Diego Godín irá custar cerca de R$ 1 milhão por mês ao Atlético-MG, contando com salários, luvas e direitos de imagem. O zagueiro uruguaio terá um dos 5 maiores salários do clube, ao lado de Hulk, Nacho, Vargas e Keno. 🗞 @UOLEsporte | @victmartins twitter.com/futebol_info/…
👍︎ 44
📅︎ Jan 09 2022
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I love Nacho Varga’s voice so muchhhh!

I recently started to watch Better Call Saul, although I AM a Breaking Bad fan since 2013 but OMGGGG NACHO’s raspy VOICE. Okay, enough said. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

👍︎ 167
📅︎ Nov 01 2021
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I am Juan Carlos Cantú and I play Nacho's dad, Manuel Varga. Ask me anything!

Hello, Reddit! My name is Juan Carlos Cantú and I play Nacho's dad, Manuel Varga. You asked me for an AMA, so here it is!

I am originally from Monterrey, Mexico. I attended Trinity University in San Antonio, TX where I got a BA in Drama. I moved to Los Angeles in 1983 but didn't start working as an actor until 1988, I had a young family back then and had to have a "Regular Job." I worked for a small local advertising agency for about a year and then as a Marketing Manager for a Mexican Food Company. However, this job had no flexibility, so in 1988 I got a job with the Los Angeles County Superior Court as a Spanish Interpreter and this job gave me the flexibility to pursue my acting career. I worked there for 30 years, it was a good paying job, I called it my "Instead of being a waiter job." I have the 3 best kids a father could ask for, I'm extremely proud of all of them. My 2 daughters are also actors and my son is a Doctor in Neurobiology. I am what in Hollywood is called a  "Working Actor." I have been blessed with a very good career and although I am not a movie or TV star I work constantly. I am not wealthy but a have a very comfortable standard of living. My family has never lacked anything. I'm also a "Character Actor" which is Hollywood's way of saying "You're not good looking enough to be a leading man." I've enjoyed working on Batter Call Saul where the cast, crew, directors, writers and producers are top notch and have always been extremely good to me.

If you want to know more about my acting career, you could check my IMDB here:  https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1091922  However, my personal website is better because you can watch videos of parts I have played. I am particularly proud of my recent work on a show called Good Trouble where I play an 84-year-old man: juancarloscantu.com

I'll try to be on until at least 1 pm Pacific (4 pm Eastern) to answer your questions. Unfortunately, I cannot answer anything regarding the upcoming season of Better Call Saul, including whether or not I am even in it. I look forward to answering your questions!

👍︎ 4k
👤︎ u/J-C-Cantu
📅︎ Jul 15 2021
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What prescription medication did Daniel Wormald sell to Nacho Varga?

I was rewatching the show, as one does, and have always wondered what kind of medication did they trade. Anyone have any ideas?

👍︎ 8
📅︎ Dec 07 2021
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AMA with Juan Carlos Cantú (Manuel Varga/Nacho's Dad) on Thursday July 15th, 9 am Pacific/12 pm Eastern!
👍︎ 2k
👤︎ u/J-C-Cantu
📅︎ Jul 12 2021
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São 8 jogadores do @Atletico convocados. A lista poderá aumentar, Zaracho e Nacho estão na mira da seleção argentina. 🇧🇷 Éverson 🇧🇷 Hulk 🇧🇷 Guilherme Arana 🇻🇪 Savarino 🇨🇱 Vargas 🇵🇾 Junior Alonso 🇪🇨 Alan Franco 🇧🇷 Savinho (sub-17) twitter.com/Falagalo13/st…
👍︎ 61
👤︎ u/WRS13
📅︎ Aug 27 2021
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Lalo Varga and Nacho Salamanca
👍︎ 2k
👤︎ u/bepis4lyfe
📅︎ Jun 08 2021
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Introducing Jimmy Varga and Nacho McGill
👍︎ 4k
📅︎ Apr 25 2021
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[Table] r/betterCallSaul — I am Juan Carlos Cantú and I play Nacho's dad, Manuel Varga. Ask me anything!


