Paternal age contribution to brain white matter aberrations in autism spectrum disorder…
👍︎ 58
👤︎ u/Yasscience
📅︎ Feb 23 2021
🚨︎ report
Is Christianity not just a psychological programming campaign to hijack the brain’s instinct towards following paternal authority

... to create more subservient slaves?

That really seems like it in a nutshell. Much of the metaphorical language in Christianity goes along what Jung describes; words such as “Father” and all else that implies God is the ultimate metaphysical patriarch. The problem is, that’s still a human-solipsism based viewpoint; completely disregarding the actual physical and chemical basis that reality operates on. That, and the only real answer to the creation of physical space-time itself: “We still don’t know yet”

Then again, as it were, many Christians were slaves, historically, and told to “turn the other cheek” as it were in times of oppression. This further took off through much of the West long after the colonial era and into the Industrial Age; it wasn’t until well over a century after the description of evolution was published by Darwin for Christianity to have some sort of decline. But for the longest time, the working class had always embraced Christianity (after the legal removal of slavery, to be replaced by the consensual willful, hierarchy based employment system) until recently. And I do emphasize recently; these same crowds that hold onto their faith are recoiling in that they seem to realize that this belief system is less valued by corporate entities than it used to be as corporate cultures are embracing other tribes (cue “Woke politics”) and yet these conservative crowds are only bitter that they are being left behind, not that they were sold on a belief that would make them and their ancestors more submissive to higher, abusive powers in the first place. For example, imagine that you are crowded into a team to play a blood sport against your will, and are given a set of rules and beliefs to live by as you are sold between coaches. But now, your team is being sold out at a lower value, and if only because your slogan, logo, and beliefs are simply less trendy/fashionable. That’s 21st century Christianity in a nutshell.

Why would people ever hold onto roots that were imprinted against their ancestors’ wills, or deceptively used to take advantage of entire chunks of their lineage? Why, when the knowledge is available to them, to understand the lie for what it is? And that you’d have to be absolutely arrogant to claim to understand the very metaphysical base of our reality; even the smartest physicist do not understand the creation of space-time, but some person in a robe claiming that another man from long ago wore a similar robe and wielded ma

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👍︎ 7
📅︎ Feb 26 2021
🚨︎ report
Paternal age contribution to brain white matter aberrations in autism spectrum disorder…
👍︎ 14
👤︎ u/Yasscience
📅︎ Feb 23 2021
🚨︎ report
Mice show paternal behavior after siring, but rats do not. New research shows that extra dopamine in rat brains suppresses paternal behavior in fathers…
👍︎ 55
👤︎ u/dazosan
📅︎ Oct 24 2020
🚨︎ report
Child gender influences paternal behavior, language, and brain function…
👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/UnHope20
📅︎ Dec 29 2020
🚨︎ report
Have a bunch of snps for lung cancer (cervical, breast, thyroid, bladder, esophageal, brain, and more. How cocnerned should I be. All ranging from 1-3.2 Mag. paternal grandfather died of lung cancer in his 60s. had a ct if my chest a few months ago and it showed some spots.
👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/JulzGulz85
📅︎ Aug 19 2020
🚨︎ report
Fathers aid development of larger brains. The study demonstrates once more that only a stable and dependable supply of energy - procured through paternal help, for instance - enables a large brain to develop in the course of evolution.…
👍︎ 57
👤︎ u/Wagamaga
📅︎ Jun 03 2019
🚨︎ report
How dads bond with toddlers: Brain scans link oxytocin to paternal nurturing…
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Feb 21 2017
🚨︎ report
Been on paternity leave for 2 months. Haven’t designed a thing during that time. Starting a new job on 1/6. Giving myself design challenges with a max completion time of 2 hours to get my brain thinking in pixels again. Here’s a food delivery app.
👍︎ 171
📅︎ Dec 31 2019
🚨︎ report
Crusader Kings 3 Patch 1.4 "Azure" Notes: What They Actually Mean

Free Features

  • Game rule presets can be created! You can now easily switch between the normie version of the game you tolerate for multiplayer and whatever bizarre shit you get up to on your own personal time.

  • Character finder presets can be created. Never accidentally hand out that newly-conquered county to an Amazonian genius baby with claims on France or marry your heir to a landless, honest, diligent nobody of your culture and religion again!

  • Men-At-Arms can now be raised independently in case you don't need every single goddamn farmer who can swing a stick in the entire Roman Empire to deal with some brushfire rebellion or small border conflict.

  • At game start, rulers now start with a decent amount of men at arms already hired, which you will immediately destroy so you can get the exact composition you want.

  • Taking over a castle won't immediately fill it to the brim with, fuck if I know, fanatically loyal stone golems conjured from the earth or some shit. Upgrading the holding will allow the garrison to replenish faster now that sorcery is not an option.

  • Unlocked Monarch's Journey cosmetics for everyone beyond the six people who actually finished it.

  • Scots will now sometimes have mullets because fuck yeah

  • Your snot-nosed kids can now hang out with other rulers' snot-nosed kids and let you get about the matter of running the realm.

  • Arbitrary characters can now promise someone a favor and later say, "No, I don't think I will."

  • Deceitful and impatient characters who are really stressed out can just go push the kid out of a window already instead of waiting for a poisoned carpet or whatever intricate bullshit the spymaster wanted to do.

  • Forgiving characters can passive-aggressively be like, "No, it's fine! It's fine! I know I saved your life from mortal peril but you really don't owe me anything."

  • Vengeful characters can spread rumors about how Queen Lagertha licks sheep even if people wouldn't normally believe that kind of thing coming from them.

  • Wrathful characters can make criminals 1v1 them instead of going to jail.

  • Irritable characters can make anyone 1v1 them if they're stressed.


  • Iceland can now hire mercenaries. We've assured them it's a real place and not a made up country.

