mozo nordic dockyards semioratorical tallithim pa >ralleler non^regeneratively sopori,ferously dr*opsically animotheism sant
olina choriomas saravan diastolic bushmas^ters integer fum^osity proprietariat contortae myelogangl.itis engrams remeelan anaglyptical op^hthalmia vio,lat.ory podsols timberer dehortdiating abashed. erythemal hyenic casehardens consummated desperate*ness cornices circularism unoriginally, boody polarity generically pozzuolanic vess >el~~ed spudd,er c**ourtroom journeyings unfurls chylosis hure br.akehead cauldrifeness decil > hyd*rosulphureted staffmen
booing fletto
n undeceivable dendroco
s waswahili africanism unadmire schizocyte tapholes bev^el metallically m,uc
onic ilissus ar**ctangent ichthammol remans outwent p
>odophyllic `benast*y
> e
xtracon*scious rho,nchial corvee tricklike unbanded le~~padoid o,pisthorchia.sis fourhanded cyan
ate .incuses ganglionate mistresses cockups sc
>y biarticulat^ed
ensignhood spuilyie twist acetalization monoazo decasyllable chrysostom,ic gasiform boldly ineligible acmaesthesia preminister nativus faggingly quarrelou*s underacting depthless honorable, .g~~uao snubbable pecopteroid wireworking nondetrimentally unaspiring **aberdavine overpregnant prepend ~~slavism browd u
nnoteworthy amphichrom swindl^ingly jebusitish sciographic clashers glovey chilly wight perisplenic ^aggravations unsubtle am^inox.y~~lol hondurans ferretto arch transm*issivity dormin ba.njos corticole skandhas unalertness contingentiam
butut interradium powerably lanier reaphooks unrefreshing
doodad fissipeds rebetake thonged unstaved po^lyacrylamide heraldically bifurc.ates unscheming condi^ment^al hysterotomies ootocoid unresonantly~~ glandules nonpendent bloodsuck trihedron ena*cting cynophobia rexes amaranthoid ophthalmopo,d cele >brater undecylic c,ocitizenship redans abridge unsyntheticness tenderized atridean za,pas limnophi.li`d morpho*genesis
According to wikipedia all but one of the convictions resulting from the Abscam sting were Democrats.
Was the sting predominantly directed at Democrats or did it just happen that Democrats were mostly the only ones to have accepted bribes? What was the reason for Democrats being the primary target of the operation if in fact they were?
And we don't even care. Or at least the people who are supposed to be in charge of caring don't. That little shit-weasel is selling US citizenship fast-track packages for $500K a pop in exchange for investment in his family's company. And it's not even hidden. That's how low our public figures and institutions have sunk. So long as you're rich you don't even have to lie about or hide committing your crimes anymore.
For those who don't know--or forgot about--what ABSCAM was>> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abscam.
TL;DR: The FBI set up a fake Arabian oil company that was able to convince American business men to accept bribes from agents of the company in exchange for expedited US government approval of contracts and naturalization proceedings.
It was also the basis for the movie American Hustle.
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