My dad told me this just now

Dad: Hey I was just at the gas station and this lady next to me was filling up her car with gas and then she spilled like half a gallon

Me: Oh jeez

Dad: Yeah I know anyway she opened her door to get something to wipe it up with cause the station had nothing and then this huge Rot Weiler ran out of the car and licked up a bunch of gas then ran away and the lady was Freaking out so I ran across the street to grab the dog and I finally caught up to him and he started walking in a circle and then just collapsed

Me: Oh my god what happened

Dad: He ran out of gas

👍︎ 67
📅︎ Jul 16 2019
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We were in Times Square the other day... dad was picking me up from the train station and we met by west 42nd street. We get in the car and drive past Rockefeller center and we see a tree with lights: "you see that? They're already growing next year's Christmas tree!"

I have never heard say anything like this before. Needless to say I got quite a chuckle from it

Edit: grammar

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/Carguy96
📅︎ Apr 17 2017
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"I'm tired"

After a long night of packing for the beach and watching movies, my family had to get up extremely early to start driving to the beach. About 3 hours into the drive, we pull over at a Hardee's so my family could use the restroom. Upon getting back into the car and being the extremely tired person he is, my father proceeds to point across the street to a very large pile of tires in a gas station parking lot and says "Wow, I'm tired." He smiled; we groaned. It was agonizing.

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Aug 08 2014
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