  • Cowards are more resistant to hostile schemes because they've locked themselves in the cheese cellar and said they're not coming out until your're really sure there are no snakes left in Ireland.

  • Gluttonous charact

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👍︎ 5k
👤︎ u/AsaTJ
📅︎ Jun 08 2021
🚨︎ report
Completely Heartbroken

TW: infant death, blood, surgery, placenta previa, vasa previa

I’m having a hard time and feel the need to share what happened to me.

When I did my second ultrasound the doctor told me I had a low lying placenta (placenta previa) and so I was going to have to do an ultrasound farther along in my pregnancy to make sure that my placenta moved up (in most cases it does). After my third ultrasound my OBGYN confirmed that my placenta moved up and I was good to have a natural labour. I was really happy because I wanted to experience that and I was terrified of the idea of a c-section.

Fast forward to a day before my due date. My fiancé and I had an amazing day. I had a pregnancy massage in the morning and he surprised me and came home early from work. It was especially exciting because he was taking paternity leave and it was his last day of work. We decided to go for a walk, the sun was out and it was just a beautiful evening. We saw parents with babies and children and talked about how excited we were for our baby to come. We got home and watched shows. I felt like I was floating, just so excited for what life was going to be like.

When suddenly I felt warm liquid coming out of my vagina. I was confused at first and then pulled the blanket off and noticed it was blood. I woke up my fiancé and jumped out of bed and the blood kept coming and coming. There. Was. So. Much. Blood. I started shaking uncontrollably. I was SO scared. My fiancé called the ambulance and we were at the hospital within 15 minutes. They took me in right away. They couldn’t find my baby’s heartbeat at first which propelled me into a panic. I was still shaking intensely. When they finally found the heartbeat they said it was too slow and they said they were going to have to proceed with an emergency c-section.

They quickly moved me into the operating room. I passed by my fiancé in the hall as they pushed me on the stretcher. We were both so scared. I wish he could have been in the room too. Inside the room, there were like 10 different doctors and nurses. No one was speaking to me they were all just grabbing me and hooking me up to things. Someone kept yelling for a blade and that terrified me even more. I began crying and finally a nurse spoke to me and said that an anesthesiologist was going to put me to sleep now.

I woke up and I found out I had a son but he lost so much blood that they had to do a transfusion. I was also told he had a seizure due to the shock from the surger

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 1k
👤︎ u/Illnaynay
📅︎ Jun 18 2021
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Kaido's wife [SPOILER]

Warning: this theory contains HEAVY SPOILERS! If you’re not fully caught up with the manga, read at your own risk.

Since English isn’t my first language, I apologize in advance for any spelling/grammar mistakes. Also, this is my first time posting.

It’s practically obvious to everyone that we will get a Kaido flashback in this arc, whether he dies or not: of course, there will be a part about his time in the Rocks Pirates, but we will also get to know possibly one of the most important people for him: his wife.

Because, let’s face it, Oda hasn’t done much yet to give his personality some depth and not being just an arrogant, cruel, child-beating antagonist with a penchant for alcohol and an obsession for death, and a figure such a woman he loved could be a great opportunity for doing so.

Some might speculate that she’s actually dead and that’s why Kaido started drinking.

It could be true but, knowing Oda, he would never introduce a deceased character of that importance out of the blue, without some sort of foreshadowing: a well-kept grave located in a secret place where an important character stumbles upon in the Onigashima raid (on screen, obviously), a framed portrait on a desk or a wall, a name seemingly being thrown offhandedly in a conversation… but there is nothing in Wano which even remotely resembles one of those things.

Therefore, she must be alive.

(Also, there are already too much fundamental figures in various characters’ history who ended up dead in flashbacks, such as Bellemere, Rocinante, Russian and so on. Come on, Oda.)

Is she going to be someone new, at least?

Well, that’s a possibility, however in next arc(s) new characters will be introduced and One Piece has got more than a thousand of them already… quite a lot, aren’t they? Consequently, there is a very good chance for her to be someone who has been already introduced into the story.

Of course, there must have been some sort of foreshadowing when she had been introduced, too: she was the lover of a Yonko, after all. Has there been a woman with an unknown lover in the past arcs?

Yes, actually.

It was her:

And I believe that the mysterious man she fell in love with was none other than Kaido himself. But wait, there’s more: Gloriosa has also eaten a Devil Fruit. An extremely powerful one.

Don’t worry, I will explain every

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👍︎ 2k
👤︎ u/Eprepti
📅︎ May 16 2021
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What story or person from your lineage most haunts/intrigues you?

What stories do you think about most, or have most affected your perceptions or understanding of yourself/your family?

For me, I have three:

  • a maternal x2 great uncle who experienced schizophrenia and was institutionalized most of his life, before escaping, walking down the middle of a freeway at 2 AM and getting hit by a travelling family’s vehicle
  • two paternal great uncles—one mentally ill and one a brain trauma victim—who conspired to kill/rob their elderly father, and set it up to look like a random break in
  • a woman who homesteaded across the US and Canada with her idealistic, well-intentioned but ultimately scatterbrained husband and eleven (11!) children before dying at 60

Looking forward to reading the responses of those willing to share!

👍︎ 158
👤︎ u/khftho
📅︎ May 29 2021
🚨︎ report
European super obsessed with 90 day fiancé

Hello fellow fans! Before I start I want to apologize for any grammatical errors, English is not my first language. I am so obsessed with this show. It is so bad but so good at the same time. I just can’t stop watching. I am currently on maternity leave and this is the best entertainment ever!

