I used to belong to a union for woodworkers

But after they mandated the use of safety gloves, me and some of my buddies broke off and formed a splinter group.

👍︎ 14
📅︎ Apr 26 2022
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Joke from my grandpa

A man is driving in the desert when he hits a rabbit. The driver hops out of his car, and is distraught to find that it is dead. The driver looks in his glove compartment, and finds a can of hair spray. Unable to come up with a better idea, he sparys the rabbit with it. Immediatly, the rabbit hops up off the ground, waves at him, runs off a bit, waves again, and continues to repeat this. The driver, shocked, looks at the can of hair spray. The label says, "Hair spray, restores dead hair and adds permanent wave"

👍︎ 401
👤︎ u/hcwdy
📅︎ Dec 28 2021
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I wasn't feeling well this morning...

So, I took my gloves off.

👍︎ 67
📅︎ Apr 29 2021
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And she calls it "This Land"

Having a bit of a discipline issue with my daughter... she'll bring a pile of sand inside and make what she calls her "land". It's sand arranged in a flattish layer, with toy animals and her lego house (Friends^TM , why she no like diggers and helicopters and whatever, why she gotta be so girly??). She doesn't like getting her hand dirty while she's doing it, wears a glove to keep clean, so you'd think she could understand the concept that I don't like the floor getting dirty... but no, she doesn't give a shit.

Had her third birthday party recently, and gave her a Skye (Paw Patrol) plushy, she loves it. Because it's her newest and most favourite toy in the whole world, and because it was for her birthday, we can't confiscate it no matter what.

Very next day, she makes her land again, Skye's there at the side - she's too big to sit in the middle, it would dominate all the plastic dinosaurs and lego Friends people (not the usual mini-figs, they're a bit more anatomically correct, anyway that's not important right now). So I'm all angry and "why you keep doing this", take the glove off her and sweep up the sand. Put her in the time out cage for a bit. Well, we call it the cage, it's just a cupboard under the stairs which is a bit shorter than her so she has to sit there if she doesn't want to bump her head. Throw her in there for one minute per year of age, is the standard procedure.

Anyway, as we close the door she starts singing...

Take my glove

Take my land

Take me where I cannot stand

I don't care

I'm still three

You can't take this Skye from me

👍︎ 13
👤︎ u/cman_yall
📅︎ May 25 2021
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For years people have mocked how easily I get cold.

Well, now the gloves are off.

👍︎ 12
👤︎ u/TommehBoi
📅︎ Jan 02 2019
🚨︎ report
I stayed in Australia for a while and was rewarded with the ultimate Dad story

My friend had a really interesting job. One of those jobs you didn't know people could get.

tl;dr just read it, it's worth reading the whole description of the job

Before I moved, my neighbor's job was based in Antarctica. He worked with one of the research centers there, and his job was standing up penguins. I kid you not — when shipments arrived by air, like by helicopter or by airplane or whatever, the penguins would all look up with their tiny heads and look up so high they would fall over backwards. Now, penguins are super awkward in how they waddle everywhere, and so, not wanting to disturb the local environment, the research station had to have someone that could suit up and go out there and stand up penguins.

As soon as every shipment arrived, he would say, "Welp, better go suit up now," get into the whole penguin suit, and waddle out there all incognito and stand the penguins on their feet again. I'm sure they could have done it on their own, eventually, but the idea was to disturb the animals for as little time as possible.

I thought it was the most ridiculous thing when he told me, but he got the job through his dad's researcher colleague. Basically, the deal was they would get people to go down for 3-month periods (I think he ended up doing 6 months) and this was his occupation for that time. Actually, is plane flight there was one of the really cool parts: LA went to Sydney, which then went back across the Pacific to Buenos Aires. Then, on the final leg, he would finally go Buenos Aires to the research station. The planes actually had to be specially fitted for the job, though — Of course, you can't have typical runways in Antarctica because they'd get ice all over them and there'd be all these problems — so the planes had to have mechanics on board each flight who would, mid-flight, switch out the take-off wheels for the landing skis. Just like a sea plane, except it was a snow-plane. Coolest thing ever.

Oh, but the way he described working with the penguins was the best! Most of the time he'd just go out and stand them up, but sometimes one would hurt itself. Like one time one of them fell over backwards and hit its foot the wrong way, so he had to not only pick it up, but give medical help, too. He seriously had to prop up the penguin, take off his glove, and pull on each of the penguins little webbed toes, pull on their legs. Sort of like how I'm pulling your leg right now.

👍︎ 11
👤︎ u/L1AM
📅︎ Dec 08 2013
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I got a kid that had broke his arm at Big Bear on Tuesday

A kid had fallen right in front of me and broke his arm above the wrist. I went over to help and comfort him. The paramedic came and she cut his glove off, put a splint on as well as a sling. That's when I said "she likes you, so she put a sling on it" the paramedic and I laughed, the kid didn't

👍︎ 7
👤︎ u/litgoat
📅︎ Jan 30 2016
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Made a few dad jokes at work this week

So I work in a distribution wearhouse for an orange chainsaw company and I work there with my dad.

So a few of the guys in the wearhouse like to wear toques, a winter hat that covers your ears for you non-Canadians, and my dad mentioned this to me as we're heading off to lunch so I say, "well, I guess there are toque kinds of people...". Even my dad groaned.

One of the afore mentioned toque wearing guys was picking a particularly big order consisting of mostly gloves, and he starts complaining that there are too many damn gloves in this order. So I sarcastically replied, "I bet you just gloved picking that order." He just turned around and walked away and didn't speak to me the rest of the day.

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/Dorminder
📅︎ Mar 20 2015
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Was helping my dad clean the gutters and got dadjoked.

I was attempting to climb onto the roof to clean the pine needles off but was having trouble because the roof itself was really hot. I turned to my dad and asked him for some gloves to help with the heat. His response was, "what did you expect, it's been sitting out in the sun all day?"

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/DawnSoap
📅︎ Oct 21 2014
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Chik-Fil-A Cow Costume Joke

Talking about what the person in the Chik-Fil-A costume is to do if a child takes their glove off.

"Apparently the person in the costume is supposed to act like they don't have a hand and than go to their helper and say 'That child is bullying me!'".

At this point my father started historically laughing, and we asked him why.

"Get it? BULLying? Because its the cow?"

Groans were had.

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Aug 06 2014
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I wasn't feeling well this morning....

So, I took my gloves off.

👍︎ 9
📅︎ Feb 17 2021
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