Has anyone experienced a Santo Daime ceremony in Canada?

I am very interested in trying ayahuasca to address some underlying issues that I have. It seems like there are a few churches in Canada that offer single day Santo Daime ceremonies.

Does anyone have experiences to share?

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📅︎ Aug 24 2021
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Anybody here a member of Santo Daime church?

I would love to talk!

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📅︎ Oct 31 2021
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Santo Daime Churches in MA

Hi, my name is Jorge Moraes, and I am looking for a Santo Daime Church in MA. I would appreciate if anyone could give any advise on that. Thank you!

Muito Obrigado!

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📅︎ Oct 11 2021
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You might want to check out Santo Daime and other Brazilian ayahuasca religions

If you are interested in psychedelic Christianity. It’s a syncretic form of folk Catholicism that has successfully integrated ayahuasca into worship.

I was a participant for around 7 years and found it to be really inspirational for how psychedelics and spirituality can combine harmoniously. I also found the ritual context of a Santo Daime work to be a really safe and structured environment for psychedelic exploration.

Personally I don’t consider myself a Christian but I think Santo Daime, and practices like it, would really resonate well for people who identify with Christianity.

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📅︎ Aug 08 2021
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Santo Daime in Florida experiences


I’m very interested in trying ayahuasca and there’s no way that I can afford soul quest. I have extensive early childhood trauma so, I rather not have my first experience aboard. I have no idea what my experience will be like and I rather not have to be in a different culture speaking through a translator. Sure Florida is already a cultural shock ;- )

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📅︎ Dec 26 2020
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What do you think about ayahuasca/santo daime?

A lot of foreigners come to Brazil and I think Peru to do this substance. One of my good friends quit everything to become a religious follower of santo daime, he lives doing missions in the forest and what not. I feel like I would just go crazy if I took the tea. Also sure as hell wouldn't do it in the middle of amazon with no hospitals in close radius

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📅︎ Jul 08 2020
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Santo Daime experiences

Hey there guys I’m going to attend santo Daime ceremony next month and I’m wondering if the experience differs from a shamanic ceremony? Has anyone attended both , and were the experiences different ? I’m asking because I’m wondering if the hymns and the environment steer the experience. Thank you I’m advance

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📅︎ Sep 26 2020
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Santo Daime for all in Florida?


I’m desperately trying to contact the brotherhoodlv in Florida to no avail. Has anyone been their lately? I literally have to travel for a day and money is a big obstacle. I can’t travel there blindly on a whim.

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📅︎ Nov 12 2020
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Avete avuto esperienze personali con la Chiesa di Assisi Regina della Pace del Santo Daime? O più in generale con Il Santo Daime? O ancora più alla larga con l'uso cerimoniale dell'ayahuasca?

Come da titolo :) ma se aveste voglia di leggere vi spiego il contesto nel quale vi pongo la domanda.

Sono un appassionato di mitologia, sciamensimo e storia antica, la maggior parte della mia esperienza si è limitata finora al bacino del Mediterraneo. Alcuni anni orsono mi ero interessato al fenomeno delle religioni Dionisiache, tutti quei culti di matrice Orientale, che prevedono l'uso di sostanze inebrianti come l'Oppio e il Vino in una cornice mitica di tormento, morte e resurrezione del Dio ( in cui rientra de facto anche il Cristianesimo). Questa Passione è confluita in un Libro Illustrato che ho scritto e disegnato ispirato e influenzato da quel mondo culturale. Da quando ho pubblicato il libro, il mio interesse si è esteso a fenomeni extra-mediterranei simili. Ultimamente mi sono avvicinato al cerimoniale connesso all'uso dell'ayahuasca, mistura psicoattiva che sembra assolvere ad un ruolo simile a quello degli inebrianti classici. Una versione di queste pratiche sciamaniche giunta in Europa è la chiesa del Santo Daime. Purtroppo fino a questo post, nelle mie ricerche di persone che avessero partecipato ai lavori della Chiesa, ho incontrato millantatori e manipolatori che pensavano fossi uno sciocco turlupinbile. Sono scettico di tutte le organizzazioni sociali del culto, spesso equiparabili a gruppi di potere e di sudditanza dove presunti sapienti predano gli allocchi, ma non mi permetto di giudicare niente senza conoscere. Perciò vi scrivo sperando che qualcuno tra voi possa darmi la sua opinione e le sue riflessioni. Grazie!

