What do Italians think of Libero Grassi?
πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ“…︎ Aug 29 2018
🚨︎ report
Libero Grassi (19 luglio 1924 – 29 agosto 1991) youtube.com/watch?v=M9fMi…
πŸ‘︎ 20
πŸ‘€︎ u/aelog
πŸ“…︎ Aug 29 2016
🚨︎ report
Libero Grassi: The man who stood up against the Mafia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lib…
πŸ‘︎ 4
πŸ‘€︎ u/xorandor
πŸ“…︎ Jan 05 2011
🚨︎ report
LF: Jolly Grassy Surge Grookey, Intimidate Litten. FT: Hyper Trained G-Max Cinderace Libero

Need the hidden abilities for Grookey and Litten; Cinderace is perfect IVs and EVs jolly libero.

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/SteveBuckhalter
πŸ“…︎ Jan 31 2021
🚨︎ report
FT:Grassy Surge Grooky or Libero Scorbunny LF:Sniper Sobble

I accidentally released my Hidden Ability Sobble so I’m looking to trade anyone with an extra

πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/Aureoille
πŸ“…︎ Jan 10 2021
🚨︎ report
Last night I got Shiny Libero Scorbunny, 24 hours later (like 2 minutes ago) and I got Shiny Grassy Surge Grookey. Next is Sniper Sobble!
πŸ‘︎ 28
πŸ‘€︎ u/Kojo05
πŸ“…︎ Jun 14 2020
🚨︎ report
LF: Libero Scorbunny w/ egg moves and other offers FT: 5IV Grassy Surge Grookey w/ egg moves

Just looking for breedject scorbunny with good ivs and/or egg moves. Grookey has leech seed, hammer arm and fake out as its moves. Also if any other offer interests me I'm more than willing to part with the 100+ grookeys I have!

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/Shifty0017
πŸ“…︎ Jul 22 2020
🚨︎ report
Breedject adoption services (mostly 5IV with a few 6IV, all level 1)

Since my last giveaway went pretty well, I decided to breed up a couple new mons and added them to the list along with the leftovers from my last one. I have a bunch 5 IV breedjects of the following pokemon:

Adamant Huge Power Marill (with egg moves aqua jet and belly drum): 0

Jolly Sheer Force Tauros: 0

Jolly Regenerator Mienfoo (with egg moves feint and knock off): 7

Adamant Soundproof Jangmo-o: 3

Timid Natural Cure Roselia: 9

Careful Intimidate Litten: 0

Adamant Scrappy Galarian Farfetch'd: 5

Adamant Grassy Surge Grookey: 0

Adamant Clear Body Beldum: 0

Timid Solar Power Charmander: 0

Adamant Rock Head Rhyhorn: 1

Timid 0 Attack Infiltrator Cottonee: 0

Timid 0 Attack Prankster Cottonee: 6

Adamant No Guard Honedge: 2

Adamant Guts Machop: 10

Jolly Hustle Galarian Darumaka: 0

Adamant Long Reach Rowlet: 0

Jolly Libero Scorbunny (with all 4 egg moves): 0

Bold Magic Bounce Hatenna: 8

Impish Prankster Impidimp: 0

Shiny Adamant Frisk Impidimp: 0 (self-obtained, masuda method, OT: Catherine, ID: 379772)

I also have a 6IV Sheer Force Tauros (Timid Nature).

Please feel free to request as many as you like! And if there is any pokemon you would like to see on my next giveaway, let me know!

πŸ‘︎ 16
πŸ‘€︎ u/Novasphere0
πŸ“…︎ Jun 19 2021
🚨︎ report
Celebration Breedject Giveaway - HA and Non-HA

Celebrating graduation and getting a job with a breedject giveaway! I have bred all of the following on my Sword version.

Scorbunny – 13

Β· All HA (Libero)

Β· All in Pokeballs

Β· All 5 IV

Popplio – 23

Β· All HA (Liquid Voice)

Β· All in Pokeballs

Β· All 5 IV

Eevee – 20

Β· All HA (Anticipation)

Β· 15 in Pokeballs

Β· 5 in Love balls

Β· All 5 IV

Litten – 20

Β· All HA (Intimidate)

Β· All in Pokeballs

Β· All 5 IV

Grookey – 15

Β· All HA (Grassy Surge)

Β· All in Pokeballs

Β· All 5 IV

Horsea – 17

Β· 9 Swift Swim

Β· 9 Sniper

Β· All in Premier Balls

Β· All 5 IV

Dreepy – 27

Β· All Clear Body

Β· All in Moon Balls

Β· All 5 IV

Mimikyu – 60

Β· All Disguise

Β· All in Dream Balls

Β· All 5 IV

Mareanie – 80

Β· All HA (Regenerator)

Β· All in Love Balls

Β· All 5 IV

Karrablast – 1

Β· All HA (No Guard)

Β· All in Sport Balls

Β· All 4 IV + No Good Speed

Rotom – 45

Β· All Levitate

Β· All in Friend Balls

All Modest Nature

Β· All 5 IV

Togepi – 34

Β· All HA (Superluck)

Β· All in Love Balls

Β· All 5 IV

Feel free to take as many as you like, though if you want a Mudkip or Karrablast I'm going to limit you to 1 a piece to give others a chance. Thanks!

