A list of puns related to "Lindsey Davis"
I love Falco (Alba almost as much)
But I've already read them all twice! All suggestions welcome
Marcus Didius Falco, Book 1, narrated by Christian Rodska.
My wife loves historical mysteries, and her absolute favorite is Lindsey Davis' "Marcus Didius Falco" and "Flavia Albia" series (all of which she has read several times). I'd like to get her a new series for Christmas and would love some recommendations.
Other notes:
Thank you for your suggestions!
Twitter has announced a permanent suspension of President Donald Trump’s account, citing "the risk of further incitement of violence" after conducting a review of recent activity.
Twitter issued a temporary suspension earlier this week following the events taking place at the US Capitol and required the removal of three specific tweets before the account would be eligible for reinstatement. Prior to this, President Trump used Twitter to announce policy positions and campaign decisions.
See the announcement from Twitter’s Safety Team here.
##Submissions that may interest you
Twitter Permanently Suspends Trump For ‘Incitement of Violence’ | usnews.com |
Twitter Says It Permanently Banned Trump | nymag.com |
President Trump deletes tweets after Twitter, Facebook and Instagram lock down accounts for 'violations' | amp.usatoday.com |
Twitter permanently suspends Trump's account | bbc.co.uk |
Twitter bans President Trump permanently | cnn.com |
Twitter permanently suspends Trump’s account | washingtonpost.com |
Twitter Permanently Bans Trump | talkingpointsmemo.com |
Twitter Bans President Trump, Citing 'Risk Of Further Incitement Of Violence' | npr.org |
Twitter permanently suspends President Donald Trump | yahoo.com |
Trump permanently banned from Twitter | nydailynews.com |
Twitter has permanently banned President Trump | usatoday.com |
[President Trump has been permanently suspended from
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