India-Bangladesh enclave exchange in 2015. India and Bangladesh had the most complicated border in the history of the world
Dahala Khagrabari; a piece of India within a piece of Bangladesh within a piece of India within Bangladesh, making it the only counter-counter enclave
India Bangladesh maturely handled enclaves Including oddities
Dahala Khagrabari was a piece of India within a piece of Bangladesh within a piece of India within Bangladesh. It was the only third-order enclave in the world until 2015, when it was ceded to Bangladesh.
TIL of Dahala Khagrabari, the world's only third-order enclave until 2015. It was a piece of India, within Bangladesh, within India, within Bangladesh.…
TIL about Dahala Khagrabari, the only third-order enclave in the world. It is a piece of India within a piece of Bangladesh within a piece of India within the country of Bangladesh.…
From 1949-2015, the India-Bangladesh border was decorated with ~200 enclaves, including several counter-enclaves (enclaves inside an enclave) and even a counter-counter-enclave! The exchange that eventually took place leaves one Bangladeshi exclave remaining within India today.
From a map, to a view, to a map, to a view: If you visit the Tin Bigha border corridor between India and Bangladesh on Google Maps, and enter Street View, you will then see another map of the area’s enclaves on a small wall. This in turn serves as another viewpoint from which to see the mapped area.
There is an enclave called dahala khagraber that is a part of India that is in Bangladesh that is in India that is in Bangladesh.
Enclaves between Bangladesh and India before 2015 - home to the only 3rd order enclave - a piece of India, within Bangladesh, within India, within Bangladesh
The border between India and Bangladesh is riddled with enclaves. One notable example (until 2015) was a third-order enclave- a piece of India within Bangladesh within India within Bangladesh.
If you visit the Tin Bigha border corridor between India and Bangladesh on Google Maps, and enter Street View, you will then see another map of the area’s enclaves on a small wall. This in turn serves as another viewpoint from which to see the mapped area.
TIL about enclaves and other geographic anomalies: Dahala Khagrabari, a piece of India within a piece of Bangladesh within a piece of India within Bangladesh; and Vulcan Point, the world’s largest island within a lake that is situated on an island located in a lake…
Bangladesh and India are to sign a historic agreement to simplify their border by exchanging more than 150 enclaves of land.…
TIL the border between India and Bangladesh is so complicated, there is a "3rd order enclave": a piece of India within Bangladesh, within India, within Bangladesh.…
One of the world's most complicated and confusing border disputes ends on Friday as India and Bangladesh exchange more than one 160 enclaves…
TIL that there is a third enclave border which leads to a certain part of India being in Bangladesh, which is also a part of India, which is a part of Bangladesh…
[Repost] Indo-Bangladesh enclaves created by the 1947 Partition of India [1100x2148]. Relevant with today's news that more than 150 enclaves will be swapped.
Bangladesh and India have signed a historic agreement to simplify their border by exchanging more than 150 enclaves of land.…
Indo-Bangladesh enclaves created by the 1947 Partition of India [1100x2148]
Enclaves? Meet India & Bangladesh's Dahala Khagrabari: an enclave within an enclave within an enclave (the only 3rd order enclave) [695x444]
The no more Bangladeshis: Three years ago, 15,000 people chose India over Bangladesh in an enclave exchange to correct borders of 1947. Citizenship is here. Home, land, jobs, schools wait.…
Enclaves of the northern India-Bangladesh border, the most complex border in the world [2208x1446]
TIL There is a piece of India within Bangladesh, within India, within Bangladesh, and hundreds of other random enclaves on their border. The reason? A series of chess & card game bets between kings centuries ago.…
Like India/Bangladesh, Armenia & Azerbaijan have a bunch of minuscule enclaves within each other that you can only see on a detailed map [1016 x 1124]
Bangladesh enclaves inside parts of india so technically Felix isn't wrong, Bangladesh is in India
The Northwest Angle: Inside the Nesting Geography of Exclaves & Enclaves - among other things, "there is a piece of India inside a piece of Bangladesh inside a piece of India inside of Bangladesh."…
TIL that Dahala Khagrabari is the only third order enclave in the world, and is "a piece of India inside a piece of Bangladesh inside a piece of India inside a piece of Bangladesh".…
TIL there is a 3rd order enclave of India inside of Bangladesh. This piece of land, which belongs to India, resides inside a piece of Bangladesh which resides inside a piece of India that resides about 10 miles inside of Bangladesh.…
TIL up until this year, a bizarre 70-year border dispute between India and Bangladesh resulted in 160 enclaves of citizens from each country trapped in the other. One Indian enclave was completely within a Bangladeshi enclave that was completely inside an Indian enclave inside Bangladesh.…
TIL there were many Indian enclaves inside Bangladesh which is inside India which is inside Bangladesh which is inside India and vice-versa but in 2015 India ratified a long pending treaty to swap such enclaves.…
India/Bangladesh enclaves created by the 1947 Partition of India. [1100×2148]
TIL of a "counter-counter-enclave": Dahala Khagrabari, a piece of India within Bangladesh, which is within India which, in turn, is within Bangladesh.…
TIL that before a landswap in 2015, there was a piece of India located within a piece of Bangladesh, which was within a piece of India, which was within Bangladesh. It was the world's only third-order enclave.…
TIL that there is a territory of India that is completely surrounded by a territory of Bangladesh, which is in turn completely surrounded by India. That territory? Completely within the borders of Bangladesh. The worlds only counter-counter-enclave.…
TIL there used to be a piece of India inside a piece of Bangladesh inside a piece of India inside of Bangladesh (it was the world's only known third-order enclave)…
India And Bangladesh End 70yr Old Border Dispute Over 160 Enclaves (Map & Article [x-post /r/dataisbeautiful]).…
TIL of the Dahala Khagrabari enclave, located on the India-Bangladesh border, the only third-order enclave in the world. It has since been ceded to Bangladesh.…
Bangladesh and India are to sign a historic agreement to simplify their border by exchanging more than 150 enclaves of land.…
[Map] Enclaves of the northern India-Bangladesh border, the most complex border in the world
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