EDIT: All the Mudkip have been claimed!

πŸ‘︎ 25
πŸ‘€︎ u/palmettoHokie
πŸ“…︎ May 29 2021
🚨︎ report
[H] Shiny Breeding Services, Shiny Legendaries, Apriball Shiny Eggs, Apriball Hatched Shinies, Raid Shinies, Kubfus and Urshifus [W] PayPal


Hi there! I'm selling a lot of stuff so take time in reading each section to see if you're interested in any of them. The Shiny G-Max and Normal Raid Shinies were obtained using the RNG seed check method and only one of them was captured so it is not cloned.

I bred the Shiny Eggs myself but their OT/ID will be yours once you hatch it since they are still in eggs. I am the OT for the Shiny G-Max and Raid Shinies (OT: Alwin, ID: 461270) since I was the one who captured them.

Note: Please set the payment option so that I will receive the payment in USD and not in any other currency.


Shiny Legendaries, Hatched Shinies, Marked Shinies

I am not the OT for these shiny Pokemon. All of these Pokemon were obtained through trades in r/pokemontrades. The OT/ID, trade history, and permalink to the trade threads are indicated in the spreadsheets.

Shiny Legendaries

These are non-event legendaries. These can be the legendaries that are found at the end of each Dynamax Adventure or legendaries that are captured in previous games. Whether it was captured in a Dynamax Adventure or captured in a previous game will be indicated in the spreadsheet.

Hatched Shinies

These hatched shinies are level 1 and untouched. Pricing is determined by the ability, nature, IVs, and egg moves of the Pokemon.

Marked Shinies

These marked shinies are untouched but are not level 1 since Pokemon with marks can only be obtained in the wild. Like with the hatched shinies, pricing is determined by the ability, nature, IVs, and egg moves of the Pokemon but the rarity of the mark will also be taken into account.


Shiny Eggs

Pokemon Ability Ball Nature IVs Egg Moves Price
Aerodactyl Rock Head Beast Adamant 31/31/31/x/31/31 Roost, Tailwind $7+fees
Anorith Battle Armor Safari Brave 31/31/x/31/31/31 Aqua Jet, Knock Off $7+fees
Beldum Clear Body Heavy Adamant 31/31/31/31/31/x - $7+fees
Clauncher Mega Launcher Lure Modest 31/31/x/31/31/31 Bubble Be
... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/PlatinumRaptor95
πŸ“…︎ Jun 25 2021
🚨︎ report
I think the Galar starters are one of the only trio where all 3 are good competitively

When I first saw the stats, hidden abilities and movepools of Rillaboom, Cinderace and Inteleon, I was honestly impressed.

Stat-wise I think all the stats are in the right places and fairly balanced. They all got excellent HAs as well.

Rillaboom has excellent bulk, very high attack and while it does have average speed, it has speed control in Drum Beating and priority via Grassy Glide. Grassy Surge is a lifesaver and pretty much knocked off Tapu Bulu in terms of outclassing it.

We all know Cinderace is pretty much Galarian Greninja with Libero, it having a wide movepool and being a fast physical attacker. Don't even get me started on how broken it is when Gigantamaxed.

Even though I feel Inteleon got the short end of the stick out of the three, it's still very good. It's the definition of a glass cannon, being frail, but with it being fast, having high special attack, Focus Energy and Sniper, this thing can be a special wallbreaker.

They didn't give these guys any useless hidden ability like Decidueye's Long Reach or waste points in a useless stat like Decidueye's Special Attack, which could have been better invested into its speed stat. In my opinion, Decidueye is an example of a starter Pokemon done wrong but I digress.

πŸ‘︎ 461
πŸ‘€︎ u/djdisciplejosh
πŸ“…︎ Apr 07 2021
🚨︎ report
Share how you would improve Inteleon! How would you improve its stats, moveset, or even design?

Inteleon is the worst of the three Galar starters competitively, with Rillaboom having Grassy Terrain and Grassy Glide with Cinderace having Libero. Here's how I would improve Inteleon.


Old Stats

HP: 70

Attack: 85

Defense: 65

Sp.Atk: 125

Sp.Def: 65

Speed: 120

Total: 530

New Stats

HP: 70

Attack: 65

Defense: 75

Sp.Atk: 125

Sp.Def: 75

Speed: 120

Total: 530

Inteleon already has great Sp.Atk and Speed, so I think it would be better if its Attack was lowered and it was given slightly more bulk.

Hidden Ability

Old HA: Sniper (Powers up critical hits)

New HA: Super Sniper (Powers up critical hits and raises crit rate by one stage)

New moves

Frost Breath and Air Cutter

Sniper is a decent ability, but really only good for Snipe Shot. I gave it a new ability, called Super Sniper, which is basically Sniper combined with Focus Energy. I also gave it the moves Frost Breath and Air Cutter for coverage.