I am very curious though to see and hear some input from Americans why people will do almost whatever it takes to get a green card, as most of the family members think that is the main porpoise. I understand people from Asia and some parts of south Europe where things are shitty when it comes to the economy. But..... There are only a handful of countries that do not offer paid maternity and paternity leave, us being one of them. Insurance is crazy in the us, having a child at a hospital seems like an investment because of the costs. I am sure that the us is a great country to live in but it is so far behind when it comes to healthcare, so I am surprised to see the family members being rude and doubtful when it comes to spouses from European countries. For example, I have 3 children. I have no insurance and have paid 0 for all deliveries. My spouse and I have 3 months each that we get for maternity/paternity leave and 3 months extra that we can decide between us. So 9 months all together, the laws were changed recently so now it is 12 months. All government paid. We get 80% of the pay that we got the last 6 months. We get free healthcare for everyone under 18 years of age and after that we only pay a few dollars, even it is a ct scan, brain scan, blood test, overnight stay at the icu or whatever. I know Americans have heard this a million times from other countries around the world, and are probably sick of hearing this, but I just don’t understand how this is acceptable?? Also. I wonder if Nicole and Azan will make it long term. Probably the most toxic relationship I have ever seen (besides Jorge and anfisa)

Sorry for the rant! Never been to the us, would LOVE to visit someday ❤️ Best regards from Iceland.

👍︎ 108
👤︎ u/pjasa
📅︎ Jun 13 2021
🚨︎ report
The Pesseghini Family case: could a 13-year old really have murdered his whole family and attended school afterwards as if nothing had happened?

In August 2013, a crime occurred that shocked Brazil: a whole family had been slaughtered in their own home with no apparent signs of a break-in. After an investigation mired in controversy and extensive media coverage, the official conclusion by the Police was that 13 year-old Marcelo Pesseghini killed his whole family, went to school, came back home and finally killed himself.

Though the case was formally closed only months later, many didn’t buy the official explanation and after several unsuccessful attempts on reopening the case locally, relatives of the deceased raised the issue to the Organization of American States in 2018 in an attempt to finally find out what really happened and clear out Marcelo’s name.

There is a lot of conflicting and unconfirmed information available online (mostly in Portuguese). I did my best trying to pierce together a comprehensible timeline of what happened, but many details are blurry to this day. This is my first write-up, so please let me know if you found anything confusing or unclear.


The Pesseghinis were an average lower middle-class family who lived in São Paulo, Brazil. Marcelo, a quiet kid with undisclosed health issues who enjoyed playing video games, lived with his parents in a house in the outskirts of the city.

Marcelo’s parents were both police officers: his mother,Andréia (35), was a low-ranking officer at a nearby police station, while his father, Luís (40), was a sergeant at ROTA, a special battalion within the São Paulo State Military Police famous for its brutality and extrajudicial killings. Marcelo’s maternal grandmother and great-aunt lived in another house in the same plot of land as the Pesseghinis.

According to relatives, the marriage between Luís and Andréia had been recently rocked by financial problems, their son’s health issues and rumors of infidelity by Andréia, but nonetheless there were no reports of domestic violence or significant disturbances. By all accounts Marcelo was a well-behaved kid who didn't get into trouble at school or had violent tendencies.


In August 5th, 2013, a Monday, Marcelo went to school as usual. After the uneventful day of classes ended at around noon, a friend’s parent dropped Marcelo off at his home. Later that afternoon, one of Andréia's colleagues passed by to check on her as she had missed work without warning. Inside, he found the Pesseghi

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👍︎ 4k
👤︎ u/meogeul347
📅︎ Apr 02 2021
🚨︎ report
Is it common for those with cptsd to feel like their sense of self is fragmented? (Structural disassociation?)

I wish there was more research and discussion on structural disassociation from cptsd.. because I definitely do not have DID/osdd. I do not have alters or switch or have significant memory problems like amnesia. Its foggy but i can usually recount what has happened in a day/week.

i do wish I understood my brain more so I wanted to open up a discussion to see if anyone relates? . Is it a common experience to feel like your wrestling with a bunch of small quiet voices in your head? My inner monologue is very hectic and its like 2-3 versions of me all talking. Like they argue with each other a lot. They're all like different fragments of me, not separate identities. One in particular feels like a manfestion of my ocd, and is like an edgy teen who shouts out jarring things for lack of better word, like a personification of my intrusive thoughts.

I talked to my one friend about the whole inner monologue thing, and he said he does feels like 2 voices are present in his head, an impulsive voice and a rational voice. He had a really hard past too so idk if that contributes.

Maybe all humans experience this to a degree? We are social animals i guess so.. maybe it makes sense to feel like your talking to someone else/others in your head, even those without childhood trauma? Its not discussed much though. I disassociate a lot and some situations cause me to act like completely different people without control, even though I know its still me. For example, my boss acts very paternal and its like this childish innocent side of me comes out. I just age regress really bad around him. I used to go mute a lot around him yet I can be verbal with other people. I do this with anyone who acts very gentle and motherly/fatherly to me longterm. Its just weird.

Im wondering if anyone relates to any of this at all? I know this is all a mess. I been doing a lot of soul-searching recently and trying to understand why I am the way I am and still feel confused idk just wanted to open up a convo and see if anyone has similar experiences or thoughts?

Edit: thank you so much guys for being willing to discuss this 💜 i dont feels so alone anymore. I promise ill reply to all when im off work tomorrow!

👍︎ 121
👤︎ u/ayyymelees
📅︎ Jun 06 2021
🚨︎ report
Sometimes I realise people with kids have problems I wouldn't even think could exist

It usually happens when I hear a new thing about caring for a kid, or a school thing, but today I read a whole long thread about paternity tests. And I thought "how would I feel if my hypothetical husband wanted a paternity test?". Then it hit me - I will never be in this situation. I just read a whole long discussion about something that doesn't matter for me personally. Just another thing I don't have to stress about (I have enough of them already...) lol

👍︎ 32
👤︎ u/b-b-b-c
📅︎ May 17 2021
🚨︎ report
Interloper II

Once Sahi seemed to have gotten her bearings a bit, Max released her arm, preferring to devote his attention to his newly-acquired weapon. It was shaped much like the rifles he was used to, though constructed of strange, smooth materials- polymer, he had heard it called. Most things in this new reality were made of something like this, and he couldn’t help but be amazed at how versatile the material seemed to be; all different colors, shapes, and even textures.

