A list of puns related to "Otto von Habsburg"
Is it possiable for Otto von habsburg to take power in Austria because when you do the future of the nation event it says that Otto may take power in the event from the focus?
Iโve read somewhere that von Habsburg had a favourable view of Franco so I can only assume it might have something to do with honouring the Peace of Utrecht.
I tried looking around in the Hungary history file, couldn't find him, tried changing the pic in the DLC zip but the game can't recognize the dlc after that. Already have the pic, just want to figure out how to change him.
So with "Battle for the Bosporus" i decidet to make a round where i gave every nation their monarchs to see what weird antics might ensue.
Now of cours with all/most (since France cant have 3 rulers duh) visible I compared them all a bit. Among my favourites are Ferdinand I and Victor Emanuell III. Now what caught my attention were France and Austria-Hungary in particular. As most probably know Otto, Napoleon VI and Jean III all wear suits opposed to all other monarchs (at least which i know of) exept for Pu Yi who has to claim the mandate of heaven bevore he gets his fancy outfit and also wears a suit until then.
Now what I want to discuss/ask/propose is what other people think about these three and if the portraits could be improved to better suit the two emperors and the king. I dont mean in any way that the current portaits are bad in any way but atleast i think that they dont fit (unless they are historicly accurate which i doubt since none of them ever ruled.)
A point could be made for Napoleon VI because Napoleon III also most of the time didnt wear something like Napoleon I for example used to wear.
When it comes to Otto i would argue it could be handled like Pu Yi, for example he wears a uniform/emperors cloths only after forming Austria-Hungary and not from the beginning when he takes over hungary.
So all in all at least for me i think the current portraits arent bad but i think they could be improved. Not saying that should be done asap nor that it should be done at all (the game has bigger issues than that.) but i wanted to voice my opinion and wanted to hear how others think about it.
EDIT: For context Italy joined Japan at war with the Allies while I was plotting to assassinate him. I assassinated him and Italy joined my faction (The Central Powers) but stayed in the war against the Allies. They lost and in the peace deal a democratic government was put in power. :/
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