I forgot Destiny's Child was in an episode of 'Smart Guy'
👍︎ 10
📅︎ Dec 26 2019
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Echo Dot (4th Gen) | Smart speaker with clock and Alexa | Twilight Blue Brand: Amazon 4.7 out of 5 stars List Price:$59.99 Details With Deal:$34.99 homeygrail.com/product/ec…
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Nov 26 2021
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Meltzer: “If you think about it the smart way, Dynamite’s viewership from last night saw an increase of double the amount than Saturday’s episode”

The fed wishes they had an increase like that for any of their shows

👍︎ 23
📅︎ Oct 28 2021
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Ok guys you're all smart let's brainstorm a list of potential allies.

Preferably meme subs please.

👍︎ 6
📅︎ Mar 08 2019
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I liked how they referred to Schindler's List last week, with the fictional Spielberg's movie "Pale Horse", and how in this episode they use the same "red girl" effect. Very clever. Smart writing.
👍︎ 132
👤︎ u/Numod_Root
📅︎ Nov 25 2019
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Does anyone have a list of episodes where the bad guy(s) wins?

Was looking for all the episodes where the rapist/killer/etc. gets away scot free without being convicted, killed, or taking a plea.

👍︎ 6
📅︎ Apr 03 2020
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Disney just released a casting list for Episode IX. What do you guys make of it?


Link if you haven't seen it. Looking forward to the discussion. Richard E Grant seems like an obvious bad guy type. No Keri Russell mentioned.

Mark Hamill is mentioned, but I think it's obvious (and disappointing) he will be a force ghost.

👍︎ 47
👤︎ u/Kidney05
📅︎ Jul 27 2018
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Why does David's therapist's tape recorder, Jean Smart's facilitie's technology and David's sister all look straight out of the 60's/70's but the bad guy's guns and tech looks futuristic (I.E that computer book used by the interrogator in episode 1)?

What year does this story take place? Is it intentional, I feel like it must be as the technology is all over the place and David's sister dresses like no other character does, her clothes and hair are clearly styles that went out of several decades ago. And if it is intentional what purpose does it serve other than adding to the 'weird' vibe of the show? No spoilers past episode 2 please. Side note, is there a reason Sid has the same full name as the guy from Pink Floyd?

👍︎ 11
📅︎ Mar 21 2017
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What was the episode where the guys made fun of the sub for confusion on how to pour smart mouth evenly
👍︎ 5
📅︎ Sep 21 2018
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List of Christmasy/wintery episodes and movies

So over winter break, I plan to binge a bunch of romance anime and to binge scooby do, however I need a list of all the winter and Christmas episodes and movies, i could search for them manually but I would like to save the time for my scooby do

👍︎ 10
📅︎ Dec 13 2021
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Quick question: Is the list of cast members listed on IMDB for the future episodes trustworthy?

Just checked out the IMDB page for the show and the cast for all future episodes are already listed. Do you think it's trustworthy or is it prone to change?

👍︎ 3
📅︎ Nov 24 2021
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[Smart Guy] I had people ask about the OL production last compared to this year. Below is week 1-6 for 2020 & 2021 seasons. 2020: 55 pressures for an Avg of 9.16 a game. 2 sacks allowed 2021: 98 pressures for an Avg of 16.33 a game. 8 sacks allowed twitter.com/smartjames198…
👍︎ 52
👤︎ u/Bepis_Inc
📅︎ Oct 19 2021
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Im watching the episode when Jax almost drowns…it’s kinda hilarious as well as sad. He was obviously having some kind of existential crisis while in Big Bear cuz he was so insecure against Rob. I have to say the guy is so genuinely broken. I felt so bad for him when he had to ask for help…kind of.
👍︎ 134
📅︎ Dec 13 2021
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List of GPs earning more than £150,000 to be published before year end - Guys, what actually is the point of this Sh*t? gponline.com/list-gps-ear…
👍︎ 137
👤︎ u/airdocful
📅︎ Nov 08 2021
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Do any of you remember that episode where this guy enters Jon’s house and gives and a list of what to do and he is forced to do it all quickly? I’m trying to find the episode name so I could finish it. Thanks
👍︎ 4
📅︎ Feb 03 2020
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Hi guys so I created a playlist today of all the episodes of minecraft if you want to check it out here is the link https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhNNJIj7Z1gMknQc5h-jwWit792I6Zjr1 and have fun with the series
👍︎ 14
📅︎ Jul 10 2019
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Podcast episode that has Daughters (You won’t get what you want) on their favorite albums of the decade list. If you like dark experimental music, might enjoy these guys. podcasts.apple.com/us/pod…
👍︎ 6
📅︎ Feb 07 2020
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Hi Guys I've started a Tumblr of episode lists of my fav characters male and female that focus on them and whump. Have a look if you want to :) whumptvshowlists.tumblr.c…
👍︎ 6
📅︎ Jan 14 2020
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The newest episode of The Wicked Smart Sports Guys: Danny Shelton, Brad Marchand, Jaylen Brown, and more! guybostonsports.com/the-w…
👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/KeyDizzle
📅︎ Mar 13 2018
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New episode of The Wicked Smart Sports Guys talking Celtics! guybostonsports.com/the-w…
👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/KeyDizzle
📅︎ Mar 02 2018
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OK GUYS HERE IT IS! I know people say there is no **FILLER** per say.... but what if I were to word it as ""plot-important episodes"" instead? Does anyone have a watch order list of ""plot-important episodes"" on hand? any help would be appreciated!
👍︎ 5
📅︎ Jul 13 2018
🚨︎ report
Hi Guys I've started a Tumblr of episode lists of my fav characters male and female that focus on them and whump. Have a look if you want to :) whumptvshowlists.tumblr.c…
👍︎ 5
📅︎ Jan 14 2020
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IMDB list of actors in the final episode