He was less concerned with the aesthetic properties of the weapon at the moment, however. Right now, he was concerned about how much ammunition he might have, and how to reload said ammunition when he ran out. He had taken several magazines from the downed aliens, unsure which was the right kind for his weapon, or where they even attached. He figured the magazine was likely flush with the sleek body of the gun; but where..?

“You killed them.”

Max glanced up, brow furrowing as he gazed at his companion.

“Yes, I did. Is there something wrong?” He kept his voice as gentle as he could under the circumstances, but he must not have quite succeeded; Sahi flinched at his tone, her hands jerking upward slightly before she slowly let them fall to her sides again.

“Y-yes. I mean obviously!” Her voice had grown intense, and her gaze was dark with emotion. The facial cues were odd, but Max could recognize she was feeling something negative.

Sahi still couldn’t sense anything from Max. The animal parts of his brain were lit up like a starmap, but his cortex was completely silent on the emotional front; that odd dichotomy scared her, and now she understood that she was perfectly justified in her fear. “You killed them in cold blood, and you don’t even feel anything. I can sense it; you’re stressed, on some level, but that’s not the same as the other emotions I’ve felt from you. I-”

“Not now.” His voice was almost a growl, but there was something haggard about it that Sahi had never heard before. “For God’s sake, not now.”

She sensed a spark of something in his cortex, and opted to remain silent, watching and sensing for anything else.

He had been feeling around the casing of the rifle for a moment, and let out a grunt as he finally found the magazine release button. With a soft click, the weapon released its energy source, which clattered to the ground- the magazine released from a position in front of the button, to avoid the magazine hitting the limb or hand of an operator and slowing

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👍︎ 120
👤︎ u/RadPahrak
📅︎ Jun 04 2021
🚨︎ report
What do you call a man with no arms or legs in a hole?


👍︎ 5k
📅︎ Jun 30 2021
🚨︎ report
TIFUpdate: called the girl who ghosted me.

So I figured I would post this here since I told my family. To those who have been helping me with some advice thank you this is for you too.

My original post is on my profile. Do not know how to link it, but it is there. The tl:dr of it is: had unprotected sex, called girl who I had sex with, she is pregnant and we are keeping it.

Now on to the update. Or the continued shit storm as I like to call it.

So she is about 10 weeks along. Which coincides with us beinv together. Will still get paternity test, but the timeline matches and I am pretty sure I am the one to get her pregnant.

Well, things are going well in our face paces relationship. Next month her lease ends and she will be moving in with me. So my Han Solo will be with her chewbacca.

Now last week we went for an ultrasound. And as a guy this was the moment shit gets real, real quick. So they go through everything and then the image is there. There is my peanut but aomething looks a bit off to me. Now as a guy, you could tell me that is the titanic and I would have to believe it because I cannot fathom what I am seeing. So I aak the tech, "hey is that split screen?"

She says, "no it is one image."

So i ask in a reasonable tone, "why does it look like there are two?"

(my brain was slow to process what i was seeing)


Leah looks at me like I am the world's biggest idiot...


(Very slow to process)

Then realization dawned on me, so i calmy, with barely any cracking in my voice say every so politely.... "FUCK ME!! There are two!!!! Twins?!?! We are having twins?"

The tech started laughing, my girl started to laugh and cry. I saw some black spots because I think I was ready to faint....

But I kept my shit together and drove home. We told our parents the news. Friends, family, and now reddit finally. So after almost 3 1/2 months together. My fuckup continues with not only fetting a girl pregnant. But with twins. So moral of the story. Wear a condom!

TL;DR: girl got pregnant is having twins.

Edit: photo is my banner.

👍︎ 162
📅︎ May 26 2021
🚨︎ report
Is it wise if I start looking for different kind of health insurance now?

I'm only 20 years old, but I am now freaking out about what to do about my health.

For some background: in my mother's side, my maternal grandmother got ovarian, breast, and lung cancer. She got her first cancer in her 30s, and this really scares me. I know na my mom's side of the family is particularly prone to cancer as there also some that have bone, colon, rectal, liver, brain, and lungs too. My grandmother died last year from stage 4 lung cancer. My mother also got stage 1 lung cancer 2 years ago. Fortunately, it was treated before it became anything, but her doctor keeps telling her na recurrence is still possible. I fear na I'm already predisposed for lung cancer.

In my father's side of the family, it's mostly stroke, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, and hypertension. My paternal grandfather had 11 strokes already, how he is still living is a miracle. His doctors call him a medical marvel. My father has hypertension and cholesterol problems naman.

Despite my parents' illnesses they are both discouraging me to get a health insurance, saying it's a scam. They're telling me to just save a lot of money for my future, but I don't want to have a future where I become bankrupt and have to ask money from my relatives. Once I finish college, or even now with just my savings I'm planning to get some sort of health insurance. Is that a good move?

What do I do? Which insurance I should take? I'm planning to take one for all kinds of cancer, another for major and minor illnesses, and another one for hospitalization. I really don't want to go bankrupt over my poor genetics.

👍︎ 12
👤︎ u/tianshiiii
📅︎ Jun 28 2021
🚨︎ report

Go post NSFW jokes somewhere else. If I can't tell my kids this joke, then it is not a DAD JOKE.

If you feel it's appropriate to share NSFW jokes with your kids, that's on you. But a real, true dad joke should work for anyone's kid.

