A list of puns related to "Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija"
FOREWORD : This table was brought into discussion in the post which is, I believe, now deleted. In this post I will demonstrated the destiny of Serb cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija between 1999 and 2014. The point is not to provide any narrative: everyone is free to conclude whatever he wants; I'm a historian (that's not too interested in the 20^(th) century), not a national worker. The best piece of evidence that demonstrates how passionatelly I hate Albanians and their culture is the Serbian-Albanian dictionary I bought yesterday. The table has been mostly copied from the synthesis called: Artistic Heritage of the Serbian People in Kosovo and Metohija: History, Identity, Vulnerability, Protection, eds. D. Vojvodić, M. Marković, Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2017, pp. 404-413. The sources for the table shall be provided after the table, together with explanations for marks in the "Name" column. I'll provide a couple of photos from the same book in order to illustrate the devastation. I might also make a map when I get some free time.
I'd beg the readers not to tie this to any political discussion, but to concentrate on heritage lost.
NO. | Name | Municipality | Date of Creation | Condition 1999 - March 2004 | March 2004 | March 2004 - 2014 |
1 | Buzovik, the Monastery of the Holy Archangels (CM 1509) | Vitina | 14^(th) century | Destroyed | The traces of the existence of the monastery were being removed. | |
2 | Vučitrn, the Church of St. Elijah (CA) | Vučitrn | 1834 | Set on fire | Burned down | Iconostasis moved to Banjska. |
3 | Vučitrn, historic urban core (CA) | Vučitrn | 19^(th) century | Damaged in NATO bombing | ||
4 | Gojbulja, the ruins of the cemetery Church of St. Paraskeve (CA) | Vučitrn | 16^(th) century/1986 | Broken in and desecrated in 2006. | ||
5 | Samodreža, the Church of St. John the Precursor (CA) | Vučitrn | 1932 | Demolished,set on fire | Unsecured, exposed to desecration. | |
6 | Loćane, the log cabin of the Danilović family (CM 1381) | Dečani | 18^(th) century | Destroyed | ||
7 | Donji Ratiš, the Church of the Holy Trinity | Dečani | ?/1935 | Damaged, demolished | ||
8 | Belica, the Church of St. George (CM) | Istok | 14^(th)-15^(th) century | Set on fire | Unsecured. | |
9 | Djurakovac, the Church of St. Nicholas (CM 1381) | Istok | 16^(th) century | Torn down | ||
10 | Koš, the residential tower of the Tomić family (CA) | Istok | Late 19^(th) century | Torn down | Unsecured. | |
11 | Gnjilane, the Chuch of St. Nicholas (CG) | Gnjil |
I'm from Austria (many generations) and was a kid during the Kosovo war. A way older friend from Serbia recently pointed me to the online version of the book "The Christian Heritage of Kosovo and Metohija" during a discussion. Do you consider the book worth a read to better understand Serbian culture and history, or is it overly biased and wrong about things? I'm interested, but it's a quite long book and I don't want to get a perhaps wrong or one-sided view and simply don't know better, so I figured you may have some more insight. I get that it's history and some information may look the way it does due to whomever was able to "make history" back then, but I want to get a feel for whether it's some sort of propaganda thing or a good reference for Serbian history.
Све је извеснији почетак градње велике војне базе у Јужној Митровици,на Косову и Метохији.
Испланирано је да се база изгради на брду Црнуша (оло 1010 метара надморске висине) и да заузима површину од око 200 хектара,чиме би била парњак америчком војном кампу Бондстил,што је и замишљено.
За назив базе је одабран назив "Иса Бољетинац", по албанском терористи и вођи "Албанског устанка" из 1910.године,Иси Бољетинцу.
Објекат је намењен и планиран за такозвану "Војску Косова" или "Косовске снаге безбедности",чије људство покрива читаву територију Космета и има продор и пролаз у сва насељена места.
Положај базе блокира везу са Централном Србијом и еветуалној хуманитарној или било каквој помоћи из Србије.
У случају неког новог погрома,анисрпске или шовинистичке војне формације би могле протерати становништво и људе све до границе са Централном Србијом.
Изградња ове базе се противи готово сваком закону и међународном праву, услед чега јасно крши и резолуцију 1244 , Уједињених нација.
Место на ком је испланирана градња базе се налази уз саму границу са областима са већинским српским становништвом,због чега су многи веома забринути.
Стратешки и тактички положај места овог објекта је изузетно повољан и битан,због чега је више пута бомбардован од стране нато алијансе, 1999. године,у време Велике нато агресије.
English:The beginning of the construction of a large military base in South Mitrovica, Kosovo and Metohija is becoming more certain. It is planned to build the base on the hill Crnuša (about 1010 meters above sea level) and to occupy an area of about 200 hectares, which would be a counterpart to the American military camp Bondsteel, which is what was imagined. The name "Isa Boljetinac" was chosen for the name of the base, after the Albanian terrorist and leader of the "Albanian Uprising" from 1910, Isa Boljetinac. The facility is intended and planned for the so-called "Kosovo Army" or "Kosovo Security Force", whose personnel cover the entire territory of Kosmet and have penetration and passage into all populated areas.The position of the base blocks the connection with Central Serbia and possible humanitarian or any help from Serbia. In the event of a new pogrom, anti-Serb or chauvinist military formations could expel the population and people all the way to the border with Central Serbia. The construction of this base contradicts almost every law and international law, as a result of which it clearly vi
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