what yer millennial overlords listened to in our prime -- roast or praise away open.spotify.com/playlist…
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Dec 30 2021
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Millennials to be offered single-shot Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine to ‘jab and go’ (The True Faith Overcomes the Heathen Europeans, and Their Foul Homemade Vaccines, Praise Fauci MBUH) yahoo.com/news/millennial…
👍︎ 19
👤︎ u/Havvocck2
📅︎ Apr 03 2021
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Actress/Comedian Mindy Kaling praises Aziz Ansari on Instagram and then does not back down when the millennial army tries to cancel her buzzfeednews.com/article/…
👍︎ 51
📅︎ Feb 25 2019
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"mmm yes, good millennial boomer, say what I want to hear and in exchange I'll give you the attention and praise you seek so much of for your narcissism/low ego"
👍︎ 24
👤︎ u/f_o_t_a_
📅︎ Mar 10 2020
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Commie Girl Praises Millennial's as 'More Informed,' Research Shows the Opposite godfatherpolitics.com/ale…
👍︎ 37
👤︎ u/propshaft
📅︎ Aug 30 2019
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[OC] millennial gamers rise up to praise our avocado lord
👍︎ 30
👤︎ u/oct0nami
📅︎ Feb 28 2019
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IDIOT: AOC Praises Millennials, Says They Are The First Generation To Protest Government foxnews.com/politics/aoc-…
👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/BudRock56
📅︎ Aug 28 2019
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Howard Dean Blames Millennials For Democratic Losses, Praises Pelosi youtube.com/watch?v=JmzSl…
👍︎ 27
👤︎ u/oahut
📅︎ Dec 09 2016
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[Millennial Achievement Unlocked] Please praise me for getting to work on time 5 days in a row, something I should be doing anyways to keep my job
👍︎ 8
📅︎ Oct 26 2018
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/u/BizarroBarney pointed to pages from a 1934 issue of Millennial Star that praises both Hitler and Mussolini reddit.com/r/exmormon/com…
👍︎ 11
👤︎ u/4blockhead
📅︎ Jun 20 2017
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Heart of Worship | Praise Dance "Millennial Kingdom God’s Purpose" youtu.be/To0rdrJhx3Q
👍︎ 5
📅︎ Dec 22 2015
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Heart of Worship | Praise Dance "Millennial Kingdom God’s Purpose" youtube.com/attribution_l…
👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/kelvin_ken
📅︎ Jan 04 2016
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To all of the millennials that aren’t being praised enough

I just want to appreciate all of the millennials that aren’t being praised enough for making it through all of the struggles during our lifetimes.

And a bigger shout out to those not able to work remotely, and also to the ones who are making it through their day without pooping their pants.

You all are the heros that need more compliments. Thank you 😊

👍︎ 64
📅︎ Apr 07 2021
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Kizzmekia Corbett, a millennial African American woman from NC, is praised as key scientist behind COVID-19 vaccine abcnews.go.com/Health/kiz…
👍︎ 220
📅︎ Dec 14 2020
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"Gen Z vs. Millennials" is just propagated by older Generations because they don't like what we are accomplishing.

I used to think that Gen Z were full of people embarrassing obnoxious teenagers who just hate anyone over 24. But I'm going to redact that mentality. I was buying into the propaganda of Boomers, and Gen X that were writing in articles circulating online.

Millennials and Zillennials were told by our parents and teachers "you can be anything you want! Just work towards it and get a degree, the opportunities will show up!" only to be smacked in the face hard the last two decades that we've been trying to break out in the workforce.

When we asked for help or accommodations we got called snowflakes and to suck it up and" get a job"... Even though the current status of our country is almost unliveable even with masters degrees.

Gen Z never even had the optimism in their childhood... Now that they are coming of age they spot and call out the bullshit fed to us by those older generations who hate us. Gen Z was also fed the narrative and propaganda about "Millennials being evil and wimpy" and luckily NOW most of them are seeing through it.. Finally.