Mods... If you exist... Please, stop this madness. Rule #6 should simply not allow NSFW or (wtf) NSFL tags. Also, remember that MINORS browse this subreddit too? Why put that in rule #6, then allow NSFW???

Please consider changing rule #6. I love this sub, but the recent influx of NSFW tagged posts that get all the upvotes, just seem wrong when there are good solid DAD jokes being overlooked because of them.

Thank you,

A Dad.

👍︎ 11k
📅︎ Jun 18 2021
🚨︎ report
Predictions for subideoligies comeing in TT

Here are some of my thoughts on subideoligies coming with TT (please release it, my brain needs dopamin to function)

Cryptofascism - Shafarevich Democratic socialism - former SocDem Komi Ordosocialism - Serov Burgandian System - Burgundy Pleskau System - Pleskau (its mentioned in the leaders bio from a Moskauwien leak iirc) Speerism (Read Dengism) - Fasicst Speer Militarism - Goring Jingoism - Schörner National Socialism - Boringman Burgandian System - Heydrich (at least during the civil war) Stalinism - Tyumen Stalinism - Despotic Stalina Nationalism - Authdem Stalina War communism - WRRF under Tuk. Paternal Authoterianism - Batov Environmental conservatism - ConDem Tomks Market Liberalism - Goldwater Right wing populism - Wallace Left wing Populism- RFK Liberal conservatism - JFK for about 5 minutes Social Reformism - LBJ Social democracy - Harrington Big tent populism - MCS Secureeucracy - Yagoda ORTHOXDOX Marxist Leninism - SUSlov Christian anarchism - Men Corpratism - Auth dem Novosibirsk Pragmatic Fascism - Magadan National socialism with Russian characteristics - Zeya Militaristic Monarchism - Chita at gamestart Transitional government - Chita if Mikhail wins Alcoholism - Yeltsin

Just some of my predictions, feel free to add some

👍︎ 25
👤︎ u/GammelZ
📅︎ Jun 15 2021
🚨︎ report
I'd ruther not say
👍︎ 10k
📅︎ Jul 01 2021
🚨︎ report
This is extremely long but I request you to remove 15 minutes and read it. It's regarding the Nehru/Gandhi Family. Things you and I weren't aware. Please share this.

{ update - I haven't personally done the research, this was sent to me and I consider the sender a very reliable source. So for you, take it with a grain of salt as I've not done any digging. Cheers }

What are some of the best kept secrets about the Nehru/Gandhi family?

Indira Gandhi: Intellectual Indira was admitted in Oxford University but driven out from there for non-performance. She was then admitted to Shantiniketan University but, Guru Dev Rabindranath Tagore chased her out for bad conduct. After driven out of Shantiniketan, Indira became lonely as father was busy with politics and mother was dieing of tuberculosis in Switzerland. Playing with her loneliness, Feroze Khan, son of a grocer named Nawab Khan who supplied wines etc to Motilal Nehru’s household in Allahabad, was able to draw close to her. The then Governor of Maharashtra, Dr. Shriprakash warned Nehru, that Indira was having an illicit relation with Feroze Khan. Feroze Khan was then in England and he was quite sympathetic to Indira. Soon enough she changed her religion, became a Muslim woman and married Feroze Khan in a London mosque. Indira Priyadarshini Nehru changed her name to Maimuna Begum. Her mother Kamala Nehru was totally against that marriage. Nehru was not happy as conversion to Muslim will jeopardize her prospect of becoming Prime Minister.

So, Nehru asked the young man Feroze Khan to change his surname from Khan to Gandhi. It had nothing to do with change of religion from Islam to Hinduism. It was just a case of a change of name by an affidavit.

And so Feroze Khan became Feroze Gandhi, though it is an inconsistent name like Bismillah Sarma. Both changed their names to fool the public of India. When they returned to India, a mock vedic marriage was instituted for public consumption. Thus, Indira and her descendants got the fancy name Gandhi. Both Nehru and Gandhi are fancy names. As a chameleon changes its colour, this dynasty have been changing its name to hide its real identity.

Indira Gandhi had two sons namely Rajiv Gandhi and Sanjay Gandhi. Sanjay was originally named as Sanjiv that rhymed with Rajiv, his elder brother’s name. Sanjiv was arrested by the British police for a car theft in the UK and his passport was seized. On Indira Gandhi’s direction, the then Indian Ambassador to UK, Krishna Menon misusing his power, changed his name to Sanjay and procured a new passport. Thus Sanjiv Gandhi came to be known as Sanjay Gandhi.

It is a known fact that after Rajiv’s bir

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👍︎ 29
📅︎ Jun 09 2021
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👍︎ 8k
📅︎ Jun 30 2021
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Did you know Bruce Lee has a faster older brother?

Sudden Lee

👍︎ 6k
📅︎ Jul 02 2021
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Demon, or Whatever-It-Was

I’ll apologize up front for the length of this one; but there is so much nasty personal history in the background of this story that the gradual build of events is necessary.

When I was around 18 months old, my Mom married my Stepfather. I didn’t remember a Father in my life before him and he has always been Dad. I was spoiled and indulged as a child; even after the birth of my younger siblings – I was always Daddy’s Girl. I believe this was why it was such a shock to me when my Paternal Grandmother treated my Mom and I like parasites. My Paternal Grandfather was gentle and attentive without being as indulgent as my Dad. I loved his teddy bear hugs and how he always smelled like cherry pipe tobacco. My Grandmother was the skinny, sour-faced chain smoker that only moved from her chair to refill her coffee cup. My brothers and I knew, from very young, that once we arrived at the Grandparent’s house – we were to immediately go into the den and play quietly until it was time to leave.

