A list of puns related to "Pate De Foie Gras"
Hi, quick question here from someone with little experience on a meat heavy diet. I’m eating a much more meat heavy diet (not keto but I’ll switch soon) and not noticing any bad effects that typical nutrition science would have you believe so I am continuing. Ethical issues aside, I was wondering whether high fat pate and things like foie gras are good things to eat? I figured they would be due to high fat content... and does foie gras have any of the benefits of eating liver? I really am quite clueless I’m afraid, sorry if this is all very obvious.
Also, once I switch to keto I plan to eat lots of organ meat so if anyone has advice on how much of each organ to eat a week that would be helpful!
Sorry for the ramble, hope everyone is enjoying their weekend :)
I fell in love with Ed Lee's twist on a BLT in episode 1 season 3 of Mind of a Chef. However, he uses foie gras, something outside my means to acquire. What can I use instead? Regular chicken livers and butter?
Original recipe: http://www.pbs.org/food/recipes/bacon-pate-blt/
J'ajoute que je soupçonne ce mâle blanc de voter à droite, peut être même pour Marine le pen ou pire pour Eric Zemmour.
Je me demande si je dois faire mon autocritique ou bien m'immoler par le feu en place publique, afin d'expier ces fautes, dont la gravité m'apparait, à la lumière des orientations sociétales non genrées actuelles, comme extrême et condamnable.
Je précise tout de même que je ne prendrais de mesure envers moi-même, qu'après les fêtes de Noël, car je compte bien déguster ce foie gras accompagné par un Sauternes grand cru, mis spécialement en réserve pour cette occasion.
Le Candide, Naïf et TRES Aimable Eric VII
Je viens de lire que certaines mairies de grandes villes, occupées par des maires issus du parti EELV, viennent d'interdire le foie gras dans les manifestations officielles de fin d'année (pour ne pas parler de Noël ce qui nous amènerais encore sur un autre sujet ...).
Or, je m'interroge : en quoi le fait de consommer du foie gras représente-t-il un sujet en rapport avec l'écologie ?
Merci de m'éclairer SVP.
I just think it’s nuts to think about! Small little sea creatures and crustaceans chowing down on the remains of French food, melons…when the heck else would that ever happen to them?! The unlikelihood of some random North Atlantic crab getting to eat a French brie!
had de-livered my package.
Guvernul britanic a declarat marți că ia în considerare „limitarea comerțului” cu foie gras, un produs rezultat prin hrănirea forțată a gâștelor și rațelor, pentru care Franța este cel mai mare producător și exportator din lume, relatează AFP.
Citeste in continuare: https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-international-24791649-marea-britanie-vrea-limiteze-comertul-foie-gras-intr-proiect-pentru-bunastarea-animalele.htm
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