We are allies in this. Older generations are narcissistic POS and hate that we are finally getting fed and fucking over the broken system they created.

👍︎ 159
📅︎ Jan 09 2022
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Why does Gen Z get praised for being SJWs yet Millennials bashed?

Gen Z can do anything and get praised. Gen Z kid is "genderfluid"? Everyone claps. Millennial just exists? Everyone boos.

👍︎ 13
📅︎ Aug 20 2020
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Crazy Parent admitted to being out to get me fired and it isn’t working

About a month ago, I was verbally attacked by a crazy mom over every detail about me she could. This happened after a parent meeting where she screamed at us because her kid is a little shit and refuses to work. Our team is not the handholding type at all and our admin are incredibly supportive (important detail).

Anyways, the other teachers had to go to a class and she asked me to stay. My VP and the councilor immediately came back into the room. This woman went off on my “lack of professionalism” and the fact I have policies and procedures I refuse to exempt her kid from. Then, she went after my relationships with students (my students love me) and my appearance. At that point, VP cut her off and basically said that she could not attack me like this and there would be an e-mail headed her way about how she would be allowed to proceed any communication with me. Crazy lady laughed and said “we will see about that.” After she left, I was pulled into the councilor’s office and allowed to have a breakdown and praised by admin for how I handled that as a 2nd year teacher. My principal was out with COVID, but we called her and explained the situation. Apparently, lady had already tried to contact the superintendent about me.

Crazy mom was emailed a plan where she cannot speak with me in person without admin and a second teacher present and admin will be CC into every email. My team literally has been lifesavers and are on board with this whole thing.

Now to last week: I am at a gas station and being the millennial I am I am listening to and singing along with T-Swift. I sang out loud the line “fuck the patriarchy” not thinking anything of it. Kid of crazy mom comes up to me the next day and says “My mom caught you on video at the gas station saying the f-word and we are sending it to the superintendent.” I knew in an instant what he was talking about. Went to my VP who doubled over laughing. She called the Assistant Superintendent and he laughed as well. Apparently lady had taken the day off to smugly sit in his office and asked I get fired over this video. He informed her that the district will encourage me to get a no contact order if she ever films me in public again.

Y’all, this is all nuts and it is over the fact I have policies and standards and refuse to budge for a kid who is capable but entitled. There will probably be more to this, but damn this was a good laugh at this point.

Update: I can’t get a restraining order at this time. The gas stati

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👍︎ 1k
📅︎ Dec 14 2021
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Fellow Millennials, it's not all our fault as we're made to believe. I think we're one of the most important and special generations of human history (How millennial of me). Check out my half baked idea.


How Millennials have been shamed, humiliated, embarrassed, lied to, and led to believe our behavior is the source of all our problems.

Ever been called stupid, dumb, lazy, unorganized, fat, sloppy, dim witted, or whatever other adjective that was used to describe you as a child? I have. A lot. My entire life as a matter of fact.

My entire life I was told my behavior is the problem. YOU are the problem. Why can’t you just STOP doing that? Just simply STOP. Stop forgetting things. Stop losing your phone. Stop forgetting to do your homework. Just pay attention, its not that hard! It's not that hard, that was my favorite line, like I wasn't trying.

Why can’t you just listen and pay attention to what I’m saying? Why do you BLOCK me out? Stop forgetting to set the kids clothes out at night. Stop forgetting to put your laundry away. Your room is a mess! You should be so embarrassed! Why don't you have any motivation to clean it? You're just lazy.

Do you ever find yourself responding like....

Like it’s that easy. Is there a way to make yourself stop breathing? Is breathing a behavior I have control over? I’m just confused. I don’t know what you mean by STOP behaving like that. I’m sorry. I really am. I can’t stop breathing. I don’t know how to stop being me.

