How did the TNO fandom gain a reputation as a bunch of edgy Speer hoodie wearing idiots?

Title says all

👍︎ 271
📅︎ Jan 08 2022
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Golden Hall of Zeppelintribüne, Nazi Party Rally Grounds in Nuremberg, Germany - by Albert Speer and Hermann Kaspar (1937)
👍︎ 381
👤︎ u/Strydwolf
📅︎ Jan 06 2022
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Do Erhardt's interactions with Speer not make sense?

The options for the Go4 often sound like the gang are actively walking over Speer, but oftentimes it's at least trying to be in a Gorbachev-style way of "well I don't want this exact thing but I wanna change stuff and it's better than what the Party's trying to get me to do." Then there's Erhardt, who outright bullies Speer in multiple chains of events. I remember one in particular as showing Speer softly, almost meekly speaking up in the middle of one of Erhardt's mini-rants only to be ignored entirely. As fun as that scene is to picture, it's not at all how things would work during the first decade of the game, at least imo. Am I the only one who's seeing this?

👍︎ 333
📅︎ Jan 05 2022
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Who’s better to play Speer or Bormann?
👍︎ 215
📅︎ Jan 03 2022
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TIL that d'Armond Speers tried to teach his son Klingon language, used by Klingons in Star Trek series, as a first language. The boy answered mostly in English which his mother talked to him in and at the age of 5 stopped answering dad when he was speaking Klingon to him.…
👍︎ 19k
👤︎ u/zkih
📅︎ Sep 28 2021
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How cursed is my Speer Run?
👍︎ 275
📅︎ Jan 02 2022
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Albert Speer when the GO4 puppets him
👍︎ 412
📅︎ Jan 07 2022
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Well, just fyi, and just as ammo prices appear to be improving, Vista Outdoors (i.e., CCI, Federal, Remington, Speer, etc.) announces another price increase

Effective 4/1/2022, CCI, Federal, Hevi–Shot, Remington, and SPEER ammunition will take the following price increases:

  • Primers – 5%
  • Powder – 5%
  • Handgun – 2-8%
  • Rifle – 3-8%
  • Shotgun – 3-12%

Additionally, due to continued demand, NO new Primer orders will be accepted until further notice.

Vista Outdoors 4/1/2022 Price Increases

👍︎ 102
👤︎ u/SconieAZ
📅︎ Dec 29 2021
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bought some Speer gold dot 9mm and out came 45 from the box. Has this happened to anyone else?
👍︎ 57
📅︎ Jan 16 2022
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Thank you, TNO team, for the Speer path.

Disclaimer: this might be flirting with Rule 3, but I'll try to avoid it as much as possible.

Let me get this started with a personal perspective: after graduating school, if you had asked me who Albert Speer was, I probably could have told you that he was a Nazi, but nothing specific. It's a name you have heard in history classes, and even though I was already very interested in history at that point, the focus of the classes in the context of WW2 was simply different. The focus was on the war and the genocide committed during its course, specifically the Holocaust and everything connected to it, for example the ideology of the Nazis and the persecution of Jewish life in Germany even before the war started. (For completeness: Talking about history classes in 11th/12th grade in Germany.) So we learned a lot about context, and then of course we discussed the aftermath of WW2, such as Denazification. Individual actors, aside from the most important ones (e.g. Hitler, Goebbels, Stalin, Churchill), were not given a huge focus. That is why Albert Speer was only a name you may have heard during classes, and I think that's the case for most people (if they have heard it at all).

Fast forward to now, after having played TNO for some time. TNO introduces four potential Führers, all of which are therefore given a bit of a spotlight. Three of those are straight up absolutely terrible. Bormann, who doomes Germany to a slow death, Göring, who dooms it to a death by war, Heydrich, who dooms it to a death by itself. Only Speer is able to repair the damage, he is, at least in the beginning, depicted as maybe even somewhat of a savior, listening to the protesting people, abolishing slavery, cutting away the worst excesses.

TNO made me want to know more about Speer, and what I found is that this very neatly fits Speer's IRL endeavours to try and redeem his image, as the "misguided idealist", the "good Nazi". He spent much of his life after WW2 with PR like that. I guess most people on this subreddit are at least vaguely aware of that. If you were to naively look up Speer on e.g. Wikipedia, one might even get the impression that this is not entirely wrong, and if you were to ask certain people, they would also try to whitewash him. Arguably, this means his efforts were not entirely unsuccessful - depicting Speer in an ambivalent manner would probably not be as much of a scandal compared to, say, Hitler. However, this is again where TNO comes into play.

