the puppy test

Before you let your kids get a puppy, take the Puppy Test.

Best taken in the autumn or mid winter.

  1. Buy a lead and tie it to a big stone, walk around dragging the stone behind you.
  2. Get up at 5am, go out in the pouring rain and walk up and down a muddy path, repeating good girl/boy, wee wees...poo poos, quickly please
  3. Stuff your pockets with plastic bags and pick up all the poo you can find, obviously not your dogs as you have not bought it yet ??
  4. Start wearing your shoes indoors, especially during muddy times
  5. Collect leaves off the ground and spread them on the floor
  6. Carry sticks and branches indoors and chop them up on your carpet
  7. Pour cold apple juice on the rug and floor....walk barefooted over it in the dark
  8. Drop some chocolate pudding on your carpet in the morning and then try to clean it in the evening
  9. Wear socks to which you have made holes using a blender
  10. Jump out of your favorite chair just before the movie ends and run to open the back door
  11. Cover all your best clothes with dog hair, dark clothes with blond hairs and light clothes with dark hairs
  12. Tip all just ironed clothes on the floor
  13. Make little pin holes in all your furniture, especially chair and table legs
  14. When doing dishes, splash water all over the place and don't wipe it.
  15. Spread toilet paper all over the house when you leave the house and tidy up when you get back home
  16. Forget any impulse holidays and/or breaks
  17. Always go straight home after work or school
  18. Go for walks no matter what the weather, and inspect every dirty paper, chewing gum and dead fly you might find
  19. Stand at your back door at five in the morning shouting, "Bring Mr Bumble and Mr Lion in, its raining.”
  20. Wake up at 3am. Place a correct size bag of flour on top of yourself and try to sleep, whilst wiping your face with a dishcloth, which you have left next to your bed in a bowl last week.
    Repeat everyday over 6 months and if you still think getting a puppy sounds like a good idea, Congratulations, you might be ready for your kids to get your puppy.
πŸ‘︎ 6
πŸ‘€︎ u/specklesinc
πŸ“…︎ Dec 05 2020
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A story about a legendary Composer

In 1827, after Beethoven died, he was buried outside the local church, in the graveyard, and people came to pay their respects frequently.

One morning, about a week after the funeral, two girls came to leave some flowers on his grave, only to hear strange, unearthly sounds coming from it. Creeped out, they called for the local Paranormal Investigator.

The Investigator arrived an hour later, and with him, a small crowd, who had come to see what was happening to the composer’s grave.

Suddenly, one member of the crowd exclaimed, β€œI recognise that sound! It’s his 9th Symphony, backwards!”

Soon after, another said, β€œand that’s his 8th, backwards!”

After leaning closer to the grave to inspect this for himself, the Investigator straightened himself up, gave a soft chuckle, and said:

β€œNever fear, ladies and gentlemen! Beethoven’s just decomposing.”

πŸ‘︎ 10
πŸ‘€︎ u/SnixyZ
πŸ“…︎ Feb 06 2020
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Dad joked my husband

On the night walk with our 2 pups. One is obsessed with toads and every item on the road is suspiciously inspected. Frequently a leaf is sniffed and nosed to encourage a leap. Tonight, a piece of gravel caught her eye with exuberant tailnub wagging! β€œOh pupper that isn’t sedentary; it’s sedimentary.”

Hope you like it too.

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/Aimlesskeek
πŸ“…︎ Sep 07 2019
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Neo, Trinity and Morpheus walk into a bar.

Beaten up from their last encounter with Agent Smith and his agents, they take a seat at the bar.

Morpheus is nursing his right shoulder, Neo has a busted lip and Trinity has a large cut on her left hand.

Neo says, "Bartender give us your best bottle of whiskey. We're gonna need it."

The bartender grabs a bottle and three tumblers.

Neo cracks open the whiskey and takes a swig straight from the bottle before grabbing the tumblers.

Trinity, inspecting her hand, says "I'm a little worried that this is gonna get infected."

"Don't worry," Morpheus says as Neo grabs Trinity's hand, "Neo's pourin'."

πŸ‘︎ 16
πŸ‘€︎ u/Sublime50lbc
πŸ“…︎ Jan 19 2019
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Cure for Boredom

Ok so here's what you do.

Go onto Amazon or Ebay or whatever and purchase a small dog cage. Make SURE that is is made of either completely STEEL. Nothing else. Get advanced shipping or whatever gets it to your door as fast as humanly possible. Now wait patiently for your package to arrive. Once the delivery person knocks on your door to get you to sign for your package tell them to wait until you open the box. If they seem leery of you explain that you have had trouble in the past with your parcels and you just want to make sure that your order is correct. Open the box and remove the cage from the box. Inspect it thoroughly. Now LISTEN CAREFULLY! This is the part you can't mess up. Look up from the cage and stare into that poor delivery person's eyes. Like so deep you can see their ancestors. Say these exact words. "I knew it... I can't believe I ordered a nickel less cage."

πŸ‘︎ 9
πŸ‘€︎ u/Endangerd_Box
πŸ“…︎ Dec 23 2015
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I was going to open up a factory to make kitchen storage furniture

But on closer inspection, it seemed counter productive.

πŸ‘︎ 7
πŸ‘€︎ u/Calthropstu
πŸ“…︎ Sep 18 2017
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Overheard this handy-dandy dad joke in the supermarket...

I was cruising through the meat section and a nearby married couple were checking out some lamb shoulders that were on special. The mum picks up a roast, inspects it and deposits it in their trolley where she then notices the package had leaked a bit.

"Oh!" She says. "I've got a bloody hand!"

"You've always had two bloody hands," jokes the dad.

πŸ‘︎ 20
πŸ“…︎ Aug 06 2015
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an old one from my dad

young cousin fascinatedly inspecting one of our house plants "Uncle Dad, what's this plant called?" "I think it's called a 'wandering Jew'". "Oh, is it dangerous?" "Yeah, they're not very gentile."

πŸ‘︎ 13
πŸ“…︎ May 07 2014
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My brother pointed out that my check engine light is on.

"It's because it has emissions problems." "How did it pass safety inspection if it has emissions problems?" "I guess the tests weren't very exhaustive."

πŸ‘︎ 20
πŸ‘€︎ u/osofoxy
πŸ“…︎ Dec 03 2014
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Got My Manager

The other day at work our usual wine delivery guy came in, so I alerted my manager.

Me: The wine delivery is here.

Him: Sweet.

Me (pretending to inspect the wine) : Actually, I think it's a white.

πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/Imperious23
πŸ“…︎ Nov 18 2014
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I'm now embarrassed to go to Taco Bell

So I was at Taco Bell with my dad and when he handed the cashier the money, he got $5 back in cash

When he further inspected it he saw there was a little bit of it torn off.

So then he approached the cashier and said he only got $4.80 back instead of $5

She held back a groan and asked if he wanted a new $5 bill

I'm now embarrassed to go to Taco Bell

πŸ‘︎ 6
πŸ‘€︎ u/mcguitarman
πŸ“…︎ Jun 14 2014
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