Damnatio memoriae
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📅︎ Jan 25 2022
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A very historical As of Nero I got for my collection. This coin has what is called Damnatio Memoriae. After the death of a bad emperor everything with his face would be destroyed as people tried to erase him from their memories. On the reverse is carved the word dog, referring to the emperor. reddit.com/gallery/roya5t
👍︎ 219
📅︎ Dec 26 2021
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Damnatio memoriae [SHOW SPOILERS]

It is well known that Asimov took inspiration from the fall of Roman empire to write his Foundation's novels and the last episode of the series is a clear reminder of it. In fact the terrible punishment that Day inflicts on Azura is an updated version of the damnatio memoriae that Ancient Romans used to impose on their worst enemies after the defeat.

👍︎ 29
📅︎ Nov 20 2021
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🖼️ New NFTs from art. style collection - damnatio memoriae - FlyFall 🤩 reddit.com/gallery/rhr0gy
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📅︎ Dec 16 2021
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On the so-called "Damnatio Memoriae" and the Roman practice of obliterating the memory of those in disgrace

A defaced bronze as of Nero.

"Politicized Romans often had a visceral reaction to the fall of defeated generals, politicians, emperors and members of the imperial family that frequently involved the destruction of statues, the defacing of coins, and the erasure of inscriptions. Furthermore, it sometimes became a matter of imperial policy for newly-elevated emperors to call for the annihilation of all images of their opponents, the melting of imperial coinage bearing the likeness of the disgraced, and even making the utterance of the disgraced person's name a crime worthy of severe punishment. This is known by the more modern term damnatio memoriae, and it was a reasonably common feature of Roman political life. Though the phrase itself was not used in antiquity, damnatio memoriae has come to encompass the variety of censures that a disgraced individual might posthumously suffer."

Some specific examples of this destruction of images by Roman mobs from Cassius Dio, Pliny, Herodian, Lactantius, and others may be found here:

"It was a sport and pastime to humble those exalted heads." ~ The Damnatio Memoriae and the relatively commonplace destruction of monuments during the Roman Empire.

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📅︎ Oct 11 2021
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In 356 BC, Herostratus burned the Temple of Artemis to the ground solely to become famous. The Romans sentenced him to Damnatio Memoriae, hoping that he would be forgotten & would never achieve what he wanted. It didn’t work, & to this day people remember his story
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📅︎ Dec 29 2021
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Damnatio Memoriae was a Roman punishment meant to erase political opponents from history. Their name would be removed from all records and artistic depictions of them would be destroyed.
👍︎ 279
📅︎ Sep 28 2021
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Chris Benoit: Il più grande wrestler che non è mai esistito. Ascesa e damnatio memoriae di uno dei più grandi e dannati wrestler canadesi. ultimouomo.com/il-piu-gra…
👍︎ 118
👤︎ u/elf0curo
📅︎ Oct 25 2021
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Damnatio Memoriae - The Fates of the 2nd & 11th Legions?

Based on the hints and nods from existing lore (and bear in mind, these are not canon, and might simply reflect in-universe rumor or deliberate falsification of history in order to construct the Imperial past), why were the 2nd and 11th primarchs and legions purged and rendered damnatio memoriae? This is the ultimate “fill in the blanks” deliberate gap in the mythos, so it is possible GW will never settle on a definitive answer, but I see five possibilities that could be teased out as the new saga to develop when the Horus Heresy series wraps up.

1, the legions were wiped out in the Emperor’s service on His direct orders during the Great Crusade, being annihilated in the course of a campaign, both primarchs falling in combat. The defeat was so comprehensive it threatened to burst the bubble of Imperial invincibility and the Emperor’s infallibility and so had to be swept under the rug.

2, the legions were fundamentally compromised by a gene flaw and either dwindled away to nothing or were purged; their primarchs, who refused to allow this to happen, rose up and fell with them. This would follow the pattern of existing lore, where the Emperor’s Children and Thousand Sons barely survived significant gene errors, and the Space Wolves and Blood Angels still live with theirs.

3, the primarchs and their legions were coopted somehow by a xenos species and swapped sides to fight against the Imperium, being destroyed in the process. What we know about the Rangdan xenocides hints at this, as does the Emperor’s xenophobia as its legacy, but the fact no such thing has happened in the 10 millennia since would require some serious explaining.

4, the legion primarchs fell to Chaos and rose up against the Emperor, taking the bulk of their legions with them because they were corrupted by the ruinous powers. The Emperor couldn’t allow awareness of Chaos to upset his manifesto for scientific rationality as the guiding light of the Imperium, so all knowledge of this episode was suppressed.