Item: Wise Glasses/Life Orb/Choice Specs

252 SpA / 4 HP / 252 Spe

Timid Nature


Snipe Shot

Frost Breath

Air Cutter

U-turn/Mud Shot/Dark Pulse/Shadow Ball


I would improve Inteleon's design by making it a little bit bigger, but not much, since it is a bit too thin in my opinion.

πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ“…︎ Jul 01 2021
🚨︎ report
Non chiedetemi perchΓ© ma mi andava di farlo (Libri del Dolore dal verso 1:1 al 3:1)

I libri del dolore

Verso 1:1 - Predatori Predatori e minacce - Scolpito per resistere da Xi Ro - Terza sorella superstite dell’ultima covata del Re di Osmio -

Una TEMPESTA DI GIOA. Una tempesta di gioia Γ¨ una nuvola vivente. Quando passa sopra il nostro continente fa calare i suoi tentacoli nutritivi. Ogni tentacolo Γ¨ munito di ILLUSIONI STELLARI e, sebbene la loro luce ti renderΓ  felice, devi starne alla larga poichΓ© ti divoreranno.

Una tempesta di gioia Γ¨ un buon modo di morire per una persona vecchia. Inoltre, i cavalieri piΓΉ audaci possono elidere le illusioni stellari dai tentacoli. Io ne ho sei!

CADUTE. Se cadrai dal bordo del continente troverai la morte nell'oceano! Questo pericolo Γ¨ particolarmente accentuato nei momenti in cui nostro padre, il Re di Osmio, accende i motori.

BEVITORI D'ELIO. Le correnti dell'Oceano del Fondamento ci trasportano verso altri continenti. È così che la Corte di Elio si è avvicinata a noi. Fanno parte della nostra stessa specie, ma sono nemici. Ogni giorno i loro cavalieri ci attaccano. I bevitori d'elio hanno due gambe, due braccia e tre occhi, proprio come noi. Ma sono lucenti/malvagi. Voglio diventare un cavaliere e voglio combatterli!

Gli ambasciatori dei bevitori d'elio hanno divorato dieci delle mie sorelle come tributo. È un avvenimento normale, ma non mi piace.

MADRI. Le madri possono volare e vivono molto piΓΉ di dieci anni. Le madri sono estremamente intelligenti e proteggono la loro progenie. Se tu provassi a toccare le loro uova ti mangerebbero. Sathona vuole mangiare la gelatina e diventare madre quando compirΓ  quattro anni.

TEMPESTE. La pioggia Γ¨ spesso velenosa. A volte Γ¨ in grado di dissolvere la carne. Quando un fulmine non colpisce l'aggregatore, puΓ² incenerire una persona.

L'intero mondo Γ¨ una trappola mortale per noi.

MISTERI. Il Fondamento è immenso e noi siamo le creature più piccole contenute al suo interno. Se non riconosci qualcosa, probabilmente ti ucciderà. La maestra Taox dice sempre che questo è il motivo per cui le nostre vite sono così brevi: per poterci riprodurre e adattare in fretta.

ONDE LUNARI. La mia sorella Aurash ha paura della onde lunari. Al suo ritorno dalla spedizione verso i Monoliti di Tungsteno le chiederΓ² il motivo

Verso 1:2 - Il verso dell'odio Per la considerazione della Corte di Elio, Scritto nella disperazione, Nel sigillo del segreto,

Io sono Taox, madre sterile, maestra dei figli del Trono di Osmio.

PoichΓ© sono madre, la mia vita Γ¨ lunga. La mia ster

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πŸ‘︎ 9
πŸ‘€︎ u/SAS_m4n
πŸ“…︎ Feb 15 2021
🚨︎ report
i am new to competive pokemon so i whanted to know if this team is solid

pika paka (Rillaboom) (M) @ Grassy Seed

Ability: Grassy Surge

EVs: 252 HP / 250 Atk / 6 Spe

Impish Nature

- Superpower

- Grassy Glide

- Acrobatics

- High Horsepower

Cinderace @ Life Orb

Ability: Libero

EVs: 248 Atk / 58 Def / 200 Spe

Adamant Nature

- Gunk Shot

- High Jump Kick

- Sucker Punch

- Pyro Ball

Decidueye @ Aguav Berry

Ability: Long Reach

EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA

Modest Nature

- Acrobatics

- Shadow Sneak

- Synthesis

- Leaf Blade

Snorlax @ Leftovers

Ability: Thick Fat

EVs: 250 HP / 250 Atk / 8 Def

Adamant Nature

- Counter

- Hammer Arm

- Heat Crash

- Body Slam

Lucario @ Assault Vest

Ability: Inner Focus

EVs: 80 HP / 200 Atk / 228 Spe

Adamant Nature

- Extreme Speed

- Meteor Mash

- Close Combat

- Earthquake

Blastoise @ Leftovers

Ability: Torrent

EVs: 250 SpA / 252 Spe

Timid Nature

IVs: 0 Atk

- Scald

- Blizzard

- Shell Smash

- Focus Blast

πŸ‘︎ 5
πŸ‘€︎ u/big_bandzom
πŸ“…︎ Apr 15 2021
🚨︎ report
[Giveaway] Love Ball Eevee, Dream Ball Mimikyu + regular ball 'mons

Yooo, back again for a giveaway! Been doing lots of breeding, and this round includes some aprimons (note: I’m new to the Aprimon game, and although I’m relatively sure which ball the β€˜mon is in…I might be wrong xD).