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👤︎ u/Haematinon
📅︎ Jul 23 2020
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Santo Daime documentary

Hi everyone,

I'm a student journalist working on a documentary about the practice of mediumship within the Santo Daime church for my graduate thesis. I'm looking to chat with anyone that has experiences with Santo Daime or incorporating spirits. I understand this is a complex topic and different branches of Santo Daime have varying approaches. I've done extensive research on the subject and spoken to church leaders and members and would love to talk to anyone willing to share their thoughts!

Hoping to hear back! Thanks for your time :)

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👤︎ u/maria5196
📅︎ Nov 14 2019
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Anyone tried Santo Daime?

May travel to Brazil in a few months, possibly to stay for the medium-to-long term if I like it there. If I do this, I’m considering joining a Santo Daime church. I have a bunch of questions about the SD (and also curious about UDV, if anyone has tried)—

Does anyone have any experience with Santo Daime? What are they like? How regularly do most people attend their ceremonies? Are they usually well-organized & safe? What is it like being part of a Santo Daime community? Do they just offer ayahuasca, or also rapé, sananga, etc? Also I have trouble coordinating my body during ceremony, would this be a problem for the dancing ceremony, or is the dancing not too strenuous? And are the sitting ceremonies overly long and boring?

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👤︎ u/dmtchimp
📅︎ Jan 17 2020
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Santo Daime Church - Céu do Vale imgur.com/x1Ai4vr
👍︎ 46
📅︎ May 08 2019
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Eu deveria tomar Chá de Santo Daime?

Recentemente eu ouvi falar nesse tal chá, parece ser uma bebida alucinógena que te faz ter “visões” do seu passado e refletir sobre quem você é e isso parece muito interessante para mim, a ideia de poder “conversar” com o meu eu interior e descobrir quem eu sou de verdade. Eu posso ficar feliz com o resultado ou não gostar dele e tentar mudar dependendo do que for, afinal, eu quero ser uma pessoa melhor. A pessoa que me falou sobre isso disse que ficou muito mal psicologicamente, chorou e ficou meio deprê por 3 dias.

Isso o que ele me disse não chega a me abalar e não querer tomar esse chá, mas na real me da mais vontade de tomar ele, pq dizem que varia bastante de pessoas para pessoas. O que me assusta foi o vídeo de uma repórter pq ela ficou com dor de barriga, diarreia enquanto o povo dançava e cantava umas musicas gospels estilo rede evangelizar da vida e de todos aqueles padres famosos e eu odeio essas musicas. A questão é que eu não sei se todos rituais são assim e se eu vou ter dor física também, ou se isso depende da pessoa. Eu gostaria de saber se mais alguém aqui passou pela experiência e pode me contar um pouco sobre ela e se vocês me encorajam a experimentar o chá ou se acham que é uma má ideia também.

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📅︎ Feb 12 2019
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Santo Daime came up in the most recent podcast

I was wondering if anyone else here has gone to any of their ceremonies. I did once a couple years ago in Bed-Stuy Brooklyn. This was the first of my only two aya experiences, or at least attempts at that. I didn't like it and worse, rather than the serpent purging and all the dramatic stuff I was expecting, nothing much happened. Not even to the level of a mild LSD trip. Since then I have become more concerned with this tendency to bring somehow remotely related religious stuff into the psychedelic scene. I understand the impulse since it feels like we are dealing with something magical, but to me it's the same old human thing of coming upon something profound and really mysterious, maybe a little scary, and coming to as easy explanation to conclude "God! It must be GOD doing this shit."

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👤︎ u/earstory
📅︎ Aug 08 2019
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Santo Daime ayahuasca alguém aqui já teve essa experiência?

Estou pensando em ir em um ritual de Santo Daime pela primeira vez esse mês.

Gostaria de ouvir de outras pessoas como foi suas experiências, o que aconteceu de bom ou ruim durante o ritual e como a experiência impactou sua vida.