5, the primarchs defied the Emperor because they were increasingly horrified by his lust for absolute power and could no longer be a part of his grand vision. After one exterminatus of a non-compliant world too many, they finally split with him on humanitarian grounds in a desperate bid to forge a better, democratic galaxy.

Both options 4 and 5 would also tie in with option 3, as the rebel primarchs might either in option 4, forge a devil’s alliance with the xenos, or, more intriguin

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 8
📅︎ Dec 11 2021
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Wow, when it comes to that Damnatio Memoriae those romans really don't kid around...
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👤︎ u/Subduction
📅︎ Oct 11 2021
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Worg - Damnatio Memoriae [9th Anniversary Circular Limited (Name your price)] circularlimited.bandcamp.…
👍︎ 5
📅︎ Jul 12 2021
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The Paladins of the Damnatio Memoriae are ready for their Crusade. "May the Deprived find salvation in the Powers, may the Heretic burn for their faithlessness, and may the Tartuffe be Excommunicated, Execrated, and Expunged." reddit.com/gallery/ndo3vr
👍︎ 97
📅︎ May 16 2021
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Damnatio memoriae — с латинского «проклятие памяти» — особая форма наказания, издревле применявшаяся к отдельным видам преступлений.

Забавно, но принцип Damnatio memoriae не всегда срабатывал именно по причине его буквального воплощения. Про сгоревший храм Артемиды имеется версия, что у граждан Эфеса частенько интересовались — кого им следует забыть, и они отвечали: Герострата!

А в средневековой Венеции одного из заговорщиков убрали с «доски почёта» правителей, заменив надпись следующим образом: «Здесь было имя Марино Фальера, обезглавленного за совершенные преступления».

Кроме того, «Проклятие памяти» изрядно дискредитировано политической борьбой — от египетских фараонов, «забывавших» предшественников, до советских «врагов народа». Тем не менее, отголоски Damnatio memoriae существуют и в нынешнем законодательстве РФ. В частности тела «лиц, смерть которых наступила в результате пресечения их террористической акции, для погребения не выдаются, о месте захоронения не сообщается».

Подобная норма вызвала множество «правозащитных» споров, однако она применялась и много ранее. Например, где упокоился прах старшего брата Ленина — Александра Ульянова, повешенного за подготовку покушения на царя? По месту исполнения приговора — в крепости Орешек (бывшая Шлиссельбургская). Несмотря на все тогдашние «милосердие» и «христианские ценности» тела казненных родственникам не выдали.


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👤︎ u/5igorsk
📅︎ May 21 2021
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Damnatio memoriae
👍︎ 49
👤︎ u/dankniclas
📅︎ Jan 14 2021
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Damnatio memoriae alla lega

Ho avuto una realizzazione. Non voglio più avere niente a che fare con la lega, Salvini, e, soprattutto, i leghisti. Non è così banale, perché sono sempre stato uno che combatte per le proprie idee e a cui piace discutere. Stavolta no. Voglio chiudere gli occhi per 5/6 anni e riaprirli solo quando i leopardi avranno mangiato la faccia di tutti i beceri che sono contro la droga, che parlano da padre, che sono illuminati dalla Madonna sul palco. E poi a Bibbiano non c'è veramente un cazzo, è inutile che ve ne parliamo.

Ora, dal punto di vista personale, per essere meno danneggiati possibile da questo cancro politico basta spostare i soldi in Svizzera, affinché l'imminente tracollo non possa impattarli troppo, e tagliare i ponti con lo zio carabiniere con la terza media, che dice che i migranti gli hanno rubato il lavoro. Anche se lui è in pensione da quando ha 46 anni. Facile. Gestibilissimo.

Il difficile è eliminarli completamente dal web. Ora, è facile tagliare la prima testa dell'idra, ovvero bloccare il Capy su ogni piattaforma da me utilizzata, ma le sue ramificazioni arrivano sotto forma di retweet e opinioni più o meno sgrammaticate. Se ci pensate, dal punto di vista informatico il problema è complesso, ma non irrisolvibile. Se Facebook ci fa vedere solamente le cose che ci interessano, allora potenzialmente abbiamo la possibilità di liberarci di quelle che disprezziamo.