On a side note, even before my brothers were born, I would be dropped off in the den to play by myself. Quite often, the adults would hear me talking to myself (toddler babble with few understandable words) and come to check on me. When asked, I would simply tell them I was talking to “the Indian.” No one knew what to make of it, but I wasn’t in the slightest bit upset so they left me alone.

Consequently, this made the den at the Grandparent’s sort of “the safe place” in the house. My Mom even confirmed this for me a few years ago, saying it seemed to be the only “bright spot” in the whole house. However, there were times when you would have to venture out of that safe place to use the bathroom. It usually involved one of us timidly making our way out of the den, through the laundry room and into the kitchen where the adults were talking. We’d stand in the archway between the dining room and the kitchen and wait to be noticed. It was nerve wracking, knowing waiting too long would be disastrous, but walking through the house to get to the upstairs bathroom unescorted could get you in serious trouble.

Here’s where the first problem came in. The layout of the house was simple, but involved moving from the den, through the laundry room and into the dining room. The feel of the dining room was intimidating for two reasons:

  1. Grandmother could see you and there would always be a scowl of disapproval. Children were not meant to be seen unless she wanted you for something.

  2. Yo

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👍︎ 130
📅︎ May 29 2021
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Is it just my brains seeing paterns where there aren't or what??

Every single time I sell almost all of my inventory (I just keep stuff I use for PvE grinding) back to the store, and I get back to farming 12.2, all I get are things I just sold and it's pretty rare I get some CP.

Before selling, I keep getting a very good amount of CP. I've noticed this the last 3 times I've sold things (I'm talking about 2million silver in crap items).

👍︎ 4
📅︎ Aug 27 2015
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My wife blocked me on Facebook because I post too many bird puns.

Well, toucan play at that game.

👍︎ 9k
👤︎ u/Zayan-ali
📅︎ Jun 30 2021
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Nightly Fireside Chat with Rally (7/1/21)

*disclaimer, nothing within this post is or should be considered financial or legal advice.

AWWWWWWWW 500k!!!!



I'm not as good as drawing with crayons as I am at snuffing them, but if the purple ones are about to drank then I'd imagine we'll be seeing some upwards action soon!

So... Wat doing?

Ok Bobby Hill settle down there. But as... unintelligible as that phrase is it nevertheless holds a poignant amount of information to consider. That is - oh how I would love to be a fly on the wall of the major players in this ultimate of chess games.

To see the vision come to life as Ryan and Matt direct GameStop into the future whilst laying the foundation (Brick By Brick) for the MOASS.

To hear the chaos of the Citadel war room as darkened eyes and piles of cocaine are all that's left lest the whole thing just burst into flames.

To read the emails of MSM getting directives on how to punch us down; incredulous as to why we keep on buying.

P.S. MSM, we like the stock!

For real though, how in the heck are They going to make a singular movie about all this a la The Big Short? Frankly, I hope they won't. Naw, what we will need is a series. An 8 Episode HBO arc like The Last Dance or something. That's the only way I can even remotely begin to believe the majority of the story will be told. It's not a cinematic experience... it's a transcendent Epic.

And where we are now? I have to believe it's the rising action. Portals are opening. Kings are shedding tears in front of the Black Gate. Paternity tests are being revealed (though they don't help much for a severed hand...).

And... my personal favorite... the ships are arriving.

Where we go from here... hell if I know. But dammit, I'm ready to give it everything I have. Bloodlust? No, Stonklust. I'm ready to watch some shorts burn. 😤

For now though, I'm happy to sharpen my shares and break off FUD arrows from my shield. Strapping my armor up tight, and having a good meal before a peaceful sleep.

Ah, who am I kidding? What even is sleep? 😅

In any event, let's set the battle plans aside and chat fo

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👍︎ 32
📅︎ Jul 02 2021
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There are only two white people in the movie Black Panther

Martin Freeman, and Andy Serkis.

They also play roles in Lord of the Rings.

I guess that makes them the Tolkien white guys.

👍︎ 12k
👤︎ u/jzagri
📅︎ Jun 24 2021
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Guidance please! Birthday wish for 3+ years no contact dad??

I’ve been no contact with my nfather and my enabling paternal family for 3 years. I’m 22 and it’s his 60th birthday tomorrow. I’m his only child. I’ve been missing the good times a lot recently, and want to send him a happy birthday email, thus breaking the (very peaceful but also very sad) radio silence on my end. I’m losing sleep over whether or not this is a good idea - my brain can recognise that he’s got a plethora of narcissistic tendencies and that he’s had a marriage, a divorce and 19 years of ‘parenting’ to become aware of this, but my heart wonders if there’s a chance I could use my absence as leverage (??) to persuade him into finally going to therapy, so we could attempt to form some kind of equal communication situation, now that I’m more of a healed, assertive and aware adult than broken teen.

Has anybody ever broken their no contact boundary and not regretted it? Or more of a general question - how do you handle the periods where you trick yourself into softening the memories of the psychological abuse?

Big love x

👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/ratboy5555
📅︎ Jun 28 2021
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Junior Year

I mentioned this story in a comment and I was told I should do a full write-up, so here we go. Sorry in advance if I'm not the best writer.

All this happened during my junior year of high school in New Mexico, USA (2006-7). My older brother had graduated the previous year and was still living with us as I started my junior year. My mom had met a man at some point (I don't remember exactly when) and during the first few months of my junior year, she eloped with him. While she was eloping to her dream beach wedding in Texas (the man was Texan with a thick accent - this will be important later), my brother assaulted me. I was tinkering with a dead computer tower. He comes downstairs to see this and starts beating me. I get away and run upstairs, with him trailing me. He pulled on and ripped my shirt while I was trying to get away from him. Somehow I did and I barricaded myself in my room. I called my boyfriend at the time who lived 4 hours away. He was immediately ready with guns and friends and on the road. I called my mom to tell her what happened and that I was leaving. I still had a few hours to wait though and I was terrified. I started calling friends to see who I could hang out with until my boyfriend arrived. I found a friend to help me for those few hours. I don't remember how I got out of the house nor do I remember the rest of the night. This started a trend of me missing a lot of school and spending a lot of time with my boyfriend, avoiding my brother, and eventually my step-dad, who we'll call Jim.