I'll be around for the next 1.5 hours or so! Just reply with your LC + request, and I'll search. Take as many as you want :)

Quick list:

Aprimons - Eevee (love ball), Mimikyu (Dream ball)

Regular ball 'mons - Mimikyu, Toxel, Noibat, Goomy, Gible, Larvesta, Ralts, Rookidee, Scorbunny, Grookey, Alolan Vulpix, Corviknight (gmax)


Eevee (Love ball)

All Modest, 4iv or 5iv

All 3 abilities (including HA)

~40 or so available

Unless specified, I’ll give you a male, since females are quite a bit rarer

Mimikyu (Dream ball)

All Brave, 3iv or 4iv, 0 speed


3 0 available


Regular Ball β€˜mons:

Mimikyu (Dusk ball)

All Brave, 3iv or 4iv, 0 speed


3 available

Toxel (Dive ball)

All Modest, 5iv, random imperfect IV


7 available

Noibat (Ultra ball)

All Timid, 5iv, random imperfect IV


4 available

Goomy (Dusk ball)

All Modest, 5iv, random imperfect IV


9 available

Goomy (Dusk ball)

All Modest, 5iv, random imperfect IV

Sap Sipper

3 available

Gible (Dusk ball)

All Jolly, 5iv, random imperfect IV

Rough Skin

4 available

Larvesta (Pokeball)

All Timid, 5iv, random imperfect IV

Flame Body

16 available

Ralts (Ultra Ball) - this was specifically for a Gallade build, so they’re all male

All Jolly, 5iv, all have imperfect SpAtk

Telepathy (HA)

3 available

Rookidee (Dusk Ball)

All Impish, 5iv, all have imperfect SpAtk

Big Pecks (HA)

3 available

Scorbunny (Pokeball)

All Adamant, 5iv, random imperfect IV

Libero (HA)

8 available

Grookey (Pokeball)

All Adamant, 5iv, random imperfect IV

Grassy Surge (HA)

3 available

Alolan Vulpix (Pokeball)

All Modest, 5iv, all have imperfect Atk

Snow Cloak

9 available

Alolan Vulpix (Pokeball)

All Modest, 5iv, all hav imperfect Atk

Snow Warning (HA)

8 available


Corviknight (mostly Dusk Balls) ALL GMAX

5iv, Varying personalities

Mirror Armor (HA)

16 available

πŸ‘︎ 17
πŸ‘€︎ u/infl8edeg0
πŸ“…︎ Apr 13 2021
🚨︎ report
Competitive Galarian Starter Giveaway!

My second giveaway will be going live today! I have a bunch of Galarian starters to share. They are all bred by myself in Pokemon Sword and all trades will happen in Pokemon Sword/Shield. All of them have the HA and 6 perfect IVs.

Pokemon Nature Ability Egg Moves Gender Quantity
Scorbunny Jolly Libero High Jump Kick, Sucker Punch Male 21 8
Scorbunny Jolly Libero High Jump Kick, Sucker Punch Female 4
Grookey Adamant Grassy Surge Leech Seed, Hammer Arm, Growth, Nature Power Male 20 8
Grookey Adamant Grassy Surge Leech Seed, Hammer Arm, Growth, Nature Power Female 3
Sobble Timid Sniper Haze, Aqua Ring, Double Team Male 21 6
Sobble Timid Sniper Haze, Aqua Ring, Double Team Female 2

This will go on a first come, first serve basis. Please leave your Link Code and IGN along with which pokemon you want in the comments and I'll try to get to you as soon as I can. If you don't specify a gender, I will default to male. Help me find a nice home for these good bois and gals!

Edit: Closing this giveaway now. I'll be unavailable for the rest of today. The current numbers above are accurate. If you would still like one, leave a comment and I'll get to you tomorrow!

