"How the OCBC SMS Phishing Scam Works and Who Else is Vulnerable" | (Credit: u/captain-sinkie) captain-sinkie.com/articl…
👍︎ 588
📅︎ Jan 15 2022
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Commentary: Phishing and other SMS scams – shouldn’t banks bear the cost? channelnewsasia.com/comme…
👍︎ 144
📅︎ Jan 10 2022
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Nálatok is megszaporodtak a phishing SMS-ek?

Az elmúlt két hétben kaptam nyereményeset és csomagosat is, hivatalos értesítési számokról spoofolva. Korábban nem kaptam ilyeneket.

iPhone, titkos szám.

👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/SteveMTS
📅︎ Jan 03 2022
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Phishing to work, personal email and personal cellphone (SMS)?

Anyone else seeing this behavior? We are seeing waves of cases where someone is pretending to be our CEO and sending phishing emails to staff's work addresses but also their personal email addresses and in some cases text messages to them on their personal phone numbers. These personal emails and phone numbers aren't at all listed in company directories, their signatures, etc. My theory is they are siphoning off the personal details off a compromised job board (Monster, Dice, etc) account but I can't prove it.

👍︎ 15
👤︎ u/BeerJunky
📅︎ Dec 08 2021
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"How the OCBC SMS Phishing Scam Works and Who Else is Vulnerable" | (Credit: u/captain-sinkie) captain-sinkie.com/articl…
👍︎ 3
📅︎ Jan 15 2022
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Citibank Phishing SMS - Help Pls

Hi all, I got this SMS about "unusual activity" and like a dummy without checking, I clicked the link which went to


It has a Citi login page. When I opened it up I knew right away it was a phishing scam, but my big question:

Did I just F up by clicking this link? How can I check if I opened up a teojan horse on my mobile phone?

[EDIT: any key steps I should taking as a precaution?]

Thanks everyone. Stay safe and Happy New Year.

👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/agoodfella
📅︎ Jan 02 2022
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Heads up for new SMS / text phishing campaign sent to ledger-leaked phones

Heads up for new SMS / text phishing campaign sent to ledger-leaked phones

I just received this phishing text message:

MetaMask Update - Due to pressure from regulators and the necessity for KYC, we require all MetaMask users to revalidate (please act prior to 2022): https://metamask.io-swap.app/

👍︎ 20
👤︎ u/loupiote2
📅︎ Nov 18 2021
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OCBC cautions public about SMS phishing scams after customers lose $140,000 in 10 days straitstimes.com/singapor…
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Dec 23 2021
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SMS phishing

Ciao a tutti, in questi giorni stavo aspettando un sms dalla banca e proprio oggi ne ho ricevuto uno di phishing in cui si fingevano proprio la mia banca con testo contenente più o meno indicazioni su quello che mi sarei aspettato dal vero messaggio. Il problema è che all’interno c’era anche un link che portava a una finta versione del sito della banca. Rischio qualcosa se ho solo aperto (per sbaglio, dalla fretta) il link senza inserire nessun dato?

👍︎ 4
📅︎ Nov 05 2021
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Tentativo phishing SMS da mittente "corretto"

Questa mattina ho subito un classico tentativo di phishing via SMS.
Tutto nella norma: caps-lock, toni allarmistici, e shortened link che rimanda ad un dominio palesemente fake.
La cosa che mi ha stupito è che il messaggio sia comparso nel medesimo thread in cui ricevo normalmente informazioni dalla banca. Proviene quindi, o almeno così pensa l'app Messaggi di Android, dallo stesso mittente "autorevole" che la banca usa per comunicare. Ovviamente, al mittente non corrisponde un numero di telefono, ma semplicemente il nome della banca usando il meccanismo di SMS alias.

Qualche idea su come questo sia stato possibile?