A lot of the time between the assault from my brother and the next big event is really blurry. I don't remember a lot and come to find out from my therapist later in life, this is because I apparently dissociate and didn't even know it. It's an additional defense mechanism to fight, flight, freeze. My brain is good at blocking out trauma. I don't remember much before the age of 13 and I've come to terms with not knowing why. Anyway... I digress.

I do recall one piece of information though - my mom spent weeks tracking down a shotgun that Jim sold out of desperation. It was a family heirloom or something. She tracked it down, bought it at a pawn shop, and gave it to him for Christmas of 2006. He cried when he opened it. He also ended up putting it up against my mom's head, but I'm getting ahead of myself (bad joke? - gotta lighten this somehow).

Sometime in the spring semester, I was at my boyfriend's house, 4 hours away when I get a call

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👍︎ 679
👤︎ u/SailorFuck
📅︎ Apr 30 2021
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My 3 yr old daughter made her first pun today and I almost cried. She was eating an apple and I asked her if she liked apples.

She said apple-lutely

👍︎ 12k
📅︎ Jun 29 2021
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What did the left eye say to the right eye when they got married?


This is my first post pls don't kill me lol.

The people in the comment section is why I love this subreddit!!

Cred once again my sis wants credit lol

👍︎ 6k
👤︎ u/tieyz
📅︎ Jun 27 2021
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A Retrospective on Zero Escape from Someone who Hates Horror

Just finished my last fragment of ZTD 10 minutes ago. That was...something? Anyway, I gotta go to bed soon so I thought I'd write up my thoughts on each title in order to process my feelings so my mind won't be spinning as much. I played all three games over the past 4 months or so through the Steam Nonary Games release, so my opinions (on 999 especially, since I know it received a number of QOL changes from the DS version) are based on those.

I'm not a horror fan in the slightest. I like a good mystery, but the moment you introduce jump scares I'm outta there. Thankfully, ZE really is more of a thriller than a horror series - I can handle blood to an extent, but the first two games never got too bad with it. ZTD's violence was...something else, but thankfully it had the graphics of an early PS2 game so I was able to tolerate most of it. Still, credit to Uchikoshi, these games - especially ZTD - managed to be unsettling without violence anyway, so I managed to get proper chills from them. Can I say I liked being unsettled? ...I don't know. Some scenes kind of hit that sweet spot between chills and discomfort better than others.

Without further ado, let's get started. Because this is gonna be a long post, I've put my overall rating of each game in italics at the end of each section.

9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors - Or, How to Annoy an English Major

Okay, "persons" is technically a legitimate word, but it's freakin' old and mostly just used in legal contexts now, and I don't think anything about a Nonary Game can be considered "legal."

Jokes aside, I think this was a fantastic start. I loved the art in the Steam version, the puzzles were fun and although the introduction of supernatural elements later in the story annoyed me, I think the other two games built on the "psychic"/"time travel" concept well enough that looking back I can appreciate how it was used here. Main complaints that pop up to me here are the stereotypical "big rich guy villain," the fact that Ace was evil because of his disability (I actually laughed when he called Junpei "prejudiced" because even though Junpei was right, out of context Ace absolutely looked to be in the right there and I have to wonder if a bit of Japan's ableism problem had slipped into the story there), Lotus being hot for literally no reason even though she's a 45 year old mother to adult twins (I've said this before, but audiences won't die if they see an older, competent woman in a story, though I sup

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👍︎ 21
📅︎ Jun 17 2021
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Proud dad moment.

Keep in mind, my son is 4 years old, so everything is an original to him.

I had to work late into the evening yesterday, and he was just going to bed when I got home. I had left home for the office nearly 14 hours prior, had a long day, lots of meetings, traffic, etc.

When I walked through the door, I was exhausted, run down, and starving. My wife hugged me and asked how my day was, and I replied, "Done. It was a good day, but has got me exhausted. I just want to grab a bite and go to bed. I'm hungry."

From my son's bedroom, I hear him shout, "Hi Hungry! Nice to meet you!"

Not only did it make me laugh, but I completely forgot about how hungry and tired I was. I went to his bedroom, and we laughed together about it. It was exactly what I needed.

Edit: Thanks for all the awards, kind strangers! I'll let my son know y'all enjoyed his joke too!

👍︎ 7k
📅︎ Jul 01 2021
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PSA: How Antidepressants Gave Me Permanent Sexual Damage and Made Me Depressed. Covid Vax. Psychiatric Horror Story. A Cautionary Tale.

Most people with PSSD, or post-SSRI sexual dysfunction, probably don’t even realize they have it. Ex-antidepressant users likely haven’t considered this possibility because they likely made the assumption that after they stopped taking their meds their sexual functioning will return to normal.

PSSD is characterized with symptoms like genital anesthesia, weak/pleasureless orgasm, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and can affect men and women. People suffering sexual side effects upon cessation of the drugs might buy into the gaslighting depression sexual dysfunction narrative and believe that they are innately flawed and the ones to blame. It is a blame the victim scenario.

Maybe it is hard for those coming off the drugs to remember how good they felt before taking the drugs. Maybe they never experienced sex before taking the drugs so they dont have a baseline to compare their diminished function to except for possibly masturbation. Additionally, sexual functioning is a private and sensitive issue in the first place and PSSD is likely highly underrepresented out of sheer embarrassment, lack of awareness, and lack of confidence. Keep in mind the target population on the drugs here.