The more the game

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 414
📅︎ Dec 22 2021
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is Speer or heydrich more interesting?

So, I want to do a Germany game, already played goring and bormann seems boring, I just can't decide between Speer and heydrich. Which of them is more interesting(no spoilers pls)

👍︎ 93
👤︎ u/fandral20
📅︎ Jan 13 2022
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To last a thousand Years: A Speer AAR
👍︎ 400
📅︎ Dec 15 2021
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S15 Gen 2 FAILURES, premium mag catch. 43x shooting Speer Lawman 115gr FMJ.
👍︎ 19
📅︎ Jan 10 2022
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Getting that Mark Speer sound

Hello fellow passengers,

For any musicians out there, I’m curious what I need to add to get close to that sexy tone Mark gets out of his guitar. I currently have a Fender Reverb Deluxe tube amp and a crybaby wah wah pedal. What else should I/ could I add to my pedalboard/setup to get close to that kind of sound??

Thank you for input,


👍︎ 16
📅︎ Jan 14 2022
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A Textbook Style Headcanon for the Fate of Doomed!Speer Germany
👍︎ 872
📅︎ Dec 17 2021
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speer science leak
👍︎ 2k
👤︎ u/Nerd_Techy
📅︎ Nov 04 2021
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Does the Regime Leaning have to be conservative for Dengist Speer?

I do not know if it's my game bugging out or something, but I can't seem to get Dengist Speer.

Now, I have done most of what came to mind first. I picked Speer's path in Oil Crisis tree thinking it would get him more power than GO4, and then picked the necessary options during the negotiations (Accepting the first two conditions and refusing the others with Speer's men).

Regardless of what I did Speer was couped by GO4. This led to me thinking that it was because my regime leaning was too reformist since the option for Schmidt to go alone was still available to me. Am I right here or is there something else missing?

👍︎ 53
📅︎ Jan 13 2022
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The absolute state of Speer's Reich
👍︎ 337
👤︎ u/Lenfilms
📅︎ Dec 05 2021
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Can we just accept how truly horrifying Dentist Speer Germany is?

Aside from how long it could last, I would like to talk about how Speer's Germany essentially validates fascism and racism, so long as they are hidden under sufficient shrouds. It gives a far more insidious picture for the future than a Bormann run Reich, as at least with that, it shows the rampant inefficiencies of the Nazi system.

👍︎ 131
📅︎ Dec 19 2021
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Schmidt! Who the fuck is this blonde midget in my office?| Albert Speer from Friday Night Funkin
👍︎ 881
📅︎ Nov 24 2021
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I made a Speer Hoodie Wojak/Twinkjak
👍︎ 272
📅︎ Jan 01 2022
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Restored Speer's 5th minister through a submod
👍︎ 312
👤︎ u/Nerd_Techy
📅︎ Jan 02 2022
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The result of my GO4 Speer run
👍︎ 114
📅︎ Jan 06 2022
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Speer refrence😮
👍︎ 288
📅︎ Jan 04 2022
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Pedal Board V.4: "The Mark Speer Special"
👍︎ 46
👤︎ u/Abstrused
📅︎ Jan 01 2022
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Adolf Hitler, second from right, Albert Speer, right, and others, at the Rügenwalde testing grounds in Pomerania (now Darłowo, Poland) on 19 Mar 1943 to see the giant 800mm railway gun “Dora,” sister gun to the “Gustav.”
👍︎ 886
📅︎ Dec 05 2021
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Albert Speer’s Volkshalle
👍︎ 336
📅︎ Dec 25 2021
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What happens to Bormann (and Goering) if Speer wins the GCW?

I’ve seen the event for Heydrichs body being discovered after he was executed by the burgundians, but I don’t recall ever seeing anything about Bormann or Voring. What happens to them if Speer becomes fuhrer?

👍︎ 58
📅︎ Jan 12 2022
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AI Speer needs a buff in the GCW

Don’t get me wrong, Speer is pretty easy as a player. But the AI is, as we know, really dumb. I have never once seen AI Speer win. I’ve even seen AI Heydrich win (granted, with my support as Burgundy) before seeing Speer. What I’m saying is that Bormann and Göring get old fast. Bormann just kinda sits in Germania drooling, while Göring attempts to conquer Norway but is so fat he sinks the boat and fucking dies, causing Schörner to take over, and pretty much game wise do nothing different from Bormann. It would be very refreshing to see a Speer victory now and then.

👍︎ 741
📅︎ Nov 11 2021
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Does Speer end the personality cult around the Fuhrer?

He's supposed to be the Reich's Deng Xiaoping, right?

Well, IOTL, Deng removed the cult of personality around the PRC's paramount leader.