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📅︎ Jun 13 2018
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Após uso de chá do Santo Daime, trio é detido nu, medita em DP de Campinas e fotos viralizam | Campinas e Região | G1 g1.globo.com/sp/campinas-…
👍︎ 41
📅︎ Jul 17 2018
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Dispatches from São Paulo: Ayahuasca, Good Work and Santo Daime

Dispatches from São Paulo: Ayahuasca, Good Work and Santo Daime

El Errante

The man in the white shirt holds out the ceramic cup, I take it and drink. The ayahuasca tea tastes like maple syrup, with some fine grit and an earthy aftertaste. I return to my seat and notice immediately that my lips and tongue have become pleasantly numb. The rest of the ritual participants approach and similarly dose with the brew. The man pours himself a cup, extinguishes the electric light and sits comfortably in his chair. As he settles in the flame of a single candle sends shadows dancing and popping around the living room. I burrow into the futon I’m sitting on, waiting for the drug to make its presence known. Finally the man who poured the tea addresses the group in a calm voice,” Bom trabalho [good work].”

Like many anarchists I have tried a host of hallucinogens in a multitude of contexts; LSD while clubbing in NYC in the 80’s, peyote in Native American Church ceremonies, mescaline with Chinese food, and MDMA for the mindblowing sex. So with the move to São Paulo I had hoped that the opportunity to try ayahuasca might happen. And sure enough the therapist I had been seeing recommended, as a treatment, trying a Santo Daime ayahuasca ritual. The coincidence gave me the odd feeling that I didn’t find ayahuasca; ayahuasca found me. I jumped at the chance.

(When invited I resolved to experience the ritual as a participant. While I have neither belief nor disbelief in God I do believe in respecting others faith. In so doing I reject Anthropology’s participant/observer academic copout. In such a situation you are either a participant or an observer, never both.)

A week later I found myself in the living room of a professional couple in São Paulo, with five other participants. A low altar stood along one wall adorned with flowers, water, cachaça, a plastic bottle of ayahuasca tea and pictures of Raimundo Irineu Serra (the founder of Santo Daime) and Padrinho Sebastião (Little Father Sebastian—a popularizer of Santo Daime in urban areas). A quick note about the Santo Daime religion—founded in the 1920’s by Raimundo Irineu Serra, a rubber tapper in the far western Brazilian state of Acre—the religion is a synthesis of indigenous shamanism, Catholic imagery and African native religions. In this sense it perfectly emulates the syncretic nature of Brazilian society and it is no surprise that urban professionals, mental health providers, agricultural workers and those on

... keep reading on reddit ➡

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📅︎ Sep 27 2017
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Santo Daime Concentration

Going to my first Santo Daime concentration soon. Anyone here that has been to one? Would like to hear some experiences/thoughts/advice etc.

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👤︎ u/Goudoog
📅︎ Jan 23 2018
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Santo Daime: the drug-fuelled religion women.timesonline.co.uk/t…
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👤︎ u/baconn
📅︎ Feb 01 2010
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What does foreing people think about Santo Daime

Hello there!

I'm a Brazilian guy student of this university of Santo Daime. I'm learning from the people wich lived with godfather Sebastião.

I've created this topic just to figure out what does foreing people think about our doctrine.


left here your thoughts

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👤︎ u/rafadev7
📅︎ May 08 2019
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Santo Daime and Healing

Hi everyone,

Have you had an experience of mental/physical/emotional healing through the religion of Santo Daime?

I'm a journalist working on a documentary about the healing power of the Daime for my graduate thesis. I would absolutely love to chat with you about your experience with the church. I've done extensive research on the subject and spoken to church leaders and members and really look forward to talking to anyone willing to share their thoughts.

We can talk off the record, I can offer you anonymity, but if you are willing to appear in the documentary then let's chat over skype or google hangouts :) If you live in the greater Toronto area we can meet in person.

Hoping to hear back! Thanks for your time.

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👤︎ u/maria5196
📅︎ Feb 19 2020
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A friend of mine has expressed interest in starting a branch of The Santo Daime Church here in the states. How realistic is this?

He's always been pretty religious and seems pretty into the idea.

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📅︎ Sep 22 2014
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Has anyone ever gone to Upstate NY to participate in any Santo Daime "Work"

3 years ago I was invited by someone to imbibe Ayahuasca at a Santo Daime gathering in High Falls NY. The entire afternoon unravelled itself to be one of the most mystical moments in my life. I literally felt reborn and healed, I wanted to return a few more times and learn more of their practice as it revealed itself to me my true nature and power however the person who led me to the group had a hidden agenda that soon proved to be deadly not long after I began manifesting energetic visions during trances. I had to remove myself from the equation and lost my connection to the group, I know I can always go to Ecuador and wander around and find a shaman but I felt more welcomed in the forests of northern Appalachia.

