A list of puns related to "Mexican hairy dwarf porcupine"
Here is what I know about about CPO CrayFish
They need a cycled aquarium like every water animal Fresh water Slow current filter Airstones No plants Alot of hiding places
Stuff I need help with.
Once every how much time do they shed their shell Caron??? Recommended pH level Recommended substrate
Keep in mind that I know nothing of Crayfish. Please explain it to me like I have just discovered their existence Also what do I feed them
Iβm a noobie crayfish mom. So I ordered 2 male dwarf Mexican crayfish and Iβve had them for maybe 2 months now. One disappeared for about a week and I just assumed maybe because they were male that one ate the other. Well a week later, the missing one emerges. Itβs huge and has a bunch of eggs. So definitely not a crawdude, but a crawlady haha
The first egg sighting was about 3 weeks ago. I saw her on and off, mainly at night coming out to eat. Fast forward 3 weeks to yesterday- I saw her but she didnβt have eggs anymore. Iβve been looking around the tank and donβt see any babies.
Do they hide at first? Or do they drop the eggs before they hatch? I havenβt had crayfish before, so I only know what Iβve researched and wasnβt really prepared for babies. I posted a video of her eggs on here while ago and someone said they looked fertile to them. I donβt know if they actually were of course, but wouldβve been cool.
I have a paradise gourami in that tank too, so itβs possible he ate them if they actually existed. But he was in a tank with cherry shrimp for a long time and I havenβt ever seen him bother the babies. He probably ate a few here and there, just didnβt see it. But he never like cleared the population haha
I my lfs has some MDC and I absolutely fell in love. Can I add them to my 75 gallon community? It has 8 cory, 2 female bettas, a lot of ghost shrimp, 6 amano shrimp, and several different kinds of snails. The cory are pretty shy. They hang out in a cave mostly until it's time to eat then they scurry around gobbling up food then go back to their cave. I posted a video in my profile of the tank. Or should I start a new tank?
Looking for Mexican dwarf crayfish in my area, Iβm in Clearwater but I donβt mind driving a bit. If anyone has some Mexican dwarf crayfish or has a shop recommendation please let me know!
I've been wondering if I could put a small fish group or a singular fish in my small tank (6.6 gal) with a Mexican dwarf crayfish, I saw that you could put a Mexican dwarf crayfish in a 5-10 gal, but could you add any fish like chili rasboras. The tank has been empty for a few weeks and has been cycling/cycled for a good month and 2 weeks.
Hi, I recently just got a CPO or dwarf crayfish and I have some questions would appreciate your help!
These are all the questions I have right now but if you have any advice I would appreciate them!
Thanks for your time.
I want to get one for my tank and I donβt see them at my lfs anymore.
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