👍︎ 7
👤︎ u/r_dalema
📅︎ Oct 13 2021
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SMS About Bank Fraud as a Pretext for Voice Phishing krebsonsecurity.com/2021/…
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👤︎ u/quellaman
📅︎ Nov 11 2021
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SMS About Bank Fraud as a Pretext for Voice Phishing krebsonsecurity.com/2021/…
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👤︎ u/feross
📅︎ Nov 10 2021
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Postal Service Department says SMS claiming 'payment fees and package delivery costs' a phishing scam borneobulletin.com.bn/sms…
👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/Goutaxe
📅︎ Nov 02 2021
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What you need to know about SMS phishing attacks blog.coinbase.com/what-yo…
👍︎ 7
📅︎ Aug 30 2021
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SMS About Bank Fraud as a Pretext for Voice Phishing krebsonsecurity.com/2021/…
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Nov 10 2021
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Itsme is the next phishing sms scam going around hln.be/kortemark/koppel-v…
👍︎ 4
📅︎ Aug 28 2021
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Clicked on a phishing link via sms on iPhone - am I at risk? Freaking out right now😭

Hello everybody! I am usually super aware of tech risks and super obsessed about safety and security online, so I don’t know how I could do this. I am waiting for a small package and I received an sms asking me to trace a package - I clicked on the link automatically, before realizing it was a scam. I clicked on the link that brought me to a website that my phone didn’t even open, saying it was a security threat. I have a specific service on my iPhone from Vodafone that alerts me of malware and protects me from it. The service didn’t even allow for the website to open, and sent me a notification that it protected me from potential malware. I literally closed the website after half a second. I have an iPhone 12, not jailbroken, updated to iOS 14.7.1, and with 2FA on almost everything I can think of (social media, banking apps, email accounts). Am I exposed to some kind of risk? Or am I just being paranoid?

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👤︎ u/93CiCii
📅︎ Oct 26 2021
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Bitte ruft die Nummern an, welche euch Phishing-Links per SMS schicken.

Ja, Titel hört sich erstmal sehr blöd an. Deswegen bitte den ganzen Text lesen.

In letzter Zeit werde ich vermehrt von irgendwelchen zufälligen Nummern per SMS angeschrieben, dass mein Paket bei DHL endlich unterwegs ist. Das ganze sieht ungefähr so aus. Dabei handelt es sich natürlich offensichtlich um einen Phishing-Link, der euer Handy mit einem netten Virus befällt, wenn ihr auf den Link drückt und euch die "DHL-App" runterladet (Spoiler: Es ist nicht die DHL App).

Zudem ist dieses Virus extrem gut gemacht und für den nicht so computeraffinen Menschen kaum zu durchschauen. Das Problem daran ist nämlich, dass wenn man befallen ist, die Schadsoftware anfängt, an irgendwelche Nummern die SMS mit dem Link weiterzusenden (so ähnlich wie ein Kettenbrief). Nicht mal an eure Kontakte wird die Nachricht gesendet, sondern an zufällig generierte Nummern. Diese SMSs können natürlich sehr hohe Kosten verursachen, wenn man keine SMS Flat hat, da wahrscheinlich extrem viele Nummern ausprobiert werden. Der Haken an der ganzen Sache ist: Der befallene Smartphone-Nutzer merkt davon nichts. Die SMS werden heimlich im Hintergrund gesendet und wahrscheinlich auch jede Menge Daten der Nutzer abgegriffen.

Diese SMS Geschichte war vor einer Woche schonmal hier und wie man in den Kommentaren lesen konnte, verhalten sich die Meisten eigentlich richtig: Blockieren und Ignorieren. Aber solange ihr nicht auf den Link draufdrückt, kann eurem eigenen Handy nichts passieren. Ich habe aus reiner Langeweile schon ein paar Nummern angerufen, welche mir diese SMSs schicken und ich hatte fast immer den selben Gesprächspartner: Ü50, meistens Rentner, keine Ahnung von Technik und allgemein mit der Situation überfordert. Ich habe allen davon geraten: Jemanden aufsuchen, der sich damit auskennt und das Handy schleunigst zurücksetzen.

