A list of puns related to "Hummocks"
Ok I remember very vague details about this book but it was definitely a childrenβs book. The main character is a young boy, a small creature appears at the end of his bed (it is called a hummock or something similar) and takes him to a strange land that he reaches by crawling under his duvet. There were some very odd characters, one was a very tall lady who loved rhubarb.
If anyone knows what Iβm talking about please help me out! Thanks!
Those scenes were so scripted and poorly acted it was ridiculous. Plus you knew it meant that Dave was going to get access to them later in the show to save the day.
Any time on the show they show every crew member saying the same thing on the same topic you know it is scripted and setting up an event later in the same episode.
I read this book in elementary school, the early 2000s. It was a kids chapter book, with a green/foresty cover I think. I think I got it from a library, twin cities MN area.
There was a small hill, but i remember they used a really British sounding word like hummock or hillock.
There was a magical door/portal in the small hill that some magic people came through and then they had 24 hours to get back through because the door would close and then not open again for a really long time.
I think there were a variety of magical creatures/people that came through. I think they went to a mall or something - I remember one of them swimming in a fountain and the others being worried about being found out.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Was surprised that their future was in the hummocks, best gold ever, this is why we came to Colorado, etc.
And then after a couple episodes it goes bust, what happened??? Did they run out of gold so quickly or was it the black sand that did them in?
Isn't there equipment that can sort the gold out of the black sand? Such as the centrifuge bowl. After the sluice box material has been processed and all the remains is the gold and black sand; are you able to then put it in a furnace and heat it up so the gold turns to liquid, similar to smelting, and that will separate the gold from the black sand?
I know the county prohibited them from crossing the county road on Friday and Saturday and Dave said now they have a 4 day work week, I guess they don't work on Sunday. Yes, being hampered by not crossing the road on Friday & Saturday is a set back BUT... there are ways around it.
The first thought is to get another truck(s) and Monday-Thursday focus on stockpiling pay at the plant, and then Friday and Saturday focus on running the plant. Possibly on Friday & Saturday everyone is running the plant using 2 or 3 shifts.
But, the primary mission is to find some ground that has gold and more than just a few ounces, and Dave is not very good at that. It seems like every episode they are moving to some new cut
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*More weird from the weather channel: popcorn snow: http://heartseasecottage.typepad.com/.a/6a014e8aba6c94970d01676401dbbc970b-pi comes down looking like popcorn.
*diamond dust: special ice crystals the reflect light fall from a cloudless sky, they are so light they tend to float almost weightless, when the sunlight hits them, it looks like the air is sparkling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAZlLtBCTVk
*frost quakes: rapidly freezing water makes booming noises, here are some small ones: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ALfpSNIhEs
*ice hummocks: cold and fresh water waves make crystal glass like shards of blue: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/04/16/article-0-1952260A000005DC-410_634x466.jpg
*fire tornado: a fire creates not just a little fire whirl but a true tornado that connects with the upper atmosphere and can jump off the ground away from the original fire and land elsewhere flattening trees and demolishing houses just with its wind. One fire tornado had power on par with an EF2 conventional tornado: https://weather.com/storms/tornado/news/fire-tornado-firewhirl-photos-20130814
*mustache cloud: spinning vortex winds create special weird clouds: https://dsx.weather.com//util/image/v/1125027.jpg?v=at&w=1280&h=720&api=7db9fe61-7414-47b5-9871-e17d87b8b6a0
*upside down rainbows "Contrary to public awareness, the CZA is not a rare phenomenon" is what they say! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circumzenithal_arc
*nacreous clouds, better than normal clouds, apparently these are rainbow colored: http://cloudappreciationsociety.org/nacreous-january-%E2%80%9906/
(Edited to add these also)
*steam devil: a vortex filled with fog: https://www.canadiangeographic.ca/sites/cgcorp/files/images/web_articles/blog/steamdevil_lakeon2.jpg
*Super bolt lightening has 100 times the normal power of a lightening bolt: http://media1.s-nbcnews.com/i/MSNBC/Components/Video/__NEW/nn_07bwi_canyon_130508.jpg
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