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👤︎ u/Cinna-stix
📅︎ Feb 20 2018
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Santo Daime in Midwest USA


I am a Santo Daimista who encountered the tradition on the West Coast of the USA. Now I live in the Midwest but have been unable to find a church in the area. Wondering if anyone can point me in the the right direction, especially Chicago, Madison, or Milwaukee areas. Thank you 🙏

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📅︎ Aug 16 2018
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First Ayahuasca experience with Santo Daime gathering

Last night I ingested ayahuasca for the first time. The group were all members of the Santo Daime church. I was invited by my friend, who was the leader of the group and the owner of the house we drank in.

We were six. We sat gathered in the late afternoon and began to drink.

The shaman offered me a full cup, but since that was thrice as big as anyone else was getting, I was hesitant and asked for less. By the end of the ceremony, I found myself wishing I had taken the full cup of this wonderful medicine. Let that be a lesson.

Then we began singing fourteen hymns in portuguese. I wasn't the biggest fan of the this. I wanted to go inward, but instead I was just reading hymns off my cellphone. Nor was I fond of the fluorescent lighting.

An hour later, we were finished with the hymns and that was the end of the ceremony.

During the ceremony, I felt a very pleasant tingling sensation in the frontal lobe of my brain, and it felt very good to rub my forehead.

I also felt sensations in the areas of my liver and stomach. It felt like the medicine was doing work down there.

All in all, it was a positive experience. The medicine was very good and I experienced kind vibrations, and some of the singing was pleasant, but I'm not the biggest fan of the tedious religious aspects of the Santo Daime rituals.

Happy Exploring!

(I've explored many other realms, including freebase DMT)

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📅︎ Jan 25 2016
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Santo Daime

Does anyone have insight into how a SD ceremony differs from a more traditional neo-shamanic ceremony which you might find in the US? I've participated in six of the latter ceremonies in California and I was curious how Santo Daime differed in their approach and philosophy. Thanks!

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📅︎ Sep 14 2016
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Psychedelic Christianity, Santo Daime and Ayahuasca psychedelicpress.co.uk/ne…
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👤︎ u/shamansun
📅︎ Apr 20 2014
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Psychedelic Christianity, Santo Daime and Ayahuasca psychedelicpress.co.uk/ne…
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👤︎ u/shamansun
📅︎ Apr 20 2014
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Santo Daime vs Uniao do Vegetal

I have been doing some research into the practices of the Santo Daime and UDV ayahuasca traditions. And it's been quite enlightening learning about how the two operate. I do have some questions that maybe someone could clarify for me. From what I have gathered from research is that the UDV has a lot of structure to it, making it very religious in practice. The Santo Daime however have many different offshoots that essentially are united by celebrating similar holidays and singing the hymns of the founder. Otherwise each church is unique unto itself. I do know that the Santo Daime have what seems to be two schools of thought, those that follow Irineu strictly and those that follow the teachings of Sebastiao. Can anyone elucidate any other differences, particularly in regards to ceremony and ritual? Can anyone recommend any good reading regarding either the Santo Daime or UDV? I am already familiar with the writings of Alex Polari de Alverga.

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📅︎ Oct 23 2016
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"Brazilian Cartoonist Glauco Vilas-Boas, Santo Daime ceremony, c. 1990" by 2x2ninja in OldSchoolCool imgur.com/zA5bMco
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📅︎ Feb 25 2016
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Santo Daime Church: Short documentary about a group of people taking the drug daime, or ayahuasca, in Australia youtube.com/watch?v=o-1-0…
👍︎ 3
📅︎ Nov 29 2017
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Santo Daime Church: Short documentary about a group of people taking the drug daime, or ayahuasca, in Australia [8,314 views] youtube.com/watch?v=o-1-0…
👍︎ 8
📅︎ Nov 29 2017
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Mestre Irineu - Founder of Santo Daime -- Brotha created his own religion and cultural phenomenon [Brazil] (which I plan to investigate) • /r/TrueBlackCulture reddit.com/r/TrueBlackCul…
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👤︎ u/westsan
📅︎ Aug 11 2014
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