A list of puns related to "MODOK"
MODOK's power set is a bit weird, but if setup can do a lot of damage. His blue (7P) creates a 8 turn fortified countdown that does massive damage. The tile goes down by 3 for each time you fire another power, and goes by down if peggy fires a countdown. His black (6ap) creates enemy attack tiles (4 at one cover, 2 at 5 covers), converts 6 basic tiles to red and does a small amount of damage. His red costs 6ap and changes each time you use it. The first time it creates attack tiles, second time it does 3 moves that do damage, 3rd time its 2 countdown tiles that do a lot of damage, and finally he just does an attack that does a ton of damage. I don't think you'll need to fire your red that many times to win, but good to know. I'll mention it now but while Peggy has more than 30% health your powers will costs 4 ap more. So your blue is 11, black is 10 and red is 10ap at the start of the fight.
Peggy can be troublesome, she has 14956 health, her red (9ap) does 2873 damage ignoring any protect tiles. As mentioned above her yellow passive makes it cost 4 ap more for each of your powers as long as she has more than 30% health. Finally her blue (11ap) stuns enemies but the target and then creates a 3 turn blue countdown that does 5295 damage.
For this match you should go for/deny blue and red and get black when you can. You want to save your other powers until you get your blue. Then when you fire your powers you will quickly reduce the countdown tile. Peggy's powers arent' cheap so you should be ok just trading match damage for the start.
My MODOK is 277 5/3/5, I followed the above strategy, and denied blue/red and got black. Fired my blue and put the countdown tile in a corner. Then fired by red and black. Next turn peggy fired her red, and then the next turn or so my blue countdown hit and that was all she wrote and it was over.
LL into the pile waiting for Wanda.
Any thing I miss?
Le maradtam valami érdekesről?
Törölt akkount hmm. Ez is Orbán miatt van :(
MODOK and AIM have both gone back and forth in terms of tone, in the sense that they're either taken as a serious threat or written more in a comedic light as the schmucks of the terrorist world.
The comics have bounced back and forth between these two tones. The Avengers video game went the more serious route and gave MODOK a more sympathetic story. The Earth's Mightiest Heroes cartoon and the new MODOK cartoon have them treated more comedically while Armored Adventures portrayed them more as genuine threats.
So for the MCU, which take do you think they should lean into?
Azt meritek írni, hogy nem kaptok konstuktív kritikát, csak kicsit nehéz úgy megejteni ezt, ha nem is lehet nektek írni, de akkor itt megírom nektek a konstruktív kritikát. Ugye ezen a kommenten kerültünk összetűzésbe. Szerintetek ez cigányozásnak számít, amit eleve úgy üzentetek meg, hogy "a cigányozást tartsd meg borsodban". Itt most újra belemennék mert látom nem tudtátok értelmezni, hogy ezzel pont arra mutattam rá, hogy rohadt rasszista az a komment amire írtam a magyarokkal szemben, mert ugyanígy állítja be a mi hazánk, hogy mennyire alávaló népség a cigányság, hogy van közöttük olyan amelyik szemetel. Ezt kifejtve nektek az volt a válasz, hogy "bábozzam már el miért rasszista", majd jött a mantra, hogy "csak elnyomott kisebbséggel szemben lehet rasszistának lenni". Kértem, hogy mutassatok már olyan definiciót a rasszizmusra, ami elfogadott és tartalmazza ezt a kitételt. Erre kaptam egy kibaszott permát, valamint muteolva lettem. Tudom, tudom volt anyázás is, de ha már ilyen volt a fogadtatás, akkor ne csodálkozzatok. Akkor remélem most már elkezdhetjük a párbeszédet, de tudom süket fülekre találtam (jobb esetben, de majd lehet veréssel leszek fenyegetve én is, mert már a fizikai moderáció korát éljük). Éljen az erhungary emigráns kormánya! Éljen a forradalom! Viva el csirke el Libertador! (Az autizmus beszólásért meg a kurva anyátokat, mert tényleg az vagyok.)
AIM are my favourite team in the game. They are so fun to play with. I really hope we see MODOK in the near future. Hopefully its not a brand new Aim team and MODOK can slot right into our current teams.
I think Hickman could have fun with that character.
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