Does Speer do this as well? And does it lead to a more decentralized authoritarian model of government, like that of the PRC in the 2000s?

👍︎ 136
📅︎ Dec 13 2021
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Alocasia reginae (left) from Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia. the clone introduced to the US decades ago as Alocasia 'Elaine'/reginae 'Elaine',named after Floridan plant collector Elaine Speer & An unnamed species (right) from West Kalimantan,Indonesia. Mistakenly traded as Alocasia reginae most of the time
👍︎ 22
📅︎ Jan 09 2022
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What is Speer Mental broke and how do I get it?
👍︎ 118
👤︎ u/FDr4gs
📅︎ Dec 30 2021
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Speer fucks up Vol. II
👍︎ 93
📅︎ Jan 02 2022
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Do you notice any difference in Speer 147 vs Fiocchi 158gr suppressed 9mm? I’ve shot the Speer 147gr for years but on a forum someone just said the Fiocchi 158gr is noticeably quieter?
👍︎ 6
👤︎ u/the20thh
📅︎ Jan 15 2022
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125gr Speer TNT in x39

Looking to try this load out in x39.

I know this is mainly a 300 b/o bullet but the shape and flat base is similar to the 110gr vmax that is listed by Hornady.

I’m thinking on using the 123gr load data and keeping the same max OAL. Hornady lists the 123 SST with a flat base.

I’ve found next to nothing on this combo online so I know I’m in uncharted waters here. I thought I’d ask beforehand to see if anyone else has tried it. I really wish I had an OAL gauge for the x39 but hornady has been out for…. Forever on if

Thinking on 20.6 gr H4198 and a solid crimp which is a good middle starting load.


👍︎ 3
📅︎ Jan 09 2022
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Why is Speer’s GDP growth capped at 15%?

Why would you limit the player with how high the GDP can go? What’s the fun in that? Personally I removed the event’s effect

👍︎ 141
👤︎ u/JordenGG
📅︎ Dec 02 2021
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Why isnt schrorner killed or imprisoned if speer or bormann win the GCW,why do they pardon him?
👍︎ 136
📅︎ Nov 30 2021
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Which Ukraine and Moscow outcome best favours D-word Speer?

For Poland I'd say its the Speidal plan, for Ostland I'd argue Landrut (despite him being a genuine reformist, Landrut's reforms would make Ostland a useful colony.)

But what would be the best outcome for Speer in Moscow and Ukraine that makes them effective economies yet still subservient to the Reich.

👍︎ 112
👤︎ u/25jack08
📅︎ Dec 10 2021
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A snake bare it's fangs - Speer's Reich AAR
👍︎ 356
📅︎ Dec 02 2021
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My favorite picture from my solo hike up Speer peak in the Alpstein range, Switzerland
👍︎ 488
📅︎ Dec 18 2021
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Albert Speer?

What are your thoughts on Albert Speer, Hitlers prize architect and along with Erwin Rommel, considered to be a “ good German” or at least not a bad one.

He admitted guilt at Nuremberg and was able to at least gain the sympathy of the western allies.

After his jail sentence he became sort of a weird celebrity in the American press before his death in 1980.

Was he good? Bad? Complicated? Your thoughts.

👍︎ 23
📅︎ Jan 04 2022
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Just gathered all the ministers of Dengist Speer together.
👍︎ 545
📅︎ Nov 02 2021
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Speer friendly Moskowien unifiers?

Could someone please be so kind, to share a list of Speer Friendly RK Moskowien unifiers?

👍︎ 61
👤︎ u/tamber999
📅︎ Dec 19 2021
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Fuck the Speer Hoodie, all my homies use the Kennedy Cup
👍︎ 317
📅︎ Nov 29 2021
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Ferdinand Porsche (left) and Albert Speer (right) inspect one of the first production batch Tigers in 1942, note the concrete plates placed on the hull to simulate the weight of a turret
👍︎ 433
📅︎ Jan 14 2022
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How Modern day Go4 Speer Germany flag looks?

So, will the Go4 change flag of the Reich after Speer passing.
And how this flag looks?

👍︎ 4
👤︎ u/Aleaae
📅︎ Jan 17 2022
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Britney Speers
👍︎ 132
👤︎ u/GriffinFTW
📅︎ Dec 24 2021
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Speer leak from discord
👍︎ 1k
📅︎ Oct 20 2021
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New too okeechobee and Speer excited. I was wondering if anyone could give me some quick tips and answer some questions? Like if there are showers we pay to use, how close do we park to our actual camp spot, or just anything helpful really
👍︎ 6
📅︎ Jan 05 2022
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