A list of puns related to "White Genocide Conspiracy Theory"
Hey friends.
Looking for some answers from people. I'll keep it short as I could probably write a lot on this.
Anyway, I basically feel like some of the biggest steps in my conspiracy theory journey were de-emotionalizing my view of history and the present and looking at the facts in an unbiased and un prejudiced manner. For example, regardless of what you think of Hitler, there was a point where I realized that the Nazis were not actually the "putting cigarettes out in babies eyes" and "making lampshades from human skin" comic book style supervillains that they are basically portrayed as in school.
This type of deconditioning allowed me to see reality for the first time. As I am white, and part Jewish, this also allowed me to get a view on reality I feel that our culture is missing. As a part Jew (I don't identify as Jewish for the record, I identify as white), it was very easy for me to realize that taking my heritage and race seriously didn't mean that I want to gas Jewish people and murder non-white people in the streets.
Somehow I've come to this point where I feel like what is most logical and true is also what is most taboo in my society. I am a white person, I love Western culture which was created by white people, and I'm concerned about the future of Europe, my ethnic homeland, and about the future of white people in America as they become a minority. I hate the fact that white people are taught to hate themselves, and I feel that without creating a positive white identity, white people are just going to become a defunct entity that gradually slips into extinction / a state of degeneracy.
None of this means that I think white people are better than any other race, or that I want to kill minorities, or anything like that - nor does it mean I discount the bad things white people have done in the past. Quite the opposite, I envision a future where all races are proud of who they are and their heritage and are allowed to flourish and steward their own destinies as they see fit. Ironically I am the most able to be upfront and clear about my racial views with my Black co-workers who are involved in Black lives matter. Then when I have the same conversations with my white friends, they act like I am wearing a KKK robe. Whenever I bring up white people as an entity even my girlfriend says things like "Oh is this a white supremacy thing?" or "Is this about 'racial purity' or something"?
I want to reach other white people and tell them that they've b
... keep reading on reddit β‘Foundational beliefs of a someone holding a victim mindset:
We can easily draw these connections to almost all conspiracies but it seems especially apparent with this conversation. There are some assumptions that feel foundational to their position:
White culture is inherently weak- Despite being the most mainstream and commercialized culture around the world with the vast majority of global media being white, these people think that less representation feel like no representation. The vast media outreach is either ignored or twisted into something more malicious rather than acknowledging the commercial success.
White people are victims of crime from minorities Ignoring per capita statistics and cherry picking shows a desire to arrive at a certain outcome. Minorities are far greater victims of their own crime but the solution isn't how to reduce the crime- it's how to reduce the minorities. The assumption being that white people won't slip into poverty and crime as the market shifts.
The white bloodline is inherently weak - If someone having a colored parent stops you from being white, does having a mixed race person have kids with a white person and they have 75% white kids- are those kids white? If the answer is no then white genes are by obviously weaker than others by your own definition.
The establishment is actively promoting the white genocide, stating that Destinys success is because hes an establishment mouthpiece- Avoiding responsibility and a sense of powerlessness are core tenants of a victim mindset
They believe that white children are being taught to hate themselves- They think that unbiased historical education, is training to hate white people because they want others to think that they are hated so that the
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