I was explaining to my dad "internet" tabletop games

So I said, "It's like normal tabletoping, but we do it using one of our chat apps." My brother responds, "It's called Discord!" To which my dad says, "Are you sure it's not datcord?"

👍︎ 23
📅︎ Feb 09 2018
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Any punny name suggestions for a board game cafe?
👍︎ 6
📅︎ Dec 09 2019
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[Pun Request] Vampire Restaurant

Hope requests are allowed, I have a vampire ( or similar) running an inn, "Bring out your bread" in a tabletop game and I need ideas for food and drinks. Currently I have steak, bloody Mary, Ham Helsing, and Bram Sausages Dracula ( that one didn't really work when I played it)

Any suggestions

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/redTrakor
📅︎ Mar 23 2020
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Odin would be proud

Said tonight at our tabletop game night.

My friend- "I low-key hate this game" My wife without even thinking- "well I Thor-oughly enjoy it" I was so proud

👍︎ 16
📅︎ Aug 05 2017
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Superfight is a fun game to play

Superfight is a tabletop game where you make a character with random attributes from the selection of cards dealt to yourself. You will need to justify how your character and their attributes can beat your opponent's character.

We were playing this through Tabletop Simulator and I played a character card titled "Leonardo".

Gf: Dicaprio or Da Vinci

Me: No, DaTurtle

👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/Alecx3
📅︎ May 27 2017
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Dadjoked at IHOP.

Eating at IHOP with my lady, and like the mature adults we are, we're playing tabletop football with our sugar packets. The waitress, who happens to have a Poppins-esque English accent, comes by to let us know our food will be up shortly, then says, "If you get really good, one day you might be in the sugar bowl." I have been satisfied for the rest of the day.

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/A-town
📅︎ Jan 20 2015
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