πŸ‘︎ 43
πŸ‘€︎ u/Notorious813
πŸ“…︎ Feb 14 2021
🚨︎ report
FT: HA Aprimons | LF: HA Aprimons


All the Aprimons listed on this sheet with their HA (if they have one). I'll update this sheet as I acquire aprimons


Aprimons: HA is in Bold. If a pokemon can only have a single type of ability it will be in Italic’s. Some are 6IV breedjects from previous shiny hunts. Most have EM's. The totals of the below on-hand aprimon will be updated after each trade

  • Beast Blipbugg (Telepathy x1)
  • Beast Chinchou (Water Absorb x1)
  • Beast Corsola 6IV JOHTO (Regenerator x12)
  • Beast Gastly (Levitate x1)
  • Beast Indeedee FEMALE (Psychic Surge x1)
  • Beast Kommo-o (Overcoat x1)
  • Beast Lapras (Hydration x2)
  • Beast Milcery (Aroma Veil x1)
  • Beast Nidoran FEMALE (Hustle x1)
  • Beast Rotom (Levitate x1)
  • Beast Sableye (Prankster x1)
  • Beast Shuckle (Contary x2)
  • Beast Slowpoke 6IV GALAR (Regenerator x1)
  • Beast Slowpoke KANTO (Regenerator x1)


  • Dream Cutifly (Sweet Veil x1)
  • Dream Elgyem (Analytic x1)
  • Dream Frillish FEMALE (Damp x2)
  • Dream Goomy (Gooey x1)
  • Dream Heatmor (White Smoke x1)
  • Dream Inklay (Infiltrator x1)
  • Dream Jigglypuff (Friend Guard x1)
  • Dream Mimikyu (Disguise x1)
  • Dream Milcery (Aroma Veil x1)
  • Dream Munna (Telepathy x1)
  • Dream Porygon ([6IV: Analytic x3, Trace x3][5IV+nogoodSPD: Analytic x4, Trace x1][4IV+nogoodATK&SPD: Analytic x1])
  • Dream Shelmet (Overcoat x1)


  • Fast Dhelmise (Steelworker x1)
  • Fast Electrike (Minus x3)
  • Fast Grubbin (Swarm x1)
  • Fast Helioptile (Solar Power x3)
  • Fast Jangmo-o (Overcoat x3)
  • Fast Joltil (Swarm x1)
  • Fast Milcery (Aroma Veil x1)
  • Fast Mienfoo (Reckless x2)
  • Fast Pincurchin (Electric Surge x1)
  • Fast Togedemaru (Sturdy x2)
  • Fast Torchic (Speed Boost x1)
  • Fast Toxel (Klutz x4)
  • Fast Toxtricity LOWKEY (Technician x1)
  • Fast Yamper (Rattled x2)


  • Friend Sudowoodo (Rattled x2)
  • Friend Goomy (Gooey x2)
  • Friend Hawlucha (Mold Breaker x3)


  • Heavy Bergmite (Sturdy x1)
  • Heavy Bunnelby (Huge Power x1)
  • Heavy Cufant (Heavy Metal x1)
  • Heavy Drillbur (Mold Breaker x2)
  • Heavy Duraludon (Stalwart x2)
  • Heavy Durant (Truant x1)
  • Heavy Dwebble (Weak Armor x1)
  • Heavy Golett (No Guard x1)
  • Heavy Hippopotas FEMALE (Sand Force x3)
  • Heavy Kl
... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 5
πŸ‘€︎ u/ads999
πŸ“…︎ Mar 03 2021
🚨︎ report
Zamazenta-C Against the most popular OU Pokemon (1825+)

Hey all, I enjoy the Zam-C OU discussions so I thought I'd see how the doggo matches up in the calculator with some of the most used OU Pokemon (1825+). Note, I am using their most common items, spreads, and moves according to Pikalytics.

Since nobody knows how Zam-C would be optimized for OU, I'm just sticking him with his Adamant (Calculator) Set running Wild Charge with 64/252/0/0/0/192 EVs. I think we can all agree this isn't min-maxed for the OU meta, but I believe you will note that it's still quite effective.

There is one small exception, as I believe Ice Fang may be used frequently as well given the OU meta for offensive-Zam sets, so I am including some commentary on that in some locations. I don't suspect Zam-C will use any other coverage moves with significant frequency.

Note, there is a bug for Zam-C on the calculator that I am accounting for where he does not receive his +1 Def boost with his ability. To compensate, I am changing his ability (to Arena Trap) and manually giving him the +1 Def boost he receives on the switch-in for these calculations.

#1 Landorus-Therian (40.52%)

(Leftovers 35.636%)

[Zam outspeeds 340 v 309]

Accounting for Zam-C's intimidate:

-1 252+ Atk Zamazenta-Crowned Behemoth Bash vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Landorus-Therian: 130-154 (40.7 - 48.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

I will account for if Zam running Ice Fang due to Lando-T's prominence and decent Zam-checking:

-1 252+ Atk Zamazenta-Crowned Ice Fang vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Landorus-Therian: 228-272 (71.4 - 85.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 Atk Landorus-Therian Earthquake vs. +1 64 HP / 0 Def Zamazenta-Crowned: 170-204 (49.8 - 59.8%) -- 99.6% chance to 2HKO

If Lando-T is switching in on the Howl, it contends with +0 Zam:

252+ Atk Zamazenta-Crowned Behemoth Bash vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Landorus-Therian: 196-232 (61.4 - 72.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252+ Atk Zamazenta-Crowned Ice Fang vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Landorus-Therian: 340-404 (106.5 - 126.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252 Atk Landorus-Therian Earthquake vs. +1 64 HP / 0 Def Zamazenta-Crowned: 170-204 (49.8 - 59.8%) -- 99.6% chance to 2HKO