Nell'attesa che Google tiri fuori dal cappello un device alla Black Mirror che sostituisca agli stand della lega un grosso quadrato arcobaleno, possiamo raccogliere qualche strumento per fare un opt out da tutto ciò? Voi cosa utilizzate per far penetrare il meno possibile le opinioni della alt-right nostrana nella vostra vita sul web, e in luoghi meno nobili?

👍︎ 35
👤︎ u/iyxlucuvof
📅︎ Nov 27 2019
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TIL about Damnatio Memoriae. People’s likenesses were destroyed and his name stricken from the records. The process of damnatio memoraie was intended to be a permanent judgement. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dam…
👍︎ 54
📅︎ Jun 26 2020
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The Marquisate of Finale was an important political entity, but Genoa was very successfull in its Damnatio Memoriae.
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👤︎ u/Elq3
📅︎ Mar 15 2021
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Damnatio Memoriae
👍︎ 28
👤︎ u/Xisuthrus
📅︎ Feb 22 2021
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Zanimljiv isječak iz dokumentarca Damnatio memoriae v.redd.it/tol674wsn0j61
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👤︎ u/Randomoneh
📅︎ Feb 22 2021
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Damnatio memoriae

This is a quick one:

I know the importance of maintaining no contact on our part, and staying away from social media. I have, and it’s helped tremendously.

In Psychopath Free, the author describes the Discard as a “Relationship Coup” where there is a sudden and shocking upending of the order, and a social media campaign to depict a new perfect life, which most people never question.

I know I have been contacted by mutual friends who described how suddenly all traces of me, years of photos, disappeared overnight, and pictures of her “new” boyfriend appeared. My mutual friends were taken aback because it seemed as if my exwBPD and her “new” partner had always been together. Of course they had been together longer than the official Changing of the Guard, but I digress.

Now Psychopath Free says Flying Moneys will blindly praise a new relationship and say “you go girl!” without ever wondering what happened to “the love of her life” a week before. I don’t really understand that, I’m always unsettled when someone on my social media ”suddenly” starts posting pictures with someone new, with apparent familiarity that doesn’t mesh with how long it’s been since posting pictures with the last person they wrote effusive captions about.

It has truly never occurred to me to scrub my social media of pictures of someone I dated. The only person this bothered was my exwBPD and for some reason it bothered her intensely.

Can someone explain the mechanisms at work here?

👍︎ 14
👤︎ u/Shackrats
📅︎ Jan 09 2021
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Damnatio Memoriae

Have you been recently dumped?

Are you still struggling with the pain of your breakup?

Does the thought of how your ex is doing still get under your skin?

Well gather around kids, because I have the perfect solution for you.

Damnatio Memoriae!

This classic method dates back to Roman times when a person was wiped from all records so they would be forgotten to history!

Damnatio Memoriae is the foolproof method for moving on from your ex. In fact, Damnatio Memoriae will force you to wonder if they even existed!

Damnatio Memoriae can be achieved in a number of fun ways, including :

  • Never using their name
  • Deleting all their photos from your social media
  • Using a fun name to describe them like "It" or "They who can't be named"
  • Photshopping them out of your photos on social media
  • Treating them like a complete stranger if you cross paths with them
  • Acting like the relationship never happened!

And if you really want to get the point across, make sure they can see your handiwork in erasing them from existence on your social media.

Damnatio Memoriae. Relegating exes from history since time immemorial.

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📅︎ May 18 2021
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📅︎ Feb 18 2021
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Damnatio memoriae am I right?
👍︎ 7
📅︎ Jan 04 2021
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The Paladins of the Damnatio Memoriae are ready for their Crusade. "May the Deprived find salvation in the Powers, may the Heretic burn for their faithlessness, and may the Tartuffe be Excommunicated, Execrated, and Expunged." reddit.com/gallery/ndne02
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📅︎ May 16 2021
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History of Erasing Unpopular Leaders: Damnatio Memoriae

During the early Roman Empire two millennia ago, an emperor might be deified after he died if he was popular and good. (Think: the Divine Augustus.) Alternatively, if he was unpopular and wicked, he was “erased” from society’s memory.

The Latin term Damnatio Memoriae means the condemnation of the memory of a person by the Senate. The practice of the abolition of a person’s name is ancient.

Is this similar to the modern “cancel culture?”

Q: Why haven’t we heard more about this?

Because it was erased! Well, not completely, and sometimes not permanently. You know of someone who was erased, but you probably didn’t realize it, as I’ll explain.