I’m sorry that in the moment my brain gets overwhelmed and I literally can’t talk. I’m sorry I block you out when you talk to me. I’m really not blocking you out my brain is just trying to protect itself from being overwhelmed even more. I forget things because my brain can only focus and remember one or two things at a time.

I’ve been called so many names like dumb, fat, lazy and stupid, that as soon as my parents or someone starts talking to me in a condescending tone my brain just starts to automatically shut down because it doesn’t want to be overwhelmed. It’s just trying to protect itself.

Any of that sound familiar?

If any of this seems to have been an ongoing theme throughout your life, you too probably have undiagnosed ADHD. I say probably with a certain degree of confidence because I lived with this for 36 years.

I pursued the answers as to why I was different for 36 years. All through childhood, teenage years, high school, all through my 20's while in college with a double major, and a pregnant wife. All in my pursuit to figure myself out.

I spent 36 years asking myself what was wrong with me. I was always made to feel like my behavior was t

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👍︎ 28
📅︎ Dec 13 2021
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Web Novel Personal Recommendation/Review [MegaThread] - V2

Intro: When I decided to share some of my reviews on this sub, I knew the work would take several days, and, at the time, I also didn't have a precise idea about what the outcome should have been. Among the various possibilities, I opted to create a first, rough, draft which I would update multiple times until I felt satisfied. So, here we go! If you saw my previous post know that this one is updated and as complete as Reddit allows it to be.


  • Why only web novels? Because of their nature, they are more accessible compare to books. You can more easily skim through them, discard what you don't like, and move on. At the same time, it's also harder to find proper reviews for web novels, in particular, I find scores on Royal Road to be useless in general. This doesn't mean that I don't read books, on the opposite, on my fantasy progression tier list there would almost be present only books;
  • What novels ended up on this list? My initial plan was to have both good and bad ones, but Reddit doesn't support such long posts. I'm, therefore, forced to have only what I most care about sharing. If you don't see something that should be on the list, but it's not, leave a comment and I'll clarify if I either left it out or didn't read it. At the end of the post there should also be a brief list of not reviewed suggestions;
  • What do I like? I'm an old reader. I'm past the time where I could read and enjoy anything available to me. You could find my tastes to be very needy in some ways and not so much in many others, I'm aware of it.
    I don't dislike many tags, the most notable are: novels with multiple POVs; a pure slice of life; when comedy is central; superheroes; but there are exceptions, ofc.
    On the other hand, immersion and suspension of disbelief go toe to toe for me, and I need to have both to enjoy a story. At the end of the day, a story has to remain true to its context. A System with numbers that don't make sense; a traumatic event that has no consequences; reincarnated adults that behave like teenagers; isekai where the protagonists never, ever, miss their previous happy, safe, life; characters that behave outside of their role; these are just some example of what ruins my immersion and usually leads to abandoning a novel, or at least to lower its score;
  • How do you structure the reviews? I'm not a professional reviewer, I find it hard to stick to a precise and well-organized pattern. I'll try to point ou
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👍︎ 111
👤︎ u/Korr4K
📅︎ Jan 04 2022
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This is a good symbol of why we millennials are fucked in the head... many of us think going against the grain and being rebellious to anything, including anything virtuous or for a good cause is “cool” or to be praised for whatever reason. Fucking backwards my dude.
👍︎ 6
📅︎ Sep 30 2020
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10 Things I Learned from Joining the Church that No One Else will Tell You

1.) It's complicated. Yes, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gives one of the more complex understandings of Jesus Christ. We do, after all, have a preparatory gospel.  But the simple answer isn't always correct and there is purpose in the complexity. My wife and I have found joining Christ's Church to be both rewarding and challenging. It has been a journey and I hope our experience can help those new to the church better understand what you're getting into.

2.) We are different.  A wise person once wrote, "When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind." Joining the Church of Jesus Christ took two steps. First, recognizing the whole world is running towards a cliff and second, a willingness to be different. As Paul wrote, "the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." We have not made many friends by joining the church. Our social circle has shrunk. But what we have gained is hope and a few new friends who are lampposts helping us keep to our new faith.