Notably, the Zam-C user can feel safer in their prediction that Lando-T will use EQ given:

252 Atk Landorus-Therian U-turn vs. +1 64 HP / 0 Def Zamazenta-Crowned: 10-12 (2.9 - 3.5%) -- possibly the worst move ever

**252 Atk Landorus-Therian Stone Edge vs. +1 64 HP / 0 Def Zamazenta-Crowned: 14-17 (4.1 - 4

... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 404
πŸ‘€︎ u/AshKetchupo
πŸ“…︎ Jan 04 2021
🚨︎ report
HA Rillaboom is here!
πŸ‘︎ 385
πŸ‘€︎ u/ProNo0ob
πŸ“…︎ Jun 02 2020
🚨︎ report
What do you call a man with no arms or legs in a hole?


πŸ‘︎ 5k
πŸ‘€︎ u/Rumblebully
πŸ“…︎ Jun 30 2021
🚨︎ report
LF: Libero Scorbunny FT: Grassy Surge Grookey

Has 4 perfect ivs.

πŸ‘︎ 4
πŸ‘€︎ u/alcopwn
πŸ“…︎ Jun 06 2020
🚨︎ report
[H] Shiny Breeding Services, Shiny Legendaries, Apriball Shiny Eggs, Apriball Hatched Shinies, Raid Shinies, Kubfus and Urshifus [W] PayPal


Hi there! I'm selling a lot of stuff so take time in reading each section to see if you're interested in any of them. The Shiny G-Max and Normal Raid Shinies were obtained using the RNG seed check method and only one of them was captured so it is not cloned.

I bred the Shiny Eggs myself but their OT/ID will be yours once you hatch it since they are still in eggs. I am the OT for the Shiny G-Max and Raid Shinies (OT: Alwin, ID: 461270) since I was the one who captured them.

Note: Please set the payment option so that I will receive the payment in USD and not in any other currency.


Shiny Legendaries, Hatched Shinies, Marked Shinies

I am not the OT for these shiny Pokemon. All of these Pokemon were obtained through trades in r/pokemontrades. The OT/ID, trade history, and permalink to the trade threads are indicated in the spreadsheets.

Shiny Legendaries

These are non-event legendaries. These can be the legendaries that are found at the end of each Dynamax Adventure or legendaries that are captured in previous games. Whether it was captured in a Dynamax Adventure or captured in a previous game will be indicated in the spreadsheet.

Hatched Shinies

These hatched shinies are level 1 and untouched. Pricing is determined by the ability, nature, IVs, and egg moves of the Pokemon.

Marked Shinies

These marked shinies are untouched but are not level 1 since Pokemon with marks can only be obtained in the wild. Like with the hatched shinies, pricing is determined by the ability, nature, IVs, and egg moves of the Pokemon but the rarity of the mark will also be taken into account.


Shiny Eggs

Pokemon Ability Ball Nature IVs Egg Moves Price
Aerodactyl Rock Head Beast Adamant 31/31/31/x/31/31 Roost, Tailwind $7+fees
Anorith Battle Armor Safari Brave 31/31/x/31/31/31 Aqua Jet, Knock Off $7+fees
Beldum Clear Body Heavy Adamant 31/31/31/31/31/x - $7+fees
Clauncher Mega Launcher Lure Modest 31/31/x/31/31/31 Bubble Be
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πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/PlatinumRaptor95
πŸ“…︎ Jul 01 2021
🚨︎ report
[H] Shiny Breeding Services, Shiny Legendaries, Apriball Shiny Eggs, Apriball Hatched Shinies, Raid Shinies, Kubfus and Urshifus [W] PayPal


Update: New legendaries in my Shiny Legendaries list so be sure to check them out!

Hi there! I'm selling a lot of stuff so take time in reading each section to see if you're interested in any of them. The Shiny G-Max and Normal Raid Shinies were obtained using the RNG seed check method and only one of them was captured so it is not cloned.

I bred the Shiny Eggs myself but their OT/ID will be yours once you hatch it since they are still in eggs. I am the OT for the Shiny G-Max and Raid Shinies (OT: Alwin, ID: 461270) since I was the one who captured them.

Note: Please set the payment option so that I will receive the payment in USD and not in any other currency.


Shiny Legendaries, Hatched Shinies, Marked Shinies

I am not the OT for these shiny Pokemon. All of these Pokemon were obtained through trades in r/pokemontrades. The OT/ID, trade history, and permalink to the trade threads are indicated in the spreadsheets.

Shiny Legendaries

These are non-event legendaries. These can be the legendaries that are found at the end of each Dynamax Adventure or legendaries that are captured in previous games. Whether it was captured in a Dynamax Adventure or captured in a previous game will be indicated in the spreadsheet.

Hatched Shinies

These hatched shinies are level 1 and untouched. Pricing is determined by the ability, nature, IVs, and egg moves of the Pokemon.