For proper formatting, please use Old Reddit

The AMA concluded with the following message:

>Well my friends I have to prepare a self-tape audition and reluctantly have to go, it has been a pleasure talking with you. > >I became an actor in order to help people forget their daily problems if only for a little while, if I have done this as Manuel Varga on BCS mission accomplished. > >Thanks again for all your comments and love, thanks for being a fan of the show and this your humble servant. > >Juan Carlos Cantu

Rows: ~120

Questions Answers
Hello, Mr. Cantú! Thanks for taking the time to do this AMA. Manuel sticks out to me because he is portrayed as one of the most purely innocent and honest characters in the Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul universe (up there with Mike's granddaughter). It makes him something of an anchor for Nacho-- no matter how deep into the world of the cartel he gets, and no matter how much he changes, his father remains uncorrupted. He's one of the few characters to stand up to Hector Salamanca-- not because he's much of a badass, like Mike, but because he simply won't compromise his principles. As an actor, how do you go about portraying that innocence and conviction? When you play Manuel, do you think that he is tempted at all by the money his son makes, or do you think he has never once considered doing anything illegal? As an actor you dig into your own experiences, Manuel reminds me of my grandfather who was the highest officer of the Mexican Senate (not a senator) he basically ran the senate and was (rare for Mexico) uncorruptable, no I don't think Manuel has ever been tempted
[deleted] Every year we get commemorative coins
Who's your favourite character from the Breaking Bad universe? Mike
Hi Mr. Cantú! It’s so nice to have you here answering our questions. Thank you for your time! Were you aware of how much we loved papa Varga? How we’ve all been worried about his fate at the end of the show? I hope the massive outpouring of love didn’t catch you off guard! You do such a wonderful job portraying Manuel Varga and he’s probably the most precious (and the most loved) character from the show. I was genuinely surprised at the outpouring of love from all of you and I really appreciate all your comments
Were you a fan of Breaking Bad before you got casted for Better Call Saul? Yes I was, so I got very exi
... keep reading on reddit ➡

show more
👍︎ 14
👤︎ u/500scnds
📅︎ Oct 22 2021
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My pencil drawing of Nacho Varga
👍︎ 203
👤︎ u/mehulgarg
📅︎ Jun 16 2021
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Michael Mando ( Nacho Varga ) = natty or nah ?
👍︎ 28
📅︎ Jun 21 2021
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Nacho Varga Picture in BB? reddit.com/gallery/oqstem
👍︎ 10
👤︎ u/tcrane27
📅︎ Jul 24 2021
🚨︎ report
São 8 jogadores do @Atletico convocados. A lista poderá aumentar, Zaracho e Nacho estão na mira da seleção argentina. 🇧🇷 Éverson 🇧🇷 Hulk 🇧🇷 Guilherme Arana 🇻🇪 Savarino 🇨🇱 Vargas 🇵🇾 Junior Alonso 🇪🇨 Alan Franco 🇧🇷 Savinho (sub-17) twitter.com/Falagalo13/st…
👍︎ 12
👤︎ u/WRS13
📅︎ Aug 27 2021
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ignasio varga aka nacho

on his BB debut, Saul screams it was nacho, we get that he expects Lalo or Salmancas to be the ones who kidnaps him, but does that mean, that Vince & Peter has always had the BCS idea or the Varga storyline, is there an article on this? I think there must be, help please.

👍︎ 5
📅︎ Jul 27 2021
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Gustavo Fring is cool and all, but Nacho Varga takes the W
👍︎ 6
📅︎ Jul 10 2021
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Today, I drew Nacho Varga's dad! Pencil on A4 paper.
👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Aug 25 2020
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Nacho Varga vs. Lalo Salamanca

Alright, now let’s also discuss how we think Nacho Varga and Lalo Salamanca’s characters are going to ultimately end up. We know Nacho’s a ninja after getting out before the raid squad found him in the trap house, but Lalo is a ruthless assassin with every intent to exact revenge. Who will prevail? And if it’s a draw, what happens to them both? Or do they both end up dead, one way or another? These are things we should discuss my fellow BCS fanatics. Also, if Nacho lives specifically, does he get out or get caught up? Im so excited for season 6 if you can’t tell