3.) My wife and I were lost for the first couple years after we joined. Ideas such as the existence of God, spirits, heaven, and atonement are assumed by people in the church, but foreign to some of us raised outside the church. I remember my wife and I were trying to figure out why people kept talking about covenants several months after we were baptized. What we eventually learned in those first years was at the core of our church is the simple message of a Father in heaven who made us, loves us, and separated Himself from us so that we can become like Him. All the other teachings and ordinances of the church revolve around this central message.

4.) Exclusiveness.   When we first began asking about church we were surprised to find many active church members unwilling to share their beliefs. Typically we were directed to missionaries, or given close-ended answers such as, "that's just what we believe." Why? Why are so many members of our church unwilling to share the gospel? The reason is many are more socially connected to the church than spiritually connected to Christ. Church is different to different people and exists in varying degrees. To many, church is about an orderly society. We all collectively agree to follow moral standards and, in turn, we have a better community. For example, if my children marry faithful members

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👍︎ 301
📅︎ Dec 18 2021
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Blind Girl Here. Give Me Your Best Blind Jokes!

Do your worst!

👍︎ 5k
📅︎ Jan 02 2022
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What a show. Unlike anything I’ve ever watched. (*no spoilers*)

I just wanted to come here to talk about how mind blowing the journey of this show is. It’s so hard to convince people to watch it because the first season is so lighthearted and just plays on the concept of making fun of privileged millennials and then every season gets a little darker and more twisted in ways I could’ve never expected. It’s a prime example of a “just keep watching it and don’t give up” show suggestion. I’ve never seen a show that’s so unafraid to completely alter its entire premise and it was absolutely thrilling. I get so bored with tv shows these days that just stick to a formula because it’s the easiest way to get people to mindlessly keep watching it over and over.

I’m just so impressed, even with the last season because it was so on brand to take it even farther into the bizarre and while it has its faults I still loved it and couldn’t stop watching. It definitely didn’t get the praise and attention it deserved but I’m so glad that it got to be made to completion because every season I was afraid it would just be another one out those shows that gets started great then doesn’t get renewed.

Big hats off to Alia Shawkat, what a seriously incredible acting performance from beginning to end. Watching such immense character development and transformation being conveyed so perfectly was striking to watch.

Damn I loved this show and I’m sad it’s over. It’s going to be hard to find something to replace it with that can hold a candle to it. I couldn’t get any of my friends to watch it so I’m glad I could come here to talk about it!

👍︎ 62
📅︎ Jan 10 2022
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LDS Millennial Star 1934, praising Hitler and Mussolini as "outstanding nationalists" imgur.com/a/7P7VC
👍︎ 251
📅︎ Jun 20 2017
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Dropped my best ever dad joke & no one was around to hear it

For context I'm a Refuse Driver (Garbage man) & today I was on food waste. After I'd tipped I was checking the wagon for any defects when I spotted a lone pea balanced on the lifts.

I said "hey look, an escaPEA"

No one near me but it didn't half make me laugh for a good hour or so!

Edit: I can't believe how much this has blown up. Thank you everyone I've had a blast reading through the replies 😂

👍︎ 19k
📅︎ Jan 11 2022
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Finding Relisha Rudd: Staring Through a Broken System

I've been invested in the Relisha Rudd case since her disappearance in 2014 and since then; I've been dedicated to finding the reason why this little girl was failed so miserably by her family and the system. In light of the discussions surrounding missing BIPOC and their coverage - or lack thereof - in mainstream media, I present to you the first write up in finding out how a beautiful little girl can slip through the cracks. A lot of my source material come from the Washington Post, local news mediums, and being a member of the community in which Relisha went missing. With all that being said, enjoy and I look forward to reading your feedback.

