Why is it so hard to get a date with a girl who likes horses?
Because she is already in a stable relationship...
ποΈ 7
οΈ Nov 22 2020
We ordered some mail-order chickens a few months ago. Today, one of my housemates said it's looking like one of them is turning out to be a rooster.
I'm like, "Well see, we shoulda gotten female-order chickens instead, that's our problem right there. We're lucky the rest didn't turn out to be roosters too!"
This was an honest-to-god real conversation I just had with my housemate earlier tonight. :)
ποΈ 12
οΈ Sep 02 2020
I was driving with my dad when we passed a cemetery. My dad goes in a low, dark, creepy voice, "I know something about this cemetery that you donβt.β And I was like what is it? He continued, "The people living in this town canβt be buried here.β I was really confused so I asked why?
He rasped, "Cuz theyβre still alive!"
ποΈ 84
οΈ Jul 26 2020
Out air conditioning just went out, it's 81Β°F in the house. My dog is looking at me like...
ποΈ 5
οΈ Aug 21 2020
It always sounds like my Italian neighbor is calling my doorbell cute.
He insist it is adoorabell.
ποΈ 2
οΈ Aug 27 2020
You might not like it, but this is what beak performance looks like...
ποΈ 40
οΈ Apr 18 2020
Robert E. Lee once said: "I like whiskey. I always did. And that is why I never drink it."
But that's just generally speaking.
ποΈ 36
οΈ Apr 20 2020
The IT department is like a bra...
IT supports your most important assets.
ποΈ 14
οΈ Oct 24 2019
This Holiday season it seems like everyone is spending a lot of money and buying cars.
I keep hearing everyone say they are buying their kids a toy yoda.
ποΈ 12
οΈ Dec 15 2019
I said "kansas" like "kansaw" like you know, how "arkansas" is pronounced, and once my bf told me the truth, i spent my life seeing who would correct me and it wasnt suprising.
I was told a long time ago your true friends will be honest with you, especially if it's not something that will hurt your feelings really bad.
So this life long joke of "kansaw" was only ever corrected by boyfriends, best friends, and family. Others were people thinking i meant "warsaw" in which i frantically said oh no no no!
I made a point to be say this one main line like "omg can a tornado in kansaw just suck me out of this"
"Maybe i should move to Kansaw where its just wind and tornadoe shelters"
I tried to make it come up organically as possible though.
But the other times where people said nothing, some of these people good friends, now have a joke behind my back but i had it behind their backs first....
Life is fun
ποΈ 8
οΈ Sep 17 2019
I hate it when people ask me,βwhat do you think the future is going to be like?β
I donβt have 2020 vision
ποΈ 20
οΈ Nov 22 2019
My friend is a know it all who likes to be right always. So he has dollar bills embedded in his shoes.
He has to be on the money.
A better joke may be doable. It's left as an exercise for the reader.
ποΈ 6
οΈ Oct 15 2019
Stone Cold tells it like it is
ποΈ 7
οΈ Jun 04 2019
what is six inches long with a head on it ,that women like to blow?
ποΈ 4
οΈ Aug 22 2019
I want to get my buddy a good present but all I can find is a painting that has a prostitute saying, "1,2,3,4..." and I don't think he'll like it.
But it's the thot that counts.
ποΈ 19
οΈ Jul 15 2019
Bread is like the sun, it rises in the yeast and sets in the waist...
ποΈ 13
οΈ Mar 19 2019
My daughter said to me "Daddy, your hair is getting so long. Do you like it looking like that?"
I said "It's growing on me."
ποΈ 25
οΈ Feb 17 2019
Taken from r/memes but I feel like it is a pun tho
ποΈ 5
οΈ Feb 04 2019
If someone doesn't like the Gru format, is it a Despicable meme?
ποΈ 160
οΈ Mar 13 2018
How easy is it to make sweet food look like savoury food?
ποΈ 2
οΈ Jun 22 2019
My wife turned to me and said, all life is like hope. It's precious, a gift. It flourishes in the desert, in the snow, even in the Marianas Trench, 10,000 meters below the waves. Life and hope exist where we least expect it, yet it is so fragile it can be destroyed in a moment.
ποΈ 5
οΈ May 16 2019
Why is a chicken with its head hanging down like next week?
Obviously, because its necks weak
ποΈ 2
οΈ Jun 20 2019
"Is it weird if I really like the mountains that separate Europe from Asia?"
ποΈ 9
οΈ Apr 12 2019
Joining Reddit is like watching an episode of Who's line is it Anyway
You'll soon learn that the points don't matter
ποΈ 17
οΈ Nov 01 2018
If we think something is ridiculous we like to say "I'll believe it when pigs fly"
But we all know swine flu
ποΈ 31
οΈ Nov 01 2018
It looks like the president is...
ποΈ 2
οΈ Dec 09 2018
Doctor: it seems like your cough is getting better
Patient: yeah, I spent all night practising
ποΈ 46
οΈ May 04 2018
ποΈ 128
οΈ Aug 13 2014
At home my father desses like my mother and my mother dresses like my father, this is what it looks like.
ποΈ 5
οΈ Jun 14 2017
What is it like to see a beautiful person stand on a scale?
Itβs pretty depressing.
ποΈ 2
οΈ May 05 2018
Why doesn't five like seven when it is not well?
Because sick seven ate nine.
ποΈ 3
οΈ Apr 20 2018
I really like answering the door when I know who it is that's knocking.
ποΈ 5
οΈ Nov 19 2017
Does it seem to anyone else like every single thing in reddit lately is being posted to 3 or more subs and reaching the front page multiple times? Why is this happening so much lately?
ποΈ 2
οΈ Apr 10 2018
This pun is like my vacuum cleaner. It blows a lot of hot air, but ends up sucking.
ποΈ 6
οΈ Jun 14 2016
I was driving with my dad when we passed a cemetery. My dad goes in a low, dark, creepy voice, "I know something about this cemetery that you donβt.β And I was like what is it? He continued, "The people living in this town canβt be buried here.β I was really confused so I asked why?
He rasped, "Cuz theyβre still alive!"
ποΈ 9k
οΈ Jul 28 2019
Is it just me, or do people like to single themselves out?
ποΈ 13
οΈ Jan 09 2019
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