Marked Shinies

These marked shinies are untouched but are not level 1 since Pokemon with marks can only be obtained in the wild. Like with the hatched shinies, pricing is determined by the ability, nature, IVs, and egg moves of the Pokemon but the rarity of the mark will also be taken into account.


Shiny Eggs

Pokemon Ability Ball Nature IVs Egg Moves Price
Aerodactyl Rock Head Beast Adamant 31/31/31/x/31/31 Roost, Tailwind $7+fees
Anorith Battle Armor Safari Brave 31/31/x/31/31/31 Aqua Jet, Knock Off $7+fees
Bagon Sheer Force Beast
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πŸ‘︎ 6
πŸ‘€︎ u/PlatinumRaptor95
πŸ“…︎ May 10 2021
🚨︎ report
[H] Shiny Breeding Services, GVM Codes, Shiny Legendaries, Apriball Shiny Eggs, Apriball Hatched Shinies, Raid Shinies, Kubfus and Urshifus [W] PayPal


Update: New legendaries in my Shiny Legendaries list so be sure to check them out!

Hi there! I'm selling a lot of stuff so take time in reading each section to see if you're interested in any of them. The Shiny G-Max and Normal Raid Shinies were obtained using the RNG seed check method and only one of them was captured so it is not cloned.

I bred the Shiny Eggs myself but their OT/ID will be yours once you hatch it since they are still in eggs. I am the OT for the Shiny G-Max and Raid Shinies (OT: Alwin, ID: 461270) since I was the one who captured them.

Note: Please set the payment option so that I will receive the payment in USD and not in any other currency.


Genesect, Volcanion, Marshadow Codes

Codes can only be redeemed up until April 30!

I will not break up sets as of now.

GVM set - $10+fees (1 remaining)

Note: This set does not include the Dynite Ore and the Apriballs.


Shiny Legendaries, Hatched Shinies, Marked Shinies

I am not the OT for these shiny Pokemon. All of these Pokemon were obtained through trades in r/pokemontrades. The OT/ID, trade history, and permalink to the trade threads are indicated in the spreadsheets.

Shiny Legendaries

These are non-event legendaries. These can be the legendaries that are found at the end of each Dynamax Adventure or legendaries that are captured in previous games. Whether it was captured in a Dynamax Adventure or captured in a previous game will be indicated in the spreadsheet.

Hatched Shinies

These hatched shinies are level 1 and untouched. Pricing is determined by the ability, nature, IVs, and egg moves of the Pokemon.

Marked Shinies

These marked shinies are untouched but are not level 1 since Pokemon with marks can only be obtained in the wild. Like with the hatched shinies, pricing is determined by the ability, nature, IVs, and egg moves of the Pokemon but the rarity of the mark will also be taken into account.


... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 5
πŸ‘€︎ u/PlatinumRaptor95
πŸ“…︎ May 07 2021
🚨︎ report
[H] Shiny Breeding Services, Shiny Legendaries, Apriball Shiny Eggs, Apriball Hatched Shinies, Raid Shinies, Kubfus and Urshifus [W] PayPal


Update: New legendaries in my Shiny Legendaries list so be sure to check them out!

Hi there! I'm selling a lot of stuff so take time in reading each section to see if you're interested in any of them. The Shiny G-Max and Normal Raid Shinies were obtained using the RNG seed check method and only one of them was captured so it is not cloned.

I bred the Shiny Eggs myself but their OT/ID will be yours once you hatch it since they are still in eggs. I am the OT for the Shiny G-Max and Raid Shinies (OT: Alwin, ID: 461270) since I was the one who captured them.

Note: Please set the payment option so that I will receive the payment in USD and not in any other currency.


Shiny Legendaries, Hatched Shinies, Marked Shinies

I am not the OT for these shiny Pokemon. All of these Pokemon were obtained through trades in r/pokemontrades. The OT/ID, trade history, and permalink to the trade threads are indicated in the spreadsheets.

Shiny Legendaries

These are non-event legendaries. These can be the legendaries that are found at the end of each Dynamax Adventure or legendaries that are captured in previous games. Whether it was captured in a Dynamax Adventure or captured in a previous game will be indicated in the spreadsheet.

Hatched Shinies

These hatched shinies are level 1 and untouched. Pricing is determined by the ability, nature, IVs, and egg moves of the Pokemon.

Marked Shinies

These marked shinies are untouched but are not level 1 since Pokemon with marks can only be obtained in the wild. Like with the hatched shinies, pricing is determined by the ability, nature, IVs, and egg moves of the Pokemon but the rarity of the mark will also be taken into account.


Shiny Eggs

Pokemon Ability Ball Nature IVs Egg Moves Price
Aerodactyl Rock Head Beast Adamant 31/31/31/x/31/31 Roost, Tailwind $7+fees
Anorith Battle Armor Safari Brave 31/31/x/31/31/31 Aqua Jet, Knock Off $7+fees
Beldum Clear Body Heavy Adamant 31/3
... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/PlatinumRaptor95
πŸ“…︎ May 23 2021
🚨︎ report
[H] Shiny Breeding Services, GVM Codes, Shiny Legendaries, Apriball Shiny Eggs, Apriball Hatched Shinies, Raid Shinies, Kubfus and Urshifus [W] PayPal


Update: New legendaries in my Shiny Legendaries list so be sure to check them out!

