A list of puns related to "Uninspiring"
Like everybody else I am excited for what is to come after relic released the road map. The Hulk being nerfed and some game breaking bugs being ironed out is very good news. I am also happy to see a cost reduction for the repeater crossbows.
However I hope Relic will show the two least played civs in Genesis some more love from a balance perspective. For China it is very hard to deal with armored units in castle age although the buff to their unique unit should at least help a little bit with that (it still requires to move up a dynasty which is a big investment early)
For HRE I actually hope for some interesting changes regarding their religious or defensive capabilities since these two are supposed to be main keywords for the civ but do feel very lackluster (janky monk synergy with military, their keeps still falling very fast to bombards like any other keeps etc.)
I mein compare the civ Bonus descriptions from say French and Rus with the HRE. It just feels underwhelming and uninspired (PUN intended)
Did the developers mention any changes to HRE or Chinese?
I figured that I'm not the only person who has done this and has these opinions and critiques of 5e, so I wanted to share this on this sub and see if I could get some discussion going on this topic.
Obligatory disclaimer: I'm not trying to start any edition wars or anything. Play whatever version of the game you like, none of them are badwrongfun. I still think 5e is ok, but 5e is good to use for critique and analysis that simultaneously highlights 4eโs strengths, as it is currently the most popular RPG and iteration of D&D.
For context: I got into D&D and the RPG hobby in 2012, and 4e was my first RPG. I switched over to 5e when it was released two years later, and ostensibly abandoned 4e until recently. After running and playing 5e fairly often for about four years, I became very frustrated and dissatisfied with the system to the point that I no longer enjoyed running it.
Overall, I think 5e is unsatisfying. It is too simple in areas where it should have more complexity, but it is also too complicated in areas where it should be more simplistic. To elaborate on this, here are some of the issues I have with 5e that immediately come to mind:
KL Rahul comes to mind for his IPL team, where he played great but his captaincy was very uninspiring
So, I work in Marketing and Iโm stuck at this job that I canโt really quit because I have nothing else lined up at the moment (working on it).
It was supposed to be a great job creating a team plus its strategy from scratch, but I ended up getting caught up in office politics, endless bureaucracy and a boss that keeps backtracking and not giving me any leeway to make all the changes the team needs to be fully functional.
To others in the same situation: how do you cope? How do you keep yourself inspired, motivated, and energised to keep going? Do you either stick it out or look for a way out and quit ASAP?
*A few facts about me: Iโm in my early 40s, diagnosed back in 2020 and currently unmedicated (had too many side effects so my doctor and I decided to go without meds for a while). This is only my second managerial position and I sometimes struggle with that as well. Also, Iโm not the US (may be relevant to some of the responses this might get).
ETA: Iโm working from home and the company I work for is remote first, so thereโs no office to come back to.
I'm working my way through the Horus Heresy series and I'm at The Primarchs, and until now I've not really read much that's focused on the Iron Hands, apart from their limited roles getting smacked around on Istvaan, so I was pretty excited to read the Feat of Iron short story, but having read it I'm now massively disappointed.
I'd read in other posts that Ferrus was a potential contender for Warmaster and/or that, had he sided with Chaos, it would have tipped the war in their direction, so effective was he as a commander, but Feat of Iron just makes him look spectacularly closed minded and ineffective. His response to everything seems to be to get mad about it, to the extent that his own sons fear he'll kill them in a rage, and then tell people to do it harder/better. He reads like he's one step up from Angron in terms of planning and leadership.
Actually, the thing Ferrus most reminds me of in this story is actually the traitor/Chaos primarchs from stories after they've turned. Compared to pre-heresy Horus or Fulgrim, for example, Ferrus comes across as pretty uninspired and brutish.
The Iron Hands themselves don't come across as much better, although in comparison to their Primarch they're positively chilled out. Once again though, very tactically inflexible and derisive of anything other than IH doctrine.
I know that being grumpy robot lads is the core philosophy of the Iron Hands, so I expected a bit of it, but my understanding was that Ferrus hadn't actually been so much about the self hate, but instead it was an attitude that had come about as a result of the injuries and losses taken in the Heresy (most specifically Ferrus' death). Am I misunderstanding, or is this just not well written?
Disclaimer: This is just talking about album cover aesthetics it doesn't pertain to their music in anyway shape or form.
I really appreciate groups that goes out of their way to create aesthetic album covers by creating artful and creative designs. I'm mostly in tuned with Hybe groups and I absolutely how they design their cover albums. BTS with the LY series, how the design blooms, disintegrate and morph into hearts throughout each era, GENIUS.
All of TXT albums that are variations of the T and X letter.
Enhypen's Dimension Dilemma is striking and memorable.
Seventeen Your Choice and all of the An Ode (we'll just ignore the horrible packaging) is really pretty and aesthetically pleasing.
Mamamoo is another group that has very on brand album covers but nonetheless pretty in it's simplicity.
Idle on the other hand has very uninspiring album design except for I burn. I appreciate Soyeon's Windy, cause it's so her as a creative individual.
Album covers that I really consider ugly are the ones with all the members on the cover. I love Fever by Gfriend but the cover of that album is so ugly. Feels like a highschool design class project. Gidle's I Am and I Made album is also such a turn off (Music wise I love them to pieces). Wannaone was particularly a guilty proponent of "Just put the group picture" as album covers. I*zone's Coloriz displease me like I would never display that and just show the spine on the shelf.
I wish album cover designs are more thematically driven. That it tells a story or indicates how the songs would sound like in some shape or form.