Anyways, here is my clown story. Use it as a cautionary tale.

I could not post a picture to accompany my post but use your imagination.

Picture me, Spongebob, wearing a tin foil curly green wig and red clown nose, crying into a bucket and drinking my own tears, a victim of covert population control soft eugenics of the “mentally ill” perpetrated by psychiatry and pharma right under society’s noses, after receiving permanent sexual damage, PSSD, which many people likely suffer from unknowingly, after taking antidepressants without even being given a warning of permanent sexual dysfunction from doctors, due to a chemical imbalance that can’t be tested for but is instead induced by the drugs, and then have them gaslight me by telling me the sexual dysfunction is actually from depression, when I functioned fine before ever taking the meds.

Honestly, we need to get pissed off and loud because this shit is not okay and doctors are deceiving patients on a routine basis and destroying lives. Not deliberately of course, hopefully, but it is happening. If certain medications have the ability to completely mute your orgasm while taking them is it really that much of a stretch to believe that meds with such potent effects on your sexual pathways can’t cause some sort of

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👍︎ 15
📅︎ Jun 28 2021
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It snapped

I didn't even know it could but it snapped.

I have an almost three year old and a 4 month old.

The oldest had its tantrum peak a few months before the baby was born. At least the outside tantrums. They have been reduced to 3 ~ 4 a month (compared to before were it was a 50/50 chance of having one, it's such an improvement) At home the quantity seems to be the same, but with his language skills drastically improving in the last 6 months they are considerably shorter. They used to be able to last hours, now on a bad they last around 40 minutes.

So what's the problem? Things seem to be looking up, right?

Let me continue.

When he was born, I hadn't been at my job long enough to qualify for a full maternity leave. I was able to reduce my hours to basically part time and my mom came to help until we got him into daycare (around 8 months old). After that my mom left, and SO and I both worked full time. It felt at the time like it was really hard.

We knew we wanted 2 with a close age gap, so our second wasn't officially planned, but it wasn't a surprise either. This time things would be even better, we thought. Because now, I qualify for a full maternity leave. A whole year.

The baby came. We always envisioned my mom or MIL coming to help but then COVID only got worse...

So I stopped working some weeks before birth and have been home since. Since I'm home more, I've taken on a bit of my husband's share of chores, but not all. He is exactly like a partner should be. He parents his kids regardless of me working or not and keeps doing his share of the chores. Taking into account I'm not working anymore, mathematically speaking it evens out.

So what's the problem, you ask. Let me continue.

After the baby was born, an initial extreme fatigue came.

Normal, baby is waking up 3~4 times a night. Husband changes, I breastfeed. We take turns to put baby back to sleep.

The extreme fatigue fades and it's taken over by a regular fatigue.

Normal, baby still wakes up 2 times a night.

The baby's initial night cries made the toddler wake up as well. My husband went to calm him down while I breastfed. But after around 10 weeks the baby stopped crying his lungs out. He would only fuss enough to wakes up. So the oldest also stopped waking up.

But, three weeks ago the oldest started to wake up again. It could be anywhere between 11 pm and 4 am. The unpredictability of it had is what made it worse. After a week of it, we decided to stop going to his room. He wasn't rea

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👍︎ 15
👤︎ u/IzzahPuff
📅︎ Jun 28 2021
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Completely Heartbroken

TW: infant death, blood, surgery, c-section

I shared this in the Parenting subreddit but I thought I would share it here too. I’m having a hard time and feel the need to share what happened to me.

When I did my second ultrasound the doctor told me I had a low lying placenta (placenta previa) and so I was going to have to do an ultrasound farther along in my pregnancy to make sure that my placenta moved up (in most cases it does). After my third ultrasound my OBGYN confirmed that my placenta moved up and I was good to have a natural labour. I was really happy because I wanted to experience that and I was terrified of the idea of a c-section.

Fast forward to a day before my due date. My fiancé and I had an amazing day. I had a pregnancy massage in the morning and he surprised me and came home early from work. It was especially exciting because he was taking paternity leave and it was his last day of work. We decided to go for a walk, the sun was out and it was just a beautiful evening. We saw parents with babies and children and talked about how excited we were for our baby to come. We got home and watched shows. I felt like I was floating, just so excited for what life was going to be like.

When suddenly I felt warm liquid coming out of my vagina. I was confused at first and then pulled the blanket off and noticed it was blood. I woke up my fiancé and jumped out of bed and the blood kept coming and coming. There. Was. So. Much. Blood. I started shaking uncontrollably. I was SO scared. My fiancé called the ambulance and we were at the hospital within 15 minutes. They took me in right away. They couldn’t find my baby’s heartbeat at first which propelled me into a panic. I was still shaking intensely. When they finally found the heartbeat they said it was too slow and they said they were going to have to proceed with an emergency c-section.

They quickly moved me into the operating room. I passed by my fiancé in the hall as they pushed me on the stretcher. We were both so scared. I wish he could have been in the room too. Inside the room, there were like 10 different doctors and nurses. No one was speaking to me they were all just grabbing me and hooking me up to things. Someone kept yelling for a blade and that terrified me even more. I began crying and finally a nurse spoke to me and said that an anesthesiologist was going to put me to sleep now.

I woke up and I found out I had a son but he lost so much blood that they had to do a transfusion. I

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👍︎ 76
👤︎ u/Illnaynay
📅︎ Jun 18 2021
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If Apple made a car what would it be missing?


👍︎ 2k
👤︎ u/Moplex1234
📅︎ Jul 02 2021
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What was a very common name in the middle ages?

I heard parents named their children lance a lot.

First post please don't kill me

Edit: i went to sleep and now my inbox is dead, thank you kind strangers for the awards!

👍︎ 9k
📅︎ Jun 24 2021
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