A list of puns related to "Mercedes Mason"
Hey again /r/MLS, as some of you may have remembered, I began a project last summer where in a made-up universe, each U.S. state (commonwealth for the people in KY, MA, PA, and VA) had their own state soccer team. I have done Part I revised a few weeks ago, and now I am on to part two!
To get read-up on everything, check out Part 1.
#Previous Threads Part 1 (AL-CA) | Part 2 (CO-GA) | Part 3 (HI-IA) | Part 4 (KS-MO)
Astazi, pe Facebook , mi a aparut o reclama platita din partea PNL-ului . Mi-a atras atentia firma care a platit reclama respectiva si anume FUTURE INOVATION SRL . La o simpla cautare pe google , imi apare un articol dintr un ziar ca firma este detinuta de Monica Neagoe .Aceasta Monica Neagoe este asociata cu un anume mason pe nume Bartolomeu Savoiu, cu care detine doua companii , World Masonic Coin SRL si Cecida Consulting. Future inovation SRL, Cecida Consulting si inca o firma , Smart tehnologies Bussiness SRL au sediu pe strada Paradisul Verde nr6 in comuna Tunari . Am cautat acest complex rezidential iar intr un videoclip de prezentare din 2020 apare un Rolls Royce cu numarul de inmatriculare B107WTX . Acest Rolls Royce apare intr o postare din 2019 , pe un site de amatori de masini , pe strazile din Bruxelles . In aceea imagine , se observa un logo si un nume pe masina si anume Betra ,care este o criptomoneda. Am gasit acest nume imediat si implicit si proprietarul masinii. Ciprian Ciceu, supranumit lupul din Pipera ,care a candidat la primaria sectorului 1 . Acelasi nr de masina B107WTX apare intr un anunt pe OLX , cu un Mercedes adus din Germania la vanzare . Si acelasi nr B107WTX , apare si pe masina fostului ministru al transporturilor Razvan Cuc. Ideea e ca, nu sunt jurnalist si nu am cunostiinte in domeniu. Dar toate aceste legaturi mi se pare foarte dubioase, in special numarul de inmatriculare la cele 3 masini . Pozele sunt 2019-2020
I love the opinion threads here and figured it'd be best to put my opinions about this wonderful show in one place for future reference.
Agree? Disagree? Feel free to comment.
-Rachel is my favourite. I love how dramatic, energetic, and hard working she is. She also has those sincere moments that are touching. Yes, she goes too far sometimes, but I can't help but forgive her.
-To add, I think Rachel was the hardest working character in the Glee club. I think all the girls were relatively hard working, but Rachel went above and beyond.
-I have no issues with her getting the most songs. Lea Michele portrayed the main protagonist, so from an off-screen perspective, it makes sense. However, I wish things were spiced up for competitions. Instead of another Finchel duet, we could've had a Jonesberry duet.
-Kurt isn't femme or masc and that's okay. He represents a multidimensional gay man and it's tiring to see people trying to box him.
-Kurt's fashion was best in NYC and my favourite fashion in the whole show. Most of his S1 outfits were flops in comparison.
-Kurt should've become a fashion designer or something of the like. It would've represented another art and the Vogue internship felt like a perfect setup that went nowhere.
-Finn is one of the most realistic characters even if that makes him not super likable at times. He's a straight, white guy from Ohio, he's not going to be super progressive. It doesn't excuse some of his actions, but it gives perspective.
-Finn was a good Glee club teacher from what we saw. He didn't seem to play favourites and was attentive to the students and their problems.
-His dancing was the cutest, though it wasn't good. It's just funny to see the largest cast member trying to pull some moves.
-Mercedes was the best friend throughout the series. She was understanding, affectionate, and willing to give the benefit of the doubt.
-With that being said, she wasn't entirely unproblematic. Remember when she smashed that car window? She sometimes felt a bit pushy with religion as well. It's a show about flawed characters though, so it's fine.
-She definitely deserved more plots that revolved around her. Tots ain't cutting it.
-Artie had some serious attitude problems that should've been adjusted over the course of the show. It never seemed like he developed much.
-But even though it was done numerous times, I felt for him every time he expressed desire to be able to walk.
-Tina was funnier in S4-5 an
... keep reading on reddit β‘I don't want to step on anybody's toes here, but the amount of non-dad jokes here in this subreddit really annoys me. First of all, dad jokes CAN be NSFW, it clearly says so in the sub rules. Secondly, it doesn't automatically make it a dad joke if it's from a conversation between you and your child. Most importantly, the jokes that your CHILDREN tell YOU are not dad jokes. The point of a dad joke is that it's so cheesy only a dad who's trying to be funny would make such a joke. That's it. They are stupid plays on words, lame puns and so on. There has to be a clever pun or wordplay for it to be considered a dad joke.
Again, to all the fellow dads, I apologise if I'm sounding too harsh. But I just needed to get it off my chest.
Do your worst!
They were cooked in Greece.
I'm surprised it hasn't decade.
Don't you know a good pun is its own reword?
Two muffins are in an oven, one muffin looks at the other and says "is it just me, or is it hot in here?"
Then the other muffin says "AHH, TALKING MUFFIN!!!"
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