So what albums from which group that you find aesthetically pleasing or ugly. Why?
This is the design they decided to go with. Our cityscape is already ugly, now this boring eye sore.
Last week, I had a pretty uninspiring meeting with my Primary Care Doctor. Iโve mentioned in recent posts that Iโve started seeing an LLMD and heโs been great at listening to what I have to say. However, before I was made aware of Lyme-Literate Doctors, I went straight to my PCP via email and asked him to order a test for Lyme and some co-infections. Iโve also touched upon this story in recent posts, but basically what happened was I never received a Lyme result and only received negative results for Anaplasma and Ehrlichia. Iโm not really sure if my Doctor ever even ordered a test for Lyme, or if the lab blew it on the testing. Anyhow, I had another appointment with my Primary last week, which was just a standard physical. Obviously he is aware that Iโve been feeling pretty awful for the past couple of months and he asked if I had gotten any better. I told him that I started seeing an LLMD and that he had ordered an abundance of blood-work that ACTUALLY included a Western-Blot for Lyme, along with tests for Babesia, Bartonella, Epstein-Barr, and plenty of other blood-related lab tests. I also informed my Primary that my LLMD suspected Lyme and some probable tick-borne co-infections. My PCPโs response to this was honestly just uninspiring and made me feel like I was doing the โwrongโ thing. He told me that LLMDโs are usually money-grabs and that they tend to push a diagnosis of Lyme Disease on their patients. He also told me that he was from Upstate New York, or in his words, the โepicenter of Lyme Disease,โ so therefore he knew a lot about the disease. Before I say anything else, let me preface all of this by saying that my PCP is a good guy and he seems like somewhat of a good doctor. He is young and just replaced my old PCP that had recently retired last April, so heโs definitely not the most experienced. But, I couldnโt help but feel uninspired after leaving his office last week. I just wish he didnโt basically discourage me about seeing an LLMD when he didnโt even order a Lyme test for me to begin with. I donโt want to make too much of a big deal out if this, but maybe it might be time for a new Primary Doctor.
The saga for our first measurable snowfall of the season is finally over, in Boulder at least. In a rather uninspiring fashion, the city reported its first official snowfall early Wednesday morning before sunrise. The city's official climate station at Broadway & 27th Way reported 0.3" of snowfall, tying 2016 for the latest on record (November 17th). Don't forget that last year we had the earliest first snow (September 8th). How crazy is that?
While some spotty light snow was expected overnight, accumulation was not and was a bit of a surprise for many! Still 0.3" (0.02" of actual precip) doesn't change much for the drought situation around here obviously. It just ends the constant discussion about when our first snow will occur! And it doesn't even fully do that because Denver missed out and is still waiting...
We posted a short discussion of the first snow event and how it fits into the climatology for Boulder. You might enjoy it: https://www.bouldercast.com/in-rather-uninspiring-fashion-boulder-reported-its-first-snowfall-of-the-season-last-night-tying-2016-for-the-latest-on-record/
With the recent announcement of the itchika nito signature and how unavoidable the news has been on various subreddits and discords I found myself once again reflecting on the fact that it seems like everyone is hyped on a certain type of modern guitar player that I just find completely uninteresting. It's hard to put parameters on what kind of guitar player this is in a few words, but it usually involves somebody that has a huge YouTube/IG presence, does a lot of new flashy techniques like two handed taps, uses compression to a great degree, plays a lot of ideas that might be described as "anime chord progressions".
Sure it is technically impressive but I just don't find it interesting at all, and it's a little bit of a downer that so many places you would go to talk about guitar playing, most of the people are already so fixated on these kind of players.
Edit: I've got to say that I was expecting this post to be downvoted into oblivion. But instead I learned that hundreds of people feel the same way I do, which is cool. Might have been obvious to others, but when you're staring down a algorithm that just keeps showing you more and more of this kind of stuff, it's easy to get depressed and feel like that's all anyone cares about until you actually hear from other people.
To those who like this stuff, cool and good for you! I'm not trying to talk anybody out of liking something that they enjoy and they are is plenty of space out there for everybody to do their own thing :)
As a jokey Christmas gift I wanna make a book of uninspiring quotes.
If you have any, leave em as comment please
Example: "don't worry if you hate yourself, everyone else hates you too"
I was born in the USSR. One of the only things I liked about the soviet socialism was its ambition and strength, and how inspiring it was.
Many scientists and engineers were celebrated as heroes.
Every successful launch to the Moon or Mars was the most important event of the year, immortalized in monuments and building-size frescos.
Some of the most popular songs were about building Mars settlements, and achieving technological immortality (e.g. the song "ะะฐัะฐะปะพ" by ะะตัะตะฝะบะพ).
Accelerating technological progress was the second most important thing after spreading socialism around the world.
The Earth was (rightfuly) percieved as a mere source of resources for the galactic expansion of the humanity, not as some holy cow in need of saving at all cost.
The Chinese socialism seems to preserve this ambition, inspiration, and strength of the soviet socialism.
I'm not a socialist (the life in the USSR is a very efficient vaccine). But at least I can respect Chinese socialists.
Most US socialists I've encountered are disgustingly meek in comparison.
It seems that their most utopic vision is some kind of a pan-american eco-friendly kindergarten with safe spaces and free weed. There is no ambition beyound that. It's the kind of people who write stoned comments like "fix the Earth first" to the posts about the exploration of Mars.
So, why is socialism in the US is so uninspiring and meek?
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