Here's who IMDB credits in being in the final episode: Charles, Oliver, Mabel, Oscar, Jan, Ursula, Dr. Grover Stanley (therapist), Will, Howard the cat guy, Amy (Arconia resident), Poppy White (Cinda's assistant), José (Oscar's dad).

Wondering if this changes anyone's theories. My original theory was Bunny killed Tim, but it doesn't seem she'll be in the last episode...and I feel like the killer will be in the last episode.

👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/nymeria_16
📅︎ Oct 13 2021
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This is a list of MUs that smash bracket will be doing/has already done for an entire smash bros tournament! What do you guys think of it?
👍︎ 21
📅︎ Nov 29 2021
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Fianlly done painting my 10man CSM squad. My 2000 pts list is complete, as soon as I finish basing these guys I shall share some pics of the full army.
👍︎ 95
👤︎ u/Yayula
📅︎ Dec 09 2021
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[WhatYouKnow] Episode 2 - TOP 10 Music Videos of 2019 (Eng subs available) - What do you guys think of the list??? youtu.be/N1RBdMJkmfQ
👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/kangbus
📅︎ Dec 11 2019
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Hi guys! We're the Bare Buddies and we've FINALLY completed our playthrough of Conker's Bad Fur Day. Our last mammoth episode came out today and man did we struggle with the last level, anyone else?https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD8dixg3zmguyrVKV9yYg7i64cqYLkTfc
👍︎ 8
📅︎ Jul 31 2019
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Color analysis for episode 10 of book 1 water. Hope you guys find it interesting and useful.
👍︎ 44
📅︎ Nov 28 2021
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List of Trainwreckords Where I’ve Listened to The Album either before or after the episode aired.

-Kilroy Was Here (Before)

-Be Here Now (Before)

-Van Halen III (After)

-Mardi Gras (Before)

-Cut The Crap (Before)

-Summer In Paradise (After)

-Two The Hard Way (Before)

-Funstyle (After)

-St Anger (Before)

-Turn It Upside Down (After)

-Passage (After)

👍︎ 6
📅︎ Sep 30 2021
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Can you guys help me with a list of "Parental Advisory episodes"?

So a while back I was watching season 2 of Buffy, loving every minute. And I recommended it to people. And I got both my dad and my 12 year old brother hooked. Then I watched a little thing called season 6. And I (being 16) was made immensely uncomfortable and depressed. So I just watched The Body with my little brother (he surprisingly didn't take it that hard) and I want to make a list of episodes a 12 year old kid might not wanna watch alone.

So far I have:

  1. Dead Things (Whole sex slave and murder thing)

  2. Seeing Red (Attempted rape by a not utterly deplorable character. And more murder I guess (Fucking Warren, man))

I don't think sex scenes are a problem. And he can probably handle tragedy pretty well. But certain things, I feel like he should have someone watching with him. Are there any I missed? Do you think I'm overreacting? Have any of you watched it young or known someone who did? I just wanna make sure he has the best experience possible.

👍︎ 18
📅︎ Dec 10 2016
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Ok, so does anyone know the list of insults the guys brought up? I watched like 4 episodes at the same time so I don't know what one the insults are from. I just remember laughing my ass off and now I really want to use them on people.
👍︎ 6
👤︎ u/ArcherLabs
📅︎ May 21 2018
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To the guy on my Facebook friends list that recently became an atheist, you don’t look smart, you just look like an asshole.
👍︎ 56
📅︎ Mar 06 2018
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Hey guys. This is a chronological list of Buffy episodes and comics I compiled a year or two ago when I was trying to get through it all and was getting VERY confused. Anyway it’s a tad out of date and in need of repairs but I hope you find it interesting! docs.google.com/document/…
👍︎ 32
👤︎ u/antsdenunz
📅︎ Jan 01 2018
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Thought you guys might find this list of "most important X-Files episodes" super informative because oh wait you wrote it. overmental.com/content/x-…
👍︎ 42
📅︎ Jan 21 2016
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Episode 2: -I didn’t convince Tiffany to hand John the phalanx key -Reason: I screwed up with that one, I guess. I thought what I said was pretty convincing, but apparently it wasn’t. Oh well! It didn’t matter anyway!

-I called Waller instead of Gordon for help -Reason: Upon finding out that Waller somehow knows my secret identity, it became my #1 priority to do whatever I can to have a steady relationship with her. However, I didn’t want to ruin my relationship with Gordon and the GCPD either, thus this was a very tough choice to make. Thankfully, it didn’t affect my relationship with Gordon that much.