Hi there! I'm selling a lot of stuff so take time in reading each section to see if you're interested in any of them. The Shiny G-Max and Normal Raid Shinies were obtained using the RNG seed check method and only one of them was captured so it is not cloned.

I bred the Shiny Eggs myself but their OT/ID will be yours once you hatch it since they are still in eggs. I am the OT for the Shiny G-Max and Raid Shinies (OT: Alwin, ID: 461270) since I was the one who captured them.

Note: Please set the payment option so that I will receive the payment in USD and not in any other currency.


Genesect, Volcanion, Marshadow Codes

Codes can only be redeemed up until April 30!

I will not break up sets as of now.

GVM set - $10+fees (1 remaining)

Note: This set does not include the Dynite Ore and the Apriballs.


Shiny Legendaries, Hatched Shinies, Marked Shinies

I am not the OT for these shiny Pokemon. All of these Pokemon were obtained through trades in r/pokemontrades. The OT/ID, trade history, and permalink to the trade threads are indicated in the spreadsheets.

Shiny Legendaries

These are non-event legendaries. These can be the legendaries that are found at the end of each Dynamax Adventure or legendaries that are captured in previous games. Whether it was captured in a Dynamax Adventure or captured in a previous game will be indicated in the spreadsheet.

Hatched Shinies

These hatched shinies are level 1 and untouched. Pricing is determined by the ability, nature, IVs, and egg moves of the Pokemon.

Marked Shinies

These marked shinies are untouched but are not level 1 since Pokemon with marks can only be obtained in the wild. Like with the hatched shinies, pricing is determined by the ability, nature, IVs, and egg moves of the Pokemon but the rarity of the mark will also be taken into account.


... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/PlatinumRaptor95
πŸ“…︎ Apr 29 2021
🚨︎ report
[H] Shiny Breeding Services, GVM Codes, Shiny Legendaries, Apriball Shiny Eggs, Apriball Hatched Shinies, Raid Shinies, Kubfus and Urshifus [W] PayPal


Update: New legendaries in my Shiny Legendaries list so be sure to check them out!

Hi there! I'm selling a lot of stuff so take time in reading each section to see if you're interested in any of them. The Shiny G-Max and Normal Raid Shinies were obtained using the RNG seed check method and only one of them was captured so it is not cloned.

I bred the Shiny Eggs myself but their OT/ID will be yours once you hatch it since they are still in eggs. I am the OT for the Shiny G-Max and Raid Shinies (OT: Alwin, ID: 461270) since I was the one who captured them.

Note: Please set the payment option so that I will receive the payment in USD and not in any other currency.


Genesect, Volcanion, Marshadow Codes

Codes can only be redeemed up until April 30!

I will not break up sets as of now.

GVM set - $10+fees (1 remaining)

Note: This set does not include the Dynite Ore and the Apriballs.


Shiny Legendaries, Hatched Shinies, Marked Shinies

I am not the OT for these shiny Pokemon. All of these Pokemon were obtained through trades in r/pokemontrades. The OT/ID, trade history, and permalink to the trade threads are indicated in the spreadsheets.

Shiny Legendaries

These are non-event legendaries. These can be the legendaries that are found at the end of each Dynamax Adventure or legendaries that are captured in previous games. Whether it was captured in a Dynamax Adventure or captured in a previous game will be indicated in the spreadsheet.

Hatched Shinies

These hatched shinies are level 1 and untouched. Pricing is determined by the ability, nature, IVs, and egg moves of the Pokemon.

Marked Shinies

These marked shinies are untouched but are not level 1 since Pokemon with marks can only be obtained in the wild. Like with the hatched shinies, pricing is determined by the ability, nature, IVs, and egg moves of the Pokemon but the rarity of the mark will also be taken into account.


... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/PlatinumRaptor95
πŸ“…︎ Apr 22 2021
🚨︎ report
Competitive Galarian Starter Giveaway! (Part 2)

I have a few leftover starters from my previous giveaway. First come first serve while supplies last!

All of them are bred by myself with their HA and 6 perfect IVs. All of them are male.

Pokemon Nature Ability Egg Moves Quantity
Scorbunny Jolly Libero High Jump Kick, Sucker Punch 7 2
Grookey Adamant Grassy Surge Leech Seed, Hammer Arm, Growth, Nature Power 7
Sobble Timid Sniper Haze, Aqua Ring, Double Team 5

Please leave a comment with your IGN and Link Code and I will get to you as soon as I can!

Edit: Closing this for tonight. Stay tuned for my final starter giveaway. It'll be a fun, ultimate egg grab bag with a chance at shinies!

πŸ‘︎ 16
πŸ‘€︎ u/Notorious813
πŸ“…︎ Feb 18 2021
🚨︎ report

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