Divine Augustus

Augustus, the first Emperor of Rome, portrayed the empire as a family under the emperor’s benevolent rule, and he passed legislation penalizing divorce, adultery, and familial disobedience. In contrast, he conferred political advantages upon fathers of three or more children. Bachelors who shirked “the duty of marriage” were penalized in their right to inherit, and they could not even secure good seats at the games! The census he ordered, mentioned in the Nativity story, may have been to evaluate the result of his reforms.

Upon his death, in 14 A.D., he was deified with the divinely sanctioned authority of the Roman State. The Senate elevated him in the act of apotheosis (“to deify a human”). Temples throughout the Empire were built for him; an Imperial cult was developed around him. He even got a month named after him.

About 25 Roman emperors were deified or consecrated after their death.

Emperor Nero

Nero, the fifth Emperor of Rome, was one of the most infamous Emperors of the Imperial period.

Though the first five years of his reign were viewed positively, he was later associated with extravagant living, a debauched lifestyle, and tyranny. He was heir to his great-uncle Claudius (made famous by the TV-series I Claudius) and succeeded him at 17. His mother Agrippina (whom he later killed) and his tutor Seneca guided the early years of his reign. He also killed his first wife and rival step-brother Britannicus. He fancied himself a great actor, musician, and charioteer. He showered his subjects with theatres and games.

Although Nero’s “bread and circuses” were popular with t

... keep reading on reddit ➡

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👤︎ u/billpetro
📅︎ Feb 25 2021
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The ol' Marino Faliero. Damnatio Memoriae. (To treating T's legacy as a president)
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👤︎ u/xesaie
📅︎ Jan 09 2021
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Intentionally Removing People From History (Damnatio Memoriae) youtube.com/watch?v=yXWlR…
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👤︎ u/LordJim11
📅︎ Jun 13 2020
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Could the US President do a sort of Damnatio Memoriae with a single executive order

Can a US president issue a single executive order to undo all of a prior president's executive orders as a sort of blanket reversal? Or do they have to specify each prior order they are reverting, or can they only do it one at a time or something else?

(Just curious, I'm not suggesting there'll be an executive order that just goes 'undo' the past 4 years, even if it was possible).

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📅︎ Nov 09 2020
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Damnatio memoriae, colorised
👍︎ 82
👤︎ u/Sparrinsky
📅︎ Aug 31 2018
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SCP-5093: Damnatio Memoriae scp-wiki.net/scp-5093
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📅︎ Jun 08 2020
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How can we know damnatio memoriae was applied to somebody in the past?

I'm really interested on it because for example it's known that damnatio memoriae was applied to pharaoh Hatshepsut. But how do we know that that happened if it was supposedly erased from history?

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👤︎ u/jones_30g
📅︎ Jul 14 2020
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Damnatio Memoriae (That’s Latin For Cancel Culture) directory.libsyn.com/epis…
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📅︎ Mar 07 2021
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Damnatio memoriae: σβήνoντας τη μνήμη - INFO-WAR info-war.gr/damnatio-memo…
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📅︎ Jan 21 2021
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Damnatio Memoriae Is a Modern Latin Phrase Meaning "Condemnation of Memory".
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📅︎ Apr 02 2021
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The Damnatio Memoriae of JonTron

The Romans had a punishment known as "damnatio memoriae", where the condemned was struck from history, making them effectively dead and forgotten, make no mistake, this purge of videos is just the start.

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👤︎ u/jordybee94
📅︎ Jun 09 2020
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The DNC/MSM is conducting a modern day 'Damnatio Memoriae' of Tulsi Gabbard. A short video on the history of this political tactic | Today I Found Out youtu.be/yXWlRxrQEU8
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👤︎ u/epiphras
📅︎ Mar 17 2020
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Elaglabus was sentenced to Damnatio Memoriae. So how come we have sources for him?
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📅︎ Jul 27 2019
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For who didnt, know Inbred king Tut damnatio memoriae his father and restroyed the religion he created, he was pretty a Chad v.redd.it/orqzw30wx2751
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📅︎ Jun 26 2020
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Damnatio memoriae ? IDK
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👤︎ u/ggtawa
📅︎ Dec 08 2020
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Volevi fare una damnatio memoriae
👍︎ 191
📅︎ Dec 13 2019
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Damnatio Memoriae
👍︎ 1k
👤︎ u/AulusSSBM
📅︎ Jun 04 2019
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Was the Roman practice of damnatio memoriae really intended to erase all memory of the person it targeted? If so, how do we still know about all the people who were condemned?
👍︎ 13
📅︎ Feb 21 2021
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