-I calmed Willy with a drink instead of fighting him -Reason: Considering the fact that I was extremely hurt and injured, I figured the best choice was to calm him down rather than trying to fight him. I didn’t want to risk getting hurt even more.

-I “attempted to minimize casualties in the convoy” by following Harley instead of Bane -Reason: TBH, I didn’t even know that that choice had an impact on the amount of “casualties” that were caused in the convoy in the first place. I just followed Harley because I liked her and had a better relationship with her than Bane. Good thing I did that though.

-I accepted John’s offer of a pinky swear -Reason: I figured that since I’m going undercover, I might as well try to build good relationships with my soon-to-be partners so they don’t ever get the idea that I might be a potential rat!

As far as my episode 2 relationships went, -I left Alfred “content.” -I left John “happy.” -I left Gordon “worried.” -I left Tiffany “freaked-out.” -I left Harley “happy.” -I left Waller “content.”

Episode 3: -I didn’t send Catwoman the message -Reason: I actually thought about this one a lot, because I didn’t want to ruin my relationships with Gordon NOR Selina. I figured the best way to go on about this to maintain both relationships is to cancel the message, and then pretend as if I never knew about it in the first place. I’m PRAYING that Selina doesn’t find out that I had lied to her later on in the game.

-I coached John to be himself -Reason: I hear this a lot whenever I want to get advice from someone on how to make a girl fall in love with you. I figured I might as well tell John the same advice I get whenever I want to go on a date with someone.

-I told Tiffany my secret -Reason: I was, again, quite hesitant with this one, because it really could’ve gone either way. But boy am I glad I told her my

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 5
👤︎ u/BusyLaw
📅︎ Dec 29 2017
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My Personal List Of Favorite Episodes By Season

Just because I want to post my list:

1: Extreme Aggressor

2: Revelations/Legacy

3: 4 Way Tie: In Name and Blood/Seven Seconds/About Face/Damaged (my all-time favorite season)

4: 52 Pickup/Bloodline

5: Mosley Lane

6: JJ (HM: Out of the Light/Supply & Demand)

7: True Genius

8: Restoration

9: Route 66

10: Mr. Scratch/Nelson's Sparrow

11: Entropy (definitely the last strong season)

12: Red Light (or maybe the first 2 episodes with Hotch)

13: The Capilanos if I had to pick one and solely because MGG was the director

14: Nothing-this season was hot trash

15: And In The End (after some terrible couple of seasons, it was a mercifully decent end)

Yes I cheat and throw some ties in there. I think there are quite a few episodes in each of the first 11 seasons that could be HMs too, but that could go on a while. Please feel free to join in the comments!

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/Paul14360
📅︎ Oct 08 2021
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Guys she's totally out of my league, I think I lucked out with her. Can someone please suggest smart replies to this I'm dying here
👍︎ 59
📅︎ Jun 28 2021
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[Nickelodeon] one of these guys will be bringing slime to Thanksgiving 😎 tune into a special holiday episode of #NFLSlimetime tonight at 7p/6c to find out who 🏈 (Justin Jefferson possible NVP?) twitter.com/nickelodeon/s…
👍︎ 25
📅︎ Nov 24 2021
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I was at the musical scoring of tonights episode of Family Guy. Bucket list minus one!
👍︎ 180
📅︎ May 05 2014
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Found the first bag of weed that I ever bought. The guy knew that I am new to this. I'm glad it was the first and list time I bought from him. What a garbage
👍︎ 291
📅︎ Aug 20 2021
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In the episode "The One With The List", can somebody please identify what the painting of the smiling guy in Leon Rastatter's office that's behind Monica (the guy asking her to create recipes for Mocklate)?

EDIT: So, I just hopped on the netflix website and quickly went to the episode and took a screenshot of the scene myself. Here's a screenshot that shows the painting on the wall behind Monica that I'm asking about.

I really wish I could find an image of a shot that includes the painting in his office, but I've looked and looked. I can't find anything. If anyone knows what I'm talking about (or perhaps can quickly watch the episode and look at what I'm talking about), please let me know what that artwork's name and artist is. I would love a print of it! It's a cartoon drawing of someone with huge eyes and and big wide smile (a bit creepy looking) that's orange, red-orange, and yellow. I really hope you guys can help me out with this one!

👍︎ 5
📅︎ Aug 05 2018
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Ben to Howard this weekend: "You're the best son a guy could ask for. I am not only proud of you but I admire you. Your mother and I listen to every episode of your show and smile. Peace and love. Peace and love."

Does the show end? Does Howard shave his head and do a 180.

Does he go live with J. Peterman in Burma?

What happens?

👍︎ 8
👤︎ u/Chris3061
📅︎ Nov 06 2021
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You guys have any end of year price predictions? Just curious as to what others are thinking. Keep the smart ass comments out. Thanks!
👍︎ 14
📅︎ Jul 02 2021
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Death Battle season 8 episodes (so far) tier list
👍︎ 99
📅︎ Nov 23 2021
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