A list of puns related to "Doublethink"
Chancellor Ashenafi of the Sawahil Federation has reached out to the ADIR's President Zidane under the table to suggest that the time has come for a realignment in Africa. We're aware neither of our nations trusts the other as far as it can throw it, but the ADIR's choice of allies is looking increasingly unfortunate. Put simply, you have sided with the two largest war criminals in human history. This is not a good look, especially not for a state that claims itself to be an anti-imperialist and yet sides with an entity that has killed hundreds of millions in the name of a simple land grab.
We understand that the ADIR has no reason to take any of our suggestions, but we would nevertheless suggest that if the ADIR wants real reconciliation in Africa- not a permanent cold peace where neither side is willing to extend trust to the other, as we foresee at the moment- it must distance itself from its genocidal allies. Alfheimr and the Slayer should be pariahs of the highest order for any truly anti-imperialist state, something that Kaabu and Mughalistan have clearly acknowledged given their protests against the Arab League's choice of allies. What happens between Kaabu and the ADIR is, of course, none of our business by treaty, but we would consider it deeply unfortunate if the unity of northern Africa were to disintegrate over a shortsighted refusal to acknowledge the crimes of the imperialists.
If the ADIR were to take steps to distance itself from these homicidal states, we would consider it a signal that despite the ADIR's treachery against Sawahil, it still has good intentions and real reconciliation is possible. If not, we can promise nothing more or less than our continued commitment to the Treaty of Bamako.
I'm beginning to see a theme in people that I thought was only for science fiction and fantasy books. I see people forgetting things that were common knowledge a year ago blatantly and unapologetically pretending that those things never happened or happened differently today. The sad part is, I don't even know if it's their fault.
At the start of Orwell's 1984, Oceania is at war with Eurasia. They had always been at war with Eurasia. That was the political consensus, and all historic documents agreed. Conversely, Winston Smith (the protagonist) remembers how five years ago, Oceania was at war with Eastasia, not Eurasia. Winston struggles with the philosophical idea of "truth". Which one is actually the truth? Is it what everyone "knows" and what's in the newspapers, or his distinct memories to the contrary?
Not much later in the book, Oceania's foe switched back again. On the sixth day of Hate Week, as crowds gathered to denounce Eurasia, the Party switched enemies to Eastasia. In a particularly rousing speech against their enemy, the speaker was handed a slip of paper, and in mid-sentence, without pause, without change in content or tone, he changed the name of the enemy he was speaking against to Eastasia. Eurasia was now their dearest friends. Those holding banners denouncing their enemy were suddenly embarrassed to discover they had inadvertently written the wrong name, and quickly destroyed the banners to prevent further ridicule from their peers.
There are four Ministries in the book; the ministry of truth, the ministry of peace, the ministry of love, and the ministry of plenty. Perhaps I don't have to spell it out for you but I will anyway. None of those Ministries promote what their titles would suggest. In fact, it's quite the opposite. For example, the ministry of truth is tasked with creating and spreading propaganda while simultaneously removing and censoring conflicting information that might make people question what they are being told.
Now that I've written a novel myself, I'll end by summarizing my long winded point. Don't let anyone spoonfeed information to you. Don't let anyone tell you how something or some event should make you feel. Write down important details and events if you have to. Think critically about everything you read or hear. Ask yourself if the person providing information to you has an agenda and what that agenda is.
Goodnight and good luck friends.
Why do Covidiots and those people from HermanCainAward want the non vaccinated to die of covid and simultaneously want the non vaccinated to get jabbed? Do they know what they want?
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