👍︎ 5
👤︎ u/JRHayes420
📅︎ Mar 22 2021
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Nacho Varga - GTA loading screen concept art .. for the full picture follow the links in comment box , will upload this on WallPaperEngine soon , sorry if the animation is too fast , i dont k now animations much. v.redd.it/rud7mmdnma251
👍︎ 3k
👤︎ u/waqasvic
📅︎ Jun 01 2020
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🍟 Here's my next Artwork, Nacho Varga from Better Call Saul. The most like-able bad-guy. . 🌠
👍︎ 719
📅︎ Apr 02 2020
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[Spoilers S5E10] I think Manuel Varga (Nacho’s dad) will kill Lalo

Don’t read if you haven’t seen the Season 5 Finale

So as we know, Lalo survived the assassination attempt, and from the look he gives to the glasses him and Nacho shared, it’s clear he knows Gus was behind it, and Nacho had a hand in it, thus he knows Nacho is a double agent for Gus. I think he’ll catch up with Nacho after, but won’t kill him; he knows Nacho is in with Gus, so I’ll think he’ll use Nacho as a triple agent for Gus, using Manuel as a pawn against Nacho. It’s clear Manuel doesn’t want to run, even though he has a target on his head. I think Nacho will tell him that Lalo now has a hit on him, and he’ll maybe give Manuel a gun for protection. I think something will happen, and Lalo comes to threaten Manuel’s life in front of Nacho, but Manuel decides he’s had enough of his son being used as a pawn and living in fear (thinking Lalo is the one behind the threats on his life, and that Gus isn’t involved), and will shoot Lalo. Gus will then have to clear the murder up so authorities don’t find out, since Lalo’s death could blow the whole thing open (probably sending Mike), and I think somehow Nacho and Manuel will find out about Ed the disappearer through Mike, since Mike takes pity on Nacho and knows he and his dad can’t stick around. Gus then realises he’s lost a double agent in the cartel and nearly got the whole operation blown open, basically because he motivated Nacho through fear only, and his father picked up on that but mistakenly thought it was Lalo and so killed him. And Mike is like ‘I told you something would happen if you tried to motivate Varga this way’

Probably none of this will happen but it’s fun to think about.

👍︎ 5
📅︎ Dec 10 2020
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Michael Mando (Nacho Varga from Better Call Saul) reddit.com/gallery/jbcq2u
👍︎ 76
👤︎ u/JaneErrrr
📅︎ Oct 15 2020
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Nacho Varga, you are delicious
👍︎ 27
👤︎ u/LurkerMan4
📅︎ Nov 21 2020
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AMA with Michael Mando (Nacho Varga) on August 29th, 11am PST / 2pm EST!!
👍︎ 3k
👤︎ u/skinkbaa
📅︎ Aug 27 2018
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Nacho Varga's AMC
👍︎ 158
👤︎ u/JacoBee93
📅︎ Apr 19 2020
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Has anyone noticed that our infamous antagonist from FAR CRY 3, VAAS (Michael Mando) is playing a pretty interesting character of criminal named "Nacho Varga" in the famous TV show, "BETTER CALL SAUL"?
👍︎ 714
👤︎ u/MrMister93
📅︎ May 10 2019
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The most underappreciated character of the show. The cartel story wouldn't be very interesting without Nacho Varga.
👍︎ 1k
📅︎ Dec 20 2018
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Ignacio "Nacho" Varga. Also posted on my instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CFi1LWIlk_K/?igshid=lkiysbpe08xv
👍︎ 9
👤︎ u/pajnt
📅︎ Sep 25 2020
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Michael Mando AKA Nacho Varga in Better Call Saul is doing an AMA on r/iAMA Tomorrow Tuesday 4pm (ET)

Michael Mando AKA Nacho Varga in Better Call Saul is doing an AMA on r/iAMA

Tomorrow Tuesday 4pm (ET)

👍︎ 69
👤︎ u/crazywalls
📅︎ Apr 20 2020
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What If Lalo Salamanca And Nacho Varga Were In Breaking Bad?

Lalo Salamanca and Nacho are some of my characters In Better Call Saul, and I have A few ideas for how both of them could’ve fit into Breaking Bad. I hope you like them:

So the first idea I have is when Walter White and Jesse Pinkman join into the drug trade business of dealing crystal meth with Tuco as they did In Seasons 1 and 2, Lalo Salamanca gets introduced as a close partner of Tuco during Season 1. Seeing how Lalo is in Better Call Saul, he doesn't have a lot of rage issues, so I don’t think he would beat one of his men to death to terrify Walter White and Jesse like Tuco does, but he can resort to other methods to intimidate them than using rage.

Then at one point in Breaking Bad, Lalo Salamanca can try to convince Walter White to join him in his new rivalry against Gus Fring, and he could make a greater product that undercuts the success of the distribution of Gus. However, Walter White’s ego as Heisenberg would most likely get in the way of the new surprise of Lalo, after Gus is taken down, so this could have Heisenberg and Lalo rival each other.

As for Nacho Varga, if he continued to work for Gus Fring as An informant/double agent during the events of Breaking Bad, I have to imagine he would team up with Walter White and Jesse Pinkman so they can take him down from the inside during Season 4 of Breaking Bad.

What do you guys think of those ideas?

👍︎ 7
📅︎ Nov 20 2020
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If possible, would any of y'all know the boot worn by Nacho Varga from Better Call Saul? Images inside.

Image 1, Image 2, Image 3.

I know it's not really a cowboy boot... But I was told by others that y'all may have a better idea of what it is, or a similar shoe.

Let me know if this isn't the right place for this post.

Thanks either way!

Edit: He's the guy on the right in every picture I shared.

👍︎ 8
👤︎ u/43t20a
📅︎ Jul 15 2020
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Sharp button ups, made of good materials for going to tor bar or club. Similar to what Nacho Varga wears in better call Saul or Daniel Craig in Logan lucky.

Anyone know any placate to get them tall slim fit? Thanks!!

👍︎ 7
📅︎ Sep 23 2020
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Lalo Salamanca and Nacho Varga do not die in BCS

Somebody may have already brought this point up, but...

In Season 2 Episode 8 of BrBa ("Better Call Saul"), Saul gets dragged away by Jesse and Walt. When they take the hood off, Saul sees the hole in the ground and immediately starts panicking. He shouts that "it wasn't [him]. It was Ignacio." Then he asks if Lalo sent them.

Assuming that there aren't any more Nachos and Lalos out there, whatever plays out in the coming season will leave them both alive, but maybe not whole.

Clearly something goes down between Nacho and Lalo, as we've already expected, and Jimmy has a role to play in their war.

EDIT: Whoops. I'm wrong. Saul saying that it was Ignacio doesn't exclude the possibility that Ignacio is dead. All he was doing was pointing fingers; it doesn't mean the person to blame is still alive. My bad.

EDIT 2: Commenters have made me realize that Saul’s knowledge may not be complete. So back to square one; we don’t know if they live or die. Whoops again!

👍︎ 97
📅︎ Aug 04 2019
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I attempted to draw Nacho Varga from BCS in Rockstar Games art style. Feedback is welcome.
👍︎ 30
📅︎ Jun 10 2020
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Not sure if this was obvious to anyone else, but TIL Ignacio Varga is nicknamed "Nacho" after Ignacio Anaya García, the guy who created nachos. I wouldn't have known this if it wasn't for curiosity getting the better of me on the current google doodle. google.com/search?q=Ignac…
👍︎ 28
👤︎ u/Godredd
📅︎ Aug 15 2019
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Idk if there are any Better Call Saul fans out here but this guy definitely looks like Michael Mando (Nacho Varga)
👍︎ 25
👤︎ u/pallidpink
📅︎ Apr 19 2020
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Fun fact: Nacho has Hungarian roots because his last name is "Vaga". Varga in Hungarian translates to "Cobbler", which is the job his father does for a living, and also the name of the first episode his father appears in.

Nacho is Mexican-Hungarian. Ha. Bojler eladó.

Edit: Typo on the first instance of Nacho's last name. Oh well.

👍︎ 21
👤︎ u/DDzxy
📅︎ Aug 15 2019
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The scene of Manuel Varga refusing the money from his son Nacho

The AMA Juan Carlos Cantu did today got me thinking about this one scene that I couldn’t seem to find anywhere-

Where nacho has given his dad cash and then at a later point his dad calls him back into the room to take the money back.

IIRC correctly, Manuel doesn’t even say a word. The entire scene might be silent- but Christ that’s why I loved it so much.

Cantu’s ability to express so many emotions in his eyes and face without saying a word… just phenomenal acting.

Could someone help me find a clip or even just refer me to the episode? Thanks

👍︎ 18
📅︎ Jul 15 2021
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Anyone else thing Nacho Varga is the Jesse Pinkman of BCS?

Except Nacho is more serious and shit. Like Jesse wanted out so bad in BB, and in BCS Nacho is the one who wants out. I’m just comparing the two because of how repentant they are. They’re good people but they got involved with some horrible people who actually happen to be the same people. Tuco, Gus, Mike, Krazy 8, and all those people. Also their parents are disappointed in both of them.

👍︎ 11
👤︎ u/LordMalyce
📅︎ May 24 2021
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Nacho Varga is one of the few people on this planet who I’m attracted to and I miss him.

That’s it. That’s the post.

👍︎ 318
👤︎ u/livdro650
📅︎ Dec 02 2020
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Nacho Varga

Hoping someone clan clear this up for my husband and me. We just recently finished Breaking Bad a few weeks ago and started watchibg Better Call Saul. Is there anyway that the character Nacho Varga was ever in Breaking Bad? He's not credited but we swear we remember seeing him on BB. Am I losing my mind?

👍︎ 11
📅︎ May 01 2021
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How did Gus fring know about Mike knowing nacho Varga?

As I was rewatching bcs season 4 I wanted to know how Gus knew about Mike and nacho’s relation.

👍︎ 7
📅︎ May 22 2021
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Theory on Nacho Varga

We see that Nacho Varga has the two ID's made for his Father and himself. And we know that he plans to run away. His father is upset that he is went "BACK" to work for the Salamanca's. Nacho seems relatively wise and intelligent. He wants to do right by his dad. He has these two ID's but doesn't feel safe running yet. When his Dad asks him something to the effect of "how long are you going to be working for them?" he says "I'm working on it...".

My theory is this... Nacho Varga went back to work for the Salamanca's because he knew it would come back to bite him in the ass. He wanted to run away but couldn't afford the cost that the Vacuum Guy charges. This is why he went back to work. Hoping to save enough money that he can get him and his father safely placed in a new life. Just having a couple ID's isn't enough. He needs a new life for them. This is how they are going to introduce the Vacuum Guy to the Better Call Saul/Breaking Bad universe. Just a thought.

TLDR; Nacho is working for the Salamanca's to save up money to pay the Vacuum Guy to get him and his father a new life somewhere safe.

👍︎ 8
📅︎ Feb 27 2020
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Is Nacho Varga Mexican or Chicano?

asking for a friend

👍︎ 4
📅︎ May 14 2020
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Old Nacho Varga Audition Clip

I remember watching a video, where Michael Mando talks about how during the character briefing Vince Gilligan told him, "Nacho isn't a guy who would use a hammer to kill a bee" and how he is different from Tuco in terms of violence.

I can't really find the video on YouTube anymore. Maybe it's taken down or something. Has anyone on this subreddit come across it?

👍︎ 7
📅︎ May 08 2020
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How did Daniel Wormald(Pryce) and Nacho Varga meet?

I watched the first episode their dealings are introduced (Pimento) but I don't think they got into how they originally got into contact with one another. It seems unlikely that they just happen to run into each other.

👍︎ 5
📅︎ Apr 05 2020
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End Game: How will the saga of Nacho Varga come to an end?

How do you think Nacho Varga's story will end?

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Apr 22 2020
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