Ich hoffe, dass ich so etwas die Ausbreitung des Virus eindämmen konnte (haha, Lockdown Anspielung). Und erzählt bitte auch euren älteren Freunden und Verwandten, dass sie generell keine Links mehr per SMS mehr öffnen sollten. Denn das Problem ist, dass ich immer mehr von diesen SMS bekomme. Gestern drei und heute sogar schon fünf. Wie weit es sich ausgebreitet hat, will ich mir gar nicht vorstellen. Deswegen NoCovid und NoSMSPhishing.

👍︎ 485
👤︎ u/celsheet
📅︎ Apr 22 2021
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How can I report this smishing (SMS phishing) attempt? There's no private number.
👍︎ 4
📅︎ Oct 23 2021
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Beware of fake-phishing sms from official Apple

Hello my fellow Apple-users,

today I got a sms from the same Apple sender that sends me codes for my 2-factor-Authentification.

“Dear Customer, Your lost iPhone XS Max been found and temporarily switched ON.View location: https://findmy-maplocation.live/MjeBUq Apple Support.“

After seeing the grammar errors of this sms and the grammar of the website I contacted the Apple Support to make sure this link is legit.

They told me it is therefore I entered my icloud-information and the code of the lost phone. A few minutes later the phone vanished from my Apple-id and I cant track it anymore.

I contacted the support again and they told me it’s a fake website. -.- claps

Now I feel very mad because I trusted the support.

I hope you won’t be as dumb as me.


👍︎ 11
👤︎ u/TheChi77
📅︎ Jul 29 2021
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SMS-Phishing: Neue Betrugsmaschen im Herbst 2021 stadt-bremerhaven.de/sms-…
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👤︎ u/orihcsro
📅︎ Oct 18 2021
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"so anyways, while TOTP is more secure than SMS, it still doesn't protect against phishing or cloning attacks. That's why I tell everyone they should be using Yubikeys. And don't get me started on password managers..." v.redd.it/2jajqf0kzh271
👍︎ 67
📅︎ May 31 2021
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Don’t Fall for the Latest NHS SMS Phishing Scam

Scammers send text messages with phishing links impersonating the National Health Service (NHS) in order to exploit people. They use various excuses to persuade you to click on the links.



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👤︎ u/lukan47
📅︎ Sep 25 2021
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Snapdragon Chip intrusion, Sim card cloning, Screen Mirroring & SMS phishing. Watch your Mobile, especially if you trade with any Trading Apps.

Use a password wallet with non reoccurring passwords. Especially if you were involved in that Say database.

Check your phones weaknesses by researching/DDing it and your service provider's intrusion.

Doing a factory reset and updating the system may be your only option to get rid of the malware.

(If you notice apps opening by themselves, sluggishness, repetitive screen stalls, forced restarts.

Uninstall all apps that you don't use or don't have a large parent company providing you a terms of service or security information.

👍︎ 7
👤︎ u/iRytional
📅︎ Sep 03 2021
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Phishing SMS getting harder to recognize every day
👍︎ 56
👤︎ u/DADaracus
📅︎ May 25 2021
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Coinbase Phishing Scam via sms

Do you guys have a department that actively goes after phishing scams? I just got a text message teeling me I signed in from a new device, and if I didnt to click the link. but the link is wrong (.net ending) and further suspicion the b doesnt look like a real b, but another character map character that looks like. b with a bent top part

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👤︎ u/nktm85
📅︎ Jul 21 2021
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Bekommt noch jemand plötzlich mehrere Phishing-SMS?


Ich bekomme seit ein paar Tagen regelmäßig SMS von österreichischen Handynummern mit Nachrichten wie "Your package with UPS has failed", "Die von Ihnen gekaufte Ware wurde versendet" usw. mit komplett offensichtlichen Phishing-Links am Ende der Nachricht.

Bekomme die nur ich plötzlich? Ich habe meine Nummer nirgendwo neu angegeben und bin da sehr vorsichtig - wieso bekomme ich diese Nachrichten plötzlich?


👍︎ 15
📅︎ May 21 2021
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Phishing attempts for bank account credentials via SMS

There have been a spate of blanket phishing attempts by SMS that steal username, password of bank accounts. It's very important for people to share screenshots of such attempts to family to educate them.


Hope these screenshots help.

👍︎ 19
📅︎ Jun 22 2021
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