There are certain images that capture a moment in history. For example, the photo of Civil Rights activists Jesse Jackson, Hosea Williams, and Ralph Abernathy pointing to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassin; captures the danger, pain, struggle, and determination of those activists in the fight for equal rights. That was in 1968. For many Millennials (those born between the years of 1981 and 1997) no image sticks out as much as the 2014 image of the then First Lady Michelle Obama holding up a sign that read “#BringBackOurGirls”. The image of a stern yet saddened public figure was a call to arms for many people to join the calvary of keyboard warriors and pick up their i-rifles chambered with a plethora of hashtags, all demanding Boko Haram to #BringbackOurGirls in response to the mass kidnapping of 112 female students from their school in Nigeria. But for many Washingtonians in 2014, we were wondering if a campaign was going to be started for one of our own girls; 8-year-old Relisha Rudd.

Relisha Rudd looked like an average girl for her age. She had her hair braided in pigtails, with cute bow-bows decorating the ends. To many, she reminded them of their daughters, sisters, cousins, and nieces. So young and full of promise yet, so innocent and vulnerable. Looking at her in surveillance footage was a reminder of her innocence. There she was walking down the hallway of a Holiday Inn Express Hotel in the Northeast quadrant of the city with a white plastic bag and those same pigtails. Her blue jacket with white stripes on the arms showed that she looked well taken care of and that somebody out there loved that little girl. Her pink boots screamed girly-girl because what 8 year old girl didn’t like pink at some point in their lives? Another reminder of her innocence was how she walked beside a man who could’ve been

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👍︎ 39
📅︎ Dec 30 2021
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What starts with a W and ends with a T

It really does, I swear!

👍︎ 5k
📅︎ Jan 13 2022
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What is a a bisexual person doing when they’re not dating anybody?

They’re on standbi

👍︎ 11k
📅︎ Jan 12 2022
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I think my ex best friend was a narc. Struggling with anger and sadness.

Me and my best friend of 10+ years recently called it quits. We're both millennial-age males. We used to have fun together. Sure, we'd argue every now and then, but the good always outweighed the bad. However, over the last 3 years, our arguments increased in intensity and frequency.

To be sure, I can certainly be to blame for some of the rifts; two of our blowouts this year can be attributed to me backing out of plans to hang out together online. I've been suffering from pretty severe depression this past year. Not an excuse, but it's definitely made me more of a flake. However, most of our arguments and blowouts can only be described as bizarre.

  • Often forces his job into an argument (where he is respected and senior-level). He would usually either use this as an excuse for his behavior (his job is very stressful), or use it to gain some sort of leverage if he was arguing about a topic out of his depth.
  • Has admitted to me on multiple occasions that he is deeply insecure, despite his success and reassurance from myself and others.
  • I am usually the one who is responsible for ending the argument. This is done by either apologizing, reluctantly agreeing, ignoring his endless stream of DMs and unsends, or saying "let's agree to disagree." The latter usually doesn't work. He will argue ad nauseam. This is usually a no-win situation. He will never take responsibility for this.
  • Must get the last word. Always.
  • Competitive, to an unhealthy level.
  • Makes a sport out of hating on others who are trying to do what he does but are not as successful.
  • Boundary issues.
    • Has increasingly felt entitled to know what's going on in my life, especially if I'm seeing a girl. This may be because I've leaned on him heavily in the past and likely over-shared.
    • Trying to establish boundaries with him leads to a blowout, even if I use "we" language, i.e. "we need to be more respectful with each other."
    • Will use the fact that I've shared personal things with him in the past against me when I try to reestablish boundaries. Will cite this as evidence of inconsistency, and that he's left having to navigate a minefield of "boundaries" when talking to me.
  • Self-esteem is closely linked to job status and how he's perceived
    • Sends me screenshots of DM's from people seeking his services and singing his praises. Sometimes he does this maliciously, to stick it to me in an argument, i.e. "you ever do anything like this?"
  • Very sensitive to even the slightest crit
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👍︎ 20
📅︎ Jan 04 2022
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