Dad Joked by my 2 year old Grand daugther

"Poppy, we went Shoe Shopping"

"Really? What did you get?"


👍︎ 6
👤︎ u/Umpire
📅︎ May 16 2014
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First dinner out with our son

My wife and I went out for dinner with our 5 week old son. A group of grandparents (no relation) were expressing their admiration and asked my wife how old he is. "26" I answer, receiving a knowing smile from the grand dads and groans from everyone else.

👍︎ 49
📅︎ Oct 31 2014
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Pleasurable Father's Day

Sitting at the table for Father's Day, my 16 year old daughter decided to be grand in her wishing me a happy father's day.

"Dad, thank you for siring me."

"You're welcome, but, the pleasure was all mine."

My mother in law glared. Everyone else laughed.

👍︎ 24
👤︎ u/AK_Pastor
📅︎ Jun 25 2015
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Stranger dadjoked me last night in McDonalds and made my night

I was riding my bike home at night after work and I stopped at McD's to grab a burger. I was wearing my headlamp and an old man that was in the lobby asked me "Does that ever make you feel light-headed?" I groaned and congratulated him on being a grand dad.

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/Datasinc
📅︎ Mar 10 2015
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Secret meaning of farts

While preparing for our roadtrip to the Grand Canyon, my dad was asking everyone (my mom, brother, and I) if we needed to go to the bathroom before we leave. I was around 8 years old at the time, my brother was 5. I had some massive gas that day and my dad took note of it.

I said, "Dad, I don't need to go to the bathroom."

"RhinoWatson, yes you do. You know a fart is just a poo screaming to